Are_we__sure ago

lo and behold, there are several functioning subway tunnels in that area parallel to each other: Montague Street, Joralemon Street, Atlantic Ave (defunct), and Pacific Street, all within a block or two of each other and leading directly to piers on the Hudson River where international shipping occurs and to subway tunnels under the Hudson.

Yeah, New York has a functioning subway system. I believe I was replying to you when I posted that picture of the Court Street Station. Hudson River? I assume you mean East River, which is the one between Brooklyn and Manhattan. The Hudson is on the west side facing New Jersey. Are you claiming you can exit these subway tunnels by the piers?

As a New Yorker, I'm genuinely not sure at all what piers you are talking about. There's piers on both sides of Manhattan and Brooklyn has piers on the harbor and on the river. If you can mention the actual place, that would be appreciated.

I saw your other post concerning the rest of this.

RweSure ago

The first government action against European Adoption Consultants happened before Trump was inaugurated. They were debarred by the State Department in 2016.

RweSure ago

Yes, but here's the deal. Our brains have several flaws. These are well known to cognitive scientists and a lot of work has been done on them in recent years.

Our brains LOVE stories. Communicating via a story has probable helped us survive over and over again in our evolution. We can take random things and make them a story. Our brains also love patterns. Finding links, patterns and connections, make our brains happy. Literally. Ever play tetris? Or Candy Crush? Our brains love that stuff because matching patterns releases a tiny bit of dopamine in our brains. We literally get happy chemicals when it happens. How many times on here have you seen people go down the rabbit hole and post link after link after link......until they are talking in details about folks who have no connection to the original person. I know exactly what these feels like it because I have done this too. Our brains like investigating. Links and Patterns make us happy.

So when you are conducting an investigation and your goal is find the truth, you have to guard against believing your own stories because you don't have all the information. We tend to fill in the blanks and believe the story we are telling ourselves. There was a really interesting post on here, that got deleted. It was a woman who claimed to be part of a federal agency who thought FBIanon was a fraud. She had this to say about investigative techniques and it rings true to me

.....the investigative techniques are flawed. Perhaps it would lead you to tighten up those gaps--you have to shit test, shit test, shit test your hunches and direction. Otherwise you find yourself in scenario lock, headed permanently in the wrong direction. Dismissing that critical voice as shillery--pun intended--is the very opposite of investigation.

Cognitive Glitches are really interesting to read about. We ALL are a lot less rational than we think we are.

A few I find interesting are Hindsight Bias (also the Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy) The Availability Heuristic Confirmation Bias

Are_we_sure ago


If truth is the goal, skepticism needs to be part of any investigation.

Commoner ago

European Adoption Consultants 186 JORALEMON STREET 11201 Brooklyn, NY'

Wasn't it a European Adoption Consultants that was raided recently in Ohio for child porn or trafficking? why yes it was.

Laskar ago

You are most welcome.

DonKeyhote ago

I just remembered reading the street name Joralemon or whatever

Laskar ago

Lets put all the tunnel posts together.

Here a couple more:

DonKeyhote ago


DonKeyhote ago

Even Hefner himself somewhat suspiciously refused to comment on the matter to his own publication’s Web site. All the sleuth could coax out of a staff member was this cryptic comment on the fabled tunnels: “I heard they were closed up sometime in 1989.”

Why didn't they use windowless vans, since surely his career would be over if he were seen cavorting with adult prostitutes at the Playboy mansion, which is of course top secret

Jewish. Hollywood. Pedophiles.

DonKeyhote ago


Shill 1: its impractical to use tunnels Me: no, theyre everywhere Shill 2: so anyone with a sewer is a pedo? Thats preposterous!

Can someone fucking ban tweedle dee and tweedle dumb here

Tanngrisnir ago


DonKeyhote ago

LOL. Amateur hour at shill house. Sewers are tunnels. They do extend miles.

Tanngrisnir ago

Nice work, Gilderoy! This is a fantastic write-up of all the findings.

I found an international adoption center much closer to DC. It is literally only three zip codes away from Comet Pizza. It is called Adoptions Together. Works with the DC government and also was once sponsored by DynCorp.

Also lets not forget about Creative Family Connections in Maryland.

Gothamgirl ago

Great Post!

Are_we_sure ago

This prompted the present exploration which unearthed some interesting connections between two known John Podesta hangouts, abandoned tunnels and adoption centers: 1) BROOKLYN (These are all in a very close radius)

Actually the reason those things are in a close radius is because of the convergence of the IRT and the BMT tunnels here.

What a genius that John Podesta must be! Located his candidate's HQ right near the Cobble Hill Tunnel. Brilliant! That would allow him to take children from HQ to the street take them a half mile to the only entrance to the tunnel which is this manhole in the middle of Atlantic Ave (Right out by the Trader Joe's.) This is what it looks like.

John would have to then set up some cones and barriers. John would then pry open the manhole with the crowbar you would need. Put the ladder into the tunnel. (John, You didn't forget the ladder did you? ) Now he can bring the kids down the ladder one by one and then......Voila. You're in a tunnel. You can then walk the children like a thousand feet underground!!!!!


that's right. Let me repeat that


Woo-hoo, we're in a tunnel! That leads nowhere. Suck it, George Webb!

In fact the guy who used to lead tours of the tunnel believes an entire train is walled off at the current end of the tunnel based on research he has done and the fact the original plans say the tunnel shouldn't end there.

So, now John Podesta the genius trafficker that he is will have to walk the children back a thousand feet, back up the ladder to the street and hope no one noticed the traffic cones and the open manhole, then gather up the cones, crowbar and the ladder and then he's in business. Now that he done the tunnel thing, it's only a 5 min walk back to 186 JORALEMON STREET where European Adoption Consultants IS NOT LOCATED at least not according to any google search I have run.

s2s ago

And you know this is the only entrance ... how?


Are_we_sure ago

I assume you are asking how I know it's the only entrance.

Because the guy who discovered the tunnel had a contract with the city to be allowed to give tours of the tunnel which he did a couple of times a year for almost 30 years I believe. I know at least one person who took the tour. There's a lot of info online about this. The links at the bottom of the wikipedia page will let you know all this in about 15 minutes.

The "tunnel" once you enter it is just like a giant big chamber that is sealed off. He had first heard there was tunnel there and then he researched old railway plans and eventually determined what the thought was the location of the manhole where it would be When he found it. He had to climb down through the manhole, then crawl about 70 feet through a two foot high passage (the had filled in most of the hole with dirt) to an opening where he found a wall.

Here's here crawling through the space

With the help of Con Ed utility crew, he broke through the wall. Once they broke through this wall cold air rushed out. They had breached the tunnel. The tunnel was sealed off on both sides and he had just broken through one side. I think he then got funding to actually open up that side are like an archaeological site. It's the oldest subway/train tunnel in America. His lifetime dream was to get funding and permission to open up the back wall, because he believes there's a train behind that wall and supposedly had some testing done that shows a very large metal thing is below the surface. However the city would never give permission because it would probably involve digging up a busy street.

anyway, the tunnel thing doesn't make sense in Brooklyn, it doesn't make sense in DC or anywhere else. It's an absolutely flight of fancy dreamed up to account for the lack of evidence of any JP/JA network of kids being moved around.

DonKeyhote ago

LOL desperate gaslight.much? Secret tunnels are probably 10,000 year old technology, made for the most trivial of reasons too.

"So, now John Podesta the genius trafficker that he is will have to walk the children back a thousand feet"

What an asshole.

Tunnel systems also connect basements of hotels and shops too for fast delivery of produce.

RweSure ago

Gaslight? Stop with your goofy bullshit. I posted the facts, I'm not the guy proposing the bullshit theory.

He posted about one specific tunnel


And your reply is to post about A DIFFERENT TUNNEL in a different part of the city.

And y'all have still yet to explain why a tunnel system is more effectively way of moving children than say, a minivan.

I'm not gas-lighting. I'm floodlighting. I'm shining a light on the absolute stupidity of this idea.

DonKeyhote ago

I have to explain why tunnels are less conspicuous than unloading a dozen kids from a van? Fuck off.

Edit: gaslighting to me is exactly what you're doing, trying to make secret tunnels or passages sound outlandish when theyre actually common in old cities.

RweSure ago

Edit: gaslighting to me is exactly what you're doing, trying to make secret tunnels or passages sound outlandish when theyre actually common in old cities.

If you think I'm trying to make **the existence **of historical tunnels seem outlandish, you completely missed my point. In fact, this seems like an attempt at moving the goalposts.

My point is the stupidity of needing to use tunnels for this conspiracy. You claim it would make them less conspicuous? The same thing could be achieved by using a garage. Why the need to make these completely unsupported and fantastical claims when you get the same effect in a much, much simpler way. Instead of having to buy properties near some historical tunnel and then locating the entrances to said tunnels, you just drive into a house/business. How about you get a minvan or SUV, tint the windows and use a garage to unload without people seeing.

And for the specific tunnel I mentioned in Brooklyn, you would be very conspicuous with your ladder, crowbar and traffic cones around an open manhole.

Tunnels just came up because there is zero evidence of the principals ever being seen moving children around. It's magical thinking to explain a lack of evidence. But it's a completely compelling idea to the paranoid mind. It just shows how big and sophisticated this whole operation is!!!!

DonKeyhote ago

Youre an idiot. Tunnels leading directly into a place is 100% foolproof whereas every single time your conspicuous tinted rape van enters somewhere you risk exposure even if by fucking lightning strike. Youd have to be a fool to NOT USE EXISTING LONG FORGOTTEN TUNNEL SYSTEMS AND OPEN EASY FRONTS THAT ANYONE COULD OPERATE LIKE PIZZA COFFE AND DONUTS OVER THEM YOU TROLL BASTARD

RweSure ago

Youre an idiot. Tunnels leading directly into a place is 100% foolproof

LOL. No. They are in no way 100% foolproof. I love how you contrast 100% foolproof with this

every single time your conspicuous tinted rape van enters somewhere you risk exposure even if by fucking lightning strike

So just to be clear tunnels, 100% foolproof in all cases, every time no matter what. But my scenario needs to account for incredibly rare events like a lightning strike. (Given that most lightning strikes in urban areas hit buildings harmlessly, I'm not sure how this causes exposure, anyway.)

This is DonKeyhole's logic folks. But wait it gets better. Remember even among weak evidence that constitutes pizzagate, there is ZERO support for use of tunnels. Zero. Zero. Zero. Point. Zero. This is just made up fantasy to explain a lack of evidence, but somehow in his mind, it's transformed into the most obvious thing in the world.


Apparently this is what you need to do. It's SO OBVIOUS! Of course there exists in the history of American crime, not a single criminal conspiracy of any kind where pizza, coffee and doughnut shops were opened as fronts over existing tunnel systems.

This is called believing your own bullshit people.

DonKeyhote ago

Yes secret tunnels are fool proof unless infiltrated, which wont happen if shills like yourself make it sound crazy, so drop the act bitch we know you're getting $8 an hour if youre lucky servicing them with your fingers, and also shitposting.

RweSure ago

Actually, I'm working right now and watching the NBA Finals at the same time.

I'm working a requirements deck for a 4.3 million dollar project. So I'm doing a bit better than $8 an hour.

DonKeyhote ago


well I'm glabbeting a shiffletwat for your CUNT MOTHER YOU TROLL. You can't even understand what "logic" means or my point that even acts of God are unnecessarily risky compared to tunnels, which even withstand earthquakes, so actually there's literally no safer or inconspicuous place than a tunnel, so therefore I wouldn't trust you to design a lemonade stand.

mooteensy ago

I do believe tunnels and or maps/locations of them would be extremely helpful in our investigation. Nice work and thanks, OP!

TheSadnessKills ago

What was that slip by Skippy Subterraneun?

Littleredcorvette ago

Excellent presentation.

carmencita ago

We are going to find out that there are a lot of tunnel systems under cities and they connect to other cities. This is how they conduct their dirty filthy business. Thank you @Gilderoy A very detailed and complete post.

RweSure ago

They connect to other Cities? Please show one example of what you are talking about.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Add Racine, Wisconsin to the list with an alarming number of mafia related pizza places, restaurants and other businesses also with a network of underground tunnels, trafficking, controlled harbor and international airport, and secret societies.

DonKeyhote ago

I asked you about shalala and thompson. Why does it amuse you to drive-by threads with no specifics

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

This is not amusing. This is very serious and very dangerous. There is a lot to investigate still.

Tommy Thompson is certainly involved as was Jim Doyle and Scott Walker, and they all have known ties to mafia in Racine and Kenosha. Look up the Dennis Troha case. That is the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more to that. Here is just one small link:

Donna Shalala knows all about the corruption linked between Racine, Wisconsin and the Clinton Foundation. She knows how the system links through Universities, Foundations and PACs, and is covering up the real evil agenda behind the scenes. She is also a key link between the Clintons and Bushes who are involved in everything from the murders of Senator Paul Wellstone to Seth Rich and many in between, and who are working globally with corrupt corporations, governments and NGOs toward Agenda 2030 and a system of extreme surveillance and control.

Keep digging into Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Florida, DC, Chicago and Denver and how they tie to global hubs including Haiti, Ghana, Belgium, Norway, UK and other known hot spots. Senator Paul Wellstone knew all about the Clinton and Bush cabal, the unending war agenda, and how it all connects to the global picture. That is why he was murdered.

DonKeyhote ago

If this place is too compromised to say what you know, say so. You're asking for hours of grown mens time here.

I was hoping you'd mention CDF and Vince Foster...

privatepizza ago

Excellent piece @Gilderoy . Bump bump

duhiki ago

Consider all those with ties to both CIA and Georgetown... those tunnels start making sense; no views of those coming or going.

DonKeyhote ago

Tunnels has been the MO since the beginning no doubt. That's why threads mentioning them get deleted like just a day or two ago.

Pizza places, cafes, and donut shops always together in predictable cities...

Are_we_sure ago

What's the Brooklyn, DC or Columbus donut shop?