BarryOSeven ago

Reddit and it's fake reality should not be allowed to exist. We can lure people into voat and other free speech channels but reddit is still a source of fake reality which needs to be destroyed because it poisons the masses.

salinaslayer ago

Barbra Streisand effect intensifies

hanknut42 ago

reddit is bought and paid for its so gross how many shills are allow to free regin over there afka the mods of wikileaks and bots glore also concern trolls out the ass we must not them win every troll harass that enegry and put it towards the cause!@

eMalum ago

Just some observations:

The kid, Evan H., at 14:53, mentions his cousin who got him in touch with the agent Marty Weiss.

His cousin is Darian Weiss. (
He's listed as being a member of SAG-AFTRA (Screen Actors Guild, American Federation of Television and Radio Artists)

Darian, at age 8/9, was in the film "Return to Innocence" (2001)
He plays the son of a child psychologist, played by Richard Meese (
Meese's character is accused by one of his patients who has a history of being sexually abused.
The director of this film is Rocky Costanzo (

Darian has done more work with Meese and Costanzo since then, including:
11:11 (2011)(
Midnight Cabby (2014)(
Ditch Party (2016)(

Not suggesting any of this info is relevant and I recognize that directors and actors like to stick by each other... just thought it was interesting and maybe someone else will find the information useful in some way.

Dir7y ago

Spez back at it again

feel_the_bern_baby ago

Pizzagate is fake news. Get a life.

Cryptocentrus ago

PizzaGate isn't going away.

We are never giving up.

The Truth WILL come out.

quantokitty ago

Okay, did some digging into this subject and there is another very strong contender in the debate about who was the ring leader of this pedophilia group. Out of the two choices, I'd guess it was this other child actor turned director. I never liked him, he's a talentless hack, and has a way more family-oriented vibe than Rob Reiner. So maybe that's what Reddit objected to. I don't think they should have censored you, though. You're entitled to state who you thought this was.

DustyRadio ago

Please name who you think it is. I was eaten alive for venturing a guess that it was Ron Howard and not Rob Reiner (not on voat but elsewhere).

ThighHighSwampBoots ago It's been on YouTube for months. Originally, they tried and couldn't find a distributor for the film. It's sad that the filmmaker could not get the film in theaters, and not get paid for all that work. Maybe Reddit feels people should pay/a distributor needs to pick up this well-made and heartbreaking film. I'm surprised it's still getting put back up on youtube. The posting I watched was disguised as being in Spanish (it wasn't). I am linking, because we are researchers and there are things to keep in mind here.

APC_Frankfurt ago

The day of the Voat! Break MSM MainStreamMonopoly

EyeWideOpen ago

It's on the front page again with 30k upboats

"An investigation into rampant sex abuse and pedophilia in Hollywood. 93% on Rotten Tomatoes yet you can only find it on youtube. It was on the front page with 11k upvotes earlier but it was removed for some reason."

lilwagon ago


Watch that video from 1:43 - 2:00 (particularly 1:55 - 2:00)

In that scene in Different Strokes, the guy is wearing a Pedo-code ring, and the editor shoves it right in your face as an exclamation point. Right at the key grooming moment. "Our little secret" ... ring in lower part of frame. Then when Arnold says, "You know what Mr. Hornton? You're SNEAKY". The pedo ring SHOOTS into the frame. It's a close up of a boy sticking his toungue out and eating ice cream with a pedo logo right in the lower left (edit: right) corner, blatantly "tagging" the picture. It's where they put a "bug", those semi-transparent logos you see.

I've already given away that I edit video in some capacity.

These edits are worked on, frame by frame. NOTHING in the picture or audio is by accident. Think about the 24 pictures per second that we see as the word SNEAKY is said. It's a pedo ring, jutting into view while Arnold laps up white cream.


We know that there is a message being sent by the editor/producer of the show. The imagery / editing choices are undeniable.(watch those 17 seconds 10 times in a row, and play/pause as many times as you can those last two seconds if you aren't seeing the intent).

That's the "what".

Who? I don't know, I wasn't there.

Why? LOTS of possibilities. Benign option: Be authentic in the production? Were pedo-logo rings comminly known by producers/editors in 70's hollywood? Like by non-pedos? Did LE consult with writers of the show to give them "the setup"? Here's how it goes down, they sometimes have a weird ring to indicate prefs. I dunno... that benign take seems soft. Open to a better one.

Sinister option: We KNOW pedos are gonna watch. Let's give them this little nugget. (maybe there are other ways to describe this better)... but like it says in the the script.... SNEAKY. I think it's that "hiding in plain sight"

Disclaimer. The ring isn't spiral triangle, but that's a fucking triangle (....mostly...) in another triangle (...DEFINITELY...). I took screen caps, but I don't wanna post them because data about me (right?). Go "freeze frame city" all up that last couple seconds from 1:55 - 2:00


What does this mean?

AllDancingCrap ago

I can see the ring but not the symbol ( screenshot)

lilwagon ago

ALSO... Is that fucking John Podesta's black and white, handkerchief in the background?

What the FLYING fuck.

I know it's a spice rack, but in the slightly soft focus, it FITS the description. It's a visual representation of a black and white square handkerchief.

AllDancingCrap ago

I noticed that too, also the Three hearths on the wall. Needless to say that episode its self explanatory on its own. I actually have never seen that Ep. and watching all of this so blatantly depicted (it probably was a paedophilia awareness special at the moment of shooting) actually shocked me more than I thought it was going to.

lilwagon ago

So what's the non-sinister reasoning? It's a cautionary story already, without the semi-hidden symbolism. Are they putting that in there to help parents learn about and detect the symbols? Or is it more of a coded message to fellow pedos?

lilwagon ago

I know it's not a spiral triangle, but that's a black triangle, with a gold dot (or triangle) inside it. Try for clearer freeze frame.

regardless of a perfect match to FBI pedo logo from what... 35 years later... it's FEATURED by the editor, and part of the audio/visual message.

Way too coincidental to be unintentional. The actor is being told to position his hand as to see it better. It's part of the "edit".

eMalum ago

Yeah, super blurry.

I can kinda make out a dark triangle but without a clearer picture, it's hard to tell for certain.

But the Bicycle Man was certainly a pedophile, regardless of whether the producers were showing off his pedo bling.

aqilf258 ago

I got banned talk about US Politics

Urukuk ago

Yeah, Reddit didn't remove the submission, the OP simply deleted it. Another guy (maybe even OP under an alt) posted another link on /r/documentaries, mentioning the mysterious "removal" (deletion). Although I think the original reason OP deleted his original post and reposted (under an alt) the Youtube version was because it cut out the debunked Bryan Singer accusations.

shillcrusher13 ago

Not as fake as you.

golly ago

Anyone know the reason why Reddit removed it? Seems very odd. It is an "old" documentary. Well, it's not odd, if they want to cover up the fact large pedophile rings exist by scrubbing news items, deleting posts and censoring discussions about it.

Nana66 ago

Probably easier to delete post rather than go through and deal with the entire comments on it.

contrarianism ago


smokemirrors ago

yep, same as datalounge when shiz started getting too real...

contrarianism ago

Off his oxy

NeverSober ago

Magnet link for this movie, 1.4gb

*** General Parameters ***
- Name:  : An Open Secret.mkv : 
- Container:  : Matroska : 
- Size:  : 1.428 GB : 
- Duration:  : 1h 39mn : 
- Bitrate:  : 1 916 Kbps : 

*** Video Track Parameters ***
- Format:  : MPEG-2 Video : 
- Bitrate:  : Max.: --- / Average: 104857 Kbps / Min.: --- : 
- Frame rate (fps):  : Max.: --- / Average: 23.976 / Min.: --- : 
- Encoding profile:  : Main@Main : 
- Image size:  : 720*356 : 
- Pixel Aspect Ratio:  : Undefined : 
- Display Aspect Ratio:  : 2.2:1 : 
- Interlacing:  : Progressive : 

*** First Audio Track Parameters ***
- Format:  : AAC - MPEG-4 audio : 
- Bitrate:  : Undefined : 
- Resolution:  : Undefined : 
- Rate:  : 44.1 KHz / 22.05 KHz : 
- Channel(s):  : 2 (stereo) : 
- Position:  : Front: L R : 

*** Miscellaneous ***
- Subtitle(s): No Subtitle
- Album: Undefined
- Performer: Undefined
- Genre: Undefined
- Encoded date: UTC 2016-06-19T10:10:23Z
- Album artist: Undefined

Ghoulwithnojob ago

Very powerful documentary. I encourage you to watch it before it's banned from YouTube.

lawfag123 ago

Just watched it. I can see people boycotting pedowood....if they knew about this shit

contrarianism ago


MAGABoomer ago

That's because Clinton Bro Brock Pierce is in it and clearly guilty.

rodeo13 ago

I'm more than a little disturbed that Brock Pierce is on the board of the Bitcoin Foundation. Is Bitcoin the "coin of the realm" for pedo activity?

MAGABoomer ago

Yes, it's untraceable and most transactions for CP on the dark web take place using BC. No surprise there.

feel_the_bern_baby ago

Get a life tin foil hatters. Pizzagate is a hoax. Chelsea 2020!

Xook ago

I could only hope Chelsea runs--it would be another epic boot stomping as Trump blows her out of the water.

pizzagate_is_fake ago

Pizzagate is fake news. Citizens quit spreading the hateful lies about wonderful family restaurant.

Atlantean120 ago

Get a life.

pizzagate_is_fake ago

Mod friend flag this post. Say relevancy in question or debunked.

Atlantean120 ago

Get a life you sad human

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago

nice username, shill

Ronnilynn31 ago

He has like 3 or 4 usernames at least. All saying the same bullshit.

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago

Absolutely disgusting! I'm so angry. If you're reading this message, pls never give up

DustyRadio ago

Ah, Brock Pierce. Now on the board of Bitcoin, very interesting. His selection for the Bitcoin board caused other people on the board to resign because of their distaste of pedophilia and people charged with it.

I am actually surprised YouTube has kept this docu up.

CosmicChrist ago

Bitcoin is certainly interesting, being they celebrate May 22 as "pizza day" because the first thing bought with bitcoin was pizza. We know bitcoin is the go-to for deep web purchases. Its also interesting to note the relations between WikiLeaks and bitcoin, how it amounted to nothing, and the recent surge of bitcoin in wake of recent events. All curious indeed.

LadyMinx ago

Brock Pierce has a twitter account if anyone cares to troll him. I don't understand how he's not in jail, and still in business. I bet they use bitcoin as pedo currency. How convenient! (Edited to add Pierces name)


All dirty money travels bitcoin...there is a new one that claim to be unverifiable.....nobody can see who the user is.

bikergang_accountant ago

This is bad when people like that leave a board. Now it just gives him and sympathisers more power.

belphegorsprime ago

Normally, I'd agree with you. However, bitcoin is decentralized. There is no board. Bitcoin requires no "foundation". So when talented people walk away, they are still free to pursue whatever bitcoin related projects they want.

contrarianism ago

Cf too pedo perp

28leinad82 ago

it's still there for me... did they put it back or are you just having trouble finding it?

2impendingdoom ago

Why are people surprised when reddit bans pizzagate posts?

FemaleVet4Trump ago

My 10-year-old Reddit account was deleted when I posted about Rob Reiner's abuse of Corey Haim and his bullshit children's charity that makes "videos". You can read the annual tax reports for the charity on the various charity review sites, like guide star and charity navigator.

PodestaMolestaDBesta ago

Can someone explain why spez would allow/partake in such sensorship? Who is this guy in bed with? As a 8 year user of Reddit this infuriates me.

quantokitty ago

Rob Reiner? I gotta say that I'm shocked. Would never have suspected him. Never. I haven't read the evidence yet, but either it's there or not.

Piscina ago

Where is it said that Reiner abused Corey?

FemaleVet4Trump ago

It's said nowhere. You have to look at the clues dropped into Corey Feldman interviews.

Votescam ago

Is this mentioned in the "Open Secret" video?

FemaleVet4Trump ago

Not specifically, but many of the same clues.

golly ago

That is just crazy. They're removing anyone that doesn't fit the "pizzagate is fake" narrative seems. It is telling they're removing established accounts such as yours. I don't even want to know how much gold you were gifted or have bought... Reddit has lost the plot with spez at the helm.

poly ago

who would hire a guy with a username of spez. its like you are asking for trouble

golly ago

That's a good point ;-)

He acts like a spaz. Editing the database directly when the site is used in court cases. How to be an idiot 101.

molehairz ago

I got banned from /pics for talking about obama's 65k pizza party

Mooka_Molaka ago

Wow, I hadn't heard anything about Rob Reiner, let alone him abusing Corey Haim. Fuck. , _ ,

I also haven't seen anything about his "charity" either. I can of course look it up, & I will, but any chance you could link any of the info about this that you trust, especially anything you've read that isn't already scrubbed/redacted history by MSM/Google/etc?

I guess we add yet another name to the pedo list, & sadly, add yet another name who was a victim of these pedo monsters, who are a blight on humanity.

Thank You in advance

And ✨Thank You for your efforts in this fight of ours ~

✨ Thank You✨ EVERYONE 💕who is participating ~ every little bit helps to put the puzzle together!

🎆~ 🎄Merry Christmas🎄, ☃Happy Holidays❄️, & Have a 💖Happy & 💖Healthy New Year🕊 ~

FemaleVet4Trump ago

Again, posting from my phone --- so potatoes.

Rob Reiner

Feldman said he was surrounded by pedophiles when he was 14-years-old and didn’t realize until he was older just what these “vultures” were and what they wanted. Feldman says it was these people who abused both him and close friend and troubled teen actor Corey Haim, who died last year at the age of 38.

“There is one person to blame in the death of Corey Haim, and that person happens to be a Hollywood mogul — and that person needs to be exposed but unfortunately I can’t be the one to do it,” he said.

Feldman and Haim met at age 14 when their parallel careers brought them both to the film “Stand By Me” – directed by Rob Reiner.

“HAIM: I had a movie I really wanted to do. And we were just talking about being competitive in "License to Drive" and what have you. And (UNINTELLIGIBLE), you know, from Steven Spielberg, there's a few things I wanted to do, which the personal divergence -- and "Lucas," -- I had gotten the part in "Stand by Me" and the part in "Lucas" in the same day. So I was actually eating lunch in Rob Reiner's backyard with him. And I read for rest in peace, River Phoenix's part, got it and...”

Clues about A-List pedo: -“Household name” - Revered by millions - got him high on pot first time he raped him - Closeted gay who has children - Hollywood family - Award-winning producer – actor – director - “family man façade” --- all in the family reference

Rob Reiner Homeless drug addict son - He talked about being abused until father started to get him work again Reiner is a gay activist: he’s an actor, director, producer

People will post on his imdb message board about this --- but it will get deleted quickly.

NOW..... look at the 990s from his foundations!!!! Please.

Shadybozza ago

I've seen a lot of people say it's John trovolta

FemaleVet4Trump ago

Travolta wasn't a producer or a director in the early/mid 1980s. He wasn't auditioning young teens for Stand By Me.

Elijah Wood, Corey Haim, Corey Feldman, River Phoenix, Fred Savage, Ben Savage....

FemaleVet4Trump ago

I'm on my phone at family holiday event -- don't have the info with me. Search all the comments made by Corey Feldman about Corey Haim's abuser. Corey Haim became involved with Reiner during auditions for Stand By Me. Reiner's foundation is called "I Am Your Child Foundation"/"Parents' Action For Children." Read their detailed 990s here:

party1981 ago

The Gates Foundation is one of the very top donors to the Clinton Foundation. :(

Mooka_Molaka ago

Oh my gosh, you didn't have to take the time while at a Family event... Bless your heart. It's so kind & thoughtful of you ^_^

I will dig into each of the things you've given me & so will all the others who will see it here too ~

Thank You, again & I hope you & your Family & loved ones all have a truly blessed holiday season & a very Merry Christmas ❄️✨🕊🎄💖

FemaleVet4Trump ago

Thank you. Same to you.

lawexaminer ago

It looks like it is still there.

Element2301 ago

See the: (deleted)

It's still there if you go to that link but it won't show up on the front page or on the top of R/documentaries where it was for a few hours.

lawexaminer ago

I see it now. Reddit removing it from the front page killed the visibility and very few new visitors view it now.

derram ago :

An Open Secret (2014) An investigation into rampant sex abuse and pedophilia in Hollywood. 93% on Rotten Tomatoes yet you can only find it on youtube... : Documentaries

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