hg74rhyd9 ago

Lots of information here, thank you.

I wonder if this is connected to the 9th Circle functioning within the Vatican?

Funmi ago


new4now ago

Didnt Meghan's Dad say he won some money?

And isn't her mom into some yoga religion?


carmencita ago

Yep I think you got it right. My guess is he sold a big load of drugs and she is into some wack job seance whitchy belief. They are all screwy imo.

new4now ago

Also think it's odd that Father moved to Mexico

Wonder if he is in the part of Mexico that lists age of consent at 12?

Was Meghan born into it?

Been wondering

carmencita ago

Isn't he in Rosarito? Not sure, but it popped up in my head. Yup that was it. My friend used to go there long time ago. Every year. She loved it but now its been ruined. Its all built up and just isn't the same.


carmencita ago

Interesting. I believe when you get orders from the Crown to stay hidden down low, you obey. This guy is a ne'er do well who has amounted to nothing. Also if he was in the entertainment biz, I dare say, maybe there are some things to hide that he did then too. He probably has been handsomely paid to stay out of the Limelight.

new4now ago

Her move to Canada also coincided with her father’s retirement. So, with little to detain him in Los Angeles, he sub-let his shabby apartment opposite a film studio, arranged for his mail to be delivered to a PO Box address, and went down Mexico way.

So he has been down there since 2011

However, a sizeable number of Americans disappear to this sprawling city, half an hour from the U.S. border, to escape debts, criminal charges or other problems.

For the past decade, Rosarito Beach has been gripped by a bloody war between rival drug gangs which frequently spills over into supposedly peaceful residential areas. Last year it had one of Mexico’s highest murder rates, with 80 victims in a population of only 60,000.

However, Thomas Junior says, his father guarded his privacy fiercely even before Meghan met Prince Harry, and when Thomas Snr discovered that a neighbour had also worked in the LA film industry he quickly moved to a clifftop a few miles down the coast. By the time I went there a few months ago, it was empty and derelict. For reasons unknown, Mr Markle had again done a flit.

His dad, he says, often sleeps until the afternoon, spends his days reading, watching TV news and old films, playing slot machines or ambling around. His son says he has gained weight by his junk-food diet.

He doesn’t swim, fish, sail or surf like many on that coast: his only hobbies are photography and travel. He has a fascination with Asian culture, he says, and has visited Thailand and Vietnam.

Something not right

Another article said he took a lot of pictures of Meghan when she was young

That they are probaly worth a lot now and has them in storage

His IMBd


Has him working lighting up till 1993

So what did he do from then till he retired in 2011?

Something just not right

Ex says he was always working, didnt spend any time with first family

Then Meghan comes along and he is the best of Fathers

Time will do that but wonder the connection he made

Family mentioned drugs, said he was working long days for filming

Pot doesn't keep you going, but Coke does

We did some looking into this when announcement went up on wedding

And we have become wiser since then with all we have researched

Drugs? CP?

Was Meghan a Yachter?

So many questions we had and frankly I almost forgot about it with what all is happening

carmencita ago

Vietnam and Thailand are famous for trafficking. Many pedos go there for their love of Children...... He took a lot of pics of Meghan? Why so many? Did he abuse her? Did he abuse others while working in Hollywood? Is he afraid he will be recognized in Rosarito? Somethings up with that. He is leading the life of a recluse. Hiding from what and why. There is a reason. Stuff could also have happened in Pen.

new4now ago

So many we have looked into has ties to Penn

It's a recurring nightmare for me

new4now ago

Now your caught up with what I been thinking lol

Also I have this nagging thought of Stephen Paddock similarities, didnt he like taking pics too?

You know Thomas worked lighting on the show Facts of Life?

Remember that one?

did Meghan make believe her life ?

Just remember her suitcase job with Howie, that's why wondered about Yachting

Lol too much info in head

You probaly have even more in yours lol

carmencita ago

God how I miss MV.

new4now ago

I think she is still here, different name

There are not many of us that still keeps the same name

She cared a alot, she's still here :) all the early birds still around

Some still posting under other names, some stopping by once in a while under same name

carmencita ago

Would love to know who she is. Will keep eyes open.

carmencita ago

She WAS Abused. Look at this post You and I and MV were in it and it proves her abuse on the set https://www.voat.co/v/pizzagate/2571099

new4now ago


Carm and I coming up with old talk on Sparkles

carmencita ago

Yes! Please join in. Some interesting developments.

letsdothis3 ago

Thanks for that link. Too bad some of the comments were deleted but I got the gist of most of it especially as I've picked up most of that gossip from Twitter as well. I'm particularly interested in the possible links with Epstein and NXIVM as I'd come to the conclusion on my own that that's where all of this is heading.

new4now ago

The NXIVM day care was different from the other ones

Remember LLC's tied with them were hoky

There were ties to an adoption lawyer and something I Switerland I think

Can't get at my old links but maybe I can find again

new4now ago

Ok, that's whyI was asking if she was born into it

Gr8 find, we did a lot of looking

Am sure there's even more

If I remember correctly, we didnt find much on Mom except for her religion ties to the dude who George Harrison also followed

Doesn't George have tie ins with pedophilia?

Whatever the media throws at us about Sparkles family is BS

Although I think the angst from her step sibs are right on the money

3141592653 ago

George does not have any ties to pedophilia

new4now ago

Will look into it, but something niggling in back of head

Not sure if I need to though

carmencita ago

I found this. I read that Meghan has Royal Blood Her ancestry is from England https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/154222114/thomas-sykes

new4now ago

Have to take off, will be back tonight

Bet I got your brain going lol

We really did a lot of looking on the Markles didnt we?

carmencita ago

Yep. Sure did. See you later. I will be around a little. Been going to bed too late. Next day I am out of it.

new4now ago

Getting old isn't for sissies

My Mom always said it, SMH, now I really know what she was talking about

carmencita ago

Yeah. It sure isn't. We start losing all the ones we love too.

new4now ago

Sad but true

new4now ago

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Are Technically 17th Cousins The actress is actually a descendant of an English king.


carmencita ago

I knew they had to be related from the start. They would never pick one of us. Not us lowly serfs.

new4now ago

There's a lot of royals in Hollywood

There is more to Sparkles though, and you know it

I think I kept hitting a brick wall and moved on

I did miss The Little Red School though

carmencita ago

I am just starting to read about the School House now. Should be interesting.

new4now ago

Can confirm once I find article


Thomas Jr. also revealed that even before their father's windfall, he was able to send Meghan to the Little Red Schoolhouse, an exclusive, private elementary school in Hollywood.


Maybe we should look into this school


carmencita ago

Elizabeth Taylor and Roddy McDowell went there. That's an interesting idea. I am curious now and will look.

new4now ago

Another school she went to

Ms Markle, 36, was a student at the Immaculate Heart girls’ school, in the Los Feliz area of Los Angeles, for her middle and high school education – from 11 to 18.

Ms Markle, 36, was a student at the Immaculate Heart girls’ school, in the Los Feliz area of Los Angeles, for her middle and high school education – from 11 to 18.

Gigi Perreau, a Hollywood film star in the 40s, 50s and 60s, taught Ms Markle drama for four years, and said she knew her student would go far.


I just trying to find what I can

carmencita ago


Dressed as a 1920s flapper, she sings as dances to Madonna's 1990 hit Hanky Panky, a sexually-charged song about bondage and spanking

WTH? @letsdothis3

new4now ago

Bakersfield Alvin and Deborah McCuan, Scott and Brenda Kniffen, and Rodney and Linda Phelps (parents of Deborah McCuan) were indicted in 1982 on charges of sexually molesting children. The alleged victims included their own children, traded between families and used for group sex, as well as children from the Bluebird troop run by Deborah McCuan and the unlicensed day care facility in her home. The McCuans and Kniffens were convicted on all counts in 1983, drawing aggregate prison terms in excess of 1,000 years. The Phelps fled town and disapeared after being charged with 33 counts.

Ritual elements in the case were ignored by authorities at the time. (Newton, 1996).

In August 1996, a judge overturned the child molestation convictions of Alvin and Deborah McCuan and Scott and Brenda Kniffen.** (Northwest Herald, August 14, 1996).

A second intrafamilial child-sex ring was exposed and prosecuted in Bakersfield, with trials continuing into 1985. Five adult defendants were convicted, including: Richard Cox, 47 (14 counts); Ruth Ann Taylor, 31 (14 counts); Anthony Cox, 25 (7 counts); George Cox, 24 (7 counts); and Theresa Cox, 21 (3 counts). Prison terms ranged from 10 to 41 years. (Newton, 1996).

Seven defendants in another Bakersfield child-sex ring were convicted in August 1985, with multiple charges including child molestation and endangerment, assault with a deadly weapon, and production of child pornography. Wayne Forsythe, 28, was convicted on 41 separate counts. Other defendants, each convicted on a minimum of 50 counts, included Forsythe's wife, Colleen Dill Forsythe, 26; Ricky Pitts, 31, and his wife Marcella Pitts, 29; Wayne Dill, 26 (Colleen Forsythe's brother); Grace Dill, 50 (mother of Colleen Forsythe and Wayne Dill); and Gina Miller. Cumulative prison sentences in the case came to 2,100 years. (Newton, 1996).

Leroy George Stowe III was convicted on 16 counts of child molestation and sentenced to 30 years in March 1985. Shortly after his conviction, victims in the case expanded their disclosures to include graphic descriptions of satanic ritual abuse and murders, involving nine more defendants.

In January 1987, Gerardo Gonzales (facing 117 charges) pleaded no contest to one count of molesting a 5-year-old girl, and Rev. Willard Lee Thomas (facing 43 charges) pleaded no contest on two counts, including child endangerment and unlawful sexual intercourse with a 17-year-old girl. Both defendants were released from jail on the basis of time served, and charges against the remaining defendants were dismissed as part of their plea bargain.

In February 1987, a California appeals court reversed Leroy Stowe's conviction on 12 of 16 felony counts, with the grounds cited as a technical insufficiency in the pleadings.** (Newton, 1996).


And you have the lords of Bakerfield also

Bakersfield is a sick city

carmencita ago

Good God. What a bunch of sickos live there. I can bet the PD is involved and give protection as does the rest of Cali. Remember the Turpin Family? They are not far from there. Their town was a Hell Hole too. Bakersfield is coming back now. There are many other cases and much more going on in towns around there too. I think it is a CIA set up or something. I had a post on the Turpin Family. Those Children were all Home Schooled.

new4now ago

We know homeschooled hides abuse

CA been perverted and corrupt as long as I have been around

There is differently a power structure there that has been there a long time

Even those Lords got away with some crimes and then the guy with 2 deaths at his place dope them and do bad stuff can't believe I forgot his name

There's so much info in this post but it always bothered me we didnt finish on Meghan Markle

Have an article I didnt find before more to look into

The hunky chef Meghan nearly married: Told for the first time, the full inside story of Ms Markle's two- year affair with the man who gave her an entrée into high society


We also need to check her online stuff whatever "blog" channel whatever you call it lol

She was making money off it and it might have set up Yachting or some other type of prostitution

I'm still learning how to research that which they don't want out and a lot of our links have been removed but I learning from 2 yrs worth, what questions to ask lol

carmencita ago

She’s a weird one alright. They have really picked one this time. She has too much of a shady past to hide it all. Are they running out of candidates? LOL. That’s why they are turning Kate into a baby machine. If Dparkles has two that will be 4 more in the pool down the road.

I think the guy is Ed Murray. Ties to HRC. Big Donor.

new4now ago

Murray like the lords of Bakersfield

I getting a feel for Meghan though

And I don't like her at all

carmencita ago

I don't like her either. Not one bit. The whole lot of them are Scalliwaggs. Like Carpetbaggers that pilfer everyone and leave in the middle of the night. Only that bunch won't leave. They go all the way back to Russia I believe. They are really the bottom of the barrel and have convinced everyone otherwise. People will believe anything nowadays.

carmencita ago

Yeah she went far alright. Who knew? About as high up as you can go..

new4now ago

For the Hollywood one..

there have been plenty of star offspring — such as Johnny Depp's daughter, Lily-Rose Depp, and her friend Harley, daughter of filmmaker Kevin Smith

I'm a public school kid whose mother was a teacher, so sending my son to a private school was a concept that had to be overcome," says Grey's Anatomy actor Jason George. "Not only was HSH better academically, but I was paying for an extra level of diversity." (Donors include Al Pacino and Sam and Aaron Taylor-Johnson.) The school's proximity to studios and filming locations makes it popular with busy actors and executives. "There are a lot of parents involved in production, and that sometimes entails being on location for a long time with their children," says Siren Studios CEO Dean Gavoni. "The school does an amazing job of prepping kids and accepting that this is part of our lives." https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/lists/hollywood-insiders-guide-la-private-schools-1029445/item/hollywood-guide-la-schools-hollywood-schoolhouse-1029418

carmencita ago

Wow. I bet there is and was some really scummy stuff going on there. There always is when they are involved and their Offspring.

new4now ago

Near the studios, close by, wonder if people stopped in

carmencita ago

I would not be surprised if there was a set up there for sickos. I am going to vomit. This stuff really gets to you, as you well know.

new4now ago

I can't even handle people doing bad things to pets yet alone children

We will dig see what we can find

I'm curious if the Hollywood School is separate from the other schools mostly the NY one

letsdothis3 ago

Yes, maybe we should look into the school: Little red schoolhouse Hollywood

in the comments: The Little Red School House was nothing but a Marxist indoctrination center attended by all the Hollyweird Satanists, back in the day.

new4now ago

Have to admit I missed this the first time around

Wonder if it same as one in NY, DeNiro went to that one

think- ago

Remember the Gotthard tunnel openening, which was a Satanic ritual under the very eyes of the EU leaders present?

The creation of this ceremony was sponsored by a Swiss bank (I would have to look up which one, not sure whether it was Credit Suisse), and one of its heads was rumoured to be a member of Le Cercle.

assistance1010 ago

Abbadon worship. CERN is literally a gateway to hell.

TrustTheTruth ago

What is Foxconn really doing in Wisconsin?

Why did Trump call "The Deal" where he endorses the Model for 5G+ AI, Community Policing, Smart Cities, Resilient Communities, Sustainable Development and the Mark of the Beast the "8th Wonder of the World" and said was the "most incredible thing I have ever seenI ?

Who did he reserve a front row seat for?

Why did he close The Deal from the Public? (We are the reason why.)

What are the other seven wonders? What is the Sphinx Head? Who are the Sons of Norway, and how are they tied to CERN?

Search "ley lines" Wisconsin. What do you find?

Racine is the ROOT of All Evil and the Model for the Real Agenda of Eternal Enslavement and the Mark of the Beast.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Opus Dei is a secret society noted for inflicting pain on one's self ...John Podesta and eat the pain comes to mind......link to US Supreme Court's inclusion of this horrific society's members."Opus Dei is a secret society and an official arm of the Catholic Church. Its roots are in fascist Spain."https://caucus99percent.com/content/opus-dei%E2%80%99s-influence-us-judiciary

letsdothis3 ago

On Covert Politics


Along with authors as Pierre Pean from France, Jurgen Roth from Germany, and Hugo Gijssels from Flanders, Teacher should be counted as one of the major pioneers on documenting the conservative Paneuropa elite of mainland Europe. Without his writings for Lobster magazine in the late 1980s, almost none of this type of information would be available in the English-language world today. In fact, when Teacher's book Rogue Agents was finally published through ISGP in 2008, 15 years after various publishers refused to put it on the market, it still instantly became the premier English-language source on the Paneuropa elite, the NGOs it was working through, as well as its interactions with roughly similar conservative and very anti-communist elites in Great Britain and the United States.

In contrast to other works, which are focused on various scandals or hard-to-define Opus Dei activity, Teacher's book is specifically aimed at identifying all the different NGOs in the Paneuropa network and figuring out who its members were. In that sense it has a very practical approach and simply is the most detailed book on the subject. On top of that, having information easily accessible in English is absolutely crucial in pushing research forward.

letsdothis3 ago

This is intriguing : https://www.voat.co/v/pizzagate/3028396/16709663

Rothschild = Bauer

IG Farben Building https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IG_Farben_Building

Following German reunification, the US government announced plans to fully withdraw its troops from Frankfurt, Germany by 1995, at which time control of the entire site would be restored to the German Federal Government.[1] It was suggested that the building could become the location for the European Central Bank. In 1996, the state of Hesse bought the building and associated land for the University of Frankfurt. The buildings were refurbished at a cost of 50 Million German Mark (about US $26M or 25M €), by the Copenhagen-based architecture practice Dissing+Weitling[11] and were handed over to the university. The complex now houses the Westend Campus of the university,[8][12] which includes the departments of Philosophy, History, Theology, Classical Philology, Art and Music, Modern Languages and Linguistics, Cultural and Civilization Studies, the Center for North American Studies[13] and the Fritz-Bauer-Institute.

Wow... Mr Goldfinger himself Jacob Bauer AKA Rothschild and we make lots of money

Recent IG Farben posts:

The Ghost of IG Farben: Can Monsanto Reform Bayer? by @Vindicator

A PING PONG Crown, I.G. Farben, Auschwitz, the Rothschilds, Bronfmans and the Nazi Roots of the Brussels E.U.

MORE Podesta "Relations"

Mr. Gerry P. Podesta has been Senior Vice President of Dispersions and Pigments Business, North America at BASF Corporation and BASF SE since November 1, 2014.

Gates Foundation, Eugenics, IG Farben and the Pharmaceutical Cartel, Monsanto, the World Food Program, WHO and the NIH... Just one big club

Vindicator ago

IG Farben was connected to the Nazis.

Interesting Kestrel9 thread on IG Farben and Prince Bernard of the Netherlands: https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2590237 https://archive.fo/CQiXr

TrustTheTruth ago

The weak link to the entire global chain of command is Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons.

Racine, Wisconsin is the ROOT of the real Agenda.

What is Wingspread?

What is the Club of Rome?

Who are the real Pilgrims (Society)?

What is CERN used for?

Does 1+1=3?

What are Smart Cities and Resilient Communities?

What is Community Policing?

Where is Abbott?

How are they linked to Bill Gates?

Who purchased a major division of Bayer?

Where is the Schmitz family?

What happened to Paul Wellstone?

What happened with executives at Cargill and DuPont?

Who is running for Wisconsin Supreme Court, what did the partner do for Bill Clinton, what does he do now, what does their daughter do, what does the Aunt do, what do the photos look like, what is the Jane Doe case really about, and who made the promotional video?

What was Mayer Amschel Rothschild's real name?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

letsdothis3 ago

Another related post:

John Cusack shared a picture on Twitter of children being sacrificed to Moloch and wrote "Accurate. Moloch"

https://www.voat.co/v/pizzagate/3028396/16708462 by @Piscina

Jeremy Piven and John Cusack are no longer friends. https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/celebrity-life/jeremy-piven-the-worst-reputation-in-hollywood/news-story/357caa8aad9238290c5d5e6025e314ba

Caron Butler and Mark Wahlberg are close friends because Wahlberg is producing a movie about Butler's life.

Mayer Rothschild = zum Roten Schild

Who are the Real Pilgrims (Society)? The Pilgrims Society is the organization which consistently recruits only very elitist members of society, many with nearly endless resumes.

Le Cercle, an outgrowth of the reactionary Vatican-Paneuropa network, is more mixed, and most participants are intelligence insiders. The 1001 Club recruits the most influential businessmen, often in mining and bulk shipping, from all over the world.

The Pilgrims and the 1001 have been set up and are managed by a combination of Anglophiles and radical, not to mention criminal, Zionists (2). The Pilgrims Society was set up by the British aristocracy, many of them Privy Council and Garter families. In fact, the person who came up with the name 'Pilgrims' was a great grandfather of the late Princess Diana (3). The British monarch became the official head of the Pilgrims Society and members of the royal family have always attended the London meetings. The 1001 Club was mainly created by Prince Philip and the South-African billionaire Anton Rupert. Officially the 1001 only coordinates the WWF, but many members, who represent a huge chunk of the conventional environmental movement, seem more occupied with the West's need for inexpensive natural resources. Le Cercle was set up by interests tied to the Habsburgs and the Vatican. Soon, an important trade representative of the City of London, Sir Peter Tennant, was attracted, and about two decades later British aristocrats, the last three of them Privy Councillors, took over leadership of Le Cercle. Its latest head is a former Rothschild banker.

More about Pilgrim Society here and here

carmencita ago

Good God. After reading most of the Pilgrim Society article (the first one) Well have we ever connected Adam Schiff to Jacob Schiff? If not it is a must do.

TrustTheTruth ago

Read this @Carmencita @letsdothis3 @esotericshade @deathtomasonsasap @piscina @new4now @assistance1010 @lansing-michigan

PRINCE CHARLES & His Role in Sustainable Development Agenda 21 by Joan Veon


​Even before the people of the world understood the threat to world population, the Group of Seven, now the Group of Eight world leaders stated in their 1981 communique that they were "deeply concerned about the implication of world population growth." In 1990, they commended the forthcoming 1992 Rio Earth Summit and in 1992, they wrote, "The Earth Summit has been a landmark in heightening the consciousness of the global environmental challenges and in creating a world-wide partnership on development and the environment."

It was at the 1992 UNCED conference that sustainable development was unveiled. Interestingly to note, there was a very strong and powerful corporate lobby that had come together to support this evil agenda of control. Called the World Business Council for Sustainable Development-WBCSD**, they still exert great power and influence on the international level. The WBCSD has nurtured and expanded sustainable development-all the way to the ten year follow-up of UNCED in 2004 at the World Summit for Sustainable Development in Johannesburg.

In Johannesburg, sustainable development evolved to a much higher level. There many of the same people who were involved ten years previous were present, along with some new players which included Congressman Dennis Kuchinich and others, along with former governor of California Jerry Brown. The Bush Administration put forth a World Summit Vision Statement that said in part

We believe sustainable development begins at home and is supported by effective domestic policies and international partnerships. We recognize poverty remains a global problem of huge proportions that demands our action.

To fulfill its commitment, our government is spending $970 million over three years which will be used to leverage private monies to generate more than $1.6B for water-related and other activities globally. Projects included: Clean Energy, an Initiative to Cut Hunger, sustainable forest management and monies to help fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.

​The centerpiece of Johannesburg was the launching of "International Sustainable Development Law" that will govern the implementation and legal rights of sustainable development. This new discipline is based on poverty alleviation and the rights of the marginalized (socialistic transfer of wealth mechanisms). Over 150 environmental lawyers and those from other related disciplines met in Durban, South Africa a week before to discuss the integration of environmental, economic, and social laws into one new discipline. There were policy papers put forth which they hoped would be used as the framework for a Treaty on International Sustainable Development Law. Their actions reaffirmed Chapter 39 of Agenda 21 which recognizes the need to continue progressive development and codification of international law related to sustainable development. It should be noted that these laws will be incorporated into every local and national level of law worldwide.

​For those of us with Christian values, this is the anti-thesis of what we believe for sustainable development is pagan. It perverts Genesis 1, 2, and 3 in that it puts the earth as being dominant over man and not man as having dominance over the earth-hence, you and I have no value since we have been demoted to the same value as an animal or plant. So what do you think is the end result of international sustainable development law? Enslavement.

Now who were THE players behind the birthing of sustainable development? To my surprise, it was Prince Charles. Not happy with the Christian faith, Charles turned to "para- psychology" which some define as "dabbling in the occult." He was greatly influenced by the South African-born writer, explorer, and mystic Laurens van der Post who was a friend of his grandmother, the Queen Mother. The prince was also influenced by James Lovelock, a British scientist who formulated the "Gaia hypothesis, which today is known as the worship of the earth, a belief based on the Greek goddess Gaia, the Earth Mother. Charles concurs with the perversion of Genesis 1, 2, and 3.

​Most people will not find Prince Charles or his environmental activities in the headlines of major newspapers. Nor do his biographies really explain his involvement, as there is basically a blackout on what he is really doing worldwide. In April 1991, fourteen months before UNCED, the Prince held a private two day international conference aboard the royal yacht Britannia, moored off the coast of Brazil. His goal was to bring together key international figures in an attempt to achieve a degree of harmony between the various countries that would happen at the Rio Earth Summit. Then Senator Al Gore was present, along with senior officials from the World Bank, chief executives from companies such as Shell and British Petroleum, the key NGO's, and other officials.

Several years ago, I had the opportunity to interview Maurice Strong and specifically asked him about this meeting. He told me he was in London at a World Wildlife meeting hosted by Prince Philip and was asked by Prince Charles to accompany him to Rio for the April 1991 meeting. Furthermore, in 1990 when sustainable development had just been formulated by the Brundtland Commission, it was the prince who commended them for "bringing the term 'sustainable development' into everyone's vocabulary."

​As sustainable development has evolved to the point where the teaching of Agenda 21 is called "Earth Sciences" in schools, universities, and colleges, our government has instituted Agenda 21 through the Presidents Commission on Sustainable Development. Throughout the U.S., there are cities that have adopted Agenda 21 and there are those that are now sustainable, such as "Sustainable Racine." We must remember Russia did not fall to the communists all at once-it was city by city. ​ ​I wrote Prince Charles the Sustainable Prince in 1997 with major updates in 1998 and 2000. It is key and relevant for those who want to understand what is happening today. At every turn the Prince is still involved in the affairs of the United Nations, sustainable development, and public-private partnership. The Prince's representatives are to be found at all the key global meetings, expounding and advancing this life changing philosophy. Perhaps we should wonder why the world still follows him and carries out his dictates.

​For ten years, various activists have been warning and educating about sustainable development. Who do we go to? The church has been silent. Major "conservatives" have been silent. No one has even questioned President Bush about his support for sustainable development. It is not even a key issue in this election.

Racine is the ROOT of All Evil and the Model for the Real Agenda of Eternal Enslavement with the Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI and Community Policing.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

SearchVoatBot ago

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letsdothis3 ago

Thank you. Will read. I think only the first 5 pings work in voat. So I'll ping the others to make sure they see this.

@new4now @assistance1010 @lansing-michigan Please see parent.

carmencita ago

I did a little research on Butler and he is tied up with stuff in Racine which is where he is from. All this stuff gives me a headache. There is no end to it it is just one long maze that leads to a deep rabbit hole. Butler helps kids by giving away free bikes. Hmm. And more.


Besides being a star player, Butler is also a dedicated member of the community. He is extremely active with community organizations that specialize in youth outreach. He enjoys using his personal experience to motivate kids to pursue their dreams. In 2005, Butler started visiting incarcerated kids at the Oak Hill Youth Detention Center, located outside of the District in order to share his life story and to provide the kids with support and encouragement. He also helped organize the community outreach event, “Urban Dialogue: Stop the Violence,” in his hometown of Racine, Wisconsin.

Butler demonstrated his steadfast commitment to bettering his hometown, when he chose to sponsor the “Cops N’ Kids” Legacy Project. The unique initiative strives to bring new life into the community by encouraging communication and strong relationships between kids and law enforcement officers. Police officers distribute books to local youth and have a Reading Center where youth can read, borrow books, use computers, and receive one-on-one tutoring. Butler also teamed up with the Salvation Army and Wal-Mart to sponsor a program called the “Bike Brigade.” The “Bike Brigade” distributes brand new bikes and helmets to youth in Racine and in DC; to date, he has helped gift over 2,500 bikes. Butler created his own program “Caron’s Coats for Kids” which distributes coats, hats, and gloves to youth in both Racine and in Washington, DC. In the summer of 2009, Butler organized “Caron’s 3D Summer Explosion,” a summer-long program that included events almost every weekend for kids. He organized a day of service, a charity basketball game, a free basketball clinic, his annual Bike Brigade, as well as a back-to-school supply drive for kids in the area. In July, 2012 Butler continued to better his hometown of Racine by donating 200,000 dollars to the local United Way, George Bray Center, Juneteenth Foundation and YMCA organizations.

Yup, looks like there is no end to Butler's kindness and good will towards Children. His adopted city is DC. Oh boy.

letsdothis3 ago

All this stuff gives me a headache. There is no end to it it is just one long maze that leads to a deep rabbit hole.

Yup. One rabbit hole after another.

Caron Butler to Ride Bikes with Crown Prince of Denmark and Members of Congress in D.C.

TrustTheTruth ago


Only The Truth exposes the Root of All Evil and the Model for the Real Agenda beyond 21 and 2030 of Eternal Enslavement with the Mark of the Beast enforced by 5G+ AI and Community Policing.

Caron is a Prince Hall Freemason plays a key role in the Community Policing program, and is part of the Luciferian Interfaith Coalition for One World Religion along with Mark Wahlberg. They are controlled and programmed. Kristin Bauer van Straten is a key connection to Scientology as Chris Kutcher is to Kabbalah, as Tom DeLonge and Travis Barker are to FLDS, as Samantha Marq to OTO, and as Skillet, Bieber and others are to Fake Christianity which is closely connected with George Bush, Regent University, Oral Roberts, and other corrupt institutions. They have programming lined up with Netflix and other distributors, and are also using John Legend, Elizabeth Smart and others as cover for trafficking and extreme criminal corruption.


Scientific research, climate change and sustainability The Crown Prince and Crown Princess admire the night skies of ESO's Paranal Observatory[4]

Frederik has a special interest in scientific research, climate change and sustainability.[5] He was interviewed by Financial Times and CNN International, in the Future Cities program, for their commitment to sustainability.[6][7] He participated in expeditions, forums and events on climate.[6][8][9][10][11] The prince has represented Denmark as a promoter of sustainable Danish energy.[12][13][14] The prince was one of the authors of the Polartokt Kongelig (Polar Cruise Royal), about the challenges of climate, published in 2009 with a preface written by Kofi Annan.[15][16][17] In 2010, wrote the book's foreword Naturen og klimaændringerne i Nordøstgrønland (The nature and climate change in Greenland).[18] Supports scientific research projects, as a patron, as expeditionary, with regular attendance at events and through his foundation, Kronprins Frederiks Fond.[19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31]

How are the Pilgrims Society, Dutch Brotherhood, and the Sons of Norway linked to CERN?

What is the Sphinx Head (Society)?

Why would Donald Trump call Foxconn the 8th Wonder of the World?

Racine is the ROOT of All Evil.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

letsdothis3 ago

David Rockefeller, the Knights of Malta and Le Cercle http://archive.is/WBV9s

letsdothis3 ago

Also related: London Council's Edward Lord, 'non-binary' Freemason, and his pedophile hero Professor Plummer by @Piscina



...Meg John Barker is the author of Good Counselling Across the Counselling Professions for the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy..

Maldives hires top lobbying firm to woo US - http://en.mihaaru.com/news/389

(Note image includes McCain and Amal Clooney)

In 2015, Maldives had employed the services of another Washington based lobbying firm Podesta Group before hiring Omnia Strategy, a legal consultancy firm chaired by Cherie Blair, the wife of former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair.

More on Peter Mandelson (Derek Draper's former boss) : Bahamas Tourism Ministry TV Ad Attempts to "Normalize" Child Sex Trafficking, Featuring Illusionist David Copperfield | He is a Resident and Owns Musha Cay Resort | Named in Epstein Document

A BRAZILIAN witch doctor has said that Peter Mandelson once held a chicken while he cut off its head as a sacrifice to a pagan god in the Candomble cult. Later the voodoo practitioner was, it appears, asked by Mr Mandelson's friend Reinaldo Avila da Silva to do something to make Charlie Whelan "who is always trying to harm Peter" disappear from politics. The magic man was sent a photograph of Mr Whelan, and - hey presto! - his bad vibes evaporated and Mr Mandelson was restored to the Cabinet.

Mandelson was also involved in NSPC, which is an organization to protect children. Cheri founded the Matrix chamber, which primarily focuses on human rights, sex trafficking, etc.

letsdothis3 ago

Orthodox-Catholic Church of America - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orthodox-Catholic_Church_of_America

The Orthodox-Catholic Church of America (OCCA) is an independent and self-governing Christian Syncretic (Eastern Orthodox/Oriental Orthodox/Western Catholic) jurisdiction based in the United States (including the Territory of the US Virgin Islands), with clergy also in Mexico, Brazil, and Australia.

The OCCA is not associated with the Orthodox churches whose bishops are members of the "Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America," the body which replaced SCOBA.

The Orthodox-Catholic Church of America was established in the United States in 1892 under the mandate of the Syriac Orthodox Patriarch, Ignatius Peter IV. The founding archbishop, Joseph René Vilatte (ordained as Mar Timotheus), had been ordained as a priest by Bishop Ernst Herzog of the Old Catholic Church in Bern, Switzerland on June 7, 1885.[7] Working in the Great Lakes area, predominantly in Wisconsin, Fr. Vilatte sought to bring about the return of a Western Rite of Orthodoxy. Fr. Vilatte received both support and opposition in this attempt, but eventually he was consecrated as archbishop for North America, in Colombo, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka)[8] by Archbishop Francis Alvarez with the permission of the Syriac Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch in 1892. The history of the OCCA is grounded, therefore, both in the East and West.

In 1921 Vilatte ordained the first African-American bishop, George Alexander McGuire, for the African Orthodox Missionary District of New York, which later became the African Orthodox Church.

The OCCA has canonized two saints: St. David Edwards, a former priest of the OCCA, and St. Fr. Mychal Judge, O.F.M., a Catholic Franciscan friar and firehouse chaplain who was the first identified victim of the September 11 attacks in 2001.