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carmencita ago

I am horrible at archiving but have found a connection with Geraldine L and HRC. Hillary another passenger on Epstein's plane.

The other day in Manhattan, Hillary Clinton supporters met for lunch at the home of the media executive Geraldine Laybourne. A group of 50, mostly women, was determined to generate excitement for Clinton’s campaign for president. They were frustrated to see her lagging again among younger voters, and their invited speaker was Kenyatta Cheese, a young Obama campaign veteran and internet impresario.

Geraldine is also linked to D Geffen

Herbert J. Allen Jr.'s male-dominated annual power powwow in Sun Valley, Idaho, is breaking with tradition. Not only are there more female executives on the corporate guest list this year than usual--a whopping six out of 104 or so--there will be a first-ever panel discussion led by and about women and business.

Allen's famed, though secretive, annual confab, which runs July 7 to 12, is the 16th edition and has become a sort of high-powered male-bonding session for some of the world's most influential investors, chief executives and media moguls including the likes of Warren Buffett, Paul Allen, Rupert Murdoch, Sumner Redstone, John Malone, Gerald Levin, Michael Eisner, David Geffen, Barry Diller, Edgar Bronfman Jr., Bill Gates, Andy Grove, Herbert Siegel and Philip Knight.

Allen--Wall Street's mighty investment banker to the (media) stars--encourages his guests to bring their wives and kids along to the mountain retreat, billed as a family getaway with planned activities ranging from ice skating and kickball to fly-fishing and a rodeo.

While the family is at play, the moguls huddle to talk about changes in the industry.

But the number of top female executives on hand representing corporations in any given year has been few and far between--as they are in the industry in general. Last year, Mattel Inc. President and CEO Jill Barad became the first female CEO ever invited to make a company presentation.

This year, Barad is one of four women at the conference speaking on a panel titled "Women and Business," along with Washington Post Chairwoman Katherine Graham, former Disney/ABC Cable Networks President Geraldine Laybourne, and fashion designer Diane Von Furstenberg. ABC's Prime Time Live co-host Diane Sawyer will moderate. (Pleasant T. Rowland, who just sold her doll company to Mattel in a $700-million deal engineered by Allen & Co., is the other female executive guest, though she will not be on the panel).

Graham, Laybourne and Von Furstenberg also have been executive guests at the conference before. Von Furstenberg runs in media circles as a close friend of Barry Diller. And it helps to be an Allen & Co. client. The investment bank is actively raising money for Laybourne, who recently started her own production company with her former lawyer--Lisa Hall, who left her practice--to serve the quickly converging Internet and television worlds.

Another new and seemingly politically correct addition is a panel called "Race in the Workplace: Past Practices/Future Challenges," which Tom Brokaw, another Allen friend, will moderate. Panelists include Time Warner President Richard Parsons, Black Entertainment Television founder Robert Johnson, Eastman Kodak's George Fisher, Washington Post Co. Chairman Donald Graham, and Leslie Jones, a student at the Roberto C. Goizueta Business School at Emory University in Atlanta.

Seems like Geraldine has connections to many that we have researched before. David Geffen, Barry Diller, Edgar Bronfman Jr. and Diane von Furstenberg to name just a few.

carmencita ago

WOW. That’s the trafficker king on the right? Just getting together for good clean fun my arse.

ASolo ago

Yes. Robert Kraft.

carmencita ago

Thanks! I just couldn't pull up his name. I have been fasting for 10 days and my brain is water logged LOL. I read that in Fla. there is a low sentence for trafficking about 2 years? Hmm. Wonder why.

ASolo ago

No I know you knew I just didn't want you to waste the brain power on that asshole. I'm pretty sure you're sharp as a knife even through a fast Carm. Blessings to you for so much support here to everyone and their work.

carmencita ago

Oh ok. And thank you as always. I got it. I am finally off the fast and can’t wait for my veg soup to be done.

ASolo ago

My god this conference is a regular bacchanalian orgy and seems like the entire lot of cultural engineers are in attendance. They must have had to put chastity belts on the entire dinner staff to preclude any preparty rapes.

carmencita ago

Bingo. Those were my exact thoughts. I had horrid visions of the Childten being brought there. Wonder if everyone made it out alive. Scary.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for adding that :-)



I don't want this to be ignored because of TTT, but check this out:

[Sun Valley Lodge] was built by Pilgrim's Society member Averill Harriman in the 1930's

letsdothis3 ago

Seems we could put together a whole new post on Sun Valley alone. Some voat posts : (links to Big Tech, the Bronfmans and therefore, NXIVM) (Dock 72; 72andsunny;WeWork Cos.) (Sun Valley where liddle Adam and LiddleKidz live)

ASolo ago

That is an interesting link. It does express reservation for comparing it to something like Bohemian Grove and that the subjects of the conference are rather banal but that still doesn't mean subjects are not talked about and arrangements made. This Herbert J Allen and his successor Herbert Allen III (Yale/ Probably Skull and Bones)are some very interesting fellows and made their fortune in corporate takeover.

carmencita ago

Photos - Haven't seen all of them but some biggies Warren Buffet Robert Igler D von Furstenberg and Barry Diller Charlie Rose

This is a long string of pics. They are from media, sports, political etc.

carmencita ago

There's a lot to read there. I started it but will continue and get back to you. TTT pops in no matter what. I think you should do a post on this. Not our fault if he posts the usual. This needs to be seen. This is an EPIC Find.

carmencita ago

BTW, I was getting a sinking feeling about what else might be going on at Sun Valley. Especially with Geffen and Diller there. When I read that they brought their children, I immediately thought of the swimming pool and the grandchildren in the Podesta emails. Creepy.

carmencita ago

YW :)

Vindicator ago

Another connection between Laybournes and Bill Gates is the school Kit Laybourne sits on the board of: Bard High School. It's a school for gifted rich kids started with money from the Gates Foundation. Their claim to fame is kids start college two years early (only two years of high school). There didn't appear to be any pedo teacher scandals associated with the school(s) though.

carmencita ago

I know I looked into the sex aspect with the school to but I can't stop feeling there must be something. They don't sit on boards for nothing.