Blacksmith21 ago

This above my pay grade but....I can tell looking in her eyes she's been broken. Possibly drugged. Eyes glazed. This whole marriage is oddly timed and from the info laid out here - Branson, JKR, Tavistock, etc. - super suspicious. [that photo or Zero and Branson on a boat gives me the creeps.

AngryMimi ago

I agree, the eyes say it all; the face/mouth can smile but not the eyes of the broken ones.

Truthseeker3000 ago

One thing that always bothers me is whenever harry is on tv for anything, he ALWAYS does the Masonic hidden hand.

neptunium1 ago

Yes, those very obvious masonic gestures. This wedding yesterday was a very political one for the globalists imho.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Can you elaborate a bit more on that? I still can’t really understand it all, why he would be allowed to marry her in the first place. The wedding seemed odd to me, the guests, the people conducting and serenading the ceremony. Everything just seemed way off for a royal type wedding. Markles Mom was there but no other family, no other real relatives or friends other than her acting coworkers. I will never forget reading over a year ago that she had a daughter about 9 years old and then that vanished and never heard about it again.

AgainstPedos ago

Never heard about a daughter. Many, many sensible explanations for this arranged marriage. It would take me hours to list all of them. GLP, DataLounge, Beard Club, has a lot of info.

think- ago

I will never forget reading over a year ago that she had a daughter about 9 years old and then that vanished and never heard about it again.

Yes, didn't she have a child? I wondered too.

Well, it was the perfect globalist wedding, wasn't it? After 2,5 years of refugees flooding Britain and mainland Europe, a statement to push mixed couples. Read today's Guardian, and you know what they're up to.

And they tried to ban homeless people from Windsor (the town) even months before the wedding. Which is also a typically globalist take on politics: Take care of everybody else, but not of local people who might need help.

auralsects ago

The triple-parentheses are to recognize Jewish individuals. I have told you this before, so what is your motivation to continue misusing them to dilute their meaning?

What conclusion can you draw from the entirely Jewish-run industries of entertainment and advertising pushing race-mixing for over 80 years?

What do you make of the most prominent Jewish advocacy groups recently complaining that "globalist" is an anti-Semitic slur?

Come on now, you're almost there.

Mad_As_Hell ago

George and Amal too

think- ago

Yes, Amal with a kind of yellow ufo on her

Mad_As_Hell ago

The fashion rags were drooling over it of course 🙄

think- ago

Haha - to be honest, I never saw so many terribly dressed people at an event like this before.

neptunium1 ago

And an Observer artile from last year trolls pizzagate: Here’s What Will Happen Once Meghan Markle Moves to England

While acting, she was involved with One Young World, a U.K.-based charity that Justin Trudeau, Emma Watson and Sir Richard Branson also support.

Hopefully, once all of the hubbub over their engagement dies down, the couple will have time to relax abroad together. Maybe they could even indulge in a deep dish pizza—Prince Harry announced he’s a fan of the meal during his recent trip to Chicago.

AgainstPedos ago

First of all, MM wanted to raise her public profile both to get more & better acting gigs, draw attention to her blog & sponsors, and for social (dating) connections. So she hired a PR firm which connects celebs to organizations wanting star power and mutual pap attention. It's the norm in Hollywood.

Next. Soho House provided food for the wedding after-parties. They specialize in "Dirty Burgers" and they have a fried chicken and pizza chain. The owner of the British Soho House had a hand in arranging the introduction of the Royal Pair. No they didn't serve fried chicken LOL but dozens and dozens of pizzas were delivered, as well as burgers.

neptunium1 ago

Founder of ONE YOUNG WORLD - David Jones,_Havas)

In 2009, Jones co-founded youth forum One Young World, called "arguably the most forward-looking and comprehensive piece of corporate social responsibility ever attempted"[12] by Marketing Week. In 2011, Jones' work with One Young World was recognised by the Clinton Global Initiative.

In Who Cares Wins, Jones defines the Social Business Idea as the overlap between what a company is good at ("a genuine and credible role for the brand or business"), and what consumers or customers are looking for ("real issues that consumers care about"). He lists as examples M·A·C's Viva Glam cosmetics partnering with Lady Gaga to raise money and awareness for HIV;[17] Levi's Water<Less jeans line, produced with lower water usage;[18] Marks & Spencer "Plan A" environmental commitment;[19] Nike "Better World";[20] Pepsi Refresh Project,[21] and more.

AgainstPedos ago

David Jones is very, very close friends with one of the Rothschild's.

think- ago

So she's part of the usual swamp, and she's been in it already for a while - teaming up with CGI, Lady Gaga, Justin Trudeau, Richard Branson.

Beautiful. Not.

Maybe we should look deeper into this charity.

neptunium1 ago

I hope someone does look into it. I haven't got the time. Too many rabbit holes I'm chasing already :)

think- ago

Yes, you're doing a remarkable job! :-)

neptunium1 ago

This comment provide a nice link to the next post ::

The founding members of the Campus Biotech are the Ecole polytechnique fédérale de LAUSANNE, the University of Geneva, the Bertarelli Family and Hansjörg Wyss.

I've linked Podesta with the biotech industry in Geneva here:

Since we know that the Podesta's have some kind of family connection to Swizerland and seem to have some kind of base in Lausanne, I thought I'd do a search for his name with that of Bertarelli, and here comes a wikileaks email:

The second change is that we have just heard that unfortunately Mr. Bertarelli had a family matter come up, and although he was looking forward to the dinner he won't be able to join you after all. Instead, Bertarelli Foundation Director Mark Bolland will join you. Appended here is Mr. Bolland's biography:

Mark Bolland: Director, Bertarelli Foundation & Group Communications Director, Waypoint Capital Holdings

A chemisty graduate, Mark started his career in the media at the UK's Advertising Standards Authority, where he was head of research and adviser to the organisation's Director-General. In 1992 he was appointed as the first ever Director of the UK's Press Complaints Commission.

In 1996 he became Deputy Private Secretary to HRH The Prince of Wales, with responsibility for media relations and the Prince's interests in healthcare, the environment, and architecture. Having served in the position for six years, he left in 2002 to establish his own consultancy business, which provided communications advice to businesses, individuals and charities.

Since 2008 he has been a Trustee of both The Helen Hamlyn Trust and its educational initiative "Open Futures". He is also a Trustee of the David Ross Foundation and the David Ross Education Trust, which sponsors a number of school Academies in the United Kingdom.

I'm not sure if this is relevant but here is the family name for both in a Royal Almanac

think- ago

@neptunium1, did you ever come across a male US scientist (biotechnology) who has a double name, the first one being 'Wyss'? I can't seem to remember his second name, he popped up in a thread here recently.

Wondered whether he is related to Hansjorg Wyss.

neptunium1 ago

Are you thinking of Tony Wyss-Coray?

think- ago

Yes! Thank you! That's the guy! :-)