VoaterFrog ago

Many investigating this stuff seem disappointed that the "Big Names" haven't been busted yet... now I'm not a detective, a lawyer, or anything like that. But I have watched a lot of cop and lawyer TV shows.

Seriously though, I wonder if it's actually wiser to go after the lower guys first? They're less likely to hire heavy duty lawyers and they're likely to go for plea deals and rat on anyone they possibly to keep from getting thrown in a prison for a few decades. If they try to take down the big dogs, the "household names," the ones that will cause epic level of madness in the average citizen, they're going to need a HELLUVA case. By taking down the little ones first, they can get begin accumulating the witnesses, confessions and evidence that they need to take down the top..

Pipebomb ago

Shitmoths Globster. Started as shit larvae and became a shit pandemic of shittapillars

Celticgirlonamission ago

I'm so happy to see that all this is coming to light...one day I may be able to sleep at night again

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Leave it to the libtards to believe that arresting an already-proven-criminal who isn't in any elected position is a "coup".

unrealisthenewreal ago

Right FBI Anon did say that, but after all the circumstantial evidence stacked against her, how much of her voter base could really believe that ALL of it was planted/coincidental? Cognitive dissonance is so high that I bet even if someone exposed picture evidence of HRC in a compromising position, there would still be apologists. This crap has gone on for so long. I don't think HRC will ever be exposed or taken down from within the gov't. The only way to bring her down is to redpill a shit ton of people and have those people be so angry that they hold protests all over the country (just like the women's march) and DEMAND justice. But since HRC and team have been colluding with MSM as revealed by WL, the question becomes how do you wake people up when the bad guys control the narrative?

EQJ ago

Oh shit! Their LinkedIn account shows they offer services in Haiti! I can't get this one to Archive can someone else try? https://www.linkedin.com/m/company/10840420/details/

EQJ ago

http://archive.is/Fvkgz Their instagram

gangpressorliber ago

No. But do some investigative journalism for us. Lets not turn this back on ourselves.

gangpressorliber ago

Who else gets sensitive when you threaten to abolish late term abortions... like the baby is ready to come out birthing time, Oh wait I think I'll have an abortion instead.... CA-CHING! $$$$$$$$$

SpikyAube ago

There should definitely be some very late term abortions going round for Hillary and her associates.

Werwer12 ago

Remember this? http://www.newnationalist.net/2016/12/10/150-terabytes-norway-busts-largest-dark-web-child-porn-networks-in-history-us-uk-media-ignore-story/

This happened early Dec 2016, and it looks like Strongsville had a report filed on them December 16th. Coincidence? How many others are there out there that the FBI began investigating in early December?!

strix-varia ago

You said it so perfectly.

carmencita ago

No. That is Biden. BO & wife were on the island of Sir Richard Branson.

carmencita ago

"resulted in serious harm to a child."

srayzie ago

The founder is Margaret Cole. She is now the Executive director of European Adoption Consultants. Her baby died of Sudden Infant death syndrome (SIDS) supposedly. Didn't Russia stop adoptions to the U.S? This crap is probably why...

EUROPEAN ADOPTION CONSULTANTS: LIVING LARGE OFF THE MISERY OF OTHERS http://www.dailybastardette.com/european-adoption-consultants-living-large-off-the-misery-of-others/

EAC and Margaret Cole Self Serving and deceptive website! https://russianadoptionagreement.wordpress.com/2012/02/19/eac-and-margaret-cole-self-serving-and-deceptive-website/

gangpressorliber ago

Her own child was startup capital willing to bet.

srayzie ago

So sad

fatjohn1408 ago

Yeah first the small peeps then the big.

2 questions

Has this not been going down before pizzagate? I mean it might be because we are so focused on it that it seems as if its going down.

2) I hope the fbi and law enforcement know that only one bullet keeps the creeps from getting back in control. I dont trust pence and I definitely dont trust Ryan. When trump is out of the picture they will fuck freely again.

gangpressorliber ago

Wikileaks juiced the investigation... it's been steady, and growing with push back and intel leaks to the perps during the Barry Occupation.

srayzie ago

They raided the founders home too. We needs to see if we can find a link between the founder and the Clinton Foundation.


Lovecraft comes to mind

Dauphin ago

Fuck them ALL, they are going down in flames and they KNOW it! We need to be prepared for them to be fighting back and fighting back DIRTY... They will not succeed this time, all is known...

Wolftrail7272 ago

Tuesday... huh.

gangpressorliber ago

yeah... what's happening right now that we don't know...

Forgetmenot ago

Is Laura silsby connected to this?

newworldahead ago

Love it! I badly needed to hear a good news. Yesterday was an awful day for #pizzagate.

gangpressorliber ago

Bad PR in MSM means Good things Happening.

Baxterbaxter ago

Article says this agency was debarred December 16, 2016, which would have been Obummer's state dept. What should we make of that? Damage control?? https://travel.state.gov/content/adoptionsabroad/en/about-us/newsroom/EuropeanAdoptionConsultantsDebarred.html

pmichel ago

and Podesta!

ansipizza ago

Naah just walk in with a big gun that goes unnoticed by the staff, fire at the floor once, and call it a day. It'll look good on the old imdb page.

HolyMoly0 ago

And make sure you accidentally destroy their hard drive with a stray bullet

gangpressorliber ago

Yeah... Fishier than Rotten F(&%$^N FISH!

srayzie ago

lol that's what I was thinking

Blacksmith21 ago

Don't discount the fact that there are probably other Pizzagate related bust going down under cover of the ICE raids. Arguably, if they are busting drug/human smugglers, they could be one of the supply lines for the infrastructure - think of getting kids up from the south via el Norte - like raw materials.

neo50 ago

Did anyone notice in the video how the address on the building says 12608 Alameda Dive instead of Drive? It makes me think an ethical ex-employee chiseled the "R" off to send a subliminal clue. I'm so glad some of these sham businesses are finally being investigated by an agency that can actually shut the doors and prosecute.

micha_ ago

First Sandusky and now this? It seems they REALLY are goin for it.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

WOW - this company is HUGE! They have 23 branches and it looks like their home office is in Richmond, VA.


EDIT - Sorry, read that wrong. Home office in CUYAHOGA, OHIO. And a couple of those branches are inactive.

Mooka_Molaka ago

sadface /notterriblysurprisedface

I saw CUYAHOGA and my heart fell. I used to live in a town called CUYAHOGA FALLS, which is in SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO.
CUYAHOGA is another COUNTY, a bit farther North. Think Cleveland area & its suburbs.

CUYAHOGA FALLS is quite lovely and named for the CUYAHOGA RIVER that winds its way through and around and back up North again. It's A LOT nicer now that it ISN'T ON FIRE.

Why does this matter & why am I even mentioning it?

Well I used to work for SUMMIT COUNTY GOVERNMENT/LOCAL GOVERNMENT. Out of the 88 counties in OHIO, SUMMIT may be one of the shadiest. Aside from CUYAHOGA COUNTY. It was back in the early-mid 90's anyway. My immediate boss was...well she was related to a judge and we often found her sleeping under her desk.

Another, older lady that was responsible for getting paperwork to me/my desk so I could type out subpoenas was often found sleeping on the couch in her office. Most of the missing "checked-out" files on ppl were last signed out to these two and omg I ended up doing all 3 of our jobs myself.

Until I went to my boss's boss. Former FBI. Serious as a heart attack but very fair & even pretty cool around ppl he knew worked hard.

We started talking every day, since I needed his signature on most of the stuff I was doing, esp the other 2 ppl's jobs. He validated a lot of the things I was questioning about certain contracts the state and the county had and we'd both just shake our heads.

After a year or so, we were working on a case involving quite a few children in the household and Mr. FBI, Boss of my Boss, said "If you think Summit County is dirty, don't EVER work for CUYAHOGA county. There are things even a "tough" longtime investigator doesn't want to see."

Aside from some mob-based bullshit/contracts via construction companies and such with local county government a few years later, now I'm pretty sure THIS is the sort of awfulness going on that he was referring to.

Omnicis ago

I am glad I left NE OH. went to HS in Cuyahoga Falls.

YingYangMom ago

Me too. She's enabling all the other smaller orgs and foundations to do whatever they want with our kids. She needs to pay for that.

Freemasonsrus ago

Guaranteed. If she gets taken down she'll pull a Paterno or Ken Lay. No way she is ever behind bars. And I sincerely hope I'm wrong...

quantokitty ago

Very disturbing story. As if these kids haven't been through enough.

JohnnySkidmarx ago

So they were kidnapping children and selling them? Time to make an example of these sick fucks. Public executions of anyone proven guilty of this.

oneposteach ago

Prolly got caught with a shipment for the auto show they have next week.

gangpressorliber ago

I was telling everybody before the election that she eats babies and I wasn't joking... I just knew.

Votescam ago

Recall the Twilight Zone's "To Serve Humankind" -- about alien visitation - the punch line was "It's a cookbook!"

The highest secret in this nation, above nuclear weapons/codes, seems to be ET's/UFO's. At least that's the message that was given to President Jimmy Carter when he asked for the files. Seems he had a visit from GHWBush, Director/CIA who told Carter that he didn't "have high enough security clearance" to see the files. http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=104x1956796

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Listen, I'm not here to be a dick... But I'm here, and I'm a dick.

For future reference, I would suggest not using that example when trying to wake people up... It's extremely hard for people to take you seriously, when you say the DNC nominee for president eats babies... Regardless if it's true... But the thing is,we have zero evidence to suggest that is ture THAT VERY SPECIFIC EXAMPLE, has no specific evidence to support it. That's like the least proven example, with the least amount of facts to support it...

FORTUNATELY, There are SOOO many clear cut examples of the evil henious acts hillarys committeed...Some way worse than others, but almost all are horrible in any rational, decent persons eyes.. You could start small and set the scene in order to give future allegations more credence...

You have to use the CIA's technique of Predictive Programming Against them...

If you the main point you want to speak to, Is the satanic aspect (I don't recommend that, since there are much easier routes to go) That's fine... But you have to set the scene first. Provide the context needed so that when you do Drop the baby eating bomb... It's not immediately dismissed.

But If your main goal is to inform people of the evil that is is hilary clinton, I would steer clear from anything santanic, untill there is more concrete evidence to support it... And honestly, Even then, people will have a hard to listening. It's such an extreme example, that leading it with it, might actually stop people from listening to anything you say AFTER that, regardless if there's mountains of evidence to support it.

Obviosuly this is my opinion based on the people that I interact with...Perhaps the satanic aspect IS the way to go, if you're talking with religious people or what not.

Edit: Disclaimer: Shit internet, So I didn't even read the source I provided... I just typed it into google and Read what was provided in the search results...Sorry if it's shit.

Votescam ago

Actually, I think people have to understand that there was NO Satan/Devil and no Heaven or Hell in the Old Religion which was based in Nature.

It is organized patriarchal religion - male supremacist religion -- which introduced Satan/Devil and Heaven and Hell and which underpins patriarchy.
That makes both organized patriarchal religion and patriarchy equally dependent on the other.

That is the source of this evil -- and it was based in violence of the Crusades -- "introducing the cross with the sword."

It included RCC's Satanic rituals, which according to some still exist and occurred on Vatican property.

**Royals, Vatican, global leaders entertain by killing kidnapped children?**

The Roman Catholic Church may have overseen the murder of over 50,000 Canadian native children at residential schools administered by nuns according to findings of a 2012-2013 ICLCJ Court verdict after which Pope Ratzinger resigned from office. The Protect Your Children Foundation claimed nuns stole 500,000 children in Catholic mother-baby homes in Australia and another 500,000 in Canada. Nuns were found to have tortured and abused 30,000 women in Ireland’s Magdalene Laundries, plus abused more than 30,000 children in Ireland Catholic residential schools.
 Last month marks on the bones of nearly 796 children found in an Irish Roman Catholic Nun septic tank indicated they had been ritually killed. A source within the Irish Garda police force investigating the mass grave site, testified before the ICLCJ Court. Forensic experts had confirmed the decapitation and dismemberment of babies in the mass grave resembled the usual signs of ritualistic murder.
 In Spain society remained shaken by allegations of the theft and trafficking of thousands of babies by nuns, priests and doctors up until the 1990s. There were 300,000 children kidnapped and sold for adoption by Roman Catholic Nuns. According to reports by the BBC, mothers were told their babies died and buried in mass graves. The Catholic Church was said to have made $20 billion dollars on the adoptions.

**According to a July 11 2013 Associated Press report in the New York Times, Pope Francis has declared it a crime for Vatican residents and workers to release negative information about the Vatican. Informants faced six months to eight years in prison and a €2,000 euro or $2,500 fine.** 


Any search will pull up information like this on the RCC/Vatican -- the Dutroux case in Belgium is but one example.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uCoqldzLJs&list=PLPQXCVoQ40INEVQXJoUZ7C2zHfRfn2hHS

In the Belgium case we also see the pattern where the public becomes very concerned and turns out into the streets when a trusted investigator is removed from the case.  What seems to be a cover up investigation then occurs and simultaneously with that attacks on survivors of the pedophile ring ... until the public becomes totally confused and loses confidence in the witnesses.


justforthissubverse ago

I know. It frustrates me that people think they will somehow convince people with the baby-eating bomb. Sales, people. It's sales and persuasion we need. If you want to sell people on pizzagate and Hillary's evilness, don't charge in with the baby-eating argument. How can people not realize how fucking outlandish that SOUNDS to normies? You have to bring that up after they have been redpilled.
It would be like trying to close a car sale because you really want to sell someone a JEEP but they are in the market for a Tractor. You don't start a sale at the CLOSE!

remedy4reality ago

and leave out Marina Ambramovic ? Sorry, but HELL NO.

justforthissubverse ago

He didn't say to leave that out. He's suggesting a rational way to actually persuade someone before dropping the baby bomb. If you honestly think the best way to convince someone of pizzagate is to run around screaming Hillary eats babies, then that's great. But it's not going to work and will turn people away. His comment was very cogent and I am upvoting.

remedy4reality ago

good for you... but, I was half joking and of course, Hillary eating babies is not a starting point. As for convincing people this is real, I am doing a great job with my contemporaries and family members.

justforthissubverse ago

lol okay but a lot of folks actually get bent out of shape when I say not to lead with the baby-eating stuff. People often insist on trying to shove the redpill in whole even when it's bigger than the person's mouth...

concernedaboutitall ago

Hillary has Kuru! Tell them that, and tell them to google it.

DeathToMasons ago

This is encouraging. If rounding up all the small fish makes it easier to point all arrows at the big fish down the line, these weekly arrest work for me if we can work our ways up to the prevously untouchables.

gangpressorliber ago

as long as Hillary isn't smuggled to Bahrain..

GeorgeT ago

They might get to tiger sharks, but they will stay clear of the few Great Whites - but Great Whites all alone can't do much.

remedy4reality ago

This is WAY BIGGER than Hillary, my friend. She is literally only an arm on the real monster that needs to be taken down.

Votescam ago

Exactly --- The CIA is heavily involved -- beginning with MKULTRA. In order to understand this, we may have to accept that HRC and Bill may have been programmed by CIA. It is -- imo -- impossible to believe that people can go around doing these horrible things and yet allegedly lead normal lives. That can't be true. They know what they are doing is wrong/criminal. The only explanation would be programming and multiple personalities. I suspect that there was Clinton/Rodham involvement with the CIA perhaps even before they reached Yale. There is much more to be understood here before we put anyone's "head on a platter." Certainly these people are involved, but we don't know how that came to be.

CIA's MKULTRA Mind Control MKUltra used numerous methodologies to manipulate people's mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, hypnosis,[10] sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as other forms of psychological torture.[11][12]

The scope of Project MKUltra was broad, with research undertaken at 80 institutions, including 44 colleges and universities, as well as hospitals, prisons, and pharmaceutical companies.[13] The CIA operated through these institutions using front organizations, although sometimes top officials at these institutions were aware of the CIA's involvement.[14] As the US Supreme Court later noted, MKULTRA was: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKUltra

If Trump or the nation wants to overturn evil, the CIA is a good place to start.

OutlawStriding ago

What if its not mkultra at all, but some kind of demonic possession?

Votescam ago

But MKULTRA has made clear what it is -- and what it was intended to do. And survivors have testified as to what they suffered under these programs. Why would you think it didn't happen?

Actually, right now, looks like a takeover of Wiki is coming as there is some strange editing going on of long standing articles. Also known as "scrubbing" of the files.

Again, Satan and the Devil/demons is the invention of organized patriarchal religion -- i.e., male-supremacist religion which underpins patriarchy. Just as Heaven and Hell are their inventions.

FEAR is the basis of all mind control.

The Old Religions were based in Nature and had no Satan, no Devil, no demons, no heaven and no hell.

nnfx ago

It's not about Hillary being the head of the monster, it's about the whole world would wake up the moment Hillary gets arrested.

Take down Hillary = Game over

QuietJustice ago

Take down Hillary and repeal any legislation she touched (ewwww!) that allowed the adoption industry to absolutely out-of-control flourish, starting with the immense federal funding incentives she was so proud of:


that strengthened this line of legislation:


Repeal Hillary's methods of delivering "social services" against children!

GeorgeT ago

Hillary is a catfish, at best hammerhead, sharks keep swimming free

podesta4prison ago

The Clinton Foundation is more than likely one of the largest transnational criminal organizations operating, and she's incredibly high-profile. Her arrest on human trafficking charges could red pill half the country.

neurofluxation ago

"If far off countries..."
*cough* Haiti *cough*

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Did you notice how the reporter pronounced Haiti differently than China & Russua? Maybe I'm just paranoid.

neurofluxation ago

So they have pronunciation differences - is there something in that?

AllDancingCrap ago

Maybe he is referring to the tone he used when saying Haiti, like trying not to make emphasis on it. Although it would need if you are trying to give an unbiased news report.

Pizzainmyass ago

We need to see what connections the top peeps have

pbvrocks ago

I would call this the first LEGIT pizzagate bust..HERE WE GO! Norway/Darkroom was a precursor..THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT WE NEED AND EXPECT TO SEE!!! Big fish will be last after all the fixers and do'ers have been rounded up and sing like little birdies...

GeorgeT ago

That is a huuuge fish! What do you know, Davis Seaman wasn't kiddin! Guys, I have heard rumors about this particular adoption agency from Russian intell (I speak Russian fluently) last year. This one is a really big fish - we are not talking about low tier Johns anymore! And where is the fakenews media covering this?

gangpressorliber ago

GeorgeT by popular voat we conscript you to pour through all intel Russian, and report back here.

gangpressorliber ago

all of those stings and little bust around the country that brought in Johns were to rake in some up to date informants... they wanted to know where they've been lately, who they know etc... some of those johns will get nothing more than the minimum for a single offense of soliciting.... They are rolling this up in a big way... These agents have brainstormed on this for years and years under Obama behind Erick Holder and Bill's GF's Back... As well as during the Bush admin I'm sure... This is going down now buddy and it will be falling for years, and what can they honestly do about it? they will be locked up or executed? We will all know they are criminals! how can you rally the troops when the troops are all in cuffs or realize your actually a pedo?

srayzie ago

This is a great meme pic!

GeorgeT ago

Now that is a psycho!

gangpressorliber ago

You know it's going down. The FBI leak appears of legit intent and source that the High level bust would occur.... It just played out differently than was leaked. With every bust they get more intel folks... They are busting them, and every bust leads to another bust.... leave the king pens walking around for a while... the statute of limitations isn't up on them yet, and they are just jail bait. We will down this hard.


yes - they are busting these small time operations to get evidence...anything that solidly traces back

small time crooks are not very good at keeping secrets and are much more likely to crack in interrogation

CipherPuppet ago

Agreed. FBI Anon was clever in declaring politicians would be busted right after Sessions took office.It was a shot across the bow. He says 30% of Gov is involved in the cover up and that sounds about right,

SickofRedditsShit ago

But it never happened. Sessions has been in ..session.. for a a week now. If this week ends with nothing I don't that anon was real. He didn't answer any questions I couldn't have.

CipherPuppet ago

Here is my guess. FBI has been busy as hell busting minnows. Sessions took office in an environment that we now know includes insider leakers who have betrayed Trump FBI anon may have psyOped the PTB and caused them to try and CYA, with FBI watching their every move. I suspect we will see those high level busts within a month Right now, the liberals in charge of the alphabet agencies are doing their best to stop Trump.

srayzie ago

Yeah that's very encouraging. But my gosh I can't wait for those gloating freaks to be taken down too. It would be my dream come true! I want the smile slapped off that whores face.

GeorgeT ago

Robert Steele said a weel ago that there were rumors that Hillary was stopped at the airport as she tried to flee US for Bahamas. She was turned back. Hmmm???!

srayzie ago

But Robert Steele got that information from a tabloid. Ryan, the one James Alefantis threatened, posted that. The site he posted that story from was a tabloid website. Other news on it was ridiculous. So Robert Steele took what Ryan and others were passing around and he said that on his podcast. So I don't think that story is true. I even asked Ryan to stop spreading that on Twitter because it was discrediting us.

badastrid ago

Agreed. The mistake reporters made was "household names." There are thousands of low-hanging fruit, those that aren't uber-protected. Just hope this administration hangs together long enough to get to household names.

joeysaperv ago

Hidden in the article:

"The report also says the Strongsville company did not properly supervise providers overseas to ensure that the providers followed each country's laws. It says the providers did not act in the best interest of children, especially to prevent the sale, kidnapping, exploitation and kidnapping of children."

gangpressorliber ago

Bingo.... That's a hit.... sinking ships here...