shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You sweet thang u. :-)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

My father used to buy all my mother and my business suits (best taste in clothes I have ever seen), I went to him once and asked him to stop buying dress jackets that had the pockets sewn shut, after he stopped laughing he handed me a pair of scissors and told me to 'figure it out yourself'.

privatepizza ago

Goodness, that does indeed look cozy.

privatepizza ago

It is reported that Russia stopped adoptions to the US in Jan 2013. From Time -

Over the past 20 years, more than 60,000 Russian children have been adopted by American families, and 19 of them have died in their care through negligence or domestic violence. Each death is a tragedy, but the rate of child mortality, deprivation and abuse in Russian orphanages is far higher. Pushkov admits as much. “But if the U.S. federal authorities wanted, they could act to at least restore a sense of justice,” he says. “These parents adopt children to get extra welfare benefits, to get money, or they just began to hate this child. It doesn’t matter. There needs to be justice. It is a nationwide consensus. That is why we initiated this.”

Wikipedia (apologies) on Russian Orphans -

As of 2011 from the numbers presented from Russia at the UN states that, Russia has over 650,000 children who are registered orphans, 70% of which arrived in the orphanages in the 1990s. Of these, 370,000 are in state-run institutions while the others are either in foster care or have been adopted. Reports have ranged saying that between 66-95% of all of these children are considered social orphans, meaning that one or more of their birth parents are still alive.

From RT Article, 2010

But Russia says Americans' privacy issues should not be an argument for leaving thousands of adopted children without any oversight and protection.

“Any lawyer understands you cannot transport even a bag of potatoes across the border without any contract but small children were being taken by thousands without any agreements,” says Pavel Astakhov.

It's unclear whether the Russian ban on US adoption includes fostering.


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I don't know who Teal Swan is, but I have purchased these shirts for hubby for a long time, different color thread in the stitching of the bottom button of a button-up shirt is there to guide a man so he can button himself up w/out any help.

privatepizza ago

I'm in awe of you guys. Really. Fantastic thread and comments. Admirable work indeed! I'm smiling at haberdashery dandyisms, intrigued at the same, and at the picture emerging of the Ginther family. Incredible work.

  • How could Ginther be connected with SR's murder?

  • Are / were the Ginthers involved in a child trafficking ring involving Russian orgs?

  • Is Mayor Ginther a survivor, and now enabler?

  • How is he connected to John Podesta and Obama? ( & - kudos to @Bluebirdsolitude )

  • Where is Jazmin Ginther ? Who is her mother and father ? Is she a foster child ? Why was she arrested ?

Just some of the questions appearing.....

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You're right that women don't need them. The more money a man makes the less likely he will be able to dress himself. ;)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Same thing with me and puzzles, probably all of us here. Glad I could help you.

wtf_is_happening ago

The weird black and white button thread thing looks a bit masonic.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

the black button thread is there to show men how to line up their buttons without wifes help. It's on the bottom of the shirt because non-slobs tuck it in so it is never seen.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

I haven't even looked into the other two. I'm still trying to find Jazmin. :-) I know she's not related to this case but it's like she doesn't exist.

madhatter67 ago

I'm not sure the shirt button is anything...I've a seen shirts designed like that....the buttonhole also appears to be sewn in black thread unlike all the others

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Yeah...agreed... I don't wanna say what I think til I look further. Just wondering how he ties in with Seth's murder.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

I cannot find Jazmin anywhere but in that article and the jail info you posted. That's weird as well.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

So how does this relate to Seth Rich? Wonder if he was he fostered or adopted?

Mad_As_Hell ago

I wouldn't have thought so, he's the image of his dad and brother

Bluebirdsolitude ago

And have a look at Mama Ginther.....

"Norma Ginther received her masters degree in social work from The Ohio State University in 1988, and has thirty-five years of child welfare practice and training experience. She has worked in both public and private child welfare agencies as a family services caseworker, a foster care program development specialist, in a physical abuse assessment and treatment unit, and in an adolescent services unit.......

The Ginther family served as a professional treatment foster home for twenty years, and cared for forty-six adolescents with emotional and behavioral disturbance. The Ginthers are also adoptive parents."

Remember Podesta's mom also adopted or fostered about 25 kids.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

No sorry, says fostered. I will correct

Bluebirdsolitude ago

This is a rabbit trail but posting to validate adoption assertion. According to these court docs, Mr Jeffrey Ginther fostered 46 children. Other sad info in there as well that validates OP assertion that family life may have been "hellish".

Normally, one can find inmate records on Vine or official records on a county clerks website. I am unable to find any official records for a Jazmin Ginther.

I did find a partial list of kid's names but I don't see how that is relevant to Seth Rich so I didn't post.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Yes it kinda does. Have you found the source of this photo? Its not on his twitter

Bluebirdsolitude ago

I dont know if you sew but thats not just something one does on the spur of the moment. Its kind of a pain and has to be done carefully to line up with the button correctly. That is weird.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Just throwing this out there:

but·ton·hole ˈbətnˌhōl/Submit verb gerund or present participle: buttonholing 1. informal attract the attention of and detain (someone) in conversation, typically against his or her will. 2. make slits for receiving buttons in (a garment).

Bluebirdsolitude ago

You know I just looked at that pic again and not only is the button sewn with black thread, but it appears that the stitching around the buttonhole is also black. If that is the case, it was deliberate because buttonholes are done on a sewing machine

Bluebirdsolitude ago

No, not at all. Im with ya. Someone of that "stature" would have just changed their shirt I would think instead of quickly sewing a button with wrong thread. It doesnt make sense to me either.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Wonder if the thread on the button could be a signal like the handkerchief signals between pedos?

Bill Clinton would wear a certain tie when he wanted to meet with Monica Lewinsky.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Good find