delusionalone ago

Wexner art is i believe

Notgood ago

"I've been looking through NonFBIAnon's clues again and came across something rather interesting:"

OMG! You are basing your investigation on the words of an Internet troll?

senpaithatignoresyou ago

I just made a post about this.

EVEN if fbi anon was a larper, this was a huge clue. It merits it's own investigation

senpaithatignoresyou ago


most sexual abuse in America occurs in the public schools, so this group probably has expert experience covering up abuses. They are also in a position to destroy evidence via fight club style men in low places access.

Shit shit shit shit shit.

What if set rich was not killed by a doctor, but a hospital janitor? how would anyone know? Who where the janitors during that shift?

new4now ago

Ohio's rate of missing children has escalated this yr. Out of 166 missing children, 83, were reported missing this yr alone

waxdino ago

Hillary Clinton had ties to that adoption agency, she was featured in their advertising for some reason. Here is more info on that, the agency, and Margaret Cole, the founder-

SocialJusticePanda ago

SEIU is a group of nigger faggots, they should all burn in hell.

delusionalone ago

I live in Columbus... anything you I should do?