eucalyptus_spearmint ago

The show was disgusting. My parents wouldn't let us kids watch a number of things on Nickelodeon. Not being allowed to watch this one never hurt my feelings, it was so creepy.

ninjajunkie ago

I say more pedo heads need to end up on judges' porches.

darkknight111 ago

While I don't think this is related to the supposed blackmail Schnider has on Nickolodean, this may be part of the cascade of Nick's pedowood scandal. This could be irreversably fatal for the network.

Count Ren & Stimpy on the list of things from my childhood ruined by pizzagate. In hind sight, the show had a major corruptive influence on cartoons thanks to starting the trend of gross out humor.

gaystapo ago

Another Nickelodeon pedophile Using Nickelodeon to lure children? This is going to be a bad month for old Nick.

Mad_As_Hell ago


gaystapo ago

Another Nickelodeon pedophile? Using Nickelodeon to lure children? This is going to be a bad month for old Nick.

rooting4redpillers ago

His portrait still hangs on the wall at Nickelodeon.

Of course it does. These people didn’t care what he did then, and still don’t care what any of “their own” pedophiles do now - except the getting caught part. They only care about protecting their legacies and their future status, fame, and fortune. That picture will probably come down, but tears will be shed if/when it does, and somebody will lovingly hang it somewhere away from public view.

A LOT of people knew about Kricfalusi’s abuse, and probably even his threats of rape, and NOBODY did anything to stop him FOR DECADES.

On Kricfalusi’s behalf, an attorney responded to a detailed list of allegations in this story with the following...

Cue the excuses, sympathy... even praise. This guy was a cunning predator for decades, knew exactly what he was doing, and exactly how wrong it was. But so arrogant, he never expected to answer for any of it. Who knows, maybe he never really will answer for it, or pay a price. Those girls sure have.

Difficult to read all this without being nauseous. I appreciate the great comments here.

Laskar ago

..."she said, she found child porn on his computer. Rice said she found images of girls she didn’t recognize, naked; she remembered one photo in particular, with a naked girl who appeared to be around 10 years old, lying on her back with her legs spread and an expression on her face that Rice described as fearful. An ex-girlfriend of Kricfalusi’s, who asked not to be named in this story, said she, too, saw naked images of prepubescent girls who appeared to be between 12 and 14 on his personal computer around 2007."

another pedo exposed ...SMH

LightlyToasted ago

We're going to get so worn down saying: "I'm not surprised." Pedowood needs to be ash.

Laskar ago

True, and agreed.

i_scream_trucks ago

Ren and Stimpy was fucking shit

AxolotlThanksaLotl ago

Not really surprising, but it makes me sick to my stomach. The abuse is unthinkable, but the fact that so many women, and girls, in this case, have had so much of their talent squashed by selfish, pathetic men is beyond disgusting. However, the fact that there's been a spotlight on two people working in Hollywood who aren't just sexual abusers, but pedos, both within a week...I'm getting really hopeful. There's a LOT more rot where this came from, I hope this purge continues.

Also don't forget - it's possible that part of the reason Nick decided to oust Dan Schneider has something to do with the recent internet attention his possible 'deeds' have been getting. Don't underestimate what sharing this stuff can do. Keep doing that, and support victims when they come out with their stories. Goodness knows they need it...I've already seen Kricfalusi fanboys coming out to defending him and discredit his victims.

rooting4redpillers ago

Agree 100% and I share your hope.

altaccounttwo ago

Well we just need to disarm the American people! Then we won't need to worry about answering for our crimes! So simple.

mattsixteen24 ago

Not surprising. Cartoonist are sickos. Especially Ren and Stimpy creators as much as I enjoyed that cartoon.

carmencita ago

Kricfalusi's attorney's response to to the Buzz Feed Article

“The 1990s were a time of mental and emotional fragility for Mr. Kricfalusi, especially after losing Ren and Stimpy, his most prized creation. For a brief time, 25 years ago, he had a 16-year-old girlfriend. Over the years John struggled with what were eventually diagnosed mental illnesses in 2008. To that point, for nearly three decades he had relied primarily on alcohol to self-medicate. Since that time he has worked feverishly on his mental health issues, and has been successful in stabilizing his life over the last decade. This achievement has allowed John the opportunity to grow and mature in ways he’d never had a chance at before.”

We know what he is doing. He is passing this pedophile's actions as a mental illness problem. It is not. This is not anything that can be corrected with medication or therapy. This is ingrained and cannot be turned around. He is a pedophile.

Sackajahweeda ago

Call the waaaaaaahhmbulance people he had depression. So does plenty of the planets inhabitants and they arent KID FUCKERS!!

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

They're probably depressed BECAUSE they are pedos. Knowing you're doing great harm to someone isn't good for the ol' self esteem.

carmencita ago

Yeah, well we are suppose to get our hankies out and have a Big Old Cry for this Perverted Scumbag because he has had depression probs. Yeah, half of this country.

ninjajunkie ago

Briefly dated a 16 year old? Who wants to bet that 'brief time' was about 2 years?

carmencita ago

Yeah, right. And those pics of the girls on his laptop? How long do you think those have been there too. The fact that he already has his lawyer lying for him speaks volumes. They have been lying to themselves for a lifetime so why not us.

ninjajunkie ago

The lies will never stop. These perverts can't face themselves much less the truth. Personally, I'd offer every pedophile a choice; castration with a red-hot knife or the noose. Second time is the noose, no option.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You nailed it. Continued evidence that those involved with the cabal are bonded together through crime the rest of society is repulsed by. And that people know, but they are above the law. They do not arrest themselves.

carmencita ago

Yes, people know but the problem is that I think people also know they will get off and not get nailed. That is what fuels there constant slaps on the wrist sentencing. Too many are helping these pedos get off Scot Free.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Oh he’s a reformed pedo 🙄🙄🙄

The same people who peddle this nonsense are the ones who castigate Pence for his alleged support of gay conversion therapy. Can't have it both ways.

carmencita ago

Some people are having problems in this thread understanding that 16 is not an adult. At least, when a 16 yr. old meets up with a sexually experienced adult they are not able to hold off advances, due to being INexperienced. They can't handle it. Thus older men love young children for that purpose. They have very little self esteem as the girl said in the article and are Ripe for Grooming. Something pedophiles know all too well.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Yup, and the fact these girls were 14 and 15 (and looked a lot younger) when he began grooming them should ring alarm bells for those claiming they were "of age"

carmencita ago

This disgusting pervert showing those pics to others also shows what a low life scumbag he is. The ones that stood up for him while he did these things in the office, make me sick too. Now they are stepping up, where were they when they were kids and being groomed? What a sick place to work.

rooting4redpillers ago

Yes! Exactly, but of course that’s what his attorney will say. Wash, rinse, repeat.

carmencita ago

The running excuse. Really, these guys need to know that more and more people are waking up to the fact that pedophilia is a heinous act and also that it cant be cured. They just keep singing the same old song.

testeverything ago

Lets keep in mind multiple Nazi leadership figures married 16 year olds.

Let's not forget Hitler's 16 year old french girl friend towards the end of WWI with which he had an illegitamate son named Jean-Marie.

carmencita ago

I am keeping it in mind, and yes he too was a pedophile if he and Nazi figures married 16 yr. olds. Who is supporting Hitler? Not I. I would never compare Kricfalusi to Hitler but regarding their choice in women, yes they were way too young and that is wrong. They are both disgusting perverts.

testeverything ago

A lot of people here unfortunately do support Hitler so I like to mess with them. It's not too young. For milenium that was how courtship worked. It's only in the last 80 years we've had a problem with it and it's a little bit strange when people are violently protective a moral only 80 years old and try to shun people for pointing out the reality of the situation. Its very Salemesk when there is a new moral scare and a side is so sure they are right they can't listen to other people. There is a difference between rape and not rape and there is a difference between a child and what we have unfortunately labeled to be children.

This non-equivelency is important because when the moral enforcers fail to recognize this distinction you lead men like Anthony Wiener, a general sex addict, to end up working with and protecting actual child human trafficers and abusers like the clintons.

chrisman01 ago

So they admitted it was true.

Frankly I'm not surprised. The original Ren and Stimpy was fucked up. No way its creators were sane.

carmencita ago

I never watched it, but heard of it. But of course with all the posts and all the other articles I have read on line I know the background of these scumbags especially Shneider and know that Kricfalusi is in the same ball park. Adult Naked Swim, or whatever, it does not sound like anything kids should be watching anyway. This is why we have the problems we have today. Parents are thinking of their kids as little adults. They are not.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Christ... Byrd looks 10 or 11 in that couch pic.

Just another part of my past that I had enjoyed that will now remind me something horrible.

altaccounttwo ago

I mean, it was slightly degenerate. Never watched it growing up but my recollections are pretty vivid.

carmencita ago

Soon, she said, she began receiving boxes of toys and art supplies from 39-year-old Kricfalusi, better known as John K. He helped her get her first AOL account, through which he convinced her he could help her become a great artist. He visited her at the trailer park where she lived in Tucson, Arizona. “I thought I was still his little cute friend,” she said. And then, when she was still in 11th grade, he flew her to Los Angeles to show her his studio and talk about her future. She said that on the same trip, in a room with a sliding glass door that led to his pool, he touched her genitals through her pajamas as she lay frozen on a blanket he’d placed on the floor. She was 16. I Could Barely Continue after reading that but I needed to know what that Scumbag did to her. First Schneider now Kricfalusi. They are sucking these kids in and Grooming them. All they care about is "Se's underage, too".......

TurdLord5000 ago

Cue foghorn.

derram ago :

Creator Of “Ren & Stimpy” Accused Of Preying On Underage Girls Who Wanted Animation Careers :

Report: ‘Ren & Stimpy’ Creator Preyed on Teenage Girls - The Daily Beast

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rooting4redpillers ago

Thanks derram.