Silverlining ago

WWF was a scam to get little old ladies to pay for him and Prince Philip's big game hunting amusements - probably Juan Carlos's too.

kestrel9 ago

I'm going to do another pizzagate related post regarding the Netherlands. I already knew that pedophile networks and Netherlands were connected in the past. Check this out: "Beyond Dutroux" ties to the Netherlands "Nazi sects and aristocrats? Again?! You've got to be kidding me!"

There were two brief reports in the Neufchateau document that mentioned locations in the Netherlands where at some point child abuse and the disposal of bodies had taken place. They are just tiny left-overs from Beyond Dutroux and its very basic research, but that does not take away that the material is still quite intriguing. There may be (Dutch) researchers out there interested in this stuff and they can use this material as a good place to start. Remember that some of the main traits of child abuse in Belgium not only involved the national criminal milieu, but also aristocrats with considerable estates, politicians, wealthy businessmen, justice officials, police officers, Catholicist orders (Order of Malta and Opus Dei), and rabidly anti-communist intelligence officers, not to mention militant fascist and Nazi groups. For those who did not read Beyond Dutroux, yep, it's a crazy bunch - but you'll get used to it. Summary 1: Catharina (PV 150.006, February 20, 1997) Stated she was the daughter of a wealthy businessman who was involved in a sadistic and violent child abuse network spanning from Italy and Switzerland to Belgium and the Netherlands. Headquarters of the sect would be in Zurich. Among the child abuse locations in the Netherlands she mentioned "In Dordrecht in the house In de Spijkermandt" and that the "attic is organized for a Nazi sect". Some of the children's bodies would disappear "via a butcher shop in Rotterdam in the Van Hellemondstraat". Among the members would be notaries and army officers.

Summary 2: Anonymous letter (December 13, 1996) This person wrote about the existence of a sect in the Netherlands consisting of about 300 members, many with backgrounds as lawyers, jurists, judges and police officers. Members held meetings at rural estates where [ritual] child abuse took place. There was a specific focus at maintaining Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) in the children. Apparently, a whistleblower who tried to inform the police was disbelieved and soon thereafter disappeared. The letter specifically mentioned "villa Westflier in Markelo" as a place where abuse had taken place. There's no indication of the time frame in which these events took place.

"Villa Westvlier" clearly is a reference to the Westerflier estate near Markelo and Diepenheim, located in the east of the Netherlands. For Dutch standards, it's in a thinly-populated area. At least in past decades, the domain was about 1200 acres large. The villa on the domain is called the Nijenhuis. Since well before WWII, the estate has been in the possession of a very aristocratic family whose most prominent member today can be found at the High Council of [Dutch] Nobility and the Prince Bernhard Culture Fund. This person has also been an occasional representative of the Dutch royal family. Another family historically tied to the Nijenhuis has held a number of high positions in the Justice department.

More eerily, in 1948 this estate became a government-sponsored boarding school for young girls with emotional and/or behavioral problems. This lasted until the late 1960's. During this time the owner of the estate was a countess whose family had been one of the three founders of the notorious I.G. Farben chemical complex, a bastion of international fascism before and during WWII. The husband of the countess died in 1945. He had been on the advisory board of I.G. Farben. Have fun with these details.

In addition, the Netherlands has always had a disturbing academic undercurrent seeking to justify and legalize "man boy love".


Micheal84 ago

Here in the Netherlands the majority off the people really love Maxima.

I don't expect alot off people to wake up, but this is a worldwide problem thats for sure.

kestrel9 ago

I don't know that Queen Maxima is directly doing awful things herself, but she married into a family that is tied to awful things. Certainly she and her husband are One World Order advocates and must know about some bad actors. It will be interesting to find out more. I was wondering whether her younger sister's suicide involved foul play, and whether it was a warning to Queen Maxima. Just thoughts.

Micheal84 ago

Could be, but who knows.

I never heard any bad news here in the Netherlands regarding Maxima, only about her father.

I wouldn't be surprised if there's more, they are just to perfect to be true.

kestrel9 ago

Be sure to read about King Willem-Alexander's parents too, and his grandmother Queen Juliana

On 27 December 1949 at Dam Palace in Amsterdam, Queen Juliana signed the papers that recognised Indonesian sovereignty over the former Dutch colony. She became Hoofd der Unie (Head of the Union) of the Netherlands-Indonesian Union (1949-1956). On 15 December 1954, the Queen announced that the nation's Caribbean possessions of the Netherlands Antilles and Suriname were to be reconstituted as constituent countries of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, making them equal partners with the mainland.

A lot I covered about Indonesia will find it. But here's Queen Beatrix with her pizza brooch with Marina Abramovich:

The Dutch royal family is still reportedly a major shareholder in Shell. The current Monarch, Queen Beatrix, the daughter of Prince Bernard, is a billionaire in her own right. Extract from a article:

“…in the Netherlands, Queen Beatrix, 63, and the rest of the royal House of Orange share a much more respectable fortune of $3.2 billion. Most of the wealth comes from the family’s longstanding stake in the U.K. and Netherlands-based oil company, the Royal Dutch/Shell Group. At one time, the royals reportedly owned as much as 25% of the oil company;”(6)

Beatrix is a member of the Bilderberg Group,[13] a secretive, invitation-only annual conference co-founded by her father which first met in Hotel de Bilderberg in Oosterbeek.

Her appearance on the political scene was almost immediately marked by controversy. In 1965, Princess Beatrix became engaged to the German aristocrat Claus von Amsberg, a diplomat working for the German Foreign Office. Their marriage caused a massive protest during the wedding day in Amsterdam on 10 March 1966. Prince Claus had served in the Hitler Youth and the Wehrmacht and was, therefore, associated by a part of the Dutch population with German Nazism.

kestrel9 ago

More about Queen Maxima:

Following her secondary education at the Northlands School in Buenos Aires, Máxima earned her degree in Economics from the Universidad Católica Argentina. During this time, she worked for two different financial firms in Buenos Aires as well as tutoring students and adults in English and math. After receiving her degree, Máxima worked for HSBC James Capel, Inc. in New York, serving as Vice President of Latin American Institutional Sales. In early 1998, she began working for Dresdner Kleinwort Benson as Vice President of the Emerging Markets Division. She then moved to Deutsche Bank in 1999, working first in New York and then in the European Union Representative Office in Brussels, Belgium.

Queen Máxima currently serves as the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA). The UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon designated her to this role in September 2009 in order to raise awareness on the importance of inclusive financial systems for achieving economic and development goals such as poverty alleviation, food security and education.

Looks like that 2009 Speech at the Clinton Global Initiative Finance Dinner really paid off! Along with her husband's connection to UN Sec-Gen Ban Ki-moon of course. Hussein's mom was into microfinance too, as is Muhammod Yunus.

In her work as UNSGSA, the Queen focuses on how formal financial services such as savings, insurance, and credit can prevent people from falling into poverty due to expenditures on healthcare, and people who are not able to protect themselves against rising food prices and poverty because they do not have access to basic savings accounts. The role of the UNSGSA is to foster action by governments, private sector, financial system standard setters, and others towards a more inclusive financial system that works for the poor.[27]

Máxima is also the Honorary Patron of the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) since June 2011. In this role she works with governments and partners to advance the G20 Action Plan on Financial Inclusion, and the G20 Financial Inclusion Peer Learning Program. >

Previously, the Queen was a member of the Advisors Group for the United Nations' International Year of Microcredit 2005[28] and until 2009, was a member of UN Advisors Group on Inclusive Financial Sectors.áxima_of_the_Netherlands

See also:

Also it sounds like the Dutch Royal couple isn't cheap to support according to this:

The Royal Family costs the Netherlands society around six times more than the figures stated in the national budget, according to anti-monarchy group Republikeins Genootschap. After two years of research, the society presented its figures on the costs of the Royal House on Tuesday, NOS reports.

In the national budget, the official budget for the Royal House amounts to around 60 million. But according to the republicans, the actual cost to society is around 350 million euros per year due to numerous hidden costs. such as barely paying any taxes

According to the Republikeins Genootschap, the Netherlands' Royals are one of the richest royal houses in Europe, and also one of the most expensive.

Thankfully Queen Hillary lost the election or we'd be paying out the nose too!

Regarding Queen Maxima's father and why her relationship to then Prince Willem-Alexander was controversial

However, the relationship was controversial to many in the Netherlands, due to Máxima’s father, Jorge Zorreguieta’s service as a cabinet member (March 1979 – March 1981) in the Argentine regime of President Jorge Rafael Videla during the military dictatorship that ruled Argentina from 1976 to 1983.

so on a hunch...

Jorge Rafael Videla

...Videla also sheltered many Nazi fugitives along with Juan Perón before him, Alfredo Stroessner of Paraguay and Hugo Banzer of Bolivia. He was under house arrest until 10 October 2008, when he was sent to a military prison.[5]

Following a new trial, on 22 December 2010, Videla was sentenced to life in a civilian prison for the deaths of 31 prisoners following his coup.[6][7] On 5 July 2012, Videla was sentenced to 50 years in prison for the systematic kidnapping of children during his tenure.[8] The following year, Videla died in the Marcos Paz civilian prison five days after suffering a fall in a shower.[9]

That's what I thought after reading about Prince "Bilderberg" Bernhard

He came to power in a coup d'état that deposed Isabel Martínez de Perón. In 1985, two years after the return of a representative democratic government, he was prosecuted in the Trial of the Juntas for large-scale human rights abuses and crimes against humanity that took place under his rule, including kidnappings or forced disappearance, widespread torture and extrajudicial murder of activists and political opponents as well as their families at secret concentration camps. An estimated 5,000[1]-30,000[2] political dissidents vanished during this period. Videla was also convicted of the theft of many babies born during the captivity of their mothers at the illegal detention centres and passing them on for illegal adoption by associates of the regime.

Lucky they got that straightened out.

Here's King Willem-Alexander at the June 8, 2016 Bilderberg Group gathering. Weird to think that his former Nazi grandfather founded it!

Hey look, here's No Name at a 2013 Kissinger award event in Berlin. Small world.

In This Photo: John McCain, Henry Kissinger, Thomas De Maiziere, A. Michael Hoffman, Vera de Lesseps

Countess Vera de Lesseps accepts the Henry A. Kissinger Prize on behalf of her late father, Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist, as (from L to R) U.S. Senator John McCain, former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, American Academy in Berlin President A. Michael Hoffman and German Defence Minister Thomas de Maiziere look on at the Henry A. Kissinger Prize 2013 award at the American Academy in Berlin on June 10, 2013 in Berlin, Germany.

derram ago :

Dutch Prince Bernhard 'was member of Nazi party' - Telegraph

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