Bluebirdsolitude ago


Bluebirdsolitude ago

Mayor Andrew Ginther with John Podesta

Archived here:

Mayor Andrew Ginther and Obama

Archived here:

He obviously has at least a political relationship with them. Is that odd for a mayor to do so?

Chesapean ago

Excellent summary, @gilderoy!

I think, too, your conclusion about global human trafficking has great merit.

Pizzalawyer ago

For those researching union connections,, Local 32bj is a nationwide division of SEIU with 163,000 members out of SEIU 2+ million membership. It is the largest union in US for property services workers and is concentrated in 11 states in the northeast region of the country including Ohio and the DC tri-state area. Maybe the assassination goon squad came out of the Columbus Ohio union membership.

Littleredcorvette ago

One thing I really like about this subverse is the ability to present ideas and theory and have a discussion about it. /pg does not allow open communication about ideas. Very restricted/controlled info machine in that regard.

Silverlining ago

See what you can do with the Law Clerk General Counsel redacted photo on one of his other posts. @chesapean

flyingcuttlefish ago

interesting post. To look for more Columbus, Ohio links try George Webb's spreadsheet.

It's unaccepted on ths subverese to pst a g00gle docs ur but it is in this page near the end -

(pound sign)32BJ in the header would make it easy to connect to other SEIU posts here.

privatepizza ago

@littleredcorvette @flyingcuttlefish @silverlining @yingyangmom @carmencita

Any chance of some bumps n action ? I think it was posted just as everyone knocked off, would be a pity to see it slide...

privatepizza ago

What a fantastic post @gilderoy !! Bump bump bump !!

The tireless work everyone has done on this, and how we've all came together has been nothing short of astounding. The hive mind we've all created is incredible. I don't think there's anything we can't do! And.. to see it all presented as exquisitely as you've done here, has done us extremely proud. Thank you, and to everyone who solved this !!!

So now we've ID'd everyone, we can move further on.

My thoughts on it are that this is the most intriguing photo Anon posted. Because it went alongside the comment about the SEIU, logic would say that we should look there and exhaust all possibilities on all three people.

My other thoughts were about the fire services.... however I'll post about that later when the material's archived.

And other thoughts were as you've alluded to, could these three be part of a trafficking ring? 'MegaAnon', the other anon on 4Chan who is giving 'insider' advice on the SR case, posted this a day or so ago, saying that 'everything is connected to Pizza', and that we should 'look to the Pizza threads' for all we need to solve this.

This is the same anon who claimed that KimDotCom's systems were used by leakers and SR to transfer the data to Wikileaks, if you caught that.

Here's his post, I think interesting to add to this thread and the trafficking direction of thought on these three and farther - & https://archive./PbXAE

It was posted here on /SethRich yesterday or the day before, but we were all so busy I don't think it got much attention.

It would be interesting to post on over on PG too. I feel like the OP is telling the 4Chan crew to get over to Voat (and Steemit) for answers to SR. If so, is intriguing. I'll type it up and post it. Why not. And I'll give a shout out to the PG crew to come on over here 'cause we're rockin ; )

Kudos again @gilderoy on your amazing work on this.

Silverlining ago

Another important fact when I stated in my prior posts - have we got these prior posts?

Silverlining ago

Shady hospitals that are now homeless shelters.. not-for-profit orgs that have convicted pedo's sitting as chairs on their boards

He's talking about retail money laundering - small streams leading to the big banks? Comey and HSBC?

(((they))) - Are the triple brackets code for Jews?

What would a well-sourced pizza archive look like? Where would you find ANY such archive?

And then he ends "use archived and sourced pizza resources, when searching sites names connections etc

Why can't he just spill the beans? Lay it out clearly instead of dropping a breadcrumb trail? Is it just to avoid getting whacked? Is he a reformed and repentant pedo?

carmencita ago

Just wanted to let you know that the post from 4chan did not archive. It comes up page not found. Know you would want a record of that and not to lose it. I am not an archiver, so just a heads up. I am going to be busy at times today, but will try to get on this. Have leftover company. Am trying to absorb it now. It is a lot, but who cares. We must keep on keepin' on.