PizzaGate711 ago

European Adoption Consultants Inc Addresses/photos from Google Maps Before they disappear - Ohio and NY + NYC - Album Album Album

NB Addresses are incomplete.

bernitdown ago

idk man, if someone big, like Putin, Trump, or anyone else who had a huge following, would fucking talk about it and calim that it is real, but NON PARTISAN, I think a lot of eyes would be opened. The obsession with connecting Pizzagate to Clinton is really tiring. Maybe she was involved. Maybe not. But when you talk about Hillary so much, it becomes a pro-right wing/anti-left story, so you only reach 50% of hte viewers. We need to emphasize that pizzagate is not partisan, and it's corruption spills across all parties.

Eastwood350 ago

"Russian ambassador in the United States of America Sergey Kislyak has said that ban on adoption of Russian children for U.S. citizens may be lifted if the United States would provide safety guarantees for the children."

pbvrocks ago

I was doing this as well yesterday...I am almost certain that this first (sure there will be more) adoption agency sent a message...certainly to the Russians as you point out. I also think this is what got the MSM all tweeked up yesterday..THEY ARE NOW AWARE THE NOOSE IS TIGHTENING...even Bod Woodward, who is somewhat conservative, seemed like he wanted to nuke Russia last night WTF? Looks like Putin really pissed off the elites, but certainly with the no Russian babies, and now with the EAC bust they are OUTED.
Would guess that minimally the tie in here would be the UN..if I had time I would start my digging there. I believe the guy who is in charge of oversite of human trafficking is a target and has been mentioned in other posts...would look for ties to him first...

nitro169 ago

I am amazed russia hasn't nuked us... So sad...

ploppy ago

Keep digging!

Chad_Stethoscope ago

EAC's YouTube Channel:

They are active all over the world, Eastern Europe, South/Central Americas, Africa, Caribbean, Asia. EAC 'Haiti Slideshow' Video (comments and like/dislike disabled)

Another EAC sponsored program (partnership with St Ambrose Church, Brunswick, Ohio) - 'Project Chosen'

PizzaGate711 ago

European Adoption Consultants Inc Addresses/photos from Google Maps Before they disappear - Ohio and NY + NYC - Album Album

NB Addresses are incomplete.



jangles ago

Content contains unsafe or unknown tags.

Freemasonsrus ago

The Wordpress blog is a treasure trove of info. This article is about how the Russian adoption agreement HRC was apart of was clearly designed to knock out competition and only have a handful of adoption agencies able to bring in kids from Russia. That blog also mentions JCICS as a corrupt mouthpiece for certain agencies, basically a monopoly of agencies that they are/were funneling the kids through. I would recommend someone start digging into this org and seeing what names may pop up and then doing some complex searches cross referencing those names with people from CF, Laura Silsby ect.

Kidnapping kids in other countries doesn't always have to be about actual sex trafficking. The other angle is simply the sale of those kids bc it is also BIG money. I was just reading somewhere that 30k kids were adopted out of Romania in a single year and the total cost was 1 billion dollars. That's a helluva motivation to grab some kids.

Also, is another great resource.

dogeminho ago tax info?

COA, Joint Council and National Council for Adoption FAQ

dogeminho ago

I think I found their blog?

dogeminho ago

Additional Names: Margaret C Cole, Margaret Cole Hughes, Margareta Cole, Margaret Null, L Cole, Marguerite Hughes

dogeminho ago

—Haiti Camp Haiti in Our Hearts is a Minnesota non-profit organization of families with children adopted from Haiti. The annual Haiti Camp gives families an opportunity to share their experiences as adoptive families, provide mutual support through discussions, learn about Haiti, and make new friends. Each year there are different activities as well as information on hair care, attachment disorder, dealing with racism, etc. Children learn about Haitian food, art, music and language. Contact Tim Herman at (651) 774-8564 or [email protected], or visit

that bit of it caught my attention

Her FB likes. She is part of a group called Washington babies. some adoption thing she apparently is connected to ^^

concernedaboutitall ago

Putin knew something was fishy here.

did-i-say-that ago

Wow that's interesting AF.

No wonder why Putin came right out and said, "The builders of the New World Order have failed." and said Russia would take no part in the NWO, remaining independent. Kind of removes the tinfoil from NWO conspiracy theories for him to say that. He said a new balance of peace would be found, or the world would fall into lawlessness and chaos. Now I realize Putin was talking about exposing the rest of the world's pizzagate shit.

Not sure if I trust Russia, but holy hell, no wonder why he's friendly with Trump.

pbvrocks ago

This is a GREAT speech and he honestly sounds like Trump..what was the date? Could not find a date...

YingYangMom ago

Putin is a badass-thug-life leader with awesome wits and incredible courage. Heavy-caliber leader like that knows exactly what's going on and Trump being friendly with him is the wise thing to do. Even if he's not to be completely trusted, he sure as hell can be admired for his stamina and his intelligence. I personally like him a lot and I wouldn't hesitate to replace that faggot Trudeau with him any day if I could.

bernitdown ago

Why won't they come out and fucking talk about it then?

did-i-say-that ago

The bargaining chip is more valuable before it is spent?

SluggishJ ago

I had no idea about this.

Beaucephus ago

I remember reading about that when it happened. Crazy stuff.

dogeminho ago

dogeminho ago

History of EAC From The Beginning... Nearly 15 years ago Margaret lost her baby daughter due to sudden infant death syndrome. There is no way to describe the horror and pain of this tragic event, but now Margaret's mission is to prevent other families of having the same adoption disappointment. "Mitzy" as Margaret called her, welcomed Margaret and her husband into her office. They filled out paper work and went through the steps of the adoption process. They then went to New York, where they waited for the picture of their beautiful baby girl. After that, they were sent home and told to wait for further instruction. They later adopted a little baby girl from Russia, named Lindsay. This is what started the birth of European Adoption Consultants.

Margaret Cole is now the Executive director of European Adoption Consultants. Through the hard times for the Families and the staff, they continue to work hard to make dreams become reality.

MAC From The Desk of Margaret Cole... I remember interviewing the first EAC secretary who wasn't sure if she wanted to work for such a small company. We started off at my house in North Royal ton, on a perfectly good IBM electric typewriter in 1991. In 2005, we purchased twenty-five new matching computer monitors from office max. our staff has grown and we have a country staff in Kazakhstan, China, Russia, Ukraine, and Guatemala.

Not only has the staff grown, but so has the EAC family. Our annual EAC memorial picnic grew from 50 people in my backyard to 3000 people at the cleveland zoo. Its amazing to experience the happy feeling of creating families. It fills my heart to know that the waiting orphans will find homes with our wonderful EAC families.

My daughter Lindsay was only a dream to me in 1991. On a recent trip this year we were belted into our airplane seats in row 6, and settling in to study some math facts, when a lady interrupted me saying ''Aren't you Margaret Cole?'' I answered " Yes, and this is my baby Lindsay who is fourteen now". She introduced who beautiful daughters who are six and eight. The eight year old said proudly "I'm from Russia!" Lindsay's eagerly responded "I'm from Russia too!" I smiled as i remembered how difficult this family's adoption was and how there was once empty hearts that are now full.

History of EAC

Humanitarian Aid

Mother of Margaret


GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Then they went home put on dark robes lite some candles got a knife and sacrificed them to Molloch and ate them with some Fava Beans...

pizzaequalspedo ago

Excellent work here

za-throwaway ago

There's a buttload of digging to be done there, now that we know where to start. Their website looks incredibly dodgy given all our prior knowledge. (use to access the site before they took it down)

privatepizza ago

Oh wow.... nice find !!! If we can get more eyes on it and find more connections this'll be massive. Well done you! I''ve used all my upvoats today, sadly, so will write this comment for support instead. God speed.