LacunaPerpetual ago

Horrible! But grateful for the information. I didn't know the terminology before. Adrenochrome.

crazyworld ago

Very interesting submission and comment!! Should be up top

Scoundrel ago

Soros needs babies with Coloboma and apparently paying top dollar.

Scoundrel ago


derram ago :

Can we reverse the ageing process by putting young blood into older people? | Ian Sample | Science | The Guardian

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spooky45 ago

Areas of this that deserve more digging:

Companies researching young blood and their connections like Alkahest and Peter Thiel's investment in Ambrosia.

Hunter S Thompson and the Adrenochrome angle because you can't claim that Hunter S thompson made it up when it has been referred to many times before his book, and remains a very real chemical and chemical process. His implication in the Franklin Coverup and his connection to powerful people makes it all the more likely to be true.