Htaed ago

They gave 19 people who have committed crimes against humanity immunity. That is an outrage. How the fuck do you give people who traffic children and carry out terrorists attacks immunity. That is the most bullshit crap I've ever seen.


Cigarette5mokingman ago

Why would you not want to source an origin of someones research? That immediately throws up red flags for me.

endview ago

Her name is Diane Barton, who George Webb gave kudos to during day 80 video.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

I'm pretty sure this message was sent to the wrong person

Rosenkavalier ago

This is where George Webb and PizzaGate coincide. DynCorp seems to be the big entity to probe as much as possible. See Webb from today:

endview ago

Ty! Will edit

BeezleyBillyBub ago


endview ago

Trump is a smart man. If you remember, he met with Carlos Slim, from NYT:

Slim is part of the child trafficking ring, per George Webb. Now this. I am hoping he has a plan for Dyncorp and the Hillary coup.

JrSlimss ago

Archive the links! That Imgur is already gone.

Fortunately, most of this old news around here. It would be nice if George Webb gave some credit to this investigation. He pulled most of his DynCorp stuff from us.

throwawaa ago

He has acknowledged this community in some of his videos, if somewhat indirectly.

But I wouldn't call for anyone to spend time trying to properly credit each of the findings. We're here fighting for the world, not for our own fame in it. Anyone should feel free to take findings and evidence from these open source investigations and share them anywhere without worrying about credit.

JrSlimss ago

It's not about credit in and of itself. It's about the fact that if he pointed out these other sites - people would be learning a lot from them as well. Like in his newer videos, he can't figure out where Silsby was taking the kids to? That's easy and the already figured it out - La Romana in the Dominican Republic, whether it's Casa de Campo or the Fanjul's sugar plantations. Clinton was literally on the phone with the Fanjuls when he was getting a blowjob from Monica Lewinsky.

Just like this post itself, this sub group is loaded with redundant information. People are wasting time gathering the same info all over again, repeatedly. Someone will probably soon post that Clinton's close colleague Bob Menendez was also caught with underage girls in Casa de Campo, even though we've known that for weeks and there is a post on Voat itself going back a month that only got 10 votes.

I'm just frustrated and we need to do better about collecting info and placing it in a meaningful way so new researchers get it. That's what a wiki is good for - like the

throwaway345678 ago

On the general topic of research, do you think Giustra is a lead that has not been dug into enough?

JrSlimss ago

Yes, but more importantly I would say the mining industry generally. We're looking at human trafficking supply lines - victims are being used for some combo of labor or sex. They come through the same channels regardless of gender.

Giustra, VCS Mining (which owns Morne Bossa that Petersen was also investigating), the Russian mining oligarchs that Hillary is friends with, etc.

Just try it - google "mining" and "human trafficking" - over 600,000 hits - the link is well known.

remedy4reality ago

When I think about researchers wanting credit it makes my stomach turn. I think of Michael Hastings and Seth Rich and what they are owed.

endview ago

Take a look at Gen. Kelly, DHS nominee's information. Listed above in a post.

juhos ago

Feinberg is Trump's guy. Does it mean Game Over?

OrwellKnew ago

Very troubling :/

endview ago

I have been sending messages to @realdonaldtrump. I am very concerned about this.

Gen Kelly, nominee for Trump's DHS is questionable. In newly released ethics disclosures, Kelly said that if confirmed he would resign positions with multiple consulting and government contractor firms and defense contractor DynCorp. Kelly listed his salary with DynCorp, a company awarded a 2016 contract from DHS to train Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, as more than $166,000. Homeland Security nominee, Gen. Kelly:

Nana66 ago

My theory is that Trump is letting Pence (who has been accused of being a pedo) fill his cabinet with them because he is working with the FBI and they have a plan. There is something about all of the cabinet picks like Transportation secretary This is a very interesting read and I don't think they only traffic cocaine.

remedy4reality ago

" Keep your friends close and your enemies CLOSER "

I hope this is the case.

nomorepepperoni ago

What a good way to counter the inevitable media shitstorm that would result from mass arrests of swamp politicians in both parties. You KNOW they'll be going full pants-on-head, "Trump is a Russian spy trying to upend our government" and "he's literally Hitler because he had people who dissented with him arrested" over it.

Trump-MY OWN CABINET was emptied, ok? I had the best cabinet lined up, believe me!

alanna ago

I really hope you are correct

juhos ago

I really hope this is the case. Or Trump doesn't know what he is doing. There are so much positive signs on Trump. But if he is a plant, this must be some kind of power struggle inside the elite mafia. I dont know what to think anymore.

waxdino ago

Immigration and Customs Enforcement is who investigated, and covered up, Project Flicker, the Pentagon cp discovery.
Again; this dude earned most his salary last year from DynCorp to train employees of the entity that that stopped investigating Pentagon workers buying cp. This is who trump wants to head the Department of Homeland Security. I'm not impressed.
Maybe I'm wrong, but thinking Trump is a hero and is bringing this guy in as an insider to help stop the corruption seems very wishful to me. Stay vigilant.

endview ago

Yes. We need to keep an eye on this. Ty

derram ago :

It's Déjà Vu for DynCorp All Over Again | The Huffington Post :

Ow! -- :

Cerberus Capital Management, L.P.: Private Company Information - Bloomberg :

Cerberus Offers to Buy G.E.’s French Consumer Finance Business - The New York Times :

WikiLeaks Reveals That Military Contractors Have Not Lost Their Taste For Child Prostitutes :

What the UN Doesn't Want You to Know - Telegraph :

Kathryn Bolkovac: The Real ‘Whistleblower’ on Human Trafficking in Bosnia - The Daily Beast

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