Silverlining ago

The blame Russia game was invented by John Podesta and Robby Mook 24 hours after Hillary conceded.

FBIAnon was saying look into who invented the Russia cover. I'm lost in thread - not sure how to connect this to where it should be.

Chesapean ago

Mook/Podesta Photo Location Identified

Just a note: The photo of Robby Mook and John Podesta appears to have been taken at Hillary Clinton's campaign launch on June 13, 2015. The event was held at Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Park in New York City's East River.

I posted the details in one of your other threads, @privatpizza:

Silverlining ago

Great job!

privatepizza ago

Yes! What are you seeing in them though?

I think @Chesapean beat us to it, as they mentioned the Commonwealth Club in their post about the photo, thread in the OP beside the clue up there ^^^

flyingcuttlefish ago

This site can be useful for general info - has timeline -

privatepizza ago

Excellent, thank you !

Silverlining ago

Couple connections between Donna Brazile and 32BJ (pizzagate) May 25 2017 by @Bluebirdsolitude

privatepizza ago

Cheers!! I've collected all the research threads (including this one) on NotFBIAnon's clues and getting reay to post. Meanwhile, check this photo out if you've time - it's the same background pop-up as the girl on stage with Hillary, I believe at a Commonwealth Club Meeting ---

Hillary Clinton speaks before the Commonwealth Club Friday, Oct. 15, 2010, in San Francisco. Clinton delivered a speech - &

Also appears that she's wearing the same suit and necklace. I'm digging.

Silverlining ago

same background logo - I guess that's the event. What's he trying to say? You would think the muppet would be feeding clues on 4Chan and then solving them here on v/pizzagate The set of pics look like they're not public info, more private - perhaps they were all tweeted. He seems to have closish access. And he mentions info in my "service" He must have had them at his fingertips as he 4Chan'd. I suppose we have to assume they were intended as clues and not just decoration.

Perhaps he's been guiding George Webb. Who for the record seems genuine to me. Although even a mother duck can feign injury to lure a dog or fox away from her chicks. I guess we all see part of the picture and collectively see the whole. But the brain fills in gaps, which is why we all think Seth was murdered by Hillery & Co

privatepizza ago

I don't know... I'm off to see what this org is about. I'm undecided about GW, but watching. And... this anon is giving us the run around!!! Sheesh...

And yes, I believe they are private pics. @Chesepean suggested that NotFBIAnon may be Lee Riches, the internet oddball celeb. It's in the thread up in the OP next to the photo clue.

I do hope for a breakthrough soon Silver, it feels so close.

Silverlining ago

Maybe add in the accompanying Anon text to each photo box? And any answer he was asked. More work - just what you needed! Maybe the individual 4Chan post link? KEK might guide the search.

privatepizza ago

Great minds... I was thinking that. Brb.... !

Silverlining ago

Pages 54 - 55 - 56 seem to have a list of addresses in DC where SEIU has union agreements.

Perhaps someone with DC local info can pick out which are near Seth's [green] black mile journey.

Silverlining ago

SEIU District Location

1025 Vermont Ave, NW, 7th Floor Washington, DC 20005 Phone: 202-387-3211 Phone: 202-387-3212

Silverlining ago

John Podesta conceived the idea of posting a cardboard bus in the Brooklyn Clinton HQ with the names of bus-riding staffers as a way to honor them: Can we see the names from the pic?

privatepizza ago

Names from the bus -- -- thanks to @Gilderoy

flyingcuttlefish ago

on Hillary with young girl on stage - has this -

In my opinion this Seth was leaking to Russia idea doesn't hold water. The whole Russia-hack/leak deal is an invention of John Podesta to deflect from damning wikileaks e-mail content and Hillary's illegal server which amounts to high crimes.

I haven't collected photo evidence. I would go back to that girl on stage date and look at popular west coast news sites like latimes, sacbee, sfgate and maybe big twitter pages from west coast or Reuters. Big media would give detailed caption to the photo.

That girl looks like minnie Jodi Foster.

privatepizza ago

Can you work out what the text says on the pop-up behind? I was thinking 'commonwealth', but maybe it's the name of a place ?


flyingcuttlefish ago

there's something called "Commonwealth of Nations" in medical circles

flyingcuttlefish ago

San Fransisco - NEW: Sec. of State Hillary Clinton at Commonwealth Club October 15

but they don't have that unique "X" logo ...

privatepizza ago

Compare these logos - (Image found online) - NotFBIAnons image clue

flyingcuttlefish ago

2014 Hillary Clinton puts kids in front of politics in Oakland

But isn't the word "commonwealth" a New England thing? I associate it with MA etc.

privatepizza ago

I think it's an org called 'The Commonwealth Club'. Can you take a look at my comment here please, see what you think? Same pop up background, same shape of logo --

flyingcuttlefish ago

I found the photo - Hillary with girl on stage - I zoomed my screen 400% (Control plus "+" key) and did a screen grab.

I say a health care place as the even sponsor. Maybe an award type thing. Commonwealth Children's Hospital (?) a Ch---- after Commonwealth.

privatepizza ago

Brilliant !

privatepizza ago

Thanks FCF, I've ref'ed that thread above. I agree with you re the Russian narrative. Thanks for your research pointers! I'll go try to do a reverse image search as suggested by @silverlining

Silverlining ago

Some people suggest they can reverse search on a photo. If it was used in a news article it might caption the girl's name. Belongs to a pedo family? Touches their shoulder?

Silverlining ago

Wed, May 25, 2016 •Last date of emails in Wikileaks dump of DNC emails

Silverlining ago

Fab collation of clues. What to work on first?

look into SEIU hangouts around where Seth was murdered.

Donna Brazille and 32BJ.

Remember in Wikileaks emails, Podesta would take screenshots of his travel arrangements? Stuff like that is important.

look more into the dates/times of SEIU events around the time he died.

Brad Bauman is scared, keep pushing on him because he will make mistakes

SEIU links. I cannot stress this enough. There should be a paper trail linking Palimieri/Mook to payments made.

KEK was all over SEIU on 4Chan

NEW LEADS ?? Update from NotFBIAnon / SEIU Guy --- Your Are All Doing Amazing, You're 75% There -- (pizzagate) May 25 2017 by @privatepizza Worth reviewing.

privatepizza ago

Thanks @Gilderoy, and no thanks needed :) I feel it's been a team effort and that I've done little compared to you guys ! We've done so well in such a short period, as you say.

The recently found ID by @Bluebirdsolitude on Mary Jo Hudson (the second lady in the threesome), gives us a whole new lead too.

I also feel we're very close to something. Lets keep on.

YingYangMom ago Read this thread, idk if this can help. It was a mistake on my part, misunderstood about ONE and then gilderoy came up with a picture of Andrew Ginther at a ONE event. What's neat and tidy about any of it exactly? This could be a dead end. Just thought you should know.