carmencita ago

I was angry at my Church for quite some time and still am, and did not pray too often. I am back to it now, knowing who the real Criminals are. I stand in front of her every day and pray in Spanish (I am not Hispanic but love the language). I can say the Hail Mary in Spanish, English and French and German. She understands all of them. Do you not think that with our help and hers that we will be victorious? I very much do.

carmencita ago

I have a statue of the Virgen de Guadalupe from Mexico and she is standing on the devil and a snake. This should tell us something. She is my go to for help.

carmencita ago

Thank you. I know we have suspected them in other things, but this is shocking to me. But not surprising. They will stoop to anything to make money. Evil Devils Work is what this is. I am going to pray harder. I hate my Church but I love God. I will pray to Mary on this one, the Mother of Jesus. She will not like what they have done.We must ask for help as we work to take these Criminals down.

Pizzalawyer ago

You mention Lex Wexner, who was born, raised and schooled in Ohio and is Ohio's wealthiest citizen having started The Limited clothing company and later owned Victoria's Secret. At one time, Jeffrey Epstein managed his finances and it was believed that Wexner was Epstein's only client. According to Wikipedia, Wexner broke off his relationship with Epstein as a result of Epstein' s sex scandal, which begs the question: How is Epstein making his money now?

carmencita ago

I met Leslie Wexner at a Victoria's Secret while working there. He seemed very personable. He at the time was building his huge home in Ohio and they said it had a dining room that could be made to go up and down like an elevator. That means the whole floor. Imagine the wealth of this man. I also read in an article that Epstein bought his huge NY City mansion form Wexner for $1. I am sure that Wexner and Margaret Cole of the EAC have met at some point. These evil doers all work hand in hand to keep their well oiled machines in working order. We know she had ties to the CF and Hillary.

PubMaster ago

The following is a list of informational articles concerning violations: backround: current lawsuit: Bilateral adoption agreement by HRC 2012: previous Hague Adoption Convention (major differences with agencies allowed to participate): I also found a comparison sheet that points out the differences between the two adoption agreements. The one HRC did takes away much of the regulation.

carmencita ago

If your name applies to what happened to you, I am so very sorry. No need to explain. Thank you for the info. I am sure we will be looking into it.


3273 east main st Columbus "They did it" >> ??

carmencita ago

I am sorry. It is early and I don't get it. Did what?


It's a google map shot of the address another person supplied. Turns out to be Planned Parenthood / Womens Center enclave.

carmencita ago

Thank you. It was just too early here. This really opens up an ugly can of worms.