SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @letsdothis3.

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Big find. (Warner-Amex owned/founded nickelodeon). Vivian Horner was VP and creator of the first show PINWHEEL. Her thoughts on privacy concerns of networked cable the 1980'S

@gamepwn @ASolo @New4now @3141592653 @shewhomustbeobeyed

Privacy expectations in an information age

Jeffrey A. Meldman



"From the Warner-Amex executive side the response is that some of us are unduly alarmed. Or that yes it can happen, but it won't happen here. Their more learned responses, like that of Dr. Vivian Horner, vice president, have been reported as, "People don't think of the telephone as an invasion of privacy

argosciv ago

Just popping in here to say thanks for the pings I've been getting. I know I haven't been responding, but I've been reading when notified and do appreciate being kept in the loop. Keep up the good work, everyone.

@NOMOCHOMO @SandHog @new4now @darkknight111 @gamepwn (+ other contributors)

SandHog ago

Hmm, I noticed that a woman mentioned in the video, Cheri Lynch, at this mark owns a massage parlor in Jupiter, Florida. That is the same town that Robert Kraft, John Havens of Citigroup and John Childs founder of J.W. Childs Associates were all busted for paying for 'favors' at another massage parlor. Probably could use more digging.

darkknight111 ago

The massage parlor Robert Kraft was using is Orchids of Asia.

Palm Beach, FA was where Epstein’s operation took place.

Vindicator ago

Nice catch. How do you link to specific timestamp in a YouTube video? I've always wondered how to do that.

SandHog ago

If you right-click on a video there is an option to 'Copy viedo URL at current time'.

Vindicator ago

Cool. Thanks!

think- ago

SandHog ago

@think- @NOMOCHOMO @carmencita @ASolo @argosciv

See my previous comment. Not sure who else to tag so I just tagged whoever seemed to be contributing good stuff in this thread.

carmencita ago

Listed on her fb page under favorites is Dr. Krape Dentistry (since she is listed as Cheri Krape Lynch I am assuming she is related

JW Childs

Childs has worked for Prudential Insurance Company, and is the vice president of Canada Carbon.[2] Childs worked for Thomas H. Lee Partners, where he arranged the purchase of Snapple. He has a reported net worth of $1.2 billion.[1]

Childs is a major Republican donor, giving $1 million to Mitt Romney's campaign and $1.1 million to the Club for Growth, as well as donating to the campaigns of Congressmen Eric Cantor and Paul Ryan.[3]

In February 2019, Childs was charged with solicitation of prostitution in connection with a police investigation into Florida massage parlors. Childs said "The accusation of solicitation of prostitution is totally false. I have retained a lawyer."[4][5]

JW Childs Assoc.

J.W. Childs completed a number of large leveraged buyouts including takeovers of several of the following notable companies: Nutrasweet,[2] Chevy's, Empire Kosher, Equinox Fitness,[3] South Beach Beverage Company[4] and Edison Schools.[5]

Edison Schools

EdisonLearning Inc., formerly known as Edison Schools Inc., is a for-profit education management organization for public schools in the United States and the United Kingdom. Edison is based in Jersey City, New Jersey. (check out their logo) "and managing the operational features of the company's strategic alliance with Magic Johnson Enterprises."

Magic Johnson Adds Schools To His Business Empire

Magic Johnson has taken life after sports to a new level. Not only does he own everything from his now trademark Magic Johnson Theaters to Starbucks and Fatburger’s franchises, now he’s building schools. Next week, Johnson opens two new locations of his Magic Johnson’s Bridgescape Academy in the Chicago area. These schools add to the 15 other Magic Johnson schools around the country, geared toward helping high school dropouts get their diplomas.

SandHog ago

Damn. I completely missed this post. Been too deep into my own dive as you well know.

Vindicator ago

No worries, it's not going anywhere. :-)

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate submission by @kestrel9.

Posted automatically (#27701) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

darkknight111 ago

Look at the comments. I found something BIG connecting Jeffery Epstein to MEGA (a group of billionares).

Vindicator ago

Found a deleted thread by @Gilderoy about Ohio adoption agencies that mentions Wexner deep down in the comment thread. Many links:



Idk if this connection has been made, but leslie Wexner is an OSU graduate as well. I'm trying to determine a laybourne connection


Larouche is so vilified he was probably on target

Vindicator ago

I was wondering when we were going to start getting some juice on Wexner. That guy was Epstein's mentor.

new4now ago

These people really like children, they all work with child subjects

Deborah Bond-Upson, M.Div., Chief Education Officer Intrepid education innovator,

Deborah Bond-Upson, has been writing stories all her life. At Swarthmore College, she was an English Literature major and taught in West Philadelphia schools.

After graduation she embarked on an MFA in painting and ceramics in Mexico before beginning seminary at Starr King School for the Ministry.

An ordained minister, Deborah has found her work in education, building networks to support students and teachers. Much of Deborah's work over the past 30+ years has been in using story, media and assessment to engage students and individualize learning.

Deborah has served as VP of Product Development at Kaplan, later EVP at Knowledge Universe, and founding CEO of Teacher Universe, Best Practice Networks and lead the online development of GALAXY Classroom.

In all of these learning organizations, Deborah has worked closely with teachers, students, staff and developers, convening in-person and online conferences. She has worked with scientists, screenwriters, producers, technical developers and public broadcasting to build and deliver story-driven, hands-on science curriculum and teacher professional development for K-6, with career technical teachers and administrators to build a full range of high school blended learning courses, and has developed assessments and courses funded by state legislators and delivered state-wide.

Awesome Stories is the perfect marriage, Deborah feels, of technology, evidence and story. Most exciting is the potential to take fiction and non-fiction stories and support them with evidence, creating a model for teachers and students to research and build their own learning experiences. Technology can finally fuel investigation and creation for teachers, students and families. Awesome Stories provides the platform to facilitate this exciting creative work.

husband Leland

Both Unitarian Universalist ministers, for years we worked together in education before I began serving the Petaluma Unitarian Universalist Congregation as their regular preacher.

Ten years ago we moved from California to Miami to work on her company’s education initiative, delivering inquiry-based science to district teachers and students. For the first year, we developed and delivered online and personal tutoring for migrant children in agriculture camps of south Florida. It was illuminating and enriching to work with the families. After successfully piloting the science program in Miami-Dade and Broward counties, we moved back to California and I began my preparation for interim ministry.

My first interim church was the First Unitarian Church of Honolulu. My wife and I loved it there. She found she was able to do her education work from Hawaii, so she has stayed there ever since. She works from there with mainland and Hawaii educators and co-founded Parents for Public Schools-Hawaii. She maintains our family home on Oahu, visiting me on the mainland, and I am there as I am able. Since then I have served UU congregations in Fayetteville, AR; Bellingham, WA; Santa Barbara, CA, Vancouver, WA, and the Piedmont Unitarian Universalist Church in Charlotte NC

The husband sure does move around a lot while the wife stays in Hawaii...

Previous Positions 1999-2002 Treasurer UU Congregation of Marin San Rafael, CA

2010-2011 Interim Minister First Unitarian Church of Honolulu Honolulu, HI

2011-2012 Interim Minister UU Fellowship of Fayetteville, AR Fayetteville, AR

2012-2014 Minister UU(Interim) Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship Bellingham, WA

2014-2015 Senior Minister (Interim) Unitarian Society of Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA

2015-2016 Minister UU(Interim) UU Church of Vancouver Vancouver, WA

2017-2017 Minister UU(Interim) Piedmont UU Church Charlotte, NC


Weird, ping still hasn't come through.

Unitarians are elite occult, hedonistic, gay drug addicted progressives (Emerson, Whitman, et al)

new4now ago

I did not know that

Geez, he travels all over the place and she is based in Hawaii


Elite marriage for appearances and production of proper bloodline children. Lovers are common

new4now ago

makes sense, bastards are useful


In more ways than one.

Some say bastards are created intentionally for genetically similar organs

new4now ago

Gee, and here I thought it was spreading the love lol

many uses and good way to hide bloodlines

think the Cabal learned the hardway about inbreeding

Vindicator ago

That is really strange. Why even be married?

I think we're going to find a lot more stuff about the Unitarians.

new4now ago

you know the saying born into it?

seems generations have found ways to be doing something with children

and what was that crap about pottery in Mexico?

doesnt fit with the rest of her story

acadamics, teacher, goes to Mexico to make pots?

then sees the light and goes to Californication to become a preacher?

Marries, back to kids, have kids, one goes to Hawaii, the other 1 yr stunts preaching, good way for a pedo to hit and run or maybe set up

stinks I tell ya


@3141592653 @shewhomustbeobeyed @asolo @gamepwn @letsdothis3

What if Obama was adopted through WAIF?


(Oct. 20, 2009) — Sometimes important facts are discovered on account of curious inquiries. Circumstances to important invents also often shed light for investigators into the past. In the course of an investigation into the circumstances of Obama’s alleged birth, The Post & Email stumbled upon what might be the magic key.

International Adoption program launched in Hawaii 9 months to-the-day before Obama “born”

At the beginning of Nov, 1960, The Chicago Tribune reports that the film ‘Bridge to the Sun’ Is Ready for Filming. The lead actress (Caroll Baker?), the paper notes, will go to Honolulu, Hawaii, to give a WAIF benefit performance on Nov. 4, 1960, the very day, one supposes, that Barack Hussein Obama is allegedly conceived! [Note, the tribune page is no longer accessible]

Miss Russell championed the passage of the Federal Orphan Adoption Amendment of 1953, which allowed, for the first time, children of American servicemen born overseas to be placed for adoption in the United States The ensuing years have allowed single parents to adopt, for children to be moved across state lines for adoptive placement, and most recently, the implementation of the Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act which mandates the reform of the adoption and foster care system in all 50 states.

Proxy adoptions revealed how inadequate federal policy was in dealing with family-making across national borders. Until passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1961, which incorporated international adoption, the migration of foreign-born children to the U.S. had no place in permanent law.

Such an adoption program would explain the known anomalies about Obama’s birth story:

  1. His personal claim of different birth times and places.

  2. His mother’s ability to attend college and support a newborn.

  3. His mother’s ability to travel to Washington State immediately after birth, yet not know how to change a diaper.

  4. Barrack Hussein Obama Sr.’s indifference to the child, who was supposedly his son.

  5. News reports and statements of friends that he was born in Kenya, Indonesia and/or Hawaii.

  6. Dr. Fukino’s statement in July, that there are “vital records”, in the plural, which establish his birth facts. (Hawaii law seals original certificate and regards the new one generated for adopted parents as the real one; repleat with a new birth place and date of birth, ostensibly.)

  7. The famous, baby Obama on a blanket photo, without parents; in the style used in adoption records.

  8. Might explain the cryptic remark that Stanley Ann Dunham made to a high school friend in Washington State, before moving to Hawaii: “I can have a baby without getting married.”

Thus an adopted, foreign-born child, can truthfully say he was born in two places at two different times; because in one sense he refers to his natural birth, in the other to his legally recognized adoptive-birth.

Vindicator ago

I guess he'd owe them everything, then, wouldn't he?


How would you make the perfect ideologically compromised presidential candidate?

Make sure that they are ineligible for the position. Same rationale with Bernie having the dreamer campaign manager


@carmencita @argosciv @darkknight111 @new4now

Remember Awe Kooda Bilaxpak Kuxshish? In May 2008, that was the adopted name given to the pResident by Hartford and Mary Black Eagle, Crow Reservation, Lodge Grass, Montana during an adoption ceremony. “One Who Helps People Throughout This Land” was the translated meaning of Obama’s new identity. The adoption of Obama by the Crows has been a mystery to us. This adoption took place prior to the election, and according to their traditions the adoption linked Obama to five generations of Native Americans. Sasha and Malia were told they were being introduced to their grandparents when meeting the Black Eagles. On one hand, that is a good thing, as we know Obama’s father and step-father had died; so Black Eagle could fit into the slot of their deceased relatives, Obama, Sr., Lolo Soetoro, or great grandfather, Stanley Dunham. Little did we know that like the many before her, Grandma Madelyn Dunham would pass away before she could witness the elevation of her grandson to the presidency.

We were told by the Obama press that Grandma Madelyn passed just before the election, yet Obama didn’t choose to celebrate her life by attending a funeral for her because it would have interfered with the post election celebrations. The woman that cared for him, supported him, and loved him was put into a casket and left alone in some morgue somewhere. According to news reports, she was placed into a closed casket to be mourned by others in a public memorial service in Hawaii. Common decency and respect for the dead were put aside so Obama and Michelle could relish their day in the sun and treasure their momentous victory. While sucking in the adulation of their fawning supporters who voted him to victory, Grandma was either in her casket or put on ice. We really aren’t sure if Grandma died. Yet to diminish suspicions, there was a photo-op of him supposedly spreading her ashes over the ocean in late December while on his vacation trip to Hawaii. One wonders why grandma wasn’t laid to rest next to her husband as that is the normal custom of Christians. We would assume that Madelyn buried her husband and fully expected to lay beside him when she died. No, Madelyn was not laid to rest next to the man who was her daily companion for 52 years. Instead, she was consumed by fire and her remains thrown over a rocky cliff into the ocean in a less than solemn situation. You see, not surprisingly, Obama invited reporters to photograph the event. For prosperity, and ever more, that photograph is supposed to prove that he tossed his loving Grandma’s dust to the waiting fish. Curiously, no records of Madelyn Dunham’s death and cremation have been found. Yet, we know there is a photo of her dust.

One could think in very sinister terms, that grandma was cremated, so that no DNA could be traced to the Dunham family if one needed to exhume the body. If tested, the body might prove that Obama was not related to the Dunham family. Although I know nothing about genetics, it has been noted that many criminals have been released from prison in the past year because their DNA didn’t match the evidential properties found at a crime scene. With all of his relatives deceased, there is no trace of Obama’s true origins, or is there? Wouldn’t he have some of the same or matching genes like his Uncle Charlie or his half brother, Mark?

In one of my dreams of audacity, I had lunch with Obama. After the meal, when everyone was shaking hands, unobtrusively I grabbed his napkin, glass and fork from the table and shoved them into my purse. In another part of the country, my accomplices were interviewing Uncle Charlie. They did the identical thing that I had done. They snatched the coffee cup, water glass, and a spoon that Uncle Charlie used while being interviewed, and put them into a sealed plastic evidence bag. Both my accomplices and I sent our valuable samples to a famous lab for comparison genetic testing. The evidence was to be scientifically tested and the results would be the proof needed to either confirm or deny Obama’s relationship to the Dunham family. Weeks later, with the investigation completed of the comparisons between the samples, we received the news. With trembling hands, I read the report. It read, “No Match.”

With no match of Obama’s DNA to Uncle Charlie’s, the testing proved what others have been unable to do through legal means. Without a genetic tie to the Dunhams, his fraudulent relationships, photographs, and lies would finally be undeniably exposed. We can dream audaciously, now can’t we?

new4now ago

found it

The Dunham's ( Obama), Frank Davis, The CIA, MK ULTRA | pizzagatewhatever

new4now ago

I have always been a firm believer that Sr was NOT Barry's Father and began thinking Mom was a fraud too

If Barry has African in him, I bet it is even less than Warren's Indian

Negative blood is rare, at most 16% of worldwide population has it

Barry is AB neg

In Kenya, 96.1 % has positive blood

3.72 is negative

1% A-

.9 B-

.02 AB-

most people of color have negative blood through a white ancestor

All of the Illuminati, or whatever, Cabal has negative blood

look at our Presidents, negative blood

its all in the blood

Think Marshall taught Barry how to be black, when he wasnt black at all

have a post on the Dunham's somewhere :)

they are CIA


Now, if I were backed by a major media outlet, I would be on the first plane to Lodge Grass, Montana to do some real investigative research and reporting. I would be seeing if there were any new schools, roads, hospitals, or homes being built or were built in the last year? Has Grandma Mary replaced her traditional elk tooth coat, made of deep-pink wool, with others? Does she now wear shoes instead of moccasins, and does her closet have shoes that would put Imelda to shame? Have they recently renovated their home and is it newly furnished? Like Grandma Sarah in Africa, have they created an “Awe Kooda Bilaxpak Kuxshish Trust Fund”? Have they started or are they promoting a Crow Foundation that was created and is now funded by mysterious donors? Next, I might investigate how much money from January’s non-Stimulus package allocated to Indian tribes was approved for the Crows to stimulate OUR economy. Oh, the questions, I would ask, and the evidence I would document!

Prompted by my own question about the Stimulus, I read through some articles. The long neglected Indian tribes throughout the US were afforded the opportunity to apply for the approximately $3 billion allocated to them in the Stimulus Package. These funds were to be used for infrastructure projects and to assist domestic economic growth during these hard economic times.

Greg Guedel, from Native Legal, reported that Montana’s Crow Tribe was given $1,033,610 for the first phase of a sewer lagoon that would serve 564 families.1

Reznet News reported on May 27, that $250 Million was pledged for tribal housing. Additionally, they added, a statement by Crow Chairman Cedric Black Eagle who said, “You can tell my brother we are glad he has not forgotten us.” According to that same reporter, on Obama’s trip to receive his official adoption recognition by the Crow reservation, Obama “pledged, if elected, to improve reservation housing and work more closely with tribal leaders than previous administrations.” 2

Nationwide, the Department of Justice was awarded more than $224 million in stimulus funds and is using that money to help tribes curb crime on their reservations. (How many jobs would that produce?) I didn’t find specific information related to the Crows as recipients. There is another proposal by 3 Rivers Telephone Cooperative, Inc., Montana, being considered worth $24,977,000 to provide advanced broadband services to tribal areas where there is limited access. [They don’t have sewers, but they will have the internet!]

Bresnan’s Proposal for $70,007,425 is to develop a fiber optic network statewide. They are working in conjunction with the State of Montana & the Tribal governments of Montana’s 7 Native American Reservations, i.e., Crows.

Not to slight the Crows in any way, since all of these projects are important. It is just very interesting that they are so well cared for in the Stimulus Bill that is to create JOBS.

Dreaming doesn’t take away my suspicions nor those of millions of citizens. The questions remain, why would Obama would be accepted by the Crow tribe as an adopted son? This popped into my consciousness again today when I read John Carlton’s article, “Obama concedes he’s not a Natural Born Citizen, in Obama vs. Keys 2004 Debate.” He wrote, “In course work assigned by Lecturer Obama to his class, they were required to read Vattle’s “Historical Foundations” that talked about Indian rights and involved questions of native born and citizenship rights. Without having access to that historical paper, I wonder what else Vattel discussed about Indian rights and adoptions that might be applied to this Obama’s background scenario? Would this adoption supercede or take priority over those arrived at by birth? Would the proxy adoption cover Obama’s birth issue if he indeed was someone who came to the US via The World Adoption International Fund, and would this old law cover him now?” 5,6,7 .

We want to know why the Crows adopted Obama. Then what promises were made by Obama to the Crows for their assistance in giving him an assumed lineage. Are these the adoption papers that are being held in Hawaii that are meant to satisfy the requirements as a natural born citizen? Does he think that we would be hoodwinked into thinking that this adoption satisfies the requirements of a natural born citizen if his parents are not who he said they were?

If we find the answers, will the Crows be guilty of a Pay-to-Play scheme designed specifically to give cover in some strange way to the pResident? One is also left to wonder why Obama claimed in one of his books that his great-grandmother Leona McCurry was half Cherokee, when genealogists have been unable to verify the fact. More questions and thoughts to ponder about the real identity of the person dodging and lodging in our White House.

After writing about this a week ago, it was interesting to see our pResident’s inappropriate address to Dr. Joe Medicine Crow-High Bird after a Tribal Nations Conference at the White House on November 5. Embarrassingly, Obama stated that Dr. Crow was the recipient of the Congressional Metal of Honor when it was the Medal of Freedom Award that Obama himself had placed around his neck last August. Surely, Dr. Crow deserved a mature and dignified announcement in front of other tribes for having received the honor. Instead his honorable mention consisted of a juvenile, and undignified statement, “ I want to give a shout-out to Joe Medicine Crow.” This from one with whom he now shares familial ties. The insult of misinformation and disgrace is levied against the speaker and not the receiver.

The questions remain: Who got what in the agreement between Awe Kooda Bilaxpak Kuxshish and the Crows? Is this another backdoor way for Obama to redistribute our wealth and bankrupt our economy? How do the Native Americans fit into his Marxist scenario? Why did they adopt him and what are they getting in return? We will continue to look for answers to these questions, as well as to seek out the authentic and legitimate identity of Awe Kooda Bilaxpak Kuxshish. When we find that answer, we will have something to crow about.

carmencita ago

Outstandingly remarkable.

flyingcuttlefish ago

over a thousand views!

Vindicator ago

Mostly by repeat visitors, I'm sure, but still, that's a lot these days. :-)


Did this post ever make it to the front page? Do mods or posters get any notification if that ever happens?

Vindicator ago

I'm sure it did. But no, there's no notification. I've actually been thinking of stickying it to the v/pizzagate front page, since it's slowly sliding down and it's got so much new info in it.

There are multiple "front pages", also: v/pizzagate's, v/all/HOT , and "front" (which is the landing page for Voat if you're not logged in, or your personally customized front page if you are). If you want it to get tracks on the third one (widest audience, hardest to climb) you have to post it to v/QRV or v/whatever where there are hundreds and hundreds more viewers than in here, which is mostly diehards now. The number of current viewers (and views of the post) is in the sidebar.


I was going to suggest that, but in it's current state (most info being in the comments) its very hard to navigate.

Vindicator ago

I would, because they allow Link submissions and we do not. If you do a Discuss submission here, and then crosspost a Link submission there to the post here, most of the comments will end up in the main thread. It's good form to include Crosspost in the titles of the Link submissions, in case people see the three show up at the same time on their front page.

Vindicator ago

Thanks FC :-) This is the biggest dig we've had here for a while!

flyingcuttlefish ago

IT IS HUGE! That's why I copied the transcript (sorry no line breaks) in case YewT00b removes it under their new censor-everything guidelines. Not safe for work as he abused a 6 yea old relative handed over to him for repeated abuse.

My takeaway grown-up abused children become attractive teens and are farmed out to celbs and sports figures by 'handlers'. A whole industry of it.

I recall some saying at a playoff type NBA game (Knicks ... years ago) the court-side seats seemed filled with hookers. Evidently young beautiful women who had childhoods like that poor 6 year old niece. His whole family full of incest and child rape it seems. Maybe for generations. And I wonder if big time entertainment "star-makers" don't select these types for control reasons.

letsdothis3 ago

The book Age of Oprah: Cultural Icon for the Neoliberal Era links Geraldine Laybourne, Oprah, Oxyden Media with the Hearst Corporation.

Voat posts:

A look at who's really running the media that is censoring pizzagate

Hearst is totally run by the Knights of Malta. It was founded by William Randolph Hearst, a Knight of Malta. The Nationwide Head of The Hearst Newspaper Group and the Vice President of the Hearst Corporation is Bob Danzig, a Knight of Malta. A director of Hearst Corporation and Executive Vice President of Hearst Magazines is Raymond J. Petersen, a Knight of Malta.

Art in Embassies Program Gave Podestas, Jeff Koons, Rockefellers, Clintons, Marina Abramovic, Rothschilds even Alefantis access to a private shipping channel that could bypass airport security by @swordfish69

Rothschild with Hearst and Ronald Lauder of FAPE

Vindicator ago

Great additions!

letsdothis3 ago

Millionaires, billionaires, and tech titans are swarming to Sun Valley, Idaho — here's a look at who's attending Allen & Co.'s annual mogul fest -

Michael Ovitz, co-founder of the Creative Artists Agency.

When Disney Co. president Michael Ovitz first joined the studio a little over a year ago, he took an active role at ABC that rapidly diminished on the heels of complaints from top web execs to Disney chairman Michael Eisner.

Debates still rage between the ABC camp and Ovitz loyalists as to just how involved Ovitz was in the web’s high-profile hire of Geraldine Laybourne as president of Disney/ABC Cable Networks and how his role in landing Jamie Tarses as ABC Entertainment president upset ABC brass.

Ovitz is co-founder of the Creative Artists Agency

Voat posts:

CAA: The link between Pedowood, the Mob, and the Deep State by @darkknight111

What do a lot of Hollywood luciferians and Pedowood suspects have in common? Certain talent agencies. UTA also works for Johnny Depp. Creative Artists Agency works with Steven Spielberg, Oprah Winfrey, Tom Cruise, Nichole Kidman, Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore, Meryl Streep, Robert De Niro, Madonna, Sean Penn, Jim Carrey, Tom Hanks, and Jared Leto.

Michael Rosenfeld was one of the founders of Creative Artists Agency. Producer of Fatal Vision TV movie. May have been involved in Judith Barsi’s murder. CAA has a foundation. Ties to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (major red flag).

Michael Ovitz via Robert Strauss has ties to the Bushes. Bush as we all know is linked to the CIA. Also connected to the Bronfman crime family, just like Steven Spielberg. He himself is also a suspected mobster. Hollywood was LONG been under mob control. Ovitz was a former high up at Disney.

Ronald Meyer, one of the founders of CAA is now vice chairman of NBCUniversal. NBC of course being part of the MSM who are players in Operation Mockingbird.

comment by @flyingcuttlefish Chelsea Clinton name comes up on the board of CAA

interesting comments from @kestrel9 too

Vindicator ago

I like how you're pinging previous researchers interested in these folks. It's pretty much a must, if we're to overcome the platform limitations of Voat. :-)

@Nomochomo, sort Comments by new and check out the recent additions by New4now and Letsdothis3.


Lol. And of course there is a Freemason Connection

Ohio State Senator Michael A Broadstone is Kit Laybourne's (and Everett's) Grandpa

This is his book about his county in Ohio w/ an autobiographical segment

Mr Broadstone is affiliated with the local lodges of the Masons the Odd Fellows and the Knights of Pythias at Xenia

@darkknight111 @gamepwn @ASolo @New4now @3141592653

kestrel9 ago

Maybe someone has mentioned it but I did see that Geraldine Laybourne (born Geraldine Bond) is connected to Acumen as an advisor. which if you research it leads you people like Dr. Muhammad Yunus, George Soros (huge topic)

The Acumen Fund is a social enterprise investment fund that uses “patient capital” as an alternative to traditional aid or pure market approaches to address the critical problems of poverty in the developing world.

She is an advisor to Springboard, Vital Voices and Acumen Fund. Laybourne sat on the boards or advisory committees of The National Cable & Telecommunications Association, The National Council for Families and Television, New York Women in Film & Television (Advisory Board), and Cable Positive (Honorary Chair), and The White House Project. link Andrea Soros Colombel is the founder and president of the Trace Foundation and the board chair of the Acumen Fund. The Trace Foundation supports the continuity and development of Tibetan culture, language, and places, improving lives and strengthening communities on the Tibetan Plateau.


Acumen Fund, Inc. operates as a non-profit organization that focuses on poverty eradication. The organization raises charitable funds to invest equity and debt in enterprises serving low-income people. Additionally, it focuses on providing solutions to the problems of access to water, energy, housing, and medical care. The organization has strategic partnerships with Rockefeller Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,, Skoll Foundation, Nike Foundation, and Cisco. Acumen Fund, Inc. was incorporated in 2001 and is based in New York, New York with additional offices in Mumbai, India; Nairobi, Kenya; Karachi, Pakistan; and Accra, Ghana.

Kit Laybourne's father and Time Magazine:

Kit and Geraldine's wedding announcement reveals her grandfather was Charles G. Bond

Charles G. Bond, chairman of the New York City Alcoholic Beverage Control Board and a former United States Representative from Brooklyn


Digs into Kit Laybourne's Dead Brother (and literal CHILD TRAFFICKER) Everett Laybourne

THE WTF deep-state factor is off the charts with this family @Vindicator @Asolo @Shewhomustbeobeyed @gamepwn @argosciv @carmencita @new4now

Both Everett and his wife Ottilie were involved in theater and community programs in Los Angeles with/ disabled/underprivileged children.

Actress Ottilie Kruger Laybourne died of pancreatic cancer in Los Angeles on May 12. She was 78.

She appeared frequently on Broadway in the 1940s and 50s and was the only child of film star Otto Kruger and actress Sue MacManamy. Laybourne was active in the Nine O’Clock Players Theatre for Children, a service auxiliary of Assistance League of Southern California dedicated to bringing live theater to underprivileged and handicapped children and their families. She had been active in the organization since the early 1970s and over the years had held several executive positions, including that of Chairman.

Born in New York, she followed in her parents’ footsteps to the stage, making her Broadway debut in “I Remember Mama,” along with the young Marlon Brando.

Her first leading role was in “A Joy Forever” with Guy Kibbee, followed by “The Pursuit of Happiness” with Freddie Bartholomew. She also starred twice with her father, in “Little A” and “Time for Elizabeth.”

She is survived by her husband Everett Laybourne


Laybourne earned a juris doctorate from Harvard Law School in 1935 and has been practicing business and corporate law in Los Angeles since 1935. He has been a partner in several law firms. In 1969, he formed the firm Macdonald Halsted & Laybourne, where he was senior partner, and which later merged with Baker & McKenzie, the largest law firm in the world. At the request of the U.S. State Department, Laybourne negotiated a major World War II Lend-Lease obligation of the former Soviet Union. He also served as the California chairman of United Nations Day in 1960. For many years he has been board chair of WAIF Inc., founded by actress Jane Russell, which has engendered more than 40,000 adoptions, many from overseas. In service to Ohio State, he serves on the National Major Gift Committee for the Southern California region for the Affirm Thy Friendship fund-raising campaign. Laybourne received the OSU Alumni Centennial Award in 1970 and was recognized with the Alumni Citizenship Award in 1988.

WAIF INC seems deserving of its own dig. It's an early hollywood charity adoption ring/child dealer.

Everett B. Laybourne was born into a family of Buckeyes. His father, a 1902 graduate, served on the university's Board of Trustees and his brother, a 1932 graduate, later became president of the Alumni Association. He graduated from Ohio State in 1932 with a bachelor's degree in English cum laude and received a juris doctor degree from Harvard University in 1935.

He began practicing business and corporate law in Los Angeles in 1936, founding his first of several law firms four years later. During the early 50s, the U.S. State Department asked Laybourne to negotiate the settlement of a major World War II Lend-Lease obligation with the former Soviet Union, requiring 18 separate meetings in the Soviet Union.

Everett Laybourne was Vice President and Trustee of the Ralph M Parson's Foundation

EVERETT B. LAYBOURNE, 83. Mr. Laybourne has been a director of the Company since May 1988. For many years he served as counsel for a number of majorpublicly-held corporations. He also presently serves as Vice President and Trustee of The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation and as National Board Chairman of WAIF, Inc. From 1969 to 1988, Mr. Laybourne was senior partner in the law firm of MacDonald, Halsted & Laybourne in Los Angeles, California, whose successor firm was Baker & McKenzie to which he acted for five years in an of counsel capacity. He continues in the practice of law in Los Angeles.

In 1961, Parsons founded the Ralph M. Parsons Foundation. The foundation became entirely independent from the company in 1974.

Ralph M. Parsons, founder of the Ralph M. Parsons Company, one of the largest engineering and construction concerns in the country, died yesterday in San Marino, Calif., where he lived. His age was 78.

Mr. Parsons had held the title of founder chairman since April. Earlier, he had been board chairman and chief executive officer, positions he had held since forming the company in Pasadena, Calif., in 1944.

A few years ago the company was involved in engineering construction projects of $1.2‐billion, which put it just behind the Bechtel Corporation in its field.

Mr. Parsons had been interested in engineering from his earliest childhood. At the age of 13 he and his brother, without capital, opened a garage and machine shop in Amagansett, L. I.

He went on to study steam and machine design at Pratt Institute and graduated in 1916. He enlisted in the Navy as a machinist's mate and was discharged in 1921 as a lieutenant (j.g.). He took a job as a civilian aeronautical engineer for the Navy and left in the mid‐nineteen‐twenties to specialize in oil refinery engineering.

In World War II, Mr. Parsons formed a partnership with Stephen D. Bechtel, who later became his chief rival, and John A. McCone, who later headed the Central Intelligence Agency.

Mr. Parsons's work in recent years included the construction of large and modern petroleum refineries, chemical plants and mining and metallurgical facilities. He also was a pioneer in building missile and space vehicle launching facilities and nuclear plants.

(((Underground Buildings)))

This is where it gets Occulty. This site claims Parson/His wife/her brother also work/worked for Parson's Group and build underground railways cities

When Jack Parsons (right) and L. Ron Hubbard (left) engaged in the Babalon Working, there was plenty of sexual excitement going on. Parsons was copulating with Cameron (his wife) on the altar and Hubbard was scrying and tapping the energy. Geometric incantations were used along with symbols, not unlike what Hubbard referred to in the book I had discovered. They were deliberately working with the same energies and some of the protocols that John Dee and Edward Kelly had used during the reign ofQueen Elizabeth I (Dee was her court astrologer). An earnest communication had been made with the territory known as the unconscious or the great unknown.

Many believe that the 1946 Babalon Working was responsible for or tied to the UFO phenomena which became so abundant after that period. This was confirmed forCameron when she witnessed a UFO shortly after the Babalon Working. She said that the sight filled her with an insurmountable joy. Cameron and her brother were working at the jet Propulsion Laboratory during this period and had seen a UFO while taking a nature walk in the area. Although she warned her brother not to say a word about it, he blabbed and was ridiculed to the point where he had to leave his job due to embarrassment. He ended up working for the Ralph Parsons Corporation, a huge international conglomerate who builds underground railways and cities among many other things.

Vindicator ago

Nomo, just an fyi: only the first five pings work per comment. @carmencita and @New4now didn't receive your ping to this comment.

new4now ago

this is another reason your suggestion was so good

I missed a few pings, I dont blame Noco, am sure its a pain in the ass

at least Noco remembered to ping, I forget or dont know who all I should ping

Hope your fantastic idea goes through

Vindicator ago

There are several of us who try to ping users we know would be interested in a thread. A lot of submitters who are newer just don't even know who to ping. I know, because I know who folks are and what their interests are, and I often do a quick check on SearchVoat of the subject matter and see who else has posted on it to ping them.'s a bit of a crapshoot. :-)

new4now ago

I know, thats why we need that feature

everyone has their nitch, and we choose our own battles

but do you ping everyone in comments? lol

takes time to search for people, better for people to choose their own adventure, good, bad and ugly ,

intellectual ergonomics ;)

Vindicator ago

takes time to search for people, better for people to choose their own adventure, good, bad and ugly ,

intellectual ergonomics ;)

I totally 100% agree!


Thank you!

letsdothis3 ago

You've certainly hit the motherlode. And lots to sift through here. Just one question: is there a relationship between Ralph Parsons and Jack Parsons?


A good infograph would do wonders.

none that I've identified

letsdothis3 ago

Yes, I've been thinking it's really time to start developing infographics in order to get our heads around all the information and connections now. I might have to start looking into that.

Vindicator ago

Holy Motherload, Batman!

For many years he has been board chair of WAIF Inc., founded by actress Jane Russell, which has engendered more than 40,000 adoptions, many from overseas.

Yep. WAIF needs a dig.

@darkknight111 @letsdothis3 @New4now @think- @kestrel9 See parent. Nomo found another lead connecting the Laybourne family to the Parson family, and it includes 40,000 adoptions.

letsdothis3 ago

Thank you for the ping. This thread is massive! Fantastic post.

Vindicator ago

You're welcome. Check your inbox...I just requested Putt add a feature that would allow us to invite people to subscribe to our submissions and be automatically notified of new comments. Come and add your thoughts!


@darkknight111 @letsdothis3 @New4now @think- @kestrel9

Holy fuck.....Everett Laybourne is attached to the bank that Laundered Larry King's money w/in Franklin Credit Union Scandal! (Larry King/Conspiracy of Silence/John Decamp)[email protected]/msg47503.html

According to John DeCamp, FirsTier Bank "was the bank Larry King's pilfered $40 million passed through, without anybody batting an eye."

FirsTier was also closely tied to California Energy and Magma Power Co. (a Nevada corporation). In a 1995 proxy statement for MAGMA POWER COMPANY, 4365 Executive Drive, Suite 900, San Diego, California 92121 a meeting to be held in Omaha, Nebraska, was announced by chairman David Sokol at which Magma stockholders would consider and vote upon a proposal to approve the Agreement and Plan of Merger, dated as of December 5, among Magma, California Energy Company, Inc. ("CECI") and CE Acquisition Company, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of CECI ("CE Sub"), pursuant to which CE Sub will be merged with and into Magma (the "Merger"). The statement also contained the following information:

Kiewit Energy Company ("Kiewit Energy"), a wholly owned subsidiary of Peter Kiewit Sons', Inc. ("PKS"), is an approximate 43% stockholder (on a fully diluted basis) in CECI. PKS, a Delaware corporation, is a large employee-owned company which had approximately $2.2 billion in revenues in 1993 from its interests in construction, mining, energy and telecommunications. PKS is one of the largest construction companies in North America and has been in the construction business since 1884. PKS is a joint venture participant in a number of CECI's international private power projects. The principal executive offices of CECI and CE Sub are located at 10831Old Mill Road, Omaha, Nebraska 68154 and their telephone number is (402) 330-8900. CE Sub is a wholly owned subsidiary of CECI and has not conducted any business except in connection with the Offer. CECI and CE Sub were incorporated in 1971 and 1994, respectively, under the laws of the State of Delaware. The principal executive offices of PKS are located at 1000 Kiewit Plaza, Omaha, Nebraska 68131, and its telephone number is (402) 342-2052. PKS was incorporated in 1941 under the laws of the State of Delaware. The board of directors of Magma are as follows, and the detailed descriptions of their background are set out in the footnote below

Everett B. Laybourne 82 Director

kestrel9 ago

1999 NEH Chair to Speak at Humanities Baccalaureate

  • Laybourne earned a juris doctorate from Harvard Law School in 1935 and has been practicing business and corporate law in Los Angeles since 1935. He has been a partner in several law firms.
  • In 1969, he formed the firm Macdonald Halsted & Laybourne, where he was senior partner, and which later merged with Baker & McKenzie, the largest law firm in the world.
  • At the request of the U.S. State Department, Laybourne negotiated a major World War II Lend-Lease obligation of the former Soviet Union.


  • He also served as the California chairman of United Nations Day in 1960.
  • For many years he has been board chair of WAIF Inc., founded by actress Jane Russell, which has engendered more than 40,000 adoptions, many from overseas.
  • In service to Ohio State, he serves on the National Major Gift Committee for the Southern California region for the “Affirm Thy Friendship” fund-raising campaign.
  • Laybourne received the OSU Alumni Centennial Award in 1970 and was recognized with the Alumni Citizenship Award in 1988

more about the lend-lease program for history buffs link


1985 "First some background: Under the Lend-Lease Act of 1941, the United States sent billions of dollars of war materiel to its allies while postponing the question of payment until after the war. In the euphoria of victory, the United States forgave all except materiel which would be useful to the postwar civilian economy (trucks, for example). In the case of the Soviet Union, this residual civilian-type lend-lease was valued by the United States at $2.6 billion (out of total lend-lease to the Soviet Union of $10.8 billion). The Soviet government at first offered to pay $170 million.

Negotiations dragged on intermittently for 25 years. Then in 1972 agreement was reached on $722 million to be paid in installments running through 2001. The catch was that the lend-lease settlement was dependent on implementation of a trade agreement under which the US would extend most-favored-nation treatment to the Soviet Union. The trade agreement was scuttled by the Jackson-Vanik amendment to the Trade Act of 1974, which made most-favored-nation treatment contingent on Soviet liberalization of Jewish emigration. When the Soviets balked on emigration, the trade and lend-lease agreements came crashing down. By that point, the Soviets had actually paid $48 million, leaving a balance of $674 million.

kestrel9 ago

I wondering if this is the same Everett Laybourne Survivors: Some lost everything in the 1961 fire in Bel-Air and Brentwood


It is. The article describes him later marrying "otilie" who is listed in everett's obit





EVERETT B. LAYBOURNE: 86. Mr. Laybourne retired as a Board member and wasappointed Director Emeritus by the Board in May 1995 after serving as a director of the Company since May 1988

carmencita ago

Thanks for pinging me on this thread. I have read all of them but am so tied up due to changes in my life so I have little time but I am keeping tabs on all the findings. If I get some time you can count on me. Thanks all you guys for keeping this going. If I have anything I will be sure to contribute ❤️

new4now ago

Jane Russell did 2 movies with Bob Hope

The Paleface and Son of Paleface

isnt Hope dirty?

Was it Fiona that mentioned him?

I catching up, Nomo had my name wrong

lots to dig in once I catch up

Vindicator ago

No, that was apparently Brice Taylor.

new4now ago

ok, Thanks


More Digs:

A. Kit (lawrence) Laybourne Donated to Hillary Clinton in 07/08:

B. Lawrence & Gerry Donated to the Astor Family Services Foundation

C. Lawrence and Gerry Laybourne donate yearly to Human Rights First, which may have been involved with sponsoring/propogandizing the Arab Spring. Nat de Roth is involved

Dinner Committee Dr. Rosalind and Mr. Adam Abram Elsie V. and M. Bernard Aidinoff Robert and Helen Bernstein William S. Bernstein David Boies John K. Castle James Chanos Kenneth I. Chenault Lynda M. Clarizio Deborah and Craig Cogut Jennifer L. Colyer Brigadier General Jim Cullen (ret.) Daniel Doctoroff Donald Francis Donovan and Jennifer Lake Matthew and Ginger Dontzin Peter Edelman Edward P. Evans Leslie Gimbel and Marc Kusnetz Myrna and Steve Greenberg Peter and Helen Haje Virginia and Robert Joffe Helene and Mark Kaplan Ned and Marcia Kaplin Kerry Kennedy The Mark and Anla Cheng Kingdon Foundation Orin S. Kramer Dr. Mathilde Krim Jo Backer Laird and Michael Danoff Robert Todd Lang Stephen S. Lash Kit and Geraldine Laybourne Ted and Lynn Leonsis Noel and Harriette Levine Leon Levy Foundation Ogden Lewis Jesse Margolin Robert B. Menschel George A. Miller and Janet McKinley Robert and Adriana Mnuchin Charlotte Moss and Barry Friedberg Beth and Joshua Nash Robert M. Pennoyer Lizanne and Barry Rosenstein Nathaniel de Rothschild Valerie and Michael Rozen Andrew Sabin Steven H. Schulman Rena Shulsky and Dr. Sami David Richard Shutran John S. Siffert Riva and Alan B. Slifka Harold Snyder and Tamar Hirschl Snyder Mary Ann, Gideon, Noah, Dorothy and Zoey Stein Judy and Michael Steinhardt Rose Styron Jay and Kelly Sugarman Jeffrey S. Trachtman George and Trish Vradenburg Lynn Witkowski James W. Ziglar

D. Gerry Laybourne donates to the global fund for women

E. Laybournes seem to own two houses right next to each other in Venice LA

825 Palms Blvd

823 palms blvd

@Vindicator @shewhomustbeobeyed @newfornow @asolo @argosciv

Vindicator ago

Great additions. Human Rights First sounds like it might need it's own thread. Same with the media conference that seemed to be a who's who. One of our current big challenges is that Voat comments are only searchable via Google, which is very hit or miss, because @SearchVoat doesn't crawl them yet. I'm lobbying for it. Everything added here in comments will be very hard to find by future researchers.


For now I'm using this more as a catalogue of leads (more and more keep coming). But once its fully fleshed out I will redo it as a post about either the laybournes or nickelodeon

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

@NOMOCHOMO I seem to have removed you as a submitter on my sub prematurely. If you need me to add you back so you can work on submissions before posting them to PG sub I would be happy to have you. If you don't need it, that's okay too.


Thank you for the offer. I would say I simply prefer to not post posts online at all until I feel I've researched and verified the content personally.

That isn't to say I dont want to be a submitter, but I probably wont ever use the sub for the purpose of "parking" posts while researching them/writing them. I prefer to do all of that dirty work (writing, editing, & researching) offline.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

If you have no need to use the sub that's good.

I hope my archive troubles will be finished tomorrow, fingers crossed.

Vindicator ago

Excellent. I do the same thing (using posts to link to related findings like a catalog). :-)

SearchVoat ago

I'm pleased to say that searching comments is coming soon.

Vindicator ago


You just made my month. :-) Please please please make it so we can search all of our old posts' comments if possible. There is so much evidence buried in there it's crazy.

SearchVoat ago

You can now search comments on the SV v2 beta preview site:

Reference post for feedback is here: Please let me know what you think.

srayzie ago

Omg @Argosciv and @Vindicator won’t be able to sleep with these new functions 😂

argosciv ago

Speaking of, I should have been in bed hours ago xD

srayzie ago

Lmao! Knew it!

argosciv ago

Lolol. For what it's worth, I've been busy messing around with code, not bumming around on here :P

srayzie ago

Oh well then you will not get ANY sleep because you know that you’re tempted to 😂

argosciv ago

That and energy drank. Yey caffeine.

srayzie ago

I like caffeine

Vindicator ago

Good for you, argo. Keep it up!

argosciv ago

Thank ye, fren :)

Having some fun with databases and connecting in-game and via custom website :D

Vindicator ago

When are you going to write me an app that will scrape my inbox so I can download it, sort it and search it etc?

argosciv ago

When are you going to write me an app that will scrape my inbox so I can download it, sort it and search it etc?




Hey @PuttItOut, would the api allow one to search the entirety of their own inbox beyond page 100 (page=99)?

Vindicator ago

I would even be happy being able to grab 99 pages, download them, and delete them, and get the next 99. I've got 402 DMs I've left marked "unread" because I wanted to come back to them, and many more I don't want to delete for research reasons. Sent box, too. Ya case I ever want to write a Meme War Memoire ;-).

srayzie ago

I love it!!

Vindicator ago


SandHog ago


argosciv ago



Thank you. So much. Your tool has helped me find so much information


@vindicator @gamepwn @asolo @darkknight111 @3141592653L

Geraldine Laybourne, Edgar Bronfman Jr, Les Moonves, Harvey Weinstein, Goldman Sachs, NIH, and Harvard/Stanford Academics

The Beyond Media Conference put on by the Aspen Institute and Common Sense Media (Affiliated with Clinton's fronted by Tom Steyers bro James Steyer)

It's in 2007 all about kids, the media, ethics, and the internet....Check out how many perverts, and pizzagate suspects are at this "conference"

Will Media Help Grow Healthier Kids? Stay Tuned. For the first time, leading executives of some of America's top media companies will join in conversation with the best minds in education and policy to take a close look at today's rapidly changing media landscape. Today, kids live in a 24/7 media world putting in more than 45 hours a week with media from downloading music to going to the movies to social networking online. What are the opportunities this new and expanding world offer to kids and parents today? And, how do parents navigate through this media saturated playground? What is the impact on kids and what are the implications for our society? Join us as we look at the new and evolving partnership between parents and media.

The Media as Parent

Introduction Walter Isaacson, President and CEO, The Aspen Institute James Steyer, President and CEO, Common Sense Media

Ken Auletta, Moderator, Columnist, The New Yorker magazine Edgar Bronfman, Jr., Chairman and CEO, Warner Music Group Geraldine Laybourne, Founder and CEO, Oxygen Media Brian Roberts, Chairman and CEO, Comcast Corporation

What is the Responsibility of Media Leaders?

Introduction Gene Sykes, Managing Director, Goldman, Sachs & Co. Alan Schwartz, President and Co-CEO, Bear, Stearns and Co., Inc.

Ken Auletta, Moderator, Columnist, The New Yorker magazine Leslie Moonves, President and CEO, CBS Corporation Richard Parsons, Chairman of the Board and CEO, Time Warner Inc. Harvey Weinstein, Co-Chairman, The Weinstein Company

Should Media be Regulated When it Comes to Kids?

Professor Geoffrey Cowan, Moderator, Dean, USC Annenberg Commissioner Michael Copps, Federal Communications Commission Gary Knell, President and CEO, Sesame Workshop Douglas Lowenstein, President, Entertainment Software Association Commissioner Deborah Taylor Tate, Federal Communications Commission

Keeping Kids Healthy in a 24/7 Media Environment

Ezekiel Emanuel, MD, Moderator, Chair, Department of Clinical Bioethics, NIH Jane Brown, Professor of Journalism and Mass Communication, UNC Chapel Hill James Marks, MD, Vice President of Health, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Victoria Rideout, Vice President, Kaiser Family Foundation Thomas Robinson, MD, Associate Professor, Stanford University School of Medicine

Media, Kids, and Ethics

Walter Isaacson, Moderator, President and CEO, The Aspen Institute Ezekiel Emanuel, MD, Chair, Department of Clinical Bioethics, NIH Professor Howard Gardner, Professor, Harvard Graduate School of Education Carla Hendra, Co-CEO, Ogilvy North America A.O. Scott, Film critic, The New York Times

Does the Internet Change Everything?

Professor Jeffrey Cole, Moderator, Director, Center for the Digital Future Rod Diefendorf, Vice President, Online and Local Search, InfoSpace, Inc. / Professor Howard Gardner, Professor, Harvard Graduate School of Education Liz Perle, Editor-in-Chief, Common Sense Media Elliot Schrage, Vice President, Global Communications and Public Affairs, Google Inc.

Good Media for Kids Can Make a Difference

Jim Steyer, Moderator, President and CEO, Common Sense Media Sarah Brown, Director, The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy Gary Knell, President and CEO, Sesame Workshop Pat Mitchell, President, The Museum of Television and Radio Professor Charles Ogletree, Associate Dean for Clinical Programs, Harvard Law Mike Tollin, Television and film director and producer, Tollin-Robbins Productions Laura Walker, President and CEO, New York Public Radio (WNYC) Cyma Zarghami, President, Nickelodeon and MTVN Kids and Family Group

Media critic Ken Auletta staged a frontal assault on three executives representing Big Media on Monday night at the opening event of Beyond Primetime, a conference on social responsibility in media hosted by Commonsense Media and the Aspen Institute at the Time Warner Center in Manhattan. Despite Auletta's best efforts, however, the three execs--Brian Roberts, chairman and CEO of Comcast, Geraldine Laybourne, founder and CEO of Oxygen, and Edgar Bronfman Jr., chairman and CEO of Warner Music Group--held the line tenaciously in their discussion of media and parenting. Above all, media companies are no substitute for parents, and the blame for children's failings belongs chiefly to the parents who neglect them.

That's not to say Auletta didn't try. In his opening salvo he asked the panelists whether their companies offered any content they wouldn't want their children to see. He needled them further by naming specific examples of controversial content produced or distributed by the three companies, including Oxygen's "Bad Girls' Club" and Warner's roster of gangster rap.

But he immediately encountered staunch resistance, with all three executives shifting responsibility back to parents--in this case, themselves. Existing methods of parental policing were duly noted. Roberts explained how he and his wife use parental control features on TV and Internet content to block out risqué or violent material. Likewise, Bronfman--father of seven--said his children aren't allowed to listen to any music that's stickered as explicit.

However, it fell to Laybourne to take the offensive. She noted that Oxygen isn't intended for children, while many cable channels are suitable for children. The problem, she suggested, lies with parents who are unable to engage their children in a dialogue to guide their viewing. She recommended that parents watch TV shows with their children "and tell them when 'we don't approve of these values.'"

Roberts affirmed that "there's no conversation" at the national level about the importance of parenting, leaving media companies as scapegoats for societal ills. Then Bronfman tried to roll back Auletta's earlier questions, challenging what he said was a basic premise that "anything controversial shouldn't be aired," conflating parental and corporate responsibility. Bronfman noted that some controversial material, like the lyrics of Tupac Shakur (a Warner artist) later gains respect. Here Laybourne added that even Oxygen's most risqué programming is empowering--for women in the appropriate age group.

Bronfman also argued that eliminating controversial material is simply unrealistic from the perspective of capitalism--"the engine that drives our society." In support of this, Roberts noted the discrepancy in ratings for different episodes of E!'s "True Hollywood Stories": those that end with the subject dead enjoy ratings about twice as high as those on a subject still living. Roberts concluded: "Now yes, that's pathetic. But at the end of the day it's the consumer, parented or not, that decides."

But the apparent sincerity of the panel was undercut somewhat when Auletta turned the target elsewhere, observing: "It's easier to police or have parental guidance for TV--how do you have policing for YouTube?" Now the panel reversed course. Bronfman descried the availability of questionable content, pointing specifically to peer-to-peer social networks as purveyors of questionable material. Likewise, Roberts noted the exponential growth in YouTube--which now takes up 4% of Comcast's bit traffic--and issued a call for regulation by some industry body, if not the government itself. For her part, Laybourne shifted attention from TV to the Internet by describing the difficulty of policing the latter: "It's not getting any better--think about the Internet! It's endless!"

Vindicator ago

"It's easier to police or have parental guidance for TV--how do you have policing for YouTube?" Now the panel reversed course.

LOL. Yeah, they don't like regular folks blowing holes in their propaganda, and the channels doing that are proliferating!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago



@vindicator @argosciv @shewhomustbeobeyed @carmencita @asolo

More Digs on the Laybournes:

A. Kit Laybourne's father, Lawrence Laybourne's Smithsonian Obituary:

"At the Smithsonian, Mr. Laybourne the merger of the Office of Development and the National Associates and initiated the regional program in which Smithsonian activities have been shared with Associates around the country."

B. Larry Laybourne, squashing a story at the behest of the secretary of state. Officially Operation Mockingbird started in the 50's, but in 46 and 48 Laybourne was running his stories by the national security state....and censoring his reporting.

“Advertising for Prestige”: Publicity in Canada-United States Arctic Defence Cooperation

The joint Canadian-US Military Cooperation Committee was busy drawing up a grandiose plan for a continental air-defence system that was never instituted and the United States had sought permission to construct a chain of weather stations across the Canadian Arctic. The stations would be operated by the United States Weather Bureau, a civilian agency, but they were clearly military in intent.

This was something new for Canada. Prior to 1940, there had been virtually no Canada-United States defence relationship. American troops or installations, civil or military, on Canadian soil, or joint Canadian-American defence planning, would have been unheard of.

Canadian government’s effort to keep the details of the new Canada-United States defence partnership under cover was not helped by an incident that took place in late September 1946. In an off-the-record conversation with Time magazine correspondent Larry Laybourne during a visit to New York, Secretary of State Paul Martin said that the Canadian government faced important decisions in the field of joint defence and that he was “staggered by the expense of the installations which Canada would have to finance.” Martin was undoubtedly referring to the MCC’s soon-to-be-shelved air defence plans.

Laybourne then contacted American government officials to try to pry more information out of them but was told that any publicity regarding Canada-United States defence activities at that point would embarrass US Secretary of State James Byrnes, then attending the Paris Peace Conference. Laybourne chose to sit on the story but Time’s representative in Ottawa tried to get details about Arctic defence installations from the United States embassy there. At the same time Maclean’s reporter Blair Fraser and the Financial Post’s Wilson were also poking around. Ottawa asked the State Department to help and Laybourne was contacted a second time and told to back off but not before the Canadians were reminded “where the responsibility for putting Time magazine on the trail lay.” The Americans might not have been so compliant if they were not “alive to the danger of prejudicing Canadian Government decisions by unfortunate publicity.”

C. Kit Laybourne's College years, (an entry in a yearbook which describes his exemplary academic, athletic, and extracurricular activities at Trinity College in Hartford CT (Elite Lib Arts college)

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/QRV comment by @17260907.

Posted automatically (#27083) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate submission by @ASolo.

Posted automatically (#26858) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.


Kit Laybourne's father Lawrence, also went by Larry

Here is an excellent summary of his career from Kim Eisler's book, Masters of the Game: Inside the World's most powerful law firm"larry+laybourne"&source=bl&ots=ZglIcTQwjU&sig=ACfU3U1GVeWc2tV5X_66tMHi6rMnrJblmQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwilofCn2_DgAhVXvJ4KHfP-DqEQ6AEwCHoECAYQAQ#v=onepage&q="larry%20laybourne"&f=false

Interesting anecdote from the book. Anne Laybourne (Kit Laybourne's Sister) met Kendall (hillary Clinton's lawyer) while in the Soviet Union. The book claims she is the top psychotherapist in DC


Vindicator ago

Their web of slime just gets more and more elaborate.


I'm not sure if this is a rabbit hole or a tunnel system.

@asolo @shewhomustbeobeyed @carmencita @argosciv @gamepwn,+Washington,+DC,+September+18,+1973.pdf

Lawrence E. Laybourne was the Chief Trustee of the "Washington Journalism Center"

Information on the "Washington Journalism Center": (started by Stanford and Columbia trained journalists [probably spooks]),+N.W.,+WASHINGTON,+D.C.&source=bl&ots=64_Ie2C92v&sig=ACfU3U1eysC51U4PG2z4lmVlsiD4FNhdXw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi27dn_yfDgAhWUpZ4KHbg3DP0Q6AEwBXoECBgQAQ#v=onepage&q=The%20Washington%20Journalism%20Center%202401%20VIRGINIA%20AVENUE%2C%20N.W.%2C%20WASHINGTON%2C%20D.C.&f=false

Lawrence E. Laybourne (though apparently Unitarian) is also affiliated with the Anglo-Catholic wing of the Episcopal Church and was appointed a "Member At Large of the general division of layman's work of the Executive Council"'s%20Work.%20%2B%20%22laybourne%22&f=false

The string I'm most eager to follow, is "Wesley LEE Laybourne"

WESLEY LEE LAYBOURNE CIA Officer: Wesley Lee Laybourne, 69, a retired Central Intelligence Agency officer, died of cancer Jan. 12 at his home in Great Falls. Mr. Laybourne was born in New Richmond, Ind. He moved to the Washington area in 1941 and graduated from Western High School. During World War II, he was an aviation cadet in the Army Air Forces. He graduated from the University of Virginia in 1951 and joined the CIA that year. His service included 10 years in Brazil. He received the Intelligence Medal of Merit. He retired in 1980. Later, he did consulting work with the Department of Defense. Mr. Laybourne was a member of the U.S. Professional Tennis Registry. In retirement, he was a teaching tennis pro. He was a member of River Bend Country Club and St. Thomas a Becket Catholic Church in Reston. Survivors include his wife, Margaret Dacey Laybourne of Great Falls; five children, Ann Loomis, Christopher Laybourne, Daniel Laybourne, Alison Hokamp and Timothy Laybourne, all of Sterling; a sister, Phyllis Hallman of Fairfax; and nine grandchildren.

Wesley Laybourne was the Acting Chief, Western Hemisphere, Cuban Operations Group

Vindicator ago

Isn't it interesting how when you find a genuine lead and pull the thread, the whole sweater starts to unravel?


HOLY CRAP! read Wesley Laybourne's Declassed CIA documen

@vindicator @shewhomustbeobeyed @carmencita @asolo @gamepwn @newfornow

It discusses ransom negotiations involving August Vanistendael A "prominent Belgian with high level Vatican Connections"

From Vanistendael's translated wiki

August Vanistendael (Birtley (Great Britain), 9 January 1917 - Leuven, 8 September 2003) was a Belgian trade union leader and minister of State.

After his secondary studies in Hechtel and Sint-Truiden Vanistendael became a clerk at the BAC, the bank of the Christian workers' movement. In 1938, Vanistendael moved to the Christian trade union and became secretary of the ACV powerhouse in the hospitality industry and in 1941 he became secretary of the umbrella of tourism. In 1944, Vanistendael became secretary of the National Service Center.

After the Second World War Vanistendael started a career with the International Christian Trade Union (ICV) and in 1947 he became deputy secretary general. In 1952 he became secretary-general of the ICV. Under the impetus of Vanistendael, the ICV broadened its horizons. Trade unions that were inspired by other world religions could also join Saigon after the 1959 congress.

Vanistendael went even further. Also starting trade unions from the new countries of South America, Africa and Asia joined. Vanistendael traveled to these countries and set up training institutes for the new leaders and executives. From the ICV, debates were organized about the course of development and the need for development aid for these countries. In 1968, the ICV changed its name to the more neutral World Alliance of Labor.

Vanistendael was very respected and became the personal adviser to the West German Federal Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and Cardinal Joseph Frings, the Archbishop of Cologne. During the Second Vatican Council he was one of the six lay auditors.

Vanistendael was the founder-chairman of the organizations Cooperation and Solidarity in 1961, which awarded scholarships to students from developing countries and Pro Mundi Vita, a research and information center for development aid. In 1963 he was appointed lecturer at the Institute for the Study of Developing Countries at the Catholic University of Leuven. He continued to teach there until 1976.

In 1967 Vanistendael was specifically involved in development aid and became secretary of the newly established Coöperation Internationale Pour le Développement Socio-Economique (CIDSE), a Catholic network of non-governmental organizations that provide development aid.

In 1975 he became president of Caritas Catholica Belgica and remained until his retirement in 1983. Even then he remained active within organizations such as Pax Christi.

In 1983, August Vanistendael was appointed Minister of State by King Baudouin and in 1988 he received an honorary doctorate from the Catholic University of Louvain.


Wesley Laybourne's father Edgar Laybourne & his step mother Roxie Laybourne both work for the Smithsonian

carmencita ago

Wow what a find. These evil doers are always connected somehow. Rhodes Scholars stick together.

gamepwn ago

Whoa! Nice find NOMO!

ASolo ago

Nice work Vindicator, anyone that is following Q, Alex Jones, Pizzagate, CDAN, all of you and any of you are coming to the understanding that Oprah is INTIMATELY connected to the Clinton Machine, John of God, EPSTEIN and the entire PIZZAGATE Saga, hopefully soon god willing a new thread I'll be working on that revolves around Jussie Smollet is going to ferret out many of these connections.

Vindicator ago

Looking forward to it, ASolo. :-) This has been the hottest dig we've had in here for a while! It's great to see the whole community working together.

SearchVoatBot ago

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@Vindicator @gamepwn @ASolo @New4now @3141592653


This roster of membership is from the 1960-61 Annual Report of the CFR.

Non-Resident Members

Lawrence E. Laybourne


Everett Laybourne is Lawrence's brother/Kit's Uncle

Laybourne, Everett Broadstone (94) A prominent member of the California bar for the last seven decades, died December 25, 2005, at his Bel-Air home. The cause of death was heart failure. Mr. Laybourne was born in Springfield, Ohio, on October 26, 1911. A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Ohio State University in 1932 majoring in English, he received his law degree from Harvard Law School in 1935, and was admitted to the California bar a year later. His corporate law practice evolved through a succession of law firms, starting with Macdonald, Schultheis & Pettit in the late 1930's and continuing on to Macdonald, Halsted & Laybourne in the late 1960's. Mr. Laybourne was a senior partner there when the firm merged with Baker McKenzie in 1988. He later had an office at Morrison & Foerster, until 2004.

During World War II, Mr. Laybourne served in the United States Navy and saw action in the South Pacific while serving on the staff of the commander of a squadron of attack transports. He was honorably discharged in 1946 as a Lieutenant. At various times during his long legal career, Mr. Laybourne represented the California Energy Commission, the National Gypsum Company, Teleprompter Corporation, Federal Signal Corporation, and Viking Industries, Inc. On behalf of Hughes Aircraft Company, he negotiated commercial transactions in Japan, Venezuela, and the United Kingdom, as well as a Lend-Lease settlement with the USSR.

He actively supported WAIF, Incorporated, a charitable organization founded by actress Jane Russell in 1954 to facilitate the adoption of homeless children from war-ravaged areas in Eastern Asia and elsewhere who were disadvantaged by physical or other disabilities. WAIF arranged for the adoption of over 38,000 children during this time. He served as National Chairman and was a member of the Board for over 40 years. He helped organize various WAIF charity balls, attended by various members of international royalty, including the Queen of Greece, the Queen of Spain, Princess Margaret of Great Britain and Lord Snowdon, the Queen of Denmark, and the King and Queen of Thailand.

He was a member of the California Club, the Bel Air Country Club, the Los Angeles World Affairs Council, and the Los Angeles Town Hall. He was a member of the Board of Directors and Vice President of The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation. He was a member of Beta Theta Pi social fraternity, a founder and President of the Roscomare Valley Association, and a senior warden of St. Alban's Episcopal Church, in Westwood. He was the recipient of a Los Angeles City Counsel Award for community service. He was honored by Ohio State University with an Alumni Centennial Award in 1970, an Alumni Citizenship Award in 1988, and the Humanities Alumni Award of Distinction in 1999. Mr. Laybourne married Dorrise Barclay in 1936. She died in 1973. On July 31, 1974, he married Ottilie Kruger, who predeceased him in May, 2005. He was an active supporter of Nine O'Clock Players, a theatre group in which she was acted. He is survived by his three daughters and their husbands, Gaye and David Ribble, Deedee and George Ball, and Debbie Jean and Scott Miller, and by two grandchildren, Sarah Balkin and Sam Balkin.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Good morning. When you want to ping someone you must include it in your original comment, if you try to edit the pings in, they won't notify the users.

You can ping up to five users per comment, five in the body of your submissions (again, do not edit in).

I am assuming that you edited both my and @Vindicator's names in, so now he is pinged. :-)


Thank you SWMBO :)

SearchVoatBot ago

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Vindicator ago




@vindicator @think- @carmencita @shewhomustbeobeyed @asolo @argosciv

....LAYBOURNE's are DEEPSTATE CIA & Unitarian Universalists...check out the genealogy

Kit Laybourne's real name is Lawrence C.N. Laybourne

Miss Geraldine Ann Bond and Lawrence C. N. Laybourne were married June 28 at the First Unitarian Church, Plainfield, N. Y. The cere-, mony was performed by the Rev. Frank Cayce of Louisville, KY, assisted by the Rev. Raymond Baughan. minister of the Plainfield NY church.

A reception was held following the service at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paterson Bond, in Martinsville N. J., The bride, who was graduated from Vassar College last year, is the granddaughter of Charles G. Bond, chairman of the New York City Alcoholic Beverage Control Board and a former United States Representative from Brooklyn. Her father is manager of the Plainfield brokerage office of Halle & Stieglitz. Mr. Laybourne is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Laybourne of Bronxville. His father is international editor of Time-Life Books in New York.

Kit's son's name is also Lawrence, even though he goes by "Sam". He was married by Geraldine Laybourne's sister (Unitarian-Universalist) Deborah Bond-Upson

Check out Lawrence E. Laybourne's Declassified shilling for the CIA in the 1940's as Editor of Time-Life

Lawrence E Laybourne's Obit:

Lawrence E. Laybourne, who retired last year as Time magazine's director of corporate affairs in Washington, died of cancer yesterday at his home there. He was 62 years old.

Mr. Laybourne started his journalistic career in 1934 as a reporter on The St. Louis PostDispatch. Ten years later, he joined Time as its first staff correspondent in Canada, with headquarters at Ottawa. In 1946, he was Washington news editor. He transferred here in 1949 to head Time's domestic news service.

In 1957, he went back to Canada to become managing director of Time International of Canada Ltd. He was appointed assistant publisher in 1962 and, five years later, went to Tokyo as managing director of TimeLife International in Asia.

Two years later, he was appointed international editor of Time‐Life Books, then assumed his last post in 1970.


I can't say if this is a valid connection, but Lawrence E. Laybourne is cited regarding the 1950's NY adoption scheme (i've previously written about it being a CIA operation involving AHEPA)


@vindicator @shewhomustbeobeyed

further info on Lawrence E. Laybourne:

L. E. Laybourne Dies; Was Magazine Editor: Asia managing editor of Time-Life International, with headquarters in Tokyo, in 1967. He became international editor of Time-Life books in 1969. Surviving are his wife, the former Dorothy Nesbit of St. Louis, who lives in Washington; a son, Lawrence C. N. Laybourne, and daughter, Anne Kendall, both of New York; a daughter, Lucinda Ryley, of Kingston, Ont.. Canada, and a brother, Everett', of Los Angeles. - There will be a memorial service Saturday at St. Al-ban's Church, Massachusetts and Wisconsin avenues N.W., Washington. Burial will be private, in Ohio. Memorial contributions can be sent to the Laybourne Fund, Smithsonian Institution, Lawrence E. Laybourne, a former Post-Dispatch reporter who had a 30-year career with Time magazine, died of cancer yesterday at his home in Washington. After his retirement from Time in 1975, Laybourne was *co-ordinator of membership and development at the Smithsonian Institution. He worked as a reporter on the Post-Dispatch in 1934, and joined Time 10 years later as its first staff correspondent in Canada, based in Ottawa. In 1946, he became Time's Washington news editor, moving to New York headquarters in 1949 to head the company's domestic news service. He returned to Canada in 1957 to head U.S. -Canadian correspondents for Time and Life. He was appointed assistant publisher"! Time in 1962

Vindicator ago

I seem to recall when my kids were younger their elementary schools used a Time-Life "news" and "current events" indoctrination pamphlet in classrooms. It was loaded with globalist spin like global warming. I used it to teach them about propaganda. Can't remember what it was called, and my Googling only turned up Scholastic News.

@srayzie, did your kids get anything like this at school? Do you remember one associated with Time Magazine?


Did you ever remember the publication?

Re: "current events" indoctrination, Gerry Laybourne was on the board of a "news programme" that was sponsored by corporate ads and broadcast daily in US public schools. This is after she created Nick News w/ Linda Ellerbee for the same indoctrination purposes.

"Channel One News"

What's especially interesting, is Kit and Gerry Laybourne are both listed as "Opportunity Agenda" "Creative Change Alumni" (sounds progressive as hell)

Gerry was involved in 2009 re Channel 1, and Kit was inducted in 2009 for work w/ "The New School for Social Research"

Vindicator ago

No, and my kids didn't either. @Srayzie, did any of your kids?

srayzie ago

No I don’t remember anything like that.

srayzie ago

I asked. My son said that they make them do current events and stuff, but couldn’t remember that specifically. I will ask another one of my kids tonight when they get back from church.


I remember Time published Highlights for children

You may be remembering national geographic 4 kids?

Vindicator ago

It was a little newsprint full-color thing, not a full-blown glossy magazine. Disposable.

Vindicator ago

Well I'll be damned. They reeked of Deep State before this, but this pretty much wraps it up and puts a bow on it.


@argosciv @shewhomustbeobeyed @carmencita @newfornow @asolo

Literal descendants of the original CIA-Corporate propaganda machine. Check out Geraldine Bond's (Laybourne's) mom:

Gwendolyn Stenehjem Bond

Gwendolyn Stenehjem Bond, 84, of Somerset died at home March 31 of complications following a stroke.

Born on a farm in North Dakota, Mrs. Bond graduated from North Dakota State University and became a drama teacher for the University of Wisconsin. She drove throughout the Midwest, and started local theater groups in farm communities. [community organizer]

She came to Washington, D.C. during World War II, and met and married Paterson Bond, a Navy officer making the North Atlantic run between the United States and England. They married in 1945 in the chapel at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

She worked in Washington, D.C. at WTOP during the war, writing, producing and broadcasting the CBS Radio program "Country Journal."

After the war, they moved to New Jersey, where she raised their four children and served as chairman of the Board of Vocational Education for Somerset County and, later, with the Middlesex County College's Division of Community Services.

After her husband died in 1990, Mrs. Bond moved to Somerset where she lived until her death. She was a resident of Somerset and was active in the political campaigns of candidates for the Somerset Town Council. She was also an avid supporter of the drama program at Somerset Elementary School.

She is survived by her four children, Ellnor Martin of Chevy Chase, Geraldine Laybourne of New York City, Deborah Bond-Upson of Kentfield, Calif., and Charles Bond of Larkspur, Calif.; 12 grandchildren and one great-grandson.

A memorial service will be held Saturday, April 21, at 5 p.m. at All Souls Unitarian Church in Washington, D.C.


@argosciv @shewhomustbeobeyed @carmencita @newfornow @asolo

Better Obituary for Geraldine Laybourne's Mom. PROPOGANDIST & CHILD WELFARE WORKER


Former social worker, died on April 18, 2005 at age 92 after a stroke at her home at Collington, in Mitchellville, MD. Mrs. Brickhouse was born on April 17, 1913 in Martin's Ferry, OH and grew up in Springfield, OH and St. Louis, MO, where her father was a Presbyterian minister. She graduated from The John Burroughs School in St. Louis in 1930, attended Western College for Women in Oxford, OH, for two years and then attended Washington University in St. Louis, graduating from the George Warren Brown School of Social Work in 1934.

She worked as a social worker in St. Louis for two years and then married Lawrence E. Laybourne on May 30, 1937. She lived with her husband in St. Louis for eight years, while he worked as a reporter for the St. Louis Dispatch. In 1943, he went to work for Time, Inc. and the couple moved to Ottawa, where he opened the first Canadian office for Time. They lived in a number of places around the world after that, on various assignments for the magazine, including Washington, D.C., Scarsdale, NY, Toronto, Canada, Pound Ridge, NY, Tokyo, Japan, Bronxville, NY, and Washington, D.C. for a second time in 1970.

Mrs. Laybourne did a great deal of volunteer work for a variety of social welfare agencies in the various places she lived, including work for the American Red Cross, the International Student House in Washing ton, D.C., the Ontario Welfare Counsel, a school for autistic children in Toronto, a leprosarium in Tokyo, Recordings for the Blind and the Volunteer Clearing House.

Mr. Laybourne died on February 12, 1976. The couple had three children, Cindy (1938), Kit (1943) and Anne (1946).

Mrs Laybourne met Gregory Brickhouse, a widower, on a trip to Antartica in January, 1981 and the couple married on May 15, 1982. He died on July 7, 1988.

She is survived by her three children, Cindy Ryley of Ottowa Canada, Kit Laybourne of New York City and Dr. Anne Kendall of Washington, D.C.; seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild. A private memorial service was held on April 22, 2005. Donations in Mrs. Brickhouse's memory may be made to The American Red Cross, In Memory of Dorothy Brickhouse, 8550 Arlington Boulevard, Fairfax, VA 22031.

Published in The Washington Post on May 5, 2005


Kit Laybourne's sister Dr. Anne Kendal is a child psychotherapist

Dr. Anne Kendall received her B.A. from Sarah Lawrence College and then earned a Master of Arts in Teaching from Wesleyan University. After teaching history in high school and middle school for 7 years, she realized she was more interested in how students learn than what they learn. She received a Ph.D. in School Psychology from the University of Maryland. Dr. Kendall worked at The Kingsbury Center before starting this practice in 1990 with Dr. Wake. Since then she has focused on treatment of children, adolescents and adults. Her approach to therapy follows a cognitive and behavioral therapy orientation. Often family work is a part of her intervention. She is very interested in learning issues as well as emotional concerns, and works closely with schools to help children and adolescents. She has consulted with many area schools and presented training workshops on a variety of subjects: how to deal with children with anxiety and depression; how findings from neuropsychology give guidance into what teaching strategies work best; understanding learning differences and exploring what strategies can help. In addition to individual therapy, Dr. Kendall enjoys working with couples where she follows an Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT) approach. She has also taught child development and abnormal behavior at American University, The Washington School of Psychiatry and the Jewish Social Services Association. Currently Dr. Kendall is a member of the Dialectical Behavior Therapy team at Wake Kendall and has presented the DBT program in many settings. She is the coauthor with Georgia DeGangi of Effective Parenting for the Hard-to-Manage Child, which was published by Routledge Press in 2008. She frequently works with parents on managing difficult children and has lectured on parenting techniques.

MagaBeliever2020 ago

New contributor to Voat. Professional digger with access to intel. My links are archived. I'm @magabeliever20

Geraldine Bond Laybourne DOB May 19, 1947.- Heavily connected with

  • TRUSTEE AB, MS; Rhinecliff, New York

Geraldine Bond Laybourne has served on the Vassar Board of Trustees since 1997 (except for 2009/2010). She served as the president of the Alumnae/i Association of Vassar College (AAVC) from 2010-14 and recently she was co-Chair of the Vassar Presidential Search Committee.

Ms. Laybourne earned an AB degree in art history from Vassar College in 1969 and an MS degree in elementary education from the University of Pennsylvania. A pioneer in creating innovative and high-quality television programming for children, Ms. Laybourne lead the team that created Nickelodeon and Nick at Nite in the 1980’s and 90’s. She was President of Disney/ABC Cable Networks from 1996-1998. She is an entrepreneur who co-founded Oxygen Media and Katapult Studios. Ms. Laybourne has been singled out for her many contributions to the industry. She was ranked No. 1 among the 50 most influential women in the entertainment industry by The Hollywood Reporter in 1996 and named one of the 25 most influential people in America by Time magazine that same year. Ms. Laybourne sits on the boards of Symantec; Betaworks, a technology incubator; 9 Story, an animation company and Vital Voices.

  • Next dig - *BY LARRY HERTZ - link at bottom of article, highlighted VERY DISTURBING. Found this on

Recently, TV producer and educator Kit Laybourne** was lying on his back, head first, on a staircase inside Vassar’s New England Hall, surrounded by a group of grinning middle school students.

It was “selfie” day at Vassar’s Digital Literacy Camp, a two-week experience for Poughkeepsie Middle School students who are learning how to maximize the potential of the smartphones most of them carry with them every day.

Posing for some goofy “selfies” was part of the day’s activities, and Kit Laybourne was an enthusiastic participant.

“Statistics show kids are watching screens for the better part of nine hours every day,” he said, “but they’re only doing creative stuff about 3 percent of the time. We want to show them there’s a better way to use these incredibly powerful devices.”

Thirteen-year-old Jameel Richardson said he was having a lot of fun experimenting with self-portraits. “Definitely, selfies can be art,” he said.

Laybourne, husband of Vassar Trustee Geraldine Laybourne ’69, is part of a team that also includes Vassar students, faculty and alums who hatched the idea for the camp this spring**.

KIT took part in a spring semester class at Vassar on teens’ use of smartphones taught by Sociology Prof. William Hoynes and Psychological Science Prof. Abigail Baird. Vassar alum Mary Ellen Iatropoulos ’05, director of experience at Art Effect,**** a Poughkeepsie-based arts and media organization, also attended the class and worked with Laybourne and the students and faculty from the class to develop a curriculum for the camp. (Anytime I hear the word "camp" ...)

**Geraldines Known Associates - **

  • . Marlon Lawe

  • . Kavi Reddy

  • . Bob Mittenthal

  • . Chantal Taly Russell

  • . Marla Hamburg Kennedy

  • . Peter Schuyten

  • . Rob Glaser

  • . Les Haber

  • . Steve Kerper

  • . Denise Shapiro

  • . Martha Mccully

  • . Sally Kohn

  • . Mitzi Phung

  • . Linda Kahn

  • . Catherine Ross

Her Social Networks** -

The New York Times

Peanut Butter & Co

North Dakota Horizons magazine

Norma Kamali Collection

How Remarkable Women Lead

Captain CB Sully Sullenberger

Arianna Huffington

Seth Godin


Stick Stickly



Burma: It Can't Wait

The Daily Show


The Rachael Ray Show

Spirit Jump

Vital Voices



Oxygen Media

Employment History** - Nickelodeon President - Jan. 1, 1980 - Dec. 31, 1996

Viacom President Nickelodeon - Jan. 1, 1980 - Dec. 31, 1995

Oxygen Media Chairman CEO - Jan. 1, 1998 - Dec. 31, 2007

Electronic Arts Director - Jan. 1, 2008 - Dec. 31, 2012

JCPenney Director - Jan. 1, 2009 - Dec. 31, 2013 (This one threw me. Hmmm.. Not congruent with her background)

Alloy Media + Marketing, Board Of Trustees At Vassar College, Director At JCPenney, Director At Symantec (Entertainment) Chairman OF THE Board - Jan. 1, 2010 - Mar. 1, 2015

Defy Media Chairman - Jan. 1, 2013 - Mar. 1, 2015

Insight Communications Company, Inc. (Cable Television Services) Board Member

Forbes Inc. (Management Investment, Open-End) Chief Executive Officer

Insight Communications Company, Inc. (Cable Television Services) Chief Executive Officer

INSIGHT COMMUNICATIONS CO INC (Television-Cable & Catv) Head OF Media Technology

Symantec Director

Insight Communications Company, Inc. (Cable Television Services) Head OF Media Technology

Insight Communications Company, Inc. (Cable Television Services) Head Broadcasting

Insight Communications Board Member

INSIGHT COMMUNICATIONS CO INC (Television-Cable & Catv) Board Member

Vassar College Board OF Trustees

Insight Communications Company Inc Board Member

**The Walt Disney Company Vice President ****(WOW)

INSIGHT COMMUNICATIONS CO INC (Television-Cable & Catv) Head Broadcasting Electronic Arts Inc. (Software/Internet: Games And Gaming, Software /Internet Other) Independent Director Insight Communications Head Broadcasting Oxygen Media Corporation (Equipment And Vehicle Finance Leasing Companies) Chairman Founder And Chief Executive Officer

Insight Communications Head OF Media Technology

Oxygen Media, Inc. Chief Executive Officer


Oxygen Media (Radio And Television Repair Shops) Ceo

Vindicator ago

Welcome aboard MagaBeliever :-) Nice entrance!

MagaBeliever2020 ago

Hey thanks abunch! BOOM :)


I just found Kit Laybourne's RESUME!! Additional connections @argosciv @vindicator @shewhomustbeobeyed @Carmencita @newfornow

New School for Social Research - Faculty Member, M.A. Program in Media Studies: Designed & taught: Foundations of Media Design, Independent Animation (grant from NEA), Curriculum Design in Media Studies, Media & Children, Understanding Television, Video Production, Independent Production -- 1974-78.

Center for Understanding Media - Dir of Research & Publications: Chief investigator in Ford Foundation funded model program in Mamaroneck NY Schools. Outcome was an integrated K-6 Media Studies curriculum that was subsequently published by McGraw-Hill -- 1971-73

MEDIA PROBES: Executive Producer & Director: A series of 8, half-hour programs exploring the impact of various media forms. independently produced for PBS's 1982 Core Schedule with funding by CPB, PBS, Ford, Sloan and Rockefeller Foundations, and National Endowment for the Arts • Alfred I. DuPont-Columbia Journalism Citation & multiple Blue Ribbons at American Film Festival

The China Forum on the Social Education of Youngsters – Beijing 9/05 – “Youth’s Love Affair with Media”

Vindicator ago

Can I ask a question, Nomo? How are you finding all this stuff? Maybe you can give some pointers to all the rest of diggers. You seem to have an uncanny knack for turning over treasure in every shovelful.

new4now ago

Another good way to use Google is to hit images on bar

All the pics have articles

I have found some good stuff using images

Vindicator ago

Yep, me too!


A couple of things, I've been stewing on some of this Nick stuff for a while. I considered it all smoke and not worthy of posting until I could make a more compelling presentation. So my earliest comments on this post were my archived stuff.

Beyond cataloguing info, my strategy search strategy is brute force (like cracking a numerical password)

1-1-1 "geffen" + "spielberg" + "kit laybourne"

1-1-2 "geffen" + "spielberg" + "Gerry laybourne"

1-1-3 "geffen" + "spielberg" + "geraldine laybourne"

I consistently cross search people against previous pgate suspects and keywords. I try to do searches in multiple engines if I'm not getting suspected results. I switch up platforms and purchase a new burner device every few months. I've found search results display differently depending on device/os/browser, even when using the same engine.

More recently I've been trying to trace lineages as I suspect abuse is intergenerational. Following the family tree of a suspect is very helpful.

A lot of it is probably intuition and early research experience from debate clubs.

BTW, i get more results through Google than any other engine. It's censored, but dumbly. (By keyword) If you switch up words and think laterally, you can usually work around it.

letsdothis3 ago

i get more results through Google than any other engine. It's censored, but dumbly.

Agree. Lol.

new4now ago

Using Google images is another goodie

A lot of pics come with stories that won't come up in search

letsdothis3 ago

Yes. I use that all the time.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/SWMBO comment by @shewhomustbeobeyed.

Posted automatically (#26629) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Vindicator ago

I've found search results display differently depending on device/os/browser, even when using the same engine.

Well that's interesting!

More recently I've been trying to trace lineages as I suspect abuse is intergenerational. Following the family tree of a suspect is very helpful.

Yes. We need to do that with Djurdjevick!

BTW, i get more results through Google than any other engine. It's censored, but dumbly. (By keyword) If you switch up words and think laterally, you can usually work around it.

Yes, I find that is true myself.

I also have begun going to and and searching. It usually turns up /pol/ threads that are relevant that don't come up on Google.



Who? I'm a bit out of the loop/working a lot. I need a catch-up link.

I also have begun going to and and searching. It usually turns up /pol/ threads that are relevant that don't come up on Google.

Excellent tip. Thank you.

Have we ever had a meta post on internet security/privacy?

Vindicator ago

Yes. I believe there is a link in the sidebar. There have been a number posted over the years, to, which should be findable via SearchVoat.

new4now ago

Geraldine and Meryl Streep

Oxygen Media co-founder Geraldine Laybourne has known Streep since she was 18. “She was so funny, and so smart,” Laybourne said. “She was already talented, we already knew, we watched her in plays, and she had talent. But she didn’t always have dates. And that was a very interesting thing, because I also didn’t always have dates, and we would watch her friends—I don’t know what was so great about her friends—but they seemed to always have dates. But we would just watch out the window as they would take off on their dates, and we’d howl and laugh and have fun.”

Laybourne added that Streep is a great trustee of Vassar, which two of her daughters also attended. “She is an eloquent spokesperson for liberal arts education, and just as good a human being as you could imagine.”

argosciv ago

Paste link in red-bordered box, click save, wait, grab url from address bar of browser if the archive works(some sites don't support).

new4now ago


argosciv ago

Geraldine Laybourne: Other Work

Links herein are via where possible

From ("Gerry") Geraldine Laybourne wiki:

Laybourne sits on the Symantec Board,[7] Betaworks, and 9 Story, a Canadian production and distribution company. She serves as Chairman of the Board of Alloy Inc. and Katapult. Previously, she served on the boards of JC Penney, Electronic Arts,, Defy Media, and Kindercare.

Laybourne has been on the Board of Vassar College (since 1998). She is an advisor to Springboard, Vital Voices and Acumen Fund. Laybourne sat on the boards or advisory committees of The National Cable & Telecommunications Association, The National Council for Families and Television, New York Women in Film & Television (Advisory Board), and Cable Positive (Honorary Chair), and The White House Project.

Laybourne started the mentoring program, Global Women's Mentoring Walks, which pairs established and emerging women professionals to engage in mentoring partnerships in communities across the globe.[8]


Gerry was on the Board of Directors for Symantec (wiki) for approximately 9.75 years, from Jan 1, 2008 through to Sep, 2018.


Gerry joined the Board at Betaworks (wiki) on, between or around Feb 1st - 5th, 2014. She appears to still be a member.

Gerry is a serial entrepreneur in media and technology. Currently she is the Chairman and Co-Founder of Kandu, a technology company for kids.


I haven't determined when Kandu was founded or if Gerry is still involved, but, this March 31, 2014 article contains some pertinent info and a mention of Gerry being a co-founder and that it is funded in-part by Betaworks.


Kandu helps kids learn to code, but don't call it an education app

What makes Kandu, an until-now stealth iPad app funded by Betaworks and operating in closed beta, different is that its makers don't want you to think of it as an education app. With a team that includes an ex-President of MTV and an ex-President at Nickelodeon, Kandu is being pushed as pure entertainment, designed to compete against YouTube videos and Angry Birds for children's precious time, not other learning apps.

Although the game doesn't teach programming languages, it does show kids the fundamentals of object-oriented programming where different classes of actions and attributes are applied to images and concepts. A blue monster might explode when it comes into contact with a octopus. Or gameplay might end after a user drags a ball into a hoop. It also teaches kids how to organize all of these actions in a clean way, promoting best coding practices before even teaching a line of code, says Kandu CEO David Bennahum.


Again though, the educational benefits of the app are secondary to the team's mission statement, which is to build a fun entertainment product tailored to children's digital tablet-friendly consumption habits that also encourages self-expression and connectivity. At Nickelodeon, Kandu co-founder Gerry Laybourne put shows like "You Can't Do That on Television" and "Double Dare" on TV, spending a great deal of time with kids and thinking about their consumption habits. Later she worked on Disney Imagineering to imagine "what an interactive world would be for kids."


"Disney didn't get it," she said, adding that the company thought porting Mickey Mouse to a website was all it took to engage kids online. But with games, TV shows, and YouTube videos all attracting kids' attention on their iPads, it takes more than talking Disney princesses to keep youngsters interested. According to Common Sense Media, 3/4 of all US children have access to a mobile device at home, and 10 percent of kids under two have used a smartphone or tablet. "They love these devices," Laybourne says. The trick is "to convert that usage into actual creation."


To determine how to make this creative "hacker"-style of building fun, they recruited young testers from anywhere they could, including public schools, nonprofits like Girls Who Code, and the team's own family and friends. Board member Sara Levinson, ex-President of MTV, says she was riding in a cab one day and recruited the driver's child to be part of the test group.


So far, Kandu has raised a $2.4 million seed round led by Betaworks. Other investors include ex-Discovery president and former Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Judith McHale and Akamai chairman George Conrades. It's also in early talks to possibly raise a Series A round.


Gerry is a Co-Founder and Chairman of Katapult. Betaworks is among the investors. Katapult is the current iteration of the previously discussed Kandu.


Operator of a digital entertainment platform designed to develop and create games. The company's platform offers sandbox game where one can create life block by block, enabling users to create online games and applications without knowing how to code in an enhanced way.

Formerly Known As


9 Story Media Group

Gerry joined the Board of Directors of 9 Story Media Group (wiki) on or around Nov 10, 2015. She appears to still be a member.

Laybourne’s appointment follows 9 Story’s recent acquisition of the award winning studio Brown Bag Films and is part of the company’s strategy to become a first choice destination for creators and show runners.

Laybourne has made an investment in the private equity fund headed by her longtime business associate and media investor Strauss Zelnick that controls 9 Story. Laybourne is set to play an active role in guiding the company’s expansion of its TV programming and digital endeavors.

Alloy Inc. / Defy Media

Alloy Inc. is a predecessor/parent to Defy Media (wiki). Gerry has been a member of the Board for both entities, from at least June 25, 2010. She appears to still be involved, though may not be - verification required.


Alloy, Inc.

Alloy, Inc. (also known as Alloy Online) was founded in 1996 by James K. Johnson and Matthew Diamond as a holding company for Alloy, a teen-oriented magazine and website. By the time the company went public in May 1999, the website earned $15.5 million in monthly revenue and 1.3 million registered users. In January 2000, they purchased book publisher 17th Street Productions, renaming it Alloy Entertainment.[10]

Alloy's additional early assets included Delia's (acquired 2003, spun-off in 2005), (acquired 2000, sold to Foot Locker in 2008), and Channel One News (acquired 2007, sold to Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in 2014).[11]

Alloy Digital

In 2009, Alloy created a division called Alloy Digital Networks to hold its online properties.

Alloy was then made private through acquisition by an investment group led by Zelnick Media Capital in 2010, and was re-incorporated as Alloy Digital in 2011. Within the next two years, Alloy Digital acquired Smosh,[12] Themis Media (parent company of The Escapist and WarCry Network),[13] Generate LA-NY, and Clevver Media.[14] Zelnick also sold Alloy Entertainment to Warner Bros. Television in 2012.

Merger and investment

In October 2013, Alloy Digital and Break Media merged to become Defy Media. The deal was brokered by RBC Capital Markets, and the resulting entity was owned in part by Zelnick Media, ABS Capital Partners, and Lionsgate.[15]

Viacom purchased a stake of Defy Media in 2014, in exchange for ownership of GameTrailers, Addicting Games, and Shockwave.[16] In 2016, Defy settled a $70MM investment by Wellington Management Company, and Zelnick Media exited from investment in 2017.

Gerry joined the Board of Directors for Move, Inc.(Owner of (wiki) on or around June 27, 2006 and, according to Bloomberg, left on Dec 31, 2010 (See bottom for profile - much more info available; READ).


Between 1990 and 1995, Gerry served on the Board of Directors of Kinder Care Learning Centers, owned by KinderCare (wiki).

Geraldine B. Laybourne Bloomberg Profile



@NOMOCHOMO @darkknight111 @new4now @3141592653 @gamepwn

3141592653 ago

Thanks for the ping!

new4now ago

Its 43-year-old CEO, Matt Diamond, is one of the most influential executives in youth and pop culture marketing.

Alloy, since the late 1990s, has perhaps exerted more influence over the minds of American teenagers (and girls in particular) than any other commercial entity.

things it's created: the TV shows Gossip Girl and Vampire Diaries, the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants novels turned movies, and books like "The A-List," "Private," "The Clique."

Alloy's acquisition by Zelnick Media in 2010 (which put Geraldine Laybourne on Alloy's board) and his plans to find the next Pretty Little Liars-another TV show that came out of Alloy.

The company's current media brands include Channel One, the school TV program provider;;; Takkle (for high school sports); and


KinderCare sounds troubling

I also found this: Geraldine Laybourne is part of the "Dad's and Daughter's foundation" as part of the "See Jane" Initiative

PDF warning the founder claims he started the foundation after seeing a billboard sexualizing young girls. Considering that's Laybourne/Nickelodeon's MO, she seems like an unlikely ally.

argosciv ago

KinderCare sounds troubling

I also found this: Geraldine Laybourne is part of the "Dad's and Daughter's foundation" as part of the "See Jane" Initiative

the founder claims he started the foundation after seeing a billboard sexualizing young girls. Considering that's Laybourne/Nickelodeon's MO, she seems like an unlikely ally.

Archived and pinpointed mention of Laybourne + others:

@Vindicator @darkknight111 @new4now @3141592653 @gamepwn

3141592653 ago

Thanks for the ping. Yeah ill never forget that creepy clip with tbe Reiner son and father


And Norman Lear is involved with dads and daughters

Norman Lear founded People for the America. Way (PFAW).

Tony podesta was the first president of the organization beginning in 86. He then left the organization to found Podesta Associates

Pfaw was founded to explicitly counter the Christian "Moral Majority"

argosciv ago

And Norman Lear is involved with dads and daughters

Norman Lear founded People for the America. Way (PFAW).


PFAW can of course be linked to Soros, too, if I recall correctly.

new4now ago

look into Democracy Alliance

for some reason I keep getting errors when trying to post links

Reiner, Soros,Lear, Emily's List also


I believe we also found a shady day care owned by rob reiner in California

argosciv ago

Really? That one must have slipped by me.

Drop a link if you find it again.


Other relevant Reiner Threads: (Original post about reiner and pedophilia) (Removed post with more Reiner Pedo threads) (al Franken "joke" about Carl Reiner raping Rob as a child

argosciv ago

Best not to link to threads from shills accusing mods of being pedos, just saying.

I'm not personally sure if Reiner is a pedo himself, though there's plenty of reason to be suspicious of him, his influence and the company he keeps.

Especially given that his Children's Center is in Riverside County, CA.



Broken clocks broski. But just to clarify, I'm not accusing @vindicator of anything

Totally agree re: Reiner. But I'd say the same about James Gunn and Dan Harmon. Smoke but no fire (yet)

Vindicator ago

No worries. I give no shits what shills, trolls or even angry users call me. Wouldn't be here still if I weren't willing to be the Designated Asshole when needed. :-) I know some people wig out over removals. Comes with the territory.

Also, as long as a deleted submission isn't blatant disinfo, I've got no problems with linked to it.


argosciv ago

Eugh, sucks that it was posted by a shill.

Here's the location, viewed via google maps, screenshoted:

LMFAO!!! It's in fucking Riverside County!

Oh that is priceless.

@Vindicator @srayzie @Shizy @MolochHunter @darkknight111


Boy. I don't like that railroad depot being right next to it.

Transportation mechanism?

argosciv ago

Eugh, sucks that it was posted by a shill.

Here's the location, viewed via google maps, screenshoted:

LMFAO!!! It's in fucking Riverside County!

Oh that is priceless.

argosciv ago

@srayzie @Shizy @MolochHunter @shewhomustbeobeyed (see parent: Geraldine B. Laybourne's other work)

carmencita ago

WEDDINGS; Emmy Laybourne, Gregory Podunovich

The bridegroom, 28, is an independent video editor in West Hollywood, Calif. He graduated from Fort Lewis College in Durango, Colo. His mother is a regional vice president for field operations in the Colorado Springs office of the American Cancer Society. The bridegroom's father and stepmother, Maggie D. Podunovich, are sales representatives for manufacturers of orthopedic rehabilitation equipment. The bridegroom is also the stepson of William J. Gust, a project engineer in the Colorado Springs office of the Army Corps of Engineers.

Maggie -

My husband Bob and I started New Tech Medical in 1982. We are independent manufacturers Reps in medical sales. At one time we covered nine western states but now Bob is semi-retired and covers Colorado Springs and surrounding areas. I am currently working hard at selling my book.

American Cancer Society orthopedic rehabilitation equipment and the Army Corps of Engineers

za-throwaway ago

Geraldine Laybourne appears in Podesta emails, for a group call with HRC, John Podesta and others:

Vindicator ago

Nice catch!

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/8chan comment by @17161641.

Posted automatically (#26335) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

3141592653 ago

Thanks for the ping. Will look into this. Good work.

think- ago

An interesting project would be to go through all entries in Epstein's Black Book, and check

1) whether the person in question has been discussed on v/pizzagate, and do a list of all submissions found


2) google all names (i.e. put all names in different search engines), and keywords like 'sexual abuse', 'rape' and 'trafficking'.


That's a good idea. It might even be a good meta post: (ie: How do pizzagaters do Research?)

A. Which Search engines have we found effective/useful: Google, vs, yandex, vs bing, vs paid tools like questia/Lexis-Nexis, newspaper archives, etc

B. Lists of keywords to pair with relevant search terms "molest", "abuse", "incestuous", "arrested", etc

C. Organizational tools (brain-maps, filing systems, and strategies for safe archivals.

Vindicator ago

Yep. And the flight manifests as well!


Check out the edit to my main comment.

Laybourne produced and directed a sexual education film.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

ewetoob -

wiki - and and and and and and and and and and and and and

images - and and and and

theguardian -

latimes -

nytimes - and and

whistlesports -

mediapost -

freerepublic -

iconichouses -

nyfluteclub -

nursing -

legacy -

imdb -

usps -

nndb - and

wearesoze -

politicalpartytime -

twit - and

webstagram - and and

instagram - and and and

cnn -

8ch -

edge -

myspace -

observer -

latimes - and

mediavillage -

cspan -

datalounge -

Vindicator ago

We're going to wear you out!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

We're going to wear you out!

Y'all have succeeded. I very much need a hand massage now.

Vindicator ago

InB4 Donkey makes a lewd reply

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Fuck him. Lewd enough?

argosciv ago

This dig has been an amazing collaborative effort, I must say.

Props to all contributors, even those I've had disagreements with in the past. Credit to all where due :)


Gerry Laybourne was a part of Bill Clinton's hearings on "children's tv"

(According to DataLounge, Gerry Laybourne and Linda Ellerbee may have been lesbian lovers.)


@argosciv @vindicator

Tom Steyer's brother James Steyer is a "child advocate" and founder of "Common Sense Media". He testified in Clinton's Child TV forum alongside laybourne and cosby

Common Sense media is a children's media corporate sponsored gatekeeper

Common Sense Media Board of Directors

Rich Barton, Chairman and CEO,

Marcy Carsey, Founding Partner, Carsey-Werner Productions

Chelsea Clinton, Columbia University

James Coulter, Founding Partner, TPG

Geoffrey Cowan, University Professor, The Annenberg School for Communication at USC

April Delaney, President, Delaney Family Fund

John H.N. Fisher, Managing Director, Draper Fisher Jurvetson

Lycia Carmody Fried, Community Volunteer

Thomas J. Holland, Partner, Bain & Company, Inc

Gary E. Knell, President and CEO, Sesame Workshop

Robert L. Miller, President and CEO, Miller Publishing Group

William S. Price, III (Chair), President, Classic Wines, LLC

Jesse Rogers, Managing Director, Golden Gate Capital

Susan F. Sachs, Partner, Establishment Capital Partners

James P. Steyer, Founder and CEO, Common Sense Media

Gene Sykes, Managing Director, Goldman, Sachs & Co.

Todor Tashev, Director, Omidyar Network

Deborah Taylor Tate, Former FCC Commissioner

Michael Tollin, Founding Partner, Tollin Productions

Eugene Washington, MD, Dean, UCLA Medical School

Lawrence Wilkinson (Vice Chair), Co-Founder, Oxygen Media

letsdothis3 ago

James Steyer and the walnut sauce email to Podesta

His Common Sense Media organisation works in partnership with - which I think is a CIA organisation

And they are closely connected to the whole Polaris, NCMEC child tracking system : The Polaris Project: Technologies and Statistics by State

Nancy Pelosi was an early investor in Salesforce.

And I think I might have found a connection between Polaris and NASA. Got to check that one out.


@vindicator @shewhomustbeobeyed @carmencita @asolo I have been aware of this for some time, and have been fleshing out some research. If you know my alt on CDAN, i did a lot of research on the history of nickelodeon.

there is a lot of smoke surrounding the laybourne family: She is an education psychologist, He is an animator. Together they are a perfect team for designing indoctrinating children's tv

A. 2002 Monterey California "Billionaires Dinner". This is the reason Kit and Gerry flew on Epstein's plane. Both were guests/Epstein flew them to Monterey.

Photo Proof: ( (Note Rupert Murdoch, Jeff Bezos, Stephen Pinker, etc) Gerry is not featured in the photo on epstein's plane, but is in another photo at the dinner

B. Gerry Laybourne is the reason Nickelodeon gave Dan Schneider a show. When his show tested poorly, Laybourne picked it up anyway.

Dan Schneider: I didn't have any big expectations for All That because, at the time, I knew almost nothing about the world of kids TV. Creating All That was a ton of fun and I gave it my best because I wanted it to be good and successful. But I just considered it a temp job. I was an actor. I never thought becoming a writer/producer would turn into a full-time thing for me.

Anyways, after we made the All That pilot, about six months went by and I didn't hear much of anything from Brian or the network. At some point, I called Brian and asked him if the network was planning to pick up the show. He wasn't sure. Then I heard that the pilot "hadn't tested great." You see, whenever you make a new TV pilot, the network tests the show with focus groups. So, for All That, they got a bunch of kids—boys, girls, different age groups—and they let them watch the show, and then moderators ask them questions, sort of like a group review. I actually still have the results from those tests. Basically, the people who ran the testing wrote a report—a summary—and they said that while kids might like some aspects of the show, overall, kids wouldn't like All That. I think that's why nothing happened for six months. The pilot only tested "so-so,” so the network was nervous about picking it up.

Then, if I recall correctly, I heard that the president of Nickelodeon (at the time), a woman named Geraldine Laybourne, watched the All That pilot and loved it. She said something like, "This show is great. Why haven't we picked this up yet? Let's make it." Next thing I knew, we were back in Orlando, where we'd shot the pilot, and we were making a bunch of episodes of All That. It was a blast. I loved every minute of it.

C. Gerry and Kit applauded their children's "comical" celebration of incest:

Emmy Laybourne took the stage with her younger brother, Sam. It was a benefit night at the Kitchen for the Center for Discovery, a camp for people with severe disabilities, and the audience wasn’t the usual alternative comedy crowd, but men in suits and women in cocktail dresses. A tape started playing a schmaltzy melody, and Ms. Laybourne, dressed in a sleeveless red top and long black skirt, began to sing lyrics she’d written: “We could walk on sandy beaches,” Emmy began innocently enough. “We could backpack through Europe,” Sam responded.

Soon brother and sister were chiming in on a disturbing chorus: “But we can’t make love–because we are related! It’s taboo for me and you!” They danced lasciviously with each other, then backed off guiltily.

In the audience were the Laybournes’ mother and father–Geraldine Laybourne, the former head of Nickelodeon and now potentate of the new women’s cable and Internet channel, Oxygen, and Kit Laybourne, the former head of the Colossal Pictures animation studio who is now developing programming for Oxygen.

The little duet kept going: “I used to watch you sleeping when you were a little child,” sang Emmy. “And I thought to myself as I saw you, so weak, so defenseless–man, it would be wild!” To which Sam replied: “I used to watch you bathing when you went through puberty. And I thought to myself as I saw you emerge from the water–why can’t she be with me?”

At the end of the number, the Laybourne parents applauded loudly for Emmy’s paean to incest. What parent wouldn’t be proud?

“She was born creative,” Geraldine Laybourne said after the show. “She really didn’t have a choice. This poor kid was tortured. She and Sam used to say, ‘Please, Mom, no more TV!'”

D. The Laybournes filmed neighborhood children getting covered in slime in their basement in the 1980's....

She rearranged Nickelodeon with the force of a tornado, starting as a consultant at the network launch in 1979. After getting a master's degree in elementary education at the University of Philadelphia, she formed an independent production studio and, with her husband, Kit, an independent filmmaker, was creating pilots for the network. The following year, Laybourne joined as a programming manager and was elevated to general manager in 1986. At the time, Nickelodeon was losing $10 million a year as a commercial-free channel with the lowest ratings in cable. It was the "spinach channel," bitter tasting--but good for kids.

Guided by rigorous focus groups with children, Laybourne honed a philosophy for the network based on the mind-set that growing up is tough. But the network had little money for developing programs to help kids cope, so Laybourne bought cheap old shows and packaged them to look cool. She started accepting advertising and retooling the economics of production to make originals affordable. Game shows came first, with "Double Dare" debuting in 1986, shattering the myth that kids would only watch nimation. She produced the show with neighborhood kids in the basement of her New Jersey home.

E. Creepy line from Kit Laybourne

A sense of community is still a part of their life. At their vacation house 45 minutes outside Telluride, the Laybournes built two oversized bunk beds in the living room, with curtains that can be drawn for privacy. (Their own bed is in another room, on rollers, railroad-style, so that they can sleep under the stars on the balcony at the end of the tracks.) Kit says weekend guests love the bunk beds: "There is something lewd about adults sleeping together in one room."

This is just what I remember, I'll check some of my stuff and see if I found anything else.

carmencita ago

UpVoat! Outstanding report.

She produced the show with neighborhood kids in the basement of their New Jersey home.

WHAT? After reading about the incest skit her offspring put on we know the had and have a very loose perception of who has sex with whom. Shocking to say the least.

"There is something lewd about adults sleeping together in one room."

WHAT does that mean? She is either turned off by it or turned on by it and is into orgies, or what. Or are they into Smaller People? Their Children have a twisted sick idea about incest and age of consent so what went on in their home? A free for all possibly, like ala Clement Freud and family?

Vindicator ago

Wow! Great stuff NC! Thank you for adding this. That's pretty damning.

new4now ago

Herran Bekele and Sam Laybourne - The New York Times

Vindicator ago

Seems to always come back to pharmaceuticals, doesn't it?

new4now ago

Penn State is another


Didn't even see the Penn State connection. Good eye

judentube ago

You need to look at the big picture friendo. Epstein was a CIA / mossad operative. His whole biography is dodgy as fuck:

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @letsdothis3.

Posted automatically (#26408) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for the link, JT. The Harvard bit was the only thing I haven't seen posted here to our board in the past two years. Not much else new, though. I archived it:

letsdothis3 ago

Roughly a half-decade later, Epstein approached David R. Gergen, a Harvard Kennedy School professor

Alex Jones confronts David Gergen in New York during the 2004 Republican Convention

Confirmed Bohemian Grove member David gergen says Trump should be impeached

We have a number of pizzagate voat posts connecting Epstein to Harvard, they are in amongst this list.

darkknight111 ago

Look just to the right of Jeffery Epstein in this infograph.

Found them. They are also partners for Casey Werner. The company that produced the Cosby Show.

Vindicator ago

Interesting infograph, darkknight. Took a while to load!

They are also partners for Casey Werner. The company that produced the Cosby Show.

Really? So they're responsible for two major kids' television pedophiles? Check out Nomo's comment -- Geraldine gave Dan Schneider his big break.


Really? So they're responsible for two major kids' television pedophiles?

If we're just talking gerry/shows approved under her tenure at nick?

Child abusers:

A. Dan Schneider: all that

B. Brian Peck: all that

C. Jason M. Handy: all that

D. John Krifaclusi: Ren & Stimpy

Adult sexual abusers:

E. Chris Savino: Ren and Stimpy

F. Bill Cosby

Vindicator ago

Will someone do a separate thread on "The Perverts of Nickelodeon" with all the best links/evidence of each of them? Do you have that material handy Nomo?

I will turn it into a Twitter thread we can drop into people's timelines like a nice little pizza grenade. Telling images I can pretty up each tweet, as well as links to make a string of tweets would be awesome.

I would do it, but I'm hunkered down doing taxes for the next couple weeks. :-/

@gamepwn @darkknight111 @argosciv


Sure, that's just under laybourne's tenure, it gets worse under scanelli.

Vindicator ago

Did you archive that? We should dig up and archive their kids', too. They seem to be more likely to blab, given what @Nomochomo contributed here.


Emmy at a shady asian massage parlor....

book page about vampirism



Emmy Laybourne is involved with a Ugandan Orphanage called "new life for orphans home"


One of the most wonderful things that has happened for me this summer is that I have started supporting a small orphanage in Uganda: @newlifefororphanshome. ❤️ It is run by a kind, resourceful and devoted man, Joseph Nsereko. I recently sent them a relatively small amount of money and had the immeasurable pleasure of seeing the giant vat of chicken soup it allowed Joseph to serve them, not to mention this awesome video! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ If you are interested in helping them, please dm me or follow @newlifefororphanshome and get in touch with him directly. emmylaybourne

They are saying, “We are loved! Thank you auntie Emmy!” I am so moved.

Vindicator ago

Uganda is known for sketchy adoptions:


I was also thinking that New Life was the name of Laura Sislsby's "Orphanage"

Vindicator ago

Yep. You are right about that. I just read the Podesta email first naming it the other day.


emmylaybourne Just finished Two Boys Kissing. Beautiful. Epic. Heartrending. Inspiring (Can you tell I liked it a lot?)

Vindicator ago

some of her books heavily feature pizza

Pizza the food, or pizza as in kid sex? I read the Amazon summary of her YA series and saw that one of the kids ends up pregnant, but haven't read any of the books, or even the reviews.


havent read them either, just doing some google book searches.

Monument 14 features pizza (a restaurant) as a frequent plot point. The story involves the internet going down, a poison gas attack that differently effects genotypes, and a group of adolescents that create a post apocalyptic society.

darkknight111 ago

Found ties to the Clintons, Disney, and symantec.

argosciv ago


Oh you're fuckin' shitting me! EMILY's List?!

Enter The Soze Agency. (Give this a minute to load, to see logos for partners of TSA)

An organization which has been on my list for a very long time due to its connections to Obama, Clinton and Soros/Goldman Sachs.

^ Root of Corruption - Part 15: April MOAB: comment 1/20

I first learned about The Soze Agency when reading TSA co-founder Michael Skolnik's Wikipedia entry, which was recently scrubbed after I posted the above, for absolutely bullshit reasoning..

Too bad for bullshit artist and gatekeeper, Sarahj2107, I found an archived copy:

@Vindicator @srayzie @Shizy @MolochHunter

argosciv ago

See updated comment above for proof of connection between Elizabeth Warren, EMILY's List, Geraldine Laybourne and George Soros.

@Vindicator @srayzie @Shizy @MolochHunter @darkknight111

Vindicator ago

Interesting! So Emily's List might be one of the things Q was referring to when he said "Follow the wives." One of the founders was Anne Wexler. She gave Hillary her first job in politics, and was close friends with Hunter S. Thompson:

She managed the 1970 United States Senate campaign in Connecticut for Democrat Joseph Duffey, a Democrat who came in second to Republican Lowell P. Weicker, Jr., with incumbent Thomas J. Dodd coming in third.[1] Bill and Hillary Clinton, then students at Yale Law School, were recruited among the campaign's volunteer workers. (Mrs. Clinton, while running for President in 2008, credited Wexler with providing her first political job.)[3]

Called the "Rolodex Queen" for the number and scope of her contacts, and lauded by Washingtonian magazine as "easily the most influential female lobbyist" in the capital, she credited her success to fulfilling the lobbyist's responsibility of guiding legislators through the pros and cons of complex legislation, a process that "government officials are not comfortable making... by themselves."[1][7]

Rolling Stone magazine hired Wexler as an associate publisher in 1973, where her duties managing political reporting included overseeing the notoriously unconventional Gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson, who would sometimes stay at the Duffey-Wexler residence while in Washington, D.C.[1]

One thing jumped out at me was the name of the political action group: E-M-I-L-Y stands for "Early Money Is Like Yeast". This may be subtle Christian mocking. It reminds me of a passage from St. Paul:

1 Corinthians 5 New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

Sexual Immorality Defiles the Church

5 It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and of a kind that is not found even among pagans; for a man is living with his father’s wife. 2 And you are arrogant! Should you not rather have mourned, so that he who has done this would have been removed from among you?

3 For though absent in body, I am present in spirit; and as if present I have already pronounced judgment 4 in the name of the Lord Jesus on the man who has done such a thing.[a] When you are assembled, and my spirit is present with the power of our Lord Jesus, 5 you are to hand this man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord.[b]

6 Your boasting is not a good thing. Do you not know that a little yeast leavens the whole batch of dough? 7 Clean out the old yeast so that you may be a new batch, as you really are unleavened. For our paschal lamb, Christ, has been sacrificed. 8 Therefore, let us celebrate the festival, not with the old yeast, the yeast of malice and evil, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.

argosciv ago

Interesting! So Emily's List might be one of the things Q was referring to when he said "Follow the wives."

Quite possibly, if not a reference to Laybourne also, come to think of it.

One thing jumped out at me was the name of the political action group: E-M-I-L-Y stands for "Early Money Is Like Yeast". This may be subtle Christian mocking. It reminds me of a passage from St. Paul:

Eeeh... maybe. More likely a reference to the little amount of yeast required in making bread(money).

"Early money is like yeast", meaning that wise use of early money(investment) can lead to something more lucrative.

Might be both even. /shrug

Vindicator ago

Might be both even. /shrug

That was my thought. As big as these freaks are into child sacrifice, though, I didn't want to leave any stone unturned. The fact that Scripture passage refers to incest, and the Laybourne kids did a skit on incest... That's a weird thing to have popping up multiple times.


Also Sam Laybourne wrote for Arrested Development.

Arrested Development had hundreds of jokes about incest, including it being a major plot point.

Michael & Lindsey think Lindsey is adopted and almost hook up

George-Michael and Maybe are cousins who hook up (only to discover they aren't actually related)

Momma Bluth has an affair with her husbands' twin brother

Job and Michael (brothers) both hook up with telenovella star Marta

Michael hooks up with George Michael's (his sons) girlfriend

And that's just the top of my head. The whole show is perverse

ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT=psychologically stunted

What causes arrested development?

Vindicator ago

I never watched any of these shows, so I am at a disadvantage when it comes to pedo hunting in kids TV. Thanks for adding the explanations and summaries!


Np, and just to clarify Arrested development is technically an adult situational comedy.

As far as I can tell sam laybourne only does adult media, Emmy is the one who does children's media

Also an interesting note. RL stine was previously accused of pedo stuff on here. He wrote for kit laybourne's show Eureka's Castle, and partnered with emmy laybourne

argosciv ago

The fact that Scripture passage refers to incest, and the Laybourne kids did a skit on incest... That's a weird thing to have popping up multiple times.

That it is.

argosciv ago

Interesting relationships connected to Kit Laybourne...

Laybourne, Noyes Jr., Noyes Sr., Rand, NeXT, CIA

From wiki:

Emphasis added.

For a dozen years, Kit and partner Eli Noyes ran an independent animation & branding studio in TriBeCa, Noyes & Laybourne. Most of its major works included ID's for MTV and Nickelodeon, shorts for the Children's Television Workshop, and shows for Scholastic and Nick Junior.

Eli Noyes |

Emphasis added.

Early life

Eliot Fette Noyes, Jr. was born the son of noted "Harvard Five" architect Eliot Noyes and his wife, interior designer Molly Duncan Weed Noyes. He is the brother of Fred Noyes. He graduated from Harvard University in 1964.[2]


In 1964,[3] Noyes created the animated film Clay or Origin of the Species [4] which was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film.[5] The film is considered one of the earliest examples of clay stop-animation[6] and is cited by Wallace and Gromit creators, Peter Lord and David Sproxton as a large influence on their work.[7]

Noyes is also noted for his creation of the Sand Alphabet for Sesame Street and the Nickelodeon children's television series, Eureeka's Castle. In 2003, Noyes cofounded the animation production studio Alligator Planet with Ralph Guggenheim and Alan Buder. Noyes directed animation sequences for two films which were shortlisted for the 2009 Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature, Under Our Skin and The Most Dangerous Man in America, a final nominee.

Eliot Noyes |

Emphasis added.


~Noyes spent twenty-one years working as consultant design director for IBM, designing the IBM Selectric typewriter in 1961 and numerous other products, while also advising the IBM internal design staff.[1] Prior to his work on the Selectric, Noyes was commissioned in 1956 by Thomas J. Watson, Jr to create IBM's first corporate-wide design program — indeed, these influential efforts, in which Noyes collaborated with Paul Rand and Charles Eames, have been referred to as the first comprehensive design program in American business.~

Paul Rand |

Emphasis added.

Paul Rand (born Peretz Rosenbaum; August 15, 1914 – November 26, 1996) was an American art director and graphic designer, best known for his corporate logo designs, including the logos for IBM, UPS, Enron, Morningstar, Inc., Westinghouse, ABC, and NeXT. He was one of the first American commercial artists to embrace and practice the Swiss Style of graphic design.

Corporate identities

Rand's most widely known contributions to design are his corporate identities, many of which are still in use. IBM, ABC, Cummins Engine, UPS, and Enron, among many others, owe Rand their graphical heritage.[5] One of his strengths, as Moholy-Nagy pointed out,[4] was his ability as a salesman to explain the needs his identities would address for the corporation.~

Eye Bee M poster designed by Rand in 1981 for IBM.

NeXT |

Emphasis added.

NeXT, Inc. (later NeXT Computer, Inc. and NeXT Software, Inc.) was an American computer and software company founded in 1985 by Apple Computer co-founder Steve Jobs.~

~NeXT was founded by Jobs after he was fired from Apple, along with several co-workers.



1993–96: NeXT Software

NeXT started porting the NeXTSTEP operating system to IBM PC compatible computers using the Intel 80486 processor in late 1991. The operating system was ported to Intel's architecture because of a change in NeXT's business strategy, which was then to remove themselves from the hardware business entirely.

~NeXTSTEP gained popularity at institutions such as First Chicago NBD, Swiss Bank Corporation, O'Connor and Company, and other organizations owing to its programming model.[51] It was also used by many American federal agencies, such as United States Naval Research Laboratory, the National Security Agency, the Advanced Research Projects Agency, the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Reconnaissance Office.[52] Some IBM PC clone vendors offered somewhat customized hardware solutions that were delivered running NeXTSTEP on Intel, such as the Elonex NextStation[53] and the Canon object.station 41.[54]~


I think it's also worth investigating that

Sarah Noyes Hale was accused of being a witch in 1692. After her death, her husband John Hale published "A Modern Inquiry into the Nature of Witchcraft" condemning the witchcraft mania.

The Noyes are in all likelihood an occult family of witches.


Ellen Wayland-Smith, a professor of writing at USC, counts two of Noyes’ sisters among her great-great-great grandmothers, has just published a gimlet-eyed book about her family history. Oneida: From Free Love to the Well-Set Table

On a more sinister note, what is remembered as “free love” wasn’t exactly free; Noyes had the power to dictate who was fucking and breeding with whom, resulting in plenty of situations that look a lot like coercion—and even rape—to contemporary eyes. He insisted on personally initiating young virgins into what was termed the “social life” of the Community. “The women were introduced to sex whether they wanted it or not, when they were 12 to 14,” says Wayland-Smith, noting that the age of consent in New York at the time was also, unfortunately, 12. “The thing that bothers me is that the people who initially signed on to this thing were consenting adults. Then what happened, once the new generation came up, was they were born into it. They didn’t know anything else. Their parents gave them over to the Community and part of being in the Community was that you had to have sex. And they were not consenting because they weren’t of age [by contemporary standards].” The darkness didn’t end there. Noyes believed in “avunculate marriage” (between uncles and nieces) and held up certain forms of incest as ideal; Wayland-Smith writes that it’s still unclear whether he slept with his sisters.

argosciv ago

Fucking wow. Noyes incest confirmed.

Gertrude Hayes Noyes, daughter of Rev. John Humphrey Noyes, descendant of Deacon Nicholas Noyes (son of Rev. William Noyes), and Harriet (née Olds) Noyes: |

^ Married Col. Charles Rutherford Noyes, descendant of Deacon Nicholas Noyse (son of Rev. William Noyes), in 1898: |

Charles and Gertrude had 4 children.


argosciv ago

From NYPost article:

Facebook’s manager of public policy, a guy named Andrew Noyes ([email protected]), said the pedophile page did not violate the company’s policies.

Can't help but wonder if he's a descendant of Rev. William Noyes; related to John Humphrey Noyes...

@Vindicator @srayzie @new4now @3141592653 @darkknight111

argosciv ago

Noyes believed in “avunculate marriage” (between uncles and nieces) and held up certain forms of incest as ideal

This explains a lot when you check out and notice the occasional mismatches of Jr. and Sr. suffixes.

Inbred fucks.



In my researches, I ran across a JOHN HUMPHREY NOYSE. He was the originator of the ONEIDA COMMUNITY, 1848-1881, a perfectionistic, religious, communistic, “Free Love”, eugenic settlement which supported itself with making beautiful silverware, among other things.

It makes for fascinating reading, and I tried to find an obvious connection to the Derry/Eliot Noyes family, but better researchers than I will have to try for that, if it matters. Nevertheless -

IF and I say “IF” it is the same family, how very interesting.

I could find nothing about the origins of Eliot F. Noyes’s father Atherton, except that he was born in 1862, “had deep Boston roots,” and taught English literature at Harvard. The reason for going to Colorado had been because Atherton had wanted to be a physician, but contracted tuberculosis and went on a different career path. The time spent in Colorado when Eliot Fette was little, was for Atherton’s health. Atherton’s time of birth could plausibly put his antecedents with the Oneidas, but I have NO PROOF of that.

argosciv ago

Yeah I can't find a direct relation between John Humphrey and Eliot Noyes either.


I think I've found it...@vindicator The NOYES family founded YALE

Here it goes: Eliot Noyes father was Atherton Noyes (according to this site, Atherton Noyes' father was "reverend daniel parker noyes"

Googling that led me to the NOYES progenitor:

His son, Rev. James Noyes II of Stonington, Connecticut, was one of the first trustees of Yale College, a group of ten Congregationalist ministers, now known as "The Founders". Their engraved names line the facade of Woodbridge Hall at Yale University. The building is named for Timothy Woodbridge, cousin to Rev. James Noyes II and one of the other ten founding ministers of the college

The Noyes Family continues a long tradition at Yale with notable persons having contributed to the University. Rev. James Noyes II was the first Senior Fellow (Chair) of the Board of Trustees, and his younger brother Rev. Moses Noyes also served as a member of the Trustees. Rev. Daniel Parker Noyes graduated Yale 1840, as did his two sons Edward Parish Noyes, 1880, and Frederic A. Noyes, 1862. Theodore R. Noyes receive a Yale medical degree 1867. Haskell Noyes graduated Yale 1908. Herbert MacArthur Noyes graduated Yale 1914. Newbold Noyes, Jr. graduated Yale 1941. Herbert MacArthur Noyes Jr. graduated Yale 1949. Thomas E. Noyes graduated Yale 1953. Professor Edward Simpson Noyes, PhD (1892-1967) was chairman of the Board of Admissions for 18 years, director of the Master of Arts in Teaching program, and received the Yale Medal of Honor in 1968. His son Edward MacArthur Noyes II (1919-1999), who was also presented with the Yale Medal of Honor for his lifetime service to Yale in 1996, served as president of the Yale Club of New Haven.

His son James Noyes II (born 11 March 1640, Newbury – 30 December 1719, Stonington, Connecticut) was also a clergyman and founded Yale College. He graduated from Harvard in 1659, began to preach in 1664, and was pastor of the church in Stonington, Connecticut from 1674 until his death. A councilor in civil affairs in the critical periods of his colony, James Noyes II also practiced medicine with success.

Early Noyes descendants often were ministers and teachers, and sometimes distinguished – for example, the Salem Witch Trials (James's nephew Nicholas Noyes) and the founding of Yale College.

On 14 November 1692, during the Salem Witch Trials, 17-year-old Mary Herrick accused Noyes' daughter, Sarah Noyes Hale (wife of John Hale), and the ghost of executed Mary Eastey of afflicting her, but she was never formally charged with witchcraft or arrested.[20] A later commentator on the trials, Charles Upham suggests that this accusation was one that helped turn public opinion to end the prosecutions, and spurred John Hale's willingness to reconsider his support of the trials.[21]

Rev James Noyes I is also the ancestor of John Humphrey Noyes, leader of the Perfectionist movement and founder of the Oneida Community.

argosciv ago

I was using to look, but hadn't checked all siblings and ancestors properly. Geni also hits a dead end at Lemuel Noyes. However, using and to cross reference, it's still difficult to confirm due to more dead ends and discrepancies, but it's quite likely that the common ancestor is Rev. William Noyes.



ELI NOYES (Kit Laybourne's Animation Partner) produced the title sequence for Disney's ALICE IN WONDERLAND tv show

NOYES cofounded Alligator Planet LLC with Ralph Guggenheim and Alan Buder.

Alan Buder, one of Eli’s partners is deceased. He was a committed environmentalist. He had gone to Colgate, the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in London, and Yale. He started numerous businesses, primarily in animation.

Alan co-founded Climate Cartoons (not with Noyes, that I could find - but the Alligator Planet website appears to be carrying them in their listings) to educate the next generation about the implications of climate change. He was also a founding member of E2, Environmental Entrepreneurs.

One of the cartoon films of Alan’s found cited at is “Lucy: Daughter of the Devil.”

I spent quite a bit of time digging to try to connect Ralph Guggenheim, Eli’s other Alligator Planet LLC partner with “THE” Guggenheims. I was able to find a family tree of “THE” Guggenheims, but if Ralph is one of “THEIR” family members, he does not seem to be publicly or liberally acknowledged.

He has an impressive film background and was apparently, according to some, Pixar before there was a Pixar.

Ralph was a NY native, went to Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburg. He studied photography and computer science. He was working at NY Institute of Technology Computer Graphics Lab. Lucasfilm hired him and moved him to California in 1981.

“…After his research lab at Lucasfilm was sold to Steve Jobs and renamed Pixar, Guggenheim continued to work in the world of graphics and animation. Guggenheim, a respected founder of Pixar, eventually became Vice President of Feature Animation and was a lead producer for Toy Story. Guggenheim left the company in 1997 after Disney forced Pixar to remove him as producer from Toy Story 2....”

The article does not explain why Disney did not want Ralph working on Toy Story 2.

He then co-founded the Alligator Planet LLC with Alan and Eli.

Eli Noye’s wiki page has a number of titles listed of his work. However, the one that caught my eye (as I suspect it will yours too) was his work with Disney on…….

(Drum Roll please….)

The 1991 Disney series, “ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND.”

I looked that up with the friendly little link wiki thoughtfully provided, and found this:

“Adventures in Wonderland is a live-action/puppet musical television series based on Alice in Wonderland and Alice Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll. In the series, Alice (played by Elisabeth Harnois), was portrayed as a girl who can come and go from Wonderland simply by walking through her mirror (a reference to Alice Through the Looking Glass).

The series originally ran from March 23, 1992 to 1995 (with reruns continuing until at least 1997) on The Disney Channel and on stations across the country. Like many Disney Channel original shows, Adventures in Wonderland was originally taped at Disney-MGM Studios at the Walt Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, with two sound stages used exclusively for the show, but only for its first 40 episodes. Afterward, shooting was moved to Los Angeles, CA.”

“Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment released three VHS tapes of certain episodes.”

“The puppets for some of the characters were created by Chiodo Bros. Inc.”

There were a number of credits listed for the various actors associated with the film. Terry Garr was “The Duchess” - (and was really the only name I recognized.)

The article included some notes about the characters in the series, and how they interact with each other. They are the characters we are familiar with from the Lewis Carroll story. Alice, the Red Queen, the White Rabbit, etc. I found them to be enlightening, in view of our Q studies.

In 2005, Alligator Planet produced “Here Comes Peter Cottontail” - another endearing story featuring a rabbit.

(As far as I’m concerned, Brother Ei has here an honestly earned Red flag.)

So, while I have been unable to place Eli Noyse directly with Laurel Canyon, both he and his living partner, Ralph, have both worked with Disney in Hollywood.

We have the understanding from previous digs that Disney was involved up to his cute little mustache in the secret CIA film making facility in Laurel Canyon. Eli and Ralph at different times both worked for Disney’s company. So, while there does not seem to be a direct Laurel Canyon tie, one could possibly make a case for an implied one, or indirect one.

STRANGENESS: I found near the end of my searches, a link to some US Post Office stamp art work done by Derry, which was dedicated to the theme, “Animal Rescue: Adopt a Shelter Pet Stamp.”

The Post Office was promoting it, giving instructions for how to obtain first day covers. They also produced an article about the stamps:

In the article the Post Office posted in May of 2010, it is noted that the stamps were originally unveiled on the ELLEN DEGENERES SHOW on March 17, 2010.

This “Gee Whiz” factoid caught my eye in the instructions for how to obtain a first day issue:

“…. Customers have 60 days to obtain the first day of issue postmark by mail. They may purchase new stamps at their local Post Office™, at The Postal Store® at or by calling 800-STAMP-24. They should affix the stamps to envelopes of their choice, address the envelopes to themselves or others and place them in a larger envelope addressed to: Animal Rescue: Adopt A Shelter Pet Stamps C/O POSTMASTER 7035 LAUREL CANYON BLVD. HOLLYWOOD, CA 91605-9998…”

So I leave it in your capable hands to decide if Derry and the Noyes family have a genuine “Laurel Canyon” dot-connect.

Derry Noyes Craig DOES have a very genuinely interesting family full of bright talented people. My conclusion remains, as I have previously indicated that Derry brought a lot to Gregg Craig when he married her talented self, and into her exceptionally creative family.

argosciv ago

Eli Noye’s wiki page has a number of titles listed of his work. However, the one that caught my eye (as I suspect it will yours too) was his work with Disney on…….

(Drum Roll please….)

The 1991 Disney series, “ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND.”

I looked that up with the friendly little link wiki thoughtfully provided, and found this:

I'm actually surprised at myself for not catching that in my first read. Thanks for pointing it out.


no problem, please see my main comments' edit #3

Kit Laybourne produced and directed "Talking Sex...with your Kids" in 1982 for HBO

It was co-produced by Tuscany Productions (Owned by NY Joan Shigekawa)

In 1982 Tuscany Productions also Produced:

Making Love Better (W/ American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists)

Joan Shigekawa served as Senior Deputy Chairman for the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) during the Obama Administration and as its Acting Chairman from 2012-2014. As an officer of the Rockefeller Foundation Ms. Shigekawa led the foundation’s domestic and international programs in the arts, including the NYC Cultural Innovation Fund and Creativity in a Digital Age. She was the director of the international Production Laboratory at the Program for Art on Film, a partnership between the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the J. Paul Getty Trust. Ms. Shigekawa serves on the National Advisory Board of the Center for Asian American Media and has served as a Mayoral appointee to the New York City Cultural Affairs Advisory Commission and as a trustee of the New York Council for the Humanities, the Independent Television Service (ITVS), Grantmakers in the Arts and Grantmakers in Film and Television.

argosciv ago article supporting the assertion that Tuscany Productions is owned by Joan Shigekawa(specifically, Joan is/was the company president): (please wait, still archiving)



Derry Noyes Craig’s sister lives a very quiet life, as far as Wikipedia is concerned. None of the Wiki stories I initially read made direct mention of her, only that Eliot and Molly Noyes had “four children.” Eli, Frederick and Derry were named, but not Mary - until I found their mother’s obituary.

Mary seems to be an impressive, lovely woman. She got her nursing degree from Columbia in 1981. She has served as the director of Occupational Health Services at Rockefeller University in Manhattan.

She is an enthusiastic flutists, who plays often in a woodwind quintet.

I found several web sites which list her as a moderate donor to some educational and artistic fund raisers. Not flashy, or “LOOK AT ME!” at all.

Quiet, purposeful life. Based on what I have learned about her, I admire her.

She is married to a doctor, quite a famous one, Dr. John C. M. Brust of New York. He is a professor of clinical neurology at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and the director of neurology at Harlem Hospital Center. He also has been involved with the New York and Presbyterian Hospital in New York.

He as been in practice since 1962. He has not ever been involved in any malpractice actions of any kind according to two different sites I looked at.

One scientific research paper in which he participated, was an examination of the effects and safety of medical marijuana in selected neurologic disorders. In certain circumstances, the studies’ researchers stated they found the substance to be helpful.

Meridee’s and Dr John’s son, Dr. James Charles Morrison Brust, was married to Dr Sophia Dolly Lin in the Noyes house, built by his grandfather Eliot.

“Dr. Brust, 33, is an infectious diseases specialist at Montefiore Medical Center and an assistant professor of medicine at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, both in the Bronx. He conducts research on H.I.V. and drug-resistant tuberculosis in South Africa. He graduated magna cum laude from Columbia, from which he also received his medical degree.”

In another article, I read that he is now living in Africa,(at the time of the article) and (presumably) researching HIV there.

I also can’t help but wonder if he and his dad and Uncle Frederick had some conversations about “epigenetics” and other such considerations of the microscopic and submicroscopic levels. We’re still holding up the day glo pink flag.

So even quiet Meridee, Derry’s sister, Greg’s siste in-law, brings enhancements to the Greg Craig career track. Two noted doctors in Greg’s brother-in-law and nephew, and a prominent accomplished nurse sister-in-law in a major NY hospital, are in Greg’s circle of connections.

TLDR: ELI NOYES' sister is a doctor who worked for ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY (home of notorious pedophile doctor and child pornographer Archibald Reginald.

Her husband does AIDS Research in SOUTH AFRICA.

argosciv ago

The death certificate naming 4 children to Eliot Sr. and ("Molly") Mary Duncan (née Weed) Noyes:

Details added to the Noyes ancestry dig.

@Vindicator @darkknight111 @new4now @shewhomustbeobeyed


@argosciv @vindicator


PART 5 of 7

Frederick Noyes followed his father’s footsteps and is also a well known architect. He first studied biology at Harvard, then in graduate school, he studied architecture. He has taught both subjects at the college level.

He “has been most closely associated with Boston Architectural College, for which he has developed curricula and programs and chaired the board. His Boston architectural practice mainly builds hospitals and houses.”

In an interview for, he was asked what was next for him. He gave the following reply:

“There are exciting developments in neurobiology and epigenetics. I want to better understand those…”

Me too.

Wikipedia defines “epigenetics” as:

“Epigenetics is the study of heritable changes in gene function that do not involve changes in the DNA sequence. The Greek prefix ‘ in epigenetics implies features that are “on top of” or “in addition to” the traditional genetic basis for inheritance….”

“…One example of an epigenetic change in eukaryotic biology is the process of cellular differentiation. During morphogenesis, totipotent stem cells become the various pluripotent cell lines of the embryo, which in turn become fully differentiated cells. In other words, as a single fertilized egg cell – the zygote – continues to divide, the resulting daughter cells change into all the different cell types in an organism, including neurons, muscle cells, epithelium, endothelium of blood vessels, etc., by activating some genes while inhibiting the expression of others….”

To me this says he’s interested in the exploration of the NON-DNA transmission of genetic expression. In the developing embryo, they are studying how certain cells are caused to begin their differentiations. I’m certain that my understanding is woefully incomplete.

I’m wondering if he is getting into this research (genetics/DNA/epigenetics) which is seeming to preoccupy so many of the Cabal, like the 23 and Me people. Is it his natural direction of curiosity, or has his curiosity been helped along and encouraged a bit somehow or another? I don’t know, but I have perhaps, not a red flag here, but perhaps a day-glo pink one, especially in light of other relatives we learn of later.

TLDR: Eli Noyes' brother is involved in GENETIC RESEARCH w/ EMBRYOS

3141592653 ago

Epigenetics is a fascinating topic. A growing young area of research.

Vindicator ago

Of course he is. I wonder how much they've all donated to Planned Parenthood? Grrrrrr

argosciv ago

Psst. You don't need to ping me if you're replying to me.

Will check in later for any updates. G'night.


Lol. My bad just want to make sure you see it ;)

Vindicator ago

Eye Bee M poster designed by Rand in 1981 for IBM.

Looks like the CBS news eyeball. All Seeing Eye, maybe?

argosciv ago

Yeah I threw it in there because it seemed a little on the nose.

I mean sure, "eye bee m" can seem innocent enough, but at the same time, the theft and use of symbolism for their own purposes is always worth noting.


@argosciv @vindicator


Obama's White House Counsel is married to Eli Noyes' sister (Kit Laybourne's Animation Partner's sister)

Upon learning that Greg Craig, Obama’s White House Counsel, had obtained legal representation, I realized I did not really know much about him. Being mindful of my assignment by Swordmaker (who echos Q,) to “follow the wives,” I’ve also researched and learned a little bit about Greg Craig’s wife, Derry and her family.

Greg Craig was a student at Exeter. He went to Harvard, and reportedly became acquainted with Henry Kissinger and other faculty there. After earning honors there, he became active in anti-Vietnam War and liberal activities. Craig received a medical deferment for a shoulder injury.

He went on to Yale Law school, where some of HIS FELLOW CLASSMATES WERE BILL CLINTON, HILLARY RODHAM, AND DAVID E. KENDALL. Kendall, it will be remembered, was Clinton’s lawyer during the impeachment proceedings.

Craig was on EDWARD M. (TED) KENNEDY’S STAFF, and held other notable positions and worked on prominent cases in his career.


In 1996, Bill Clinton offered him the post of White House Counsel, but declined. Secretary of State MADELEINE K. ALBRIGHT APPOINTED CRAIG TO the post of director of policy planning at the State Department in 1997. “In October 1997, Albright gave Craig the additional post of special coordinator for Tibetan affairs, in order “to focus attention on China’s suppression of Tibet’s cultural and religious traditions.””

He accepted a position on Clinton’s IMPEACHMENT DEFENSE counsel team.

He worked with the legal team representing Juan Miguel Gonzales, the Cuban father of six year old ELIAN GONZALEZ, which resulted in Elian’s return to Cuba.

He served as an advisor to the Obama campaign. It is reported in the Wiki article that it had been speculated that he had hoped for Secretary of State, but was offered and ACCEPTED THE POSITION OF WHITE HOUSE COUNSEL. The article lists details of what some of his activities were in that position.

He was subjected to an OUSTER CAMPAIGN, thought to have been spearheaded partly by Rahm Emanuel, who leaked documents, as reported by Nina Totenberg. “Craig’s resignation took effect on January 3, 2010. He became the highest-ranking official to leave the Obama administration up until that point.”

After his resignation, he obtained the position as a Global Policy and Litigation Strategy Practice Group partner for the law firm of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher, and Flom, LLP.

The firm was representing Goldman Sachs, and hired Craig to advise them in their civil lawsuit with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

He also represented JOHN EDWARDS, gaining acquittal, in the misuse of campaign funds in the RIELLE HUNTER cover up case.

And this is where we can sit up and see how the Manafort plea deal exposes the Podesta actions in the Ukraine thereby peeling some onion layers back, … and there is our man Greg right in the middle!

“CRAIG LED A TEAM OF LAWYERS FROM SKADDEN, ARPS WHO WERE COMMISSIONED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF UKRAINE under President Viktor Yanukovich to look into errors in the trial of former Ukrainian prime minister Yulia V. Tymoshenko on abuse-of-power charges.”…”Experts say that Craig should have registered as a foreign agent, as lobbyists are required to do when they lobby on behalf of foreign governments.”

He resigned from the firm of Skadden et al, in April 2018 because one of the firm’s London lawyers was indicted by Mueller, and pleaded guilty to making false statements.

It was reported by CNN and NBC, that following a referral from Mueller’s office, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York was investigating Craig and others, including ex-lobbyist TONY PODESTA and former Republican U.S. Representative Vin Weber, as part of a broader investigation into the activities of Paul Manafort.

Craig is married to DERRY NOYES. They became a couple in 1973 and married in 1974. She is the daughter of ELIOT NOYES, industrial designer known for his work on the IBM typewriter. Derry is a graphic designer.

Vindicator ago

Seems like a great guy /s

argosciv ago

Oh shit, okay so I took a moment to skim Greg's wiki entry and saw this:

Resignation from Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom

In April 2018, Craig resigned from the firm Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, following the indictment of Alex van der Zwaan, a lawyer at the firm's London office. Craig was the lead attorney supervising the firm's work for former Ukrainian president Yanukovich, in which Zwann participated. Zwaan was later charged by Mueller investigation and pleaded guilty to making false statements.[42][44] Later in 2018, NBC and CNN reported that following a referral from Mueller's office, the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York was investigating Craig and others, including ex-lobbyist Tony Podesta and former Republican U.S. Representative Vin Weber, as part of a broader investigation into the activities of Paul Manafort.[45]

Already knew that Tony Podesta had been under the microscope recently, but here's some context and it relates to none other than Gregory Craig.

Funny ol' world.

Aight, I'm out for now.


argosciv ago

Craig is married to DERRY NOYES. They became a couple in 1973 and married in 1974. She is the daughter of ELIOT NOYES, industrial designer known for his work on the IBM typewriter. Derry is a graphic designer.

Go figure...

Thanks for that tidbit. I'm off to bed in a moment, but I saw your other comment and was equally impressed as @Vindicator.

Ciao for now.

Vindicator ago

Kit Laybourne working on a kids sports channel -- another forum to attract fame-hungry athletic kids?

From this 2012 New York Times piece:

The Whistle’s executives believe that their audience can be found among the tens of millions of children who play organized sports and who navigate with increasing ease between televisions, computers, tablets, cellphones, apps and social media.

“Timing is everything,” said John West, the Whistle’s chairman, who founded the media company with Jeff Urban, a former Gatorade senior vice president, and Kit Laybourne, a former executive producer of Nickelodeon. “Start-ups are innovators. And there’s a massive disruption going on in the media. New technology is giving us distribution wherever you turn.”

The programming will not resemble ESPN’s cut down to child’s size; no mini-Chris Bermans will be shouting nicknames of Little Leaguers while reciting song lyrics from the ’90s. Rather, it will put youngsters at the center of the mix, inviting them to upload their videos of backyard and organized games; to interact with pro athletes like DeMarcus Ware; to become sportscasters; and to re-enact some of the greatest plays in sports history.

It will also provide games, instructional and animated shows, and programming created from footage leased from leagues and other entities.

The venture’s investors include Derek Jeter, Peyton Manning and Mia Hamm; Bob DuPuy, the former president of Major League Baseball; and Bob Pittman, the chairman of Clear Channel Communications, who ran MTV in the 1980s. Last year, West said that the company raised $4 million from 50 investors. This year, he said the plan was raise up to $20 million, enough to be profitable in a year.

Vindicator ago

MIssed this, at the bottom of Geraldine's Wikipedia page:

She and her husband Kit Laybourne, a television producer, entrepreneur, author, and educator, have two children, Emmy and Sam. Emmy Laybourne is the author of a series of young adult novels called Monument 14 and an actress appearing in Superstar and other films. Sam Laybourne is a writer and producer for television series such as Arrested Development,* Cougar Town*, The Michael J. Fox Show, and Grandfathered with John Stamos. They have four grandchildren.

carmencita ago

I am horrible at archiving but have found a connection with Geraldine L and HRC. Hillary another passenger on Epstein's plane.

The other day in Manhattan, Hillary Clinton supporters met for lunch at the home of the media executive Geraldine Laybourne. A group of 50, mostly women, was determined to generate excitement for Clinton’s campaign for president. They were frustrated to see her lagging again among younger voters, and their invited speaker was Kenyatta Cheese, a young Obama campaign veteran and internet impresario.

Geraldine is also linked to D Geffen

Herbert J. Allen Jr.'s male-dominated annual power powwow in Sun Valley, Idaho, is breaking with tradition. Not only are there more female executives on the corporate guest list this year than usual--a whopping six out of 104 or so--there will be a first-ever panel discussion led by and about women and business.

Allen's famed, though secretive, annual confab, which runs July 7 to 12, is the 16th edition and has become a sort of high-powered male-bonding session for some of the world's most influential investors, chief executives and media moguls including the likes of Warren Buffett, Paul Allen, Rupert Murdoch, Sumner Redstone, John Malone, Gerald Levin, Michael Eisner, David Geffen, Barry Diller, Edgar Bronfman Jr., Bill Gates, Andy Grove, Herbert Siegel and Philip Knight.

Allen--Wall Street's mighty investment banker to the (media) stars--encourages his guests to bring their wives and kids along to the mountain retreat, billed as a family getaway with planned activities ranging from ice skating and kickball to fly-fishing and a rodeo.

While the family is at play, the moguls huddle to talk about changes in the industry.

But the number of top female executives on hand representing corporations in any given year has been few and far between--as they are in the industry in general. Last year, Mattel Inc. President and CEO Jill Barad became the first female CEO ever invited to make a company presentation.

This year, Barad is one of four women at the conference speaking on a panel titled "Women and Business," along with Washington Post Chairwoman Katherine Graham, former Disney/ABC Cable Networks President Geraldine Laybourne, and fashion designer Diane Von Furstenberg. ABC's Prime Time Live co-host Diane Sawyer will moderate. (Pleasant T. Rowland, who just sold her doll company to Mattel in a $700-million deal engineered by Allen & Co., is the other female executive guest, though she will not be on the panel).

Graham, Laybourne and Von Furstenberg also have been executive guests at the conference before. Von Furstenberg runs in media circles as a close friend of Barry Diller. And it helps to be an Allen & Co. client. The investment bank is actively raising money for Laybourne, who recently started her own production company with her former lawyer--Lisa Hall, who left her practice--to serve the quickly converging Internet and television worlds.

Another new and seemingly politically correct addition is a panel called "Race in the Workplace: Past Practices/Future Challenges," which Tom Brokaw, another Allen friend, will moderate. Panelists include Time Warner President Richard Parsons, Black Entertainment Television founder Robert Johnson, Eastman Kodak's George Fisher, Washington Post Co. Chairman Donald Graham, and Leslie Jones, a student at the Roberto C. Goizueta Business School at Emory University in Atlanta.

Seems like Geraldine has connections to many that we have researched before. David Geffen, Barry Diller, Edgar Bronfman Jr. and Diane von Furstenberg to name just a few.

carmencita ago

WOW. That’s the trafficker king on the right? Just getting together for good clean fun my arse.

ASolo ago

Yes. Robert Kraft.

carmencita ago

Thanks! I just couldn't pull up his name. I have been fasting for 10 days and my brain is water logged LOL. I read that in Fla. there is a low sentence for trafficking about 2 years? Hmm. Wonder why.

ASolo ago

No I know you knew I just didn't want you to waste the brain power on that asshole. I'm pretty sure you're sharp as a knife even through a fast Carm. Blessings to you for so much support here to everyone and their work.

carmencita ago

Oh ok. And thank you as always. I got it. I am finally off the fast and can’t wait for my veg soup to be done.

ASolo ago

My god this conference is a regular bacchanalian orgy and seems like the entire lot of cultural engineers are in attendance. They must have had to put chastity belts on the entire dinner staff to preclude any preparty rapes.

carmencita ago

Bingo. Those were my exact thoughts. I had horrid visions of the Childten being brought there. Wonder if everyone made it out alive. Scary.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for adding that :-)



I don't want this to be ignored because of TTT, but check this out:

[Sun Valley Lodge] was built by Pilgrim's Society member Averill Harriman in the 1930's

letsdothis3 ago

Seems we could put together a whole new post on Sun Valley alone. Some voat posts : (links to Big Tech, the Bronfmans and therefore, NXIVM) (Dock 72; 72andsunny;WeWork Cos.) (Sun Valley where liddle Adam and LiddleKidz live)

ASolo ago

That is an interesting link. It does express reservation for comparing it to something like Bohemian Grove and that the subjects of the conference are rather banal but that still doesn't mean subjects are not talked about and arrangements made. This Herbert J Allen and his successor Herbert Allen III (Yale/ Probably Skull and Bones)are some very interesting fellows and made their fortune in corporate takeover.

carmencita ago

Photos - Haven't seen all of them but some biggies Warren Buffet Robert Igler D von Furstenberg and Barry Diller Charlie Rose

This is a long string of pics. They are from media, sports, political etc.

carmencita ago

There's a lot to read there. I started it but will continue and get back to you. TTT pops in no matter what. I think you should do a post on this. Not our fault if he posts the usual. This needs to be seen. This is an EPIC Find.

carmencita ago

BTW, I was getting a sinking feeling about what else might be going on at Sun Valley. Especially with Geffen and Diller there. When I read that they brought their children, I immediately thought of the swimming pool and the grandchildren in the Podesta emails. Creepy.

carmencita ago

YW :)

Vindicator ago

Another connection between Laybournes and Bill Gates is the school Kit Laybourne sits on the board of: Bard High School. It's a school for gifted rich kids started with money from the Gates Foundation. Their claim to fame is kids start college two years early (only two years of high school). There didn't appear to be any pedo teacher scandals associated with the school(s) though.

carmencita ago

I know I looked into the sex aspect with the school to but I can't stop feeling there must be something. They don't sit on boards for nothing.

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