Vindicator ago

Thanks darkknight! When I'm done doing my taxes, I will make the Twitter thread.

You're right about the index post for the sidebar, too. @argosciv did a thread recently explaining Voat has a Table of Contents formatting feature that would work really, really well for this. It's on my to do list, but I don't know how soon I will get to it. If someone else wants to get it rolling immediately, there's a bunch of raw material in this thread and the comments.

argosciv ago

You're right about the index post for the sidebar, too.

What's this then? Need me to have a bash with some css and give you more examples?

Vindicator ago

We were just discussing how handy it would be to have a thread in the sidebar or stickied that was essentially an index/table of contents to our research hoard. Something that included the SearchVoat link for each major topic, like I did for the Happy Birthday post a few months back, but much better and more thorough and organized. That was a good brainstorming effort, but needs to be redone in a better format. Then we can stick it at the top and researchers will be able to easily find posts on any pizzagate subject area.

argosciv ago

Ah righto, well, for a bit of fun you could also - if included in sidebar - add some css which highlights the link to that thread.

Target the element by href with an exact match.

Onetime1 ago

Thanks for the work and posting, dk.

Although some of this stuff may seem "old hat" to many who have been long time followers/researchers, I am seeing a growing awareness across various platforms as more and more people are finally "getting it".

Continuing to post older news seems to be kindling a spark of curiosity from newbies that leads to more involvement in learning.

Keep up the great work as this Great Awakening marches on.

darkknight111 ago

We REALLY need a perma sticky that’s basically a directory to every lead we have sorted by type.

carmencita ago

You have come through again. As Always, thanks for all your hard work. Believe me I know how much time it takes!

NosebergShekelman ago

Dan 'little kids are tighter' Schneider

tokui ago

Pizza. Mmm.

CarpenterforChrist ago

Keep the Truth coming, patriot. God bless.