carmencita ago

This post takes us back to Hansjorg Wyss.............

Synthes bought the California-based Norian Corporation, which had developed bone cements used in skull and arm bone surgeries. Synthes planned to alter Norian’s product so it could be used in spinal surgeries, but that meant a long FDA approval process.

Synthes opted to take another route, according to court records.

CEO Hansjorg Wyss directed a few sites to perform 60 to 80 procedures in spinal surgeries using the Norian bone cement and to publish clinical results. He recruited surgeons to test-market the product on patients, court records show.

A Synthes employee in its regulatory division warned company officials that the FDA had said it couldn't use Norian bone cement in spinal surgeries without approval. A Synthes medical consultant warned company officials in 2002 that unauthorized clinical trials amounted to "human experimentation."

The company pushed forward with its plan to “test-market” the product in spinal surgeries, court records show.

Eskind died in January 2003. Another patient died seven months later in California, and another died four months after that.

By 2006, the FDA had cleared Synthes to market a bone cement called Norian CRS but said its label must state it's not to be used on the spine. Synthes sent a 2007 letter to surgeons announcing that restriction.

Chapman performed more using Norian after the letter was sent, according to court records. He also held the Hansjorg Wyss endowed chair, which secured millions for the university.

Please read my other comment about Richard House Children's Hospital and the connection to Virgin Care and Michael Caine.

Narcissism ago

Litton Bionetics (Northrop Grumman) were the developers of HIV between 1968-1976 according to lead author Len Horowitz in his book - Aids & Ebola emerging viruses. It was placed in the Smallpox vaccine and administered in Africa, Brazil, Haiti in 1977 and given to Gay men via the trial Hepititus-B vaccine in 1978 after they started rioting/ demanding rights around the Harvey Milk period.

neptunium1 ago

Thank you.

darkknight111 ago

Dig into what those researchers were looking at.

If my deduction is correct, then there are two possibilities as to why those researchers were assassinated:

  1. They were whistleblowers depending on which facilities they were working at.

  2. They were researching something that could have been a legit cure/vaccine to the virus.

Remember, Big Pharma believes it is more profitable to keep people sick and merely treat the symptoms than it is to actually cure the disease.

HIV is a retro virus with heavy recombination ability. Whatever those doctors were researching could have been able to circumvent the virus' defenses and take it out.

Narcissism ago

HIV is based on a LENTI virus which gets around the innate immune system. The specification for HIV called for there to be no ability for the body to develop a natural immunity nor for any vaccine to be able to be developed. Litton Bionetics complied with the specification as the virus has held true to its original development potential. In 4 decades no natural immunity has developed and no working vaccine.

swordfish69 ago

Have a lot of info about this, happy to answer any questions you may have.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Remember, the CEO of Merke, Kenneth Frasier, took a break from running one of the 10 largest corporations in the world to cover up investigate the Penn State Scandal.

carmencita ago

There are parallels between the situations at Merck and Penn State. Merck had a legal duty to warn patients that Vioxx could cause heart attacks, and Penn State had at the very least an ethical duty to tell police that Jerry Sandusky may be a pedophile. Neither institution fulfilled its responsibilities, with devastating consequences for those on the outside. According to research published in the Lancet, a British medical journal, Vioxx caused between 88,000 and 140,000 cases of serious heart disease in the United States before Merck withdrew the drug in 2004. Roughly one-half those cases ended in death. We know that Penn State’s failure to alert police to the 2002 report of alleged rape enabled Sandusky to claim at least one additional victim in subsequent years. The boy, identified only as Victim 1 in the grand jury report, was 11 or 12 when he met Sandusky through the former coach’s charity in 2005 or 2006, and testified that Sandusky performed oral sex on him more than 20 times between 2007 and early 2008. The grand jury’s investigation was triggered when the boy blew the whistle on Sandusky in 2009.

Merck and Penn State have something else in common: Their failure to act creates substantial civil liability, and it is here that Frazier’s experience at Merck may be most useful to Penn State. As he showed with the Vioxx litigation, Frazier is adept at mounting a scorched-earth defense that minimizes payouts to potential plaintiffs.

It's always about their disgusting perverted sex and money.

Narcissism ago

A quarter of a million Americans died or had their life span severely limited by 4 recent drugs: Vioxx Avandia Trasylol Bextra

In 2009 Pfizer paid $2.3Bn in criminal damages for acting "with the intent to defraud or mislead." regarding Bextra. Pfizer "too big to nail" was allowed to set up a subsidiary (which has never sold a single pill) to pay the fine.

When Big Pharma kills, no one goes to prison.

carmencita ago

Exactly. So agree. Also there has been proof that Bill G and Bill C are responsible for watering down the HIV vacs in Africa. Nothing has been done. First of all I must say that most people won't believe it anyway. About the drug companies, they will. That is what has to be pounded home every day. But again as you say they can pay to go away. There is a huge amt. of money used to pay off their guilt. But there was a post this weekend about Canada granting a new trial for a set of parents that were being charged for refusing to vac their child. They child died and they were being charged for not letting them vaccinate him. Now they have discovered there was collusion by drug companies and the hospital and others. Hopefully this will be a Groundbreaking Case. We must keep watch.

toutedesuite ago

Wow. How did I miss this? Thank you!

Oh_Well_ian ago

you didn't miss it

it was under reported

neptunium1 ago

I didn't know that. Well, well...

Oh_Well_ian ago

yep... first guy to exit Trump Economic Council, too.

so contrived. so obvious.

think- ago

Eve Branson (mother of Richard Branson, he of Virgin Care) is on the board of the ICMEC.

We should add this to the latest Richard Branson summary post. There are no coincidences...

Oh_Well_ian ago

We'll come to discover that the ICMEC and the NCMEC are the HUBS OF CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING in the world

neptunium1 ago

Please do.

think- ago

I will!

derram ago :

'Healthy competition’ in the NHS is a sick joke - Telegraph :

Prince Harry gets tested for HIV - YouTube :

Deaths of HIV researchers on MH17 "an incalculable loss in every sense" - Vox

This has been an automated message.

Kippering ago

She got the AIDs? dated a gay pornographic star? SHE had to kiss a lot of frogs before she met her prince, including a former porn performer, a basketball star and a TV actor.

carmencita ago

Is she a beard for Harry? I sometimes go to Data Lounge to find some really interesting takes on current happenings and they have suggested he is gay. That they will end up getting a divorce and then he can live out his real life. She will end up getting a Huge bundle for her short marriage. We shall see.