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Vindicator ago

@letsdothis3, I can't for the life of me see how Markle and HCA are related to pizzagate based on what you've included here. HCA buying several facilities from Tenet is does not really connect HCA to Tenet, unless you can show it was some kind of cozy insider deal. Also, what does Markle's healthcare have to do with abuse of kids by the global elite? What's the pizzagate thesis here?

I will give this the 24 Hour Grace flair, but I think this one probably belongs in v/pizzagatewhatever. It's just too tenuous of a breadcrumb trail.

letsdothis3 ago

Okay, I'll see if I can convince you.. starting with this post from a year ago: Meghan Markle becomes the fourth patron of the Royal Foundation. A new emphasis on children's charities and foundations and a look at CORAM/CAFCASS and Tavistock connections.

CORAM/CAFCASS is the child services division in the UK and has been extensively written about on this forum sue to the many scandals. Apart from the main post in that link,I'll point to a couple of comments: *While acting, she was involved with One Young World, a U.K.-based charity that Justin Trudeau, Emma Watson and Sir Richard Branson also support...Hopefully, once all of the hubbub over their engagement dies down, the couple will have time to relax abroad together. Maybe they could even indulge in a deep dish pizza—Prince Harry announced he’s a fan of the meal during his recent trip to Chicago.... Founder of ONE YOUNG WORLD - David Jones....Jones' work with One Young World was recognised by the Clinton Global Initiative....David Jones is very, very close friends with one of the *Rothschild's.

The post continues here: Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, the largest HIV charity in the UK, Virgin Care and the ICMEC and links with this comment about Podesta, pharma industry, a wikileaks email and Prince Charles ..don't forget James Alefantis' vaccination scientist cousin Tim is involved in all of that.

It is well documented that Markle came from the Soho House/Standard Hotel stable. On Nick Jones and Andre Balazs

HCA Healthcare [As noted in the post above..]

In 2006, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts and Bain Capital, together with Merrill Lynch and the Frist family (which had founded the company) completed a $33.6 billion acquisition, making the company privately held again, 17 years after it had first been taken private in a management buyout.

A senior executive of private equity firm Kohlberg Kravis Roberts has rejoined the board of directors of HCA Healthcare less than two years after he resigned his seat.

Michael Michelson had been a director of Nashville-based HCA since 2006, coming aboard as part of the $33 billion leveraged buyout of the hospital giant by KKR, Bain Capital and members of the Frist family. He stepped down from the board in May of 2016 after KKR had sold $750 million worth of its shares back to HCA.

Michelson has been a board member of KinderCare Learning Centers LLC since 1999.

Voat pizzagate post (which had a HELP flair: New Dig! Kit Laybourne -- Why is this childrens animation producer on the Epstein flight manifest? by @Vindicator

Laybourne sits on the Symantec Board,[7] Betaworks, and 9 Story, a Canadian production and distribution company. She serves as Chairman of the Board of Alloy Inc. and Katapult. Previously, she served on the boards of JC Penney, Electronic Arts,, Defy Media, and Kindercare [that was between 1990-1995].

Founder, Chairman and CEO, Oxygen Media, 2004 Cable Hall of Fame

She's also the founder of Nickelodeon. Your post was about her husband who was on Epstein's plane.

Re Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (so many links to Pizzagate I don't even know where to start..)

The firm was founded in 1976 by Jerome Kohlberg, Jr., and cousins Henry Kravis and George R. Roberts, all of whom had previously worked together at Bear Stearns,

Henry Kravis

A supporter of Republican politics, he was a supporter and fundraiser for President George W. Bush and John McCain. He was also a major contributor to the 1992 re-election campaign of President George H. W. Bush. In 1997, Henry Kravis joined with Lewis M. Eisenberg to establish the Republican Leadership Council. In 2017, he also contributed $1 million to Donald Trump's presidential inauguration.

He is a benefactor and a past chairman of New York's public television station and sits on the board of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. A trustee of the Mount Sinai Medical Center, Henry and wife Marie-Josée Kravis donated $15 million to establish the "Center for Cardiovascular Health" as well as funding a professorship. They have also endowed the chair in human oncology at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York.

[We have pizzagate specific posts for all those places I've highlighted in bold, including: Keith Raniere from NXIVM - US Patent: "Determination of whether a luciferian can be rehabilitated" - You've GOT to read this!!]

KKR posts include: AgileCraft, the company of James Alefantis's brother, teams up with Atlassian who works with SALESFORCE... you know, those pedo enablers (according to a recent lawsuit)...

..In 2011, Endurance was bought from Accel-KKR by Warburg Pincus and GS Capital Partners, for around $975 million.[3] In September 2013 .. Isn't that the same Goldman Sachs equity fund which had a large investment/stake in Pretty much...

[ The firm was founded in February 2000 as a partnership between venture capital firm Accel Partners and Kohlberg Kravis Roberts]

There's more. I'll continue when I have more time..

Vindicator ago

I still don't get how Markle having a baby at a specific hospital has anything to do with elite child abuse. If there is a direct connection, you should be able to just state it.

letsdothis3 ago

I understand that. If you want to delete it after 24 hrs that's fine with me. I can repost it in pizzagatewhatever then.