Chesapean ago

Mook/Podesta Photo Date/Location Identified

The photo of Robby Mook and John Podesta appears to have been taken at Hillary Clinton's campaign launch on June 13, 2015. The event was held at Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Park in New York City's East River.

Here's the link to the original photo as given above in @privatepizza's excellent summary:

The clue is the big, red Pepsi Cola sign in the background. The sign is a New York City landmark on the edge of the East River in Queens. The photo appears to have been taken from the southern tip of Roosevelt Island. If you look closely at the background in the photo you can see the water and the bulkhead beneath the sign.

Here's a high-level view of the sign:

Google has a nice collection of other photos of the sign:

You can also see the sign from the island using Google street view if you play around a bit.

privatepizza ago

Continued - Main post maxed out -

NotFBIAnon - Missing Message from Scene 1 - Second Statement

Original Thread -  (just above half way down)

Archive -

Voat Thread -

Added to Scene 1, above

NotFBIAnon - Scene 2

"YOU ARE 75% THERE" (posted just after Kim.DotCom's statement)

I believe no-one saw this message on /pol.  No-one replied to it on /pol afaik - 

Original Thread -  (around the top)

Image of post -

Transcript -

I'm the anon who posted the original about SEIU.

You have all done it. They are going crazy trying to figure out how you connected SEIU with Seth.

His killers are not the kids found in the gold van, his killers are still alive. The people who set it up (Jen Palmieri, John Podesta, Robby Mook) are shitting bricks and lawyering up.

Please look more into the dates/times of SEIU events around the time he died. Also realize that you are taking on an octopus that has its tentacles in every aspect of politics, but if you keep pushing the head will be cut off.

SEUI links to events

Brad Bauman is scared, keep pushing on him because he will make mistakes

Look into the trolls on social media, research who they work for and what their agenda in trying to cover this up would be

Get the surveillance video.

SEIU links. I cannot stress this enough. There should be a paper trail linking Palimieri/Mook to payments made.

You are getting so so close, just keep pushing.

NotFBIAnon - Scene 3

Original Thread -  ("they're going crazy trying to find out" - just down from the top)

Archive -  - Image of Post - --- --- thanks to @autism_speaks

Voat Thread -

Transcript -

You are all doing amazing, much better than I expected. Ok so the people we needed to make moves have officially made them. I've got 2 more names for you guys - Donna Brazille and 32BJ.  I can't get into much more without giving away who I am but please look into all of the connections there and keep looking into Seth Rich's murder by SEIU thugs.

It's been proven without a reasonable doubt that Podesta, Mook and Palmieri had something to do with Seth Rich's murder, and you can see them squirming.  The only problem you're having is the pushback from John Podesta, who is orchestrating this "FakeNews" BS.  Attached is a connection that nobody seems to have made yet, and once you dig deeper it'll all make sense.

Remember in Wikileaks emails, Podesta would take screenshots of his travel arrangements?  Stuff like that is important.

Additionally, there's proof out there that a silencer was used - keep digging, you're 75% of the way there.

CLUE TO THE CONNECTION WE'RE MISSING - John Podesta, Media Matters and SEIU - image which was attached to the post -


NotFBIAnon Message 1 -

NotFBIAnon Message 2 - ("You are getting so so close, just keep pushing")

NotFBIAnon Message 3 - ("You are 75% there")

NotFBIAnon Missing Message 2 - (Robert Creamers wife)

kestrel9 ago

Just some info Regarding #6 Jordan "cougar" Kaplan 8/19/16 "Three weeks after the shake-up sparked by the WikiLeaks dump that forced the resignation of the chair and three senior staffers, the top fundraiser for the official party apparatus (Jordan Kaplan) is leaving the building himself."

"The move will come with a further absorption of what would normally be DNC operations into Brooklyn, with fundraising for the party now falling under the portfolio of longtime top Clinton money man Dennis Cheng."

8/6/15 Dennis Cheng, (used to work for the Clinton Foundation) Hillary Clinton’s $2 Billion Money Man Meet Dennis Cheng, the longtime Clinton aide in charge of raising hundreds of millions for Hillary’s presidential run. 8/24/16 Behind the private jet journey of Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin (in 2012)

Abedin was a so called "Special Government Employee" while at the State Department, working simultaneously for the State Department and an outside entity.

To set up the private flight, Cheng was leaning on deep Clinton family connections: Politico reported in 2015 that Michel Pratte is married to Clinton Foundation partner and fashion designer Tanya Taylor, a Hillary Clinton supporter. Pratte and Taylor traveled with Bill and Chelsea Clinton on a nine-day trip to Africa in 2015. Additionally, Glamour magazine reported that Taylor has worked with the Clinton Foundation on a coffee project in Haiti.

Dennis Cheng is a key figure in the big money orbit of Hillary Clinton. He served as New York finance director for Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign, and then became deputy chief of protocol at the State Department in 2009. Later, he worked at the Clinton Foundation. Today, he is the finance director — meaning chief fundraiser — for Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign.

Littleredcorvette ago

Is this Bernie sanders vandalism related?

Here's a pic of vandalism "no politics on Cherokee"

Google "no politics on Cherokee "


Investigate flag burnings. SR represented the flag. DNC cleaning crew services tweets

Blacksmith21 ago

Pretty amazing shit.

Chiken-lover_Hater ago

I remember someone mentioned that MM had overruled the card check procedure to join SEIU - did you notice that at the time Bradley Beychok was the president of MM? We need some investigating into that bloke, he's clearly involved.

Littleredcorvette ago

Okay boys and girls: GET Ready!! I think I'm on to something here. Just a simple google search.

-clean-up-crew-dnc-told-wear-hazs-mat-outfits <--REQUIRED READING <--Don't Miss! Notice the trio of witches pictured 🤔

I will leave you to google "dnc clean up crew" and other derivatives. Don't forget to view associated images news, etc.

{Using the devils own tool against him. Muhaahaa! }
