ASolo ago

These are some quite prominent leads.

Truth is as strange or stranger than fiction but if you are following closely enough you will realize that the truth is even more bizarre than the fiction that represents it.

What you are witnessing is an actual reality straight out of the movie BATMAN, notice how carefully placed, compromised officials in law enforcement (pedophile police chief), safety (fire chief), and the service industry (SEIU) doormen, janitors, security have a virtual lockdown on having the ability to get to someone anywhere, any time.

We have been being warned for a very long time now about this phenomena through the work of people like Able Danger, the Sandy Hook Event, and warned through entertainment.

These agents, provocateurs hidden within these organizations (and others like BAMN and ANTIFA) do not share a conspiratorial connection in the sense that they are organized and completely aware and cognizant of how they are serving the Hegelian dialectic from the extreme left, they are simply guided by the threat of having their lifestyle tampered with, along with their other inculcated mental illness, produces a feral like defense mechanism and are loyal to a fault.

Mind you, the other side of the coin contains just as strong of a dialectic, to the point of the threat of genocide and fascism, which is the catalyst for all of the friction. They both believe they are protecting something that to them is a natural right which blinds them from the manipulation.

So for all intents and purposes, essentially what you are looking at is a huge network of planted laborers and professionals in the service industry with alot to hide and protect, maniacally duplicitous and as determined, yet as psychologically disturbed as Heath Ledgers "The Joker".

privatepizza ago

First class analogy. Excellent post.

Verite1 ago

Yes didn't we find out he was a quarterback in school same time a second JP?

Verite1 ago

Again NO WAY!! Dots just keep connecting

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Add this: Kevin Brown is Executive VP for SEIU 32B. He was Secretary to the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation from 2010-2012.

Donna Brazile is a board member of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation.

Sourced here:

privatepizza ago

Done ; )

flyingcuttlefish ago

new post about the security guards (duplicate of some of the info here)

privatepizza ago

I'm thinking about these SEIU events, and that we may have been looking in the wrong places (websites, fb and twitter). What about Wikileaks and the events which may be in there?

Also, Anon is saying there should be a paper trail of payments. Where do we have access to paper trails? wikileaks.

flyingcuttlefish ago

wikileaks DNC email batch is where I got the security guard union story and - wikileaks seth rich investigation -

headquarters for SEIU in DC with member list and organizations. and

And... a HOW TO for search thru e-mails is here -

Don't forget the FBI releases.

privatepizza ago

I'll add to the the long thread - thank you!

privatepizza ago

Excellent... this thread has too many leads, we need to split them up. God Speed

flyingcuttlefish ago

I just added yr great list of 4chan urls to the sethrich subverse! Great, great list!

privatepizza ago

Excellent, thanks !!

flyingcuttlefish ago

That's why I am going to add this hash tag to my new SEIU posts - [pound sign]SethRich32BJ

so they can be quickly located later.

privatepizza ago

Ok, good thinking. I'll add this tag too, to the long thread as an edit and also that we're moving new material to v//sethrich

flyingcuttlefish ago

I think I found the SIEU goon squad! will post on another post too.

"Assemblymember Blake [NY] proudly stood with members of SEIU 32BJ to demand a strong and fair contract for **12,000 security workers **negotiating new contracts with their employers. We entrust our security officers with our safety when we visit our cities' most iconic landmarks, such as the Statue of Liberty, Rockefeller Center, our universities, and government and infrastructure buildings. It is our responsibility to ensure that the people who keep us safe have the financial security that comes with a good paycheck, benefits, and a fair contract. Security officers work tirelessly and are #AlwaysThere for us when we need them. It is our obligation to stand with them when their livelihood is being threatened."

DNC email -

bdiminishedminor7 ago

Interesting .... that screenshot of WikiPedia on MediaMatters contains the following line:

"In 2014, the staff of Media Matters voted to join the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). Media Matters management had declined to recognize the union through a card check process, instead exercising its right to force a union election."

What did FBIAnon say about "the cards" being important? Apparently, in 2014, the management of Media Matters (hello Mr. Brock) opposed joining the SEIU on the basis of a "card check". Instead, management forced a union election, the outcome of which was that Media Matters joined the SEIU. Many employees felt betrayed by their management:

All this implies that, based on card checks, Media Matters would have had to join a different union than the SEIU. Since management put a stop to this course of affairs, this means that, somehow, management was not happy about the potential outcome of a card check, or management somehow had a preference for the SEIU. Maybe because the SEIU gave them the most money: ... which casts doubts on the integrity of the union election. Seeing as how this company is run by David Brock, this should not surprise anyone.

Maybe all this means nothing, and I actually don't know shit about how unions operate in the US, but the words "card check" got me triggered. So ... what happened here in 2014? Which MM employees felt betrayed, and why? Why was MM management so keen on the SEIU that they risked all this bad press? What alternative outcome of the card check process did MM management want to avoid, and why?

privatepizza ago

This is huge, the card connection. NIce nice nice find! This needs a thread of its own if you're up for making one, get eyes on it.

flyingcuttlefish ago

"32BJ" search in the wikileaks** DNC emails **- about 6 results

this one is interesting - about a rally for (NY) Assemblymember Michael A. Blake -

"Speak at the 32BJ Security Contract Rally Bryant Park, New York, NY" - - - security contract? goons?

awakenaware ago

Ouch my brain hurts.. too many leads.. will have to leave this up to those with good organisational minds and memories

privatepizza ago

I'm with you there with the brain hurt lol

flyingcuttlefish ago


When you put "32BJ" in the search bar at wikileaks John Podesta e-mails you get 8 or 9 results.

here's one -

"SEIU Local 32BJ"

It's a letter signed by a lot of organizations ... "Richmond, VA–Following Governor Bob McDonnell’s video address last Friday in which he expressed his support for Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin, Virginia groups have joined together to show their solidarity with the people of Wisconsin. A diverse group of labor and non-profit organizations sent a letter to Governor McDonnell Wednesday morning ...." blah, blah ....

privatepizza ago

That's big.

2impendingdoom ago

But if you stole this gun at 12am, can you buy/acquire these parts in the middle of the night, and then go out at 4am and botch a robbery? IF they are proficient with guns enough to do this then wouldn't you think that they probably already have their own? And someone that weapon savvy isn't going to leave the wallet behind, they'd just shoot the cops too. I'm having a real hard time with this FBI stolen guns bit being related to Seth.

Votescam ago

Attached is a connection that nobody seems to have made yet, and once you dig deeper it'll all make sense.

Was there an attachment?

privatepizza ago

Yes !! I just found it and just added it to the OP. Here's the image ---

Votescam ago

Great -- !!

Hope someone can figure this out -- thinking the names mean something.

Maybe someone can find a list of "staff" at Media Matters/?

Don't know that this link is of any real value but did find this . . .

A Paranoid, Admitted Liar at the Helm

If Brock’s peculiar political shift was not strange enough, more recent reports regarding his mental health are even more unsettling. Brock’s behavior at a Democracy Alliance event in San Diego in 2008 alarmed many observers who believed that he was suffering from mania and potentially had mental health issues. A similar episode in 2010, in which Brock showed aggression, was also disturbing. The Daily Caller reported in 2012 that Brock had become incredibly paranoid, hiring two bodyguards to protect him at all times. Brock believed that someone on the political right would try to assassinate him. His personal assistant, Haydn Price-Morris, carried a concealed handgun when Brock attended events in Washington, DC.

Ironically, it was at this time that MMfA received from the Joyce Foundation $400,000 “To support a gun and public safety issue initiative.” When MMfA staffers learned of Price-Morris carrying a weapon, he was fired. This caused Brock to be “terrified” that the story might leak.>

And . . .

In May 2010, Brock says his lover sent an e-mail to him and his new partner James Alefantis that read: 'David, You and James pulled this same kind of sick nonsense in 2008 to try to hide your financial malfeasance. Next step is I contact all of your donors and the IRS. OK? Do you understand?

'This is going to stink for you if you do not resolve this now, I assure you.'

privatepizza ago

That'd be good. The answer must be in front of us. As he said.. "dig deeper and it will become clear"

Jem777 ago

Agree the Glovk can be dissasembled in seconds, Eas to do.

HawkeIronsides ago

I agree with you.

What I'm saying is that if that's what they did, the bullet wouldn't match the original gun barrel. If the bullet doesn't match the stolen FBI gun, the FBI gun isn't the murder weapon. If the FBI weapon isn't the murder weapon, why would they need to plant a fake story?

2impendingdoom ago

thats what has been bothering me. The gun is less important than the who and why, because the wounds probably weren't fatal. I think he was finished at the hospital after being roughed up in the ambulance whether at 5:57 am or as DRanon said, 8 hours later, either way, who ever shot him had a gun, so even if it was stolen from FBI, that seems irrelevant. I don't believe for a second that it was a botched robbery. All other aspects suggest a premeditated hit. I think the FBI stolen guns story was later planted to support the botched robbery explanation.

jstayz44 ago

Here was my initial thought, for what it's worth: 32BJ is big in NYC. I know that they have participated in multiple state grant/funding opportunities to maximize their workforce capabilities in energy efficiency and green energy. Were they feet on the ground for something much larger/Clinton Foundation related. I just heard/saw a video (can't remember...but please let me know if you've seen it) indicating that the Clinton Foundation has been implicated in a Green Energy Ponzi Scheme. This would play to my original theory that the same abusers of HUD money made a switch to Multifamily energy efficiency, and then utility-run energy efficiency and green energy programs as a possible front? Way to bilk money? Along with that, I have often thought that the Climate Initiative by same said foundation was VERY active in "sustainability" initiatives in third world countries...which would give them access to under-priveleged folks ripe for trafficking. I hate to say it, but it almost makes me sick to think that Climate Change has been a scheme all along, to get the masses to "play along," in the meantime using people for trafficking, organs, and eventually to throw them away, or "carbon cap" them as Abel Danger has indicated. Some sick individuals may be at the very top of our government, making wages on who gets carbon capped next, and where. I will have to make another thread, maybe even in a different sub in order to explore this further.

2impendingdoom ago

you are probably right

Thrulkggls ago

Shot in the dark, but anyone remember a post about 2guys who were shot in Myrtle Beach just after SR murder? someone had made note that this was odd...suggested maybe these were the shooters and they were killed after either for botched job or to silence them. Anyway, using DuckDuckGo I searched on each man's last name plus bj (aguilar 32bj -- first entry returned is a member in HR at SEIU NY) (marmolejo 32bj -- first search result is also an seiu person, and link is to a Chelsea (city) art auction with a very suggestive graphic ) not in a place to research further, but found this interesting...(sorry for http insecure but https don't work to get to those sites)

Jem777 ago

@Thrulkggls I believe you are onto something big here. Possibly the shooters of Seth Rich who were chased down & killed to keep them silent. They were 7 hours away in Myrtle Beach but were murdered around that time.

They fit all the categories. SEIU , Clinton campaign etc. I have mentioned this other places but it has yet to catch on. Please Start a seperate thread with this information to start the research. @Dressag2 @jangles @privatepizza

jangles ago

Very interesting! This is on track, dig dig dig.

Jem777 ago

Posted seperate thread on this @jangles @dressage2 @privatepizza @thrulkeggs

privatepizza ago

Great Jem, post a link?

Jem777 ago

I pinged you on it. Researching the names & connections now. Possible MS13 connections as well which is not surprising the Awan Brothers Pakistani ISI hire MS13 to do their killings.

privatepizza ago

Duh... lol thanks : ) Coming over....

damnittohell ago

He had his phone recording = proof of silencer? Would need phone which nobody has. Unless it automatically uploaded the audio someplace.

DoItForKeks ago

More detailed post below, but should look into

eddie illidge. Network Admin at SEIU Local 32BJ

see my comments below for more details plus more ppl to dox -> (does that IP match up with anything?)

Chesapean ago

I believe I have identified one of NotFBIAnon's clues. The details are here:

The person of interest is 32BJ SEIU District Director for Philadelphia Daisy Cruz, whom NotFBIAnon provided a photo of.

privatepizza ago

As much as I'd love this to be true, I don't think Polka Dot Lady is Daisy Cruz. I'll post comparison photos over on your thread.

DoItForKeks ago

[email protected]

Building Service 32BJ ?

Illidge, Eddie

WHo is Eddie Illidge?


DoItForKeks ago

found this hostname in a search - sup with that?

DoItForKeks ago

https://www.** ?

LaTosha "Capone" Duncan https://** ?

LaTosha "Capone" Duncan. Harm Reduction Specialist at Lower East Side Harm Reduction Center. Location Jamaica, New York Industry ... eddie illidge. Network Admin at SEIU Local 32BJ. Kelly Mytinger. Harm Reduction Outreach Worker at Santa Fe Mountain Center.

We need a archive dump of eddie illidge's linked in - anyone?

https://plus.g** - 5 friends? I can't see them don't have google

all links from

lets dox this nigger

lynn1314 ago

If a silencer was used, then the "official" story that the Police responded to the gunshots is another lie.

coreylkh ago

John Podesta Center for American Progress is closely aligned with Angelo Carusone who also worked the DNC & both are currently the forces pushing the Russia Hacking narrative.

Jem777 ago

Yes TPTB are involved. Most people do not know D.C. Police are actually under the President of the United States command per executive order when he pulls it.

Blacksmith21 ago

TL;DR - But thought I would straighten out a few things:

1) Why was a pistol left in a vehicle? Rifles get locked in vehicles, but it is protocol not to ever leave your service weapon anywhere but on your side or nightstand;

2) The FBI does NOT issue suppressors for pistols. In fact, I'd be shocked if any law enforcement entity issued them for a handgun. It is possible that one may be issued for use on a SWAT/CAT/HRT team, but those would be for a 5.56 or .30 cal rifle. But again, those are rarely, if ever, left unattended. Lastly, even if there were a suppressor for a rifle in the vehicle, it would not work on a .40 caliber (Glock 22) handgun.

3) I'm not sold on that serial number on the Glock either. I cannot find any record that the 3-letter alpha code used by Glock ever employed RYE. It doesn't really matter. Just more BS.

RYZ*** G-26 GEN 4.0 0000-00-00 RYY560 G-26 GEN 0.0 0000-00-00 RYY*** G-26 GEN 3.0 2011-10-00 White label, 3 magazines, MIM extractor, 336 ejector, new slide finish which is lighter in color and rougher in texture. The barrel has an AT stamp. The serial number is stamped on the side of barrel, all other stampings are on the top. Mags are Gen4 with release catch on both sides. RYX173 G-26 GEN 3.0 0000-00-00 RYX173 G-26 GEN 3.0 0000-00-00 RYX*** G-26 GEN 2.5 2011-07-00 Made in Austria RYX*** G-26 GEN 0.0 0000-00-00 RYW752 G-26 GEN 3.0 0000-00-00 RYV26* G-26 GEN 3.0 0000-00-00 RYU35* G-23 GEN 4.0 2011-06-30 Red Label RYT012 G-32 GEN 0.0 0000-00-00 RYT*** G-23 GEN 4.0 2011-08-00 RYP816 G-23 GEN 3.0 0000-00-00 RYP791 G-23 GEN 3.0 0000-00-00 RYK744 G-19 GEN 0.0 0000-00-00 RYH949 G-22 GEN 4.0 2011-08-19 RED LABEL RYB*** G-21SF GEN 0.0 2011-07-00 RYB*** G-21SF GEN 3.0 0000-00-00 RYA*** G-21 GEN 4.0 2011-09-15 Blue Label

lili3 ago

"Attached is a connection that nobody seems to have made yet..."

What did the image show in the origional 4chan post?

privatepizza ago

I've searched all night for this, thanks for spotting it!! I didn't have the OP, just the image, so it took hours to find but worth it. Here goes - it connects John Podesta & Media Matters & SEIU ----

John Podesta, Media Matters and SEIU - image which was attached to the post (almost at the foot of the thread) -

privatepizza ago

Thanks to you : )

NSFW_LeeLee ago

He takes screenshots then erases or changes the 'official' ones? Maybe they caught Seth that way? Edit to add then he sends ppl shared images..while using the official schedule to hide his actions. Which give fake Alibis backed up by fellow criminals.

HawkeIronsides ago

FBI agents were originally issued 10mm Flocks before they switched to .40 mm. They aren't issued Glocks with threaded barrels. Currently, they are trying to get the 9 mm approved for purchase.

SEIU on the other hand?????

DarkMath ago

What's amazing to me is the perps think they can get out of this.

Dear Perps,

Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic will have no effect. The ships taking on water fast and she's going down no matter what you do. It's time to head to the life boats.

Then there's a commotion up in the bow and the first class purser appears struggling a bit as he walks up hill headed aft. He trundles through a crowd of steerage class with little regard for their feelings and getting more frustrated by their presence with each step. He's heading aft in a hurry with as many life jackets as he can carry. He's followed by a pack of very well dressed men sans life jackets in bowler hats with wives in toe clad in acres of Mink fur. Frustrated the purser yells: "Women and children first "Make way for the 1%. I say make way there. God damn it make way! Make way you heathens. Make way. Screw you and your brood of urchins."

"But I thought the captain said women and children first. Why can't we go with you?", asked a little urchin named Billy.

"Why? Because fuck you that's why Billy. Now scram kid. Get lost.". The purser and the 1% kept walking aft and uphill toward a string of 3 lifeboats the ship's deck hands were busily getting ready to drop to the 34 degree water below.


YingYangMom ago

rofl, good one.

DarkMath ago

One of the things I look forward to when this war is over is no longer having to listen to condescending and misinformed drivel from Limousine Liberals.

Full Stop

Verite1 ago

Just please remember there are "liberals" participating in this investigation, although I am not one. But they are contributing.

DarkMath ago

That may be true but I'll guarantee there are no Limousine Liberals participating in this investigation. It's their belief system that is about to get deep sixed and that makes their blood boil.


V____Z ago

This seems right up George Webb's alley? Anyone know if he is getting these leads?

In Monday's Hagmann report, Liz Croken mentioned that Donna Brazil was the one who told the Seth Rich investigator to stand down, but this is probably old news by now. Hard to keep up.

helpme_Obone ago

Twitter Suspends WND for Tweeting: "Bombshell: Donna Brazile warned off private eye on Seth Rich murder"

Apparently Twitter need to update their violations to include getting too close to the truth.

privatepizza ago

V____Z ago

saw that. atrocious!


duckduckgo research led to this: It's the union of "Property service workers." From the Site: "We work primarily as cleaners, property maintenance workers, doormen, security officers, window cleaners, building engineers, and school and food service workers. But our ranks include railroad and factory workers as well."

"We work for private employers, the public sector, and companies receiving government contracts. We work in office, apartment, and government buildings; airports and shopping malls; public schools, colleges, and universities; stadiums, theaters, museums, and country clubs.

Prominent sites where we work include the Empire State Building, Broadway theaters, and the 9/11 Memorial and Museum; the PATH train system connecting New York and New Jersey; the home stadiums of the New York Yankees and Mets, the New Jersey Devils, the Brooklyn Nets, and the Pittsburgh Pirates and Steelers; Philadelphia’s Franklin Institute; the Connecticut Capitol; and the U.S. State Department, CIA, and Pentagon in Washington."

"Our union includes the full breadth of America today. We are a diverse group in every way. We come from dozens of countries all over the world – and from families with long histories in the U.S. But we share the American Dream, a commitment to making life better for working families, and a fundamental respect for the dignity of all people.

Judge1972Holden ago

Silencers are highly controlled and there should be a paperwork trail on any legal ones. I know buyers must register them, and I believe manufacturers do as well. Its also illegal to cross state borders with them unless you get BATFE approval first. They are illegal in 8 states and DC. I suspect a 'shot spotter' would still pick up a silenced pistol, as they do not make the shot 'noiseless' like in movies, but bring the sound down from as loud as a rock concert (hearing damage) to as loud as a jet taking off (minor/no hearing damage).

Of course, anyone could easily make one from readily-found materials, and order a threaded pistol barrel. But, theres always a chance that will fail, dunno if pros would go that route.

Its extremely difficult to holster a pistol with a silencer, too long. I cant think of any LEOs that would use a silenced pistol, only some .mil. More likely they would use a silenced rifle.

xyz_3 ago

Recall that the anon posted that it was SEIU thugs who murdered Seth Rich. The older ones did the dirty work is what he wrote What We Do

We work primarily as cleaners, property maintenance workers, doormen, security officers, window cleaners, building engineers, and school and food service workers. But our ranks include railroad and factory workers as well.

Where We Work

We work for private employers, the public sector, and companies receiving government contracts. We work in office, apartment, and government buildings; airports and shopping malls; public schools, colleges, and universities; stadiums, theaters, museums, and country clubs.

Prominent sites where we work include the Empire State Building, Broadway theaters, and the 9/11 Memorial and Museum; the PATH train system connecting New York and New Jersey; the home stadiums of the New York Yankees and Mets, the New Jersey Devils, the Brooklyn Nets, and the Pittsburgh Pirates and Steelers; Philadelphia’s Franklin Institute; the Connecticut Capitol; and the U.S. State Department, CIA, and Pentagon in Washington."

Dressage2 ago

How about Medstar Hospital in DC? Looks like Rich was taken there to be treated by Dr. Jack Sava

privatepizza ago

In other words, they cover everything and everywhere, including the US State Department, CIA and the Pentagon in Washington.

So there's is no-where uncovered by the people who control them, absolutely no-where.

DonKeyhote ago

You idiots are wasting your time and spamming this board.


RoundWheel ago

Apparently his life benefited the entire world. Literally.

DonKeyhote ago

How so. i guess if a mafia underling secretly works on behalf o a rival boss and gets whacked hes a hero. SOCIALIST JEW. PROBABLE PEDOPHILE. FUCK SETH RICH AND FUCK YOU.

RoundWheel ago

He leaked information which saved the world from Hillary's tyranny. Every person on the planet has directly or indirectly benefited, in a positive way, from Seth's life. And yes, that means you owe a huge thanks to Seth. Even people of extremely low intelligence, such as yourself, have hugely benefited, for the better, from Seth's life.

There are few people on this world have have benefited the entire planet. It's comical when someone such as yourself screech yet will never have any positive impact on anyone's life in any meaningful, measurably way. I mean that, it actualy is funny. It's like a retarded child screaming and pointing that everyone else is retarded. No one can think of you as anything other than a screaming, retarded, child with a poopie diaper.

So there, there. Shhhshshshs.... It's okay. I'm sure someone will be by shortly to help you change clothes. If you're good, you might even get jello. Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy? made a poopie in your pants. No, don't put that in your mouth. No, no, stop eating that...

DonKeyhote ago

  1. Dedicate professional career to the Democratic party which allows hillary to invade countries and sell weapons
  2. Favor a different candidate than her, sabotage her campaign to help fellow Jew
  3. Suffer revenge
  4. Hero

Suck my cock you idiot, he didnt help the world or do shit about pizzagate

Blacksmith21 ago

How's the trout fishing Donkey?

DonKeyhote ago

I dont get it

Judgejewdy ago

I don't share donkey's antisemetic POV, but he's probably at least right in that just bc Seth rich got offed, it doesn't mean he was on the right side. Even the bad guys have factions. Not to mention, all I see from this Seth rich stuff is people no longer looking into links that deal explicitly with pg including silsby, NCMEC, Clinton foundation, etc. which tells me it's a false lead. :/ if you think anyone gives a crap about govt officials killing a kid, you're wrong. And even if they did care, it ends there, with murder. Not to the traffick and murder and God knows what else of children.

RoundWheel ago

It has nothing to do with his death. It has to do with the fact he leaked damaging information which saved the world from Hillary's tyranny. It's irrelevant which "side" he's on. The only thing which matters is that everyone on the planet literally benefited from his life.

Judgejewdy ago

And what do to with PG?

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Take these anon posts with a grain of salt. An insider pushing the researchers when he supposedly already knows all the information. Meanwhile there is still no fbi director to do anything about it.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Thanka for posting this. I cant make heads or tails of how to use 4chan. I started looking in the four local DC SEIU chapters yesterday. Anon had said earlier to look into SEIU events around time of Seth's death. SEIU events in July 2016 are either well camoflauged or scrubbed from website. Other months of 2016 there, but I couldnt find July. Someone with more skill than me may can find them.

coreylkh ago

They scrubbed their FB page too.

privatepizza ago

That's brilliant, this has to be looked into. Can you post the site you were looking on, listing the SEIU events? It's strange that July has no events when other months have.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

I looked on their site. I looked on Downtown DC site. I googled

"SEIU"+"EVENTS"+"Washington DC"+"July 2016"

And every other version of that I could think of. Doesnt mean its not there, but I could not find it. I found events for other chapters in other places, but not for 32BJ

xyz_3 ago

Try the Way Back Machine for older versions.

privatepizza ago

Excellent, it's strange in that case. Weird.

Viridia ago

I did a Twitter search for @32BJSEIU in the date range of June 1, 2016 to August 1, 2016:

I've noticed that there are no entries for either July 9 or July 10. I really hope this doesn't mean that they've already seen this coming and scrubbed the account before we got the lead. Perhaps there's something leading up to the 10th that might relate?

privatepizza ago

That's interesting. @Bluebirdsolitude also said (comment on this thread), on a website (not sure which one, I've asked), there were event entries for SEIU for other months, but none for July.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

That I could find. I was looking between kids, but I could not find any.

Trumpocrat2020 ago

Gonna start linking Palmeri Tweets from around that time that seem odd but dont have a great reason why, hopefully someone else see's connections:

carmencita ago

Meet Me Tonight in Atlantic City...for what? Hmm. Instructions? I would imagine if they were to be payed then it would be after the dirty disgusting deed. It certainly is a strange phrase......

Trumpocrat2020 ago

They had a rally coming up soon but it was kinda weird with no replies and being out in the field like that.

Littleredcorvette ago

The rainforest cafe, a child geared restaurant, has a little Trump history. It is pictured in the photo on the tweet. Relevant? Who knows.

Trumpocrat2020 ago

retweet of a deleted tweet, possibly one of Glenn Thrush's

Trumpocrat2020 ago

Looks like /pol or someone already was thru these on 5/16, might have deleted whatever anon was referring to by now (5/25)

Trumpocrat2020 ago

Known call to check into, she was "too loud"

Trumpocrat2020 ago

in the replies to this one someone wants to send her a private message

Juan Pablo Plata‏ @jppescribe 29 Jun 2016 - Dude seems to be a Colombian who promotes some Soros shit.

Trumpocrat2020 ago

Reply on this tweet by Bob Seawrite is interesting, something about silence is better than the opposing candidate

Trumpocrat2020 ago

On July 9 Palmeri's twitter location showed from Brooklyn to Manhattan.

No activity on July 10, next post was July 11 also in Brooklyn.

Back to July 7 was in Brooklyn, July 6 shows no location on tweets but pictures suggest Atlantic City same for July 5.

Pics from July 2 suggest she was at Edgewater near Chesapeake Bay, tweet has no location tag.

Trumpocrat2020 ago

Reply by Vic Livingston asking about the tarmac meeting with LL and Rapin Bill. Seems like a midtier guy looking for direction - from Pennsylvania.

Trumpocrat2020 ago

June 28 in Denver, to location tag - just a claim.

privatepizza ago

God Speed. Haven't heard of anyone doing this yet.

privatepizza ago

Here's a reddit thread from today discussing the Seth gun and the stolen guns. Seems there's on info on what type of gun was used on SR.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

32 BJ is SEIU ...Janitors, basically

bikergang_accountant ago

So cleaners.

privatepizza ago

Service Employees International Union, Local 32B, often shortened to 32BJ SEIU or 32BJ, is a branch of Service Employees International Union headquartered in New York City representing over 120,000 members in eight northeastern states and Washington, D.C. The largest property service workers labor union in the United States,[1]

32BJ members include office cleaners, security officers, doormen, porters, maintenance workers, bus drivers and aides, window cleaners, school cleaners, and food service workers.

32BJ: --- thanks to @LilyP

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Ive dug into 32BJ briefly yesterday. There are events posted for June 2016 & August 2016, but NOTHING for 32BJ. Scrubbed?

flyingcuttlefish ago

go over to \v\sethrich

plus always new comments in prior posts

duhiki ago

If they use subsonic ammo (less gunpowder, slower but heavy bullet) it'd be even quieter, but still audible.

privatepizza ago

Empire_of_the_mind ago

The police know what type of gun was used to shoot Seth. We need to get that information.

privatepizza ago

Here's a reddit thread from today talking about just that, and the stolen guns. Seems there's on info on what type of gun was used on SR.

Good thread -

privatepizza ago

I wonder if that info's out there? I'll take a look. Meanwhile I foud this. It's good.

For reference --- #SethRich COMPLETE TIMELINE - All the facts in one place

rastrodetortuga ago

Hector Figueroa - 32bj/SEIU This is from a podesta email.

Verite1 ago

No WAY!!

xyz_3 ago

If a silencer was used then the "shotspotter" explanation for why the police were on the scene so quickly would seem to contradict this.

Judge1972Holden ago

A silenced 9mm still produces about 125-130db. Its basically just enough to get below the 'permanent damage' threshold for a one-time noise. Still pretty loud and distinctive.

LostandFound ago

Good work! was about to chime in there would be an awful hole in the story if silencers were used. Deserves own post

notdivided ago

Excellent point!! does anyone know if shotspotter can pickup silenced shots if they are close enough to a mic?

damnittohell ago

Suppressed shots are still loud.

SoldierofLight ago

Even when a silencer is used, there is still an audible noise. I haven't looked at Shotspotter tech recently, but if the gun fired close enough to at least one of the microphones (you need three to vector to a location) then theoretically it should pick something up. For a "job" of this magnitude, we have to assume more than one shooter was armed. If Seth took off running, my money is on more than one shooter firing a weapon. Even trained LEO have a very difficult time hitting just a non-moving target at as close as 10 feet with a handgun, especially under duress. Add to this scenario, a moving target, high stress, darkness. I'll bet the two shots were placed by one gun, and that or the other gun had a silencer on it. The gun used by the shooter who missed may be the source of the slugs that haven't been recovered yet, if there are any, and THAT's the gun they're claiming was stolen.

xyz_3 ago

Well look what we have here: Metro Police are affiliated with SEIU: The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) is one of the ten largest police forces in the United States. MPD maintains aproximately 3,800 sworn officers and 600 civilian employees. MPD is responsible for providing police protection to the 600,000 residents and 63 square miles of the District of Columbia. NAGE represents many of the civilian employees including Information Technology Specialists, Cell Block Technicians, Evidence and Control Technicians, Crime Analysts, and Administrative Staff.

xyz_3 ago

What was the full name of the Metro Police officer who filed the report of the Seth Rich shooting?

privatepizza ago

Appears to be Jody O'Leary. Here's the police report -

7:10am Police report filed (CCN #16113797): "CIC reports the sound of gunshots at 2134 Flagler Pl. NW. Upon arriving to the scene, the decedent was laying in the Southwest corder of the intersection of W St. and Flagler Pl. NW. The decedent was conscious and breathing with apparent gunshot wound(s) to the back. The decedent was transported to local area hospital and was pronounced by attending physician at 0557 hours."

Responding office listed as: "Jody O'Leary (#7859)". Assisting officers listed as: "ROBERT WINGATE ROBINSON (#7634)(Body Worn Camera),Derek Tarr (#9237)(Other Officers At Scene),Shea Ellis (#9499)(Other Officers At Scene),Benjamin Velez (#6631)(Body Worn Camera),Mark Lee (#6141)(Body Worn Camera)".

carmencita ago

There has been talk that he was still alive for about 8 hrs. If that is true then how can they report time of death as0557 hours? This is perplexing to me. It just does not add up for me. Someone has gotten the story wrong or they are downright lying.

LilyP ago

It appears that officer Robert Wingate Robinson's sister is Nandi Robinson who worked as a Research Associate on Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign.

privatepizza ago

Great find. Can you post your source at all? Seems there's no end to these connections....

LilyP ago

It was from a voat post submitted three days ago by srayzie called "The sister of one of the first officers to arrive when Seth Rich was shot, worked for Hillary Clinton" with a link to BAM, May 22.

privatepizza ago

If you find the link let me know with a brief description of what you found, and I'll add it to the main post. It will help others to look further.

LilyP ago

Yes, give me a second and I'll find it again.

Jem777 ago

This is the headquarters for SEIU in DC with member list and organizations.

2impendingdoom ago

Is there a link to the original thread? thanks!

privatepizza ago

Do you mean the update thread? If not, no... maybe someone knows. I'll ask in the OP.

Original Voat thread linking to original /pol thread -

2impendingdoom ago

thanks, for some reason the link in the post didn't work for me.

privatepizza ago

My bad, I'd linked to this post ; o Sorted, with thanks to you

Viridia ago

From looking at the 32BJ's Wikipedia, we see that Hector Figueroa has been the president since 2012. Here is his page on the 32BJ website:

There's also 12 other "officers" listed on the right side of his article. None of them look familiar to me, but perhaps one or more of them show up in the WikiLeaks releases.

rastrodetortuga ago

Hector Figueroa - 32bj/SEIU This is from a podesta email.

Viridia ago

After glossing over all the 34BJ officers on that page, only one really stood out: Jaime Contreras

He's the head of the 32BJ's Capital Area District, which has over 17,000 members. He's the only one that appeared to be near the DC area, while most of the others were in NYC or NJ. He also has 3 years of military experience in the Navy.

privatepizza ago

Nice find! @littleredcorvette - do any of the names on the left of this article mean anything to you ? I don't recognize any m'self.

Jem777 ago

Thinking the FBI guns contained a silencer. Need to FOIA. DC Police for report on theft from FBI vehicle. This report should be at D.C. Police as well as the FBI DC office. FOIA both.

Also if someone can request the call log of D.C. police that night.

privatepizza ago

Info found on Reddit on Seth's police report docs and contacting them for information --- maybe useful ---

I have reached out to some in the past with FOIA when I wanted more details (usually though the best thing to do is just send them an email or call them up, they have departments to deal with requests from the public/media).

Try contacting the DC police:

Here is their unsolved murders of 2016:

Seth's Page:

His flier (PDF)

The info to contact the detectives is on the flier. You can start there to get the information you seek, I am sure they have an email address as well (can find it if you like).

Approach it as they are seeking assistance, you want to offer some, strike up dialog with them (I would suggest not calling them and saying you want to prove hillary shot him and such, make an inquiry).

Unreasonable ago

Also remember "home-brew" silencers work very, very well. And can be adapted into a wide variety of firearms.

Threaded barrels can be switched in less than 30 seconds.

Getting a connection between the threaded barrel and a standard Empty Oil Filter is easy and cheap.

Standard empty oil filters have the same ballistics as real silencers. As well as the same silencing performance.

HawkeIronsides ago

If they swap barrels, the ballistics wouldn't match. If the ballistics don't match, the idea that reporting the weapons stolen would provide for a cover up is null and void.

Viridia ago

It's not listed in the FBI stolen weapons report:

However, it does appear that the Glock-22 is compatible with suppressors. Perhaps looking into the police reports might turn one up, as you've suggested.

Blacksmith21 ago

It is not compatible with a suppressor unless you have a threaded barrel. That is NOT FBI issue.

DrTeethateJanice ago

You can pick one up easily though Threaded barrel. No paper trail either if you pick it up at a gun store.

DrTeethateJanice ago

I found this on Youtube, it's a Glock 22 with/without a Osprey (manufacturer) suppressor being fired. All you need is a threaded barrel for the silencer to attach to and you're good to go.

M0l0nLabe ago

I was about to state that its actually very common to find glocks with threaded barrels for suppressors, anywhere outside of california, and massachusetts, really.

DrTeethateJanice ago

Yeah, those states and a few others are complete bullshit. It seemed like there was a battle between NY, MA, and CA over which could have the shittiest gun laws. I think Cali is in the lead currently, things have chilled out a bit since Trump is in office.

HawkeIronsides ago

You're correct but FBI agents aren't issued Glocks with threaded barrels. The barrel would need swapped which would change the ballistics.

Mylon ago

Seth was shot with a 22? Seems like a strange weapon to deliver a fatal wound with only two shots.

flyingcuttlefish ago

on Manchester bombing hoax stories everyone talks about number 22 having special meaning for occultists. Many stories ...

DoItForKeks ago

Seth was shot with a 22

If true, definitely a SEIU nigger did the dirty work.

WakeyWake ago

Not sure if the bullets killed him. The mom was on video after it happened saying the cops were surprised he didn't make it, bc he was chatting up a storm.

BiochemistryStudent ago

Glock 22, it's a model not caliber. G22 is in .40 sw if you follow the suppressor idea, it's not a great choice... But it would work.

Viridia ago

"22" is the model of the missing Glock, not the caliber. It was a .40 caliber Glock-22 and we don't yet know whether or not it was used to shoot Seth.

M0l0nLabe ago

Glock 22 is the model. Its in .40 cal.

HawkeIronsides ago

The image provided in the link is not compatible with a suppressor. The barrel would protrude approximately 3/4 of an inch past the slide.

Additionally, fbi issued weapons are not produced with barrels compatible with suppressor.

The only other option would be that they stole the weapon and swapped the barrel. Swapping barrels can be done in a very short amount of time but would change the rifling and thus the round wouldn't match an FBI issued weapon.

If the ballistics don't match, the theory that the FBI is trying to cover their tracks becomes void.

In conclusion, either the ballistics match an FBI issued weapon or a suppressor was used. You won't have both.

NakatomiBaby ago

I remember reading that gun shot "sensors " picked up the you know how that works and if a suppressor was used how were the shots detected?

HawkeIronsides ago

Suppressor don't silence a shot. Most people who run suppressor will also use sub sonic ammo to help reduce the noise butt it will never be silent. A .22 with 60gr rounds out of a suppressed rifle is about as quiet as you're going to get. The .40 cal round is a horrible round for a suppressed weapon but it can be done.

To answer your question, a suppressed .40 cal pistol will still have a noticeable sound to it. Truth is, I'm not quite sure how the shot detectors work or the range that they can detect a shot but I'm going to assume that the creators of the shot detector programmed them to detect the report of a suppressed weapon. I can't confirm that but that would be my guess.

The other option is that a suppressor wasn't used. If a shot detector was what notified the police, I would venture to say that a suppressor wasn't used.

privatepizza ago

Jem777 ago

There are sources claiming Amy Dacey is directly involved. The Soros connection is huge. He owns the the US Government as stated by FBI anon in July2016.,Looking for someone who will go on the record.

privatepizza ago

Thanks Jem, someone mentioned her on this thread, I've put it in the OP. Let us know any other news you hear about her?

Amy Dacey was an Executive for SEIU, DNC, Emily's List (Heavy DNC, HRC Donor) & she got her Master's at American University where SR did a hand off with Craig Murray from Wikileaks. She coordinated the voter drive for the 2008 campaign at George Soros Office/Residence - and Seth Rich worked for her. -- Thanks to @coreylkh

Jem777 ago

Yes.. That is definitely possible with Glock. Also possible that some of the equipment was not mentioned. I know a person on the ground to go check at FBI & DC for reports.

2impendingdoom ago

Is it proved that the FBI stolen weapons are involved in Seth's murder? to me this feels like disinfo or unrelated.

Jem777 ago

Not proven except the report of the weapons stolen from FBI is proven. Occurred short distance away. FBI would have cameras, sensors, alarms on car. Very difficult to break in and in fact not allowed to leave these weapons inside vehicle except in a locked rack,

To have an unsolved murder with gunshots and a theft of these types of weapons around the same time it would normally be broadcasted.Was a BOL made? Why would the FBI not immediately take over the case? That would be protocol?

bikergang_accountant ago

It sounds like we at least need to dismiss those agents. If the worst case is true it couldn't happen without their help and at least that's one crum of recourse. They killed a guy who already leaked. His death had no immediate value to them. If we can get them to pay at all they may not do it again. If we make them really pay they may not have the ability. If we make them pay none, they will do it over and over again.

Dismissing those agents sounds like a priority while it's one thing in our grasp.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

It's a lead you twat

2impendingdoom ago

I just don't understand how it connects, dickface. What kind of handgun killed Seth?

Cat_anon ago

This makes me feel so good about myself that he is telling us that we are doing amazing. It makes me want to work even harder!

remedy4reality ago

you've been here for a day

lol can we see your 'work' ?

Cat_anon ago

You know, praise is very rare these days, well criticism is not. I am feeling good about myself now, and I am not going to let you discourage me.

remedy4reality ago

Discourage you from what, exactly ? Again.. where is your 'work' ?

It was your self back patting that drew my initial comment and you just doubled down.

Northern_Soul ago

@remedy4reality Your being trolled..

Eight Traits of the Disinformationalist!

1) Avoidance. They never actually discuss issues head-on or provide constructive input, generally avoiding citation of references or credentials. Rather, they merely imply this, that, and the other. Virtually everything about their presentation implies their authority and expert knowledge in the matter without any further justification for credibility.

2) Selectivity. They tend to pick and choose opponents carefully, either applying the hit-and-run approach against mere commentators supportive of opponents, or focusing heavier attacks on key opponents who are known to directly address issues. Should a commentator become argumentative with any success, the focus will shift to include the commentator as well.

3) Coincidental. They tend to surface suddenly and somewhat coincidentally with a new controversial topic with no clear prior record of participation in general discussions in the particular public arena involved. They likewise tend to vanish once the topic is no longer of general concern. They were likely directed or elected to be there for a reason, and vanish with the reason.

4) Teamwork. They tend to operate in self-congratulatory and complementary packs or teams. Of course, this can happen naturally in any public forum, but there will likely be an ongoing pattern of frequent exchanges of this sort where professionals are involved. Sometimes one of the players will infiltrate the opponent camp to become a source for straw man or other tactics designed to dilute opponent presentation strength.

5) Anti-conspiratorial. They almost always have disdain for 'conspiracy theorists' and, usually, for those who in any way believe JFK was not killed by LHO. Ask yourself why, if they hold such disdain for conspiracy theorists, do they focus on defending a single topic discussed in a NG focusing on conspiracies? One might think they would either be trying to make fools of everyone on every topic, or simply ignore the group they hold in such disdain.Or, one might more rightly conclude they have an ulterior motive for their actions in going out of their way to focus as they do.

6) Artificial Emotions. An odd kind of 'artificial' emotionalism and an unusually thick skin -- an ability to persevere and persist even in the face of overwhelming criticism and unacceptance. This likely stems from intelligence community training that, no matter how condemning the evidence, deny everything, and never become emotionally involved or reactive. The net result for a disinfo artist is that emotions can seem artificial.

JeremiahSinclair ago

Who the hell cares? Let someone with one day in the field feel good about it, all the energy we waste telling so-and-so they didn't earn it yet is energy we're not putting toward solving the problem we're all here to solve. The pettiest of petty kind of talk to get into.

Cat_anon ago

Maybe some people think I contribute to a little, maybe some think I contribute a lot. All I am saying is that his posting was directed to all of us here, not only to those that have been here for 2 years. His comments made me feel really proud about myself and excited. I am not claiming that he was talking only to me. The last thing we need is to discourage one another or to question who has done the most or the least work here.

Chiken-lover_Hater ago

Hey, the most important thing really is which team you're on. With all the misdirection and deceit and gaslighting going on about us the main thing is staying united in what we believe in. No point in dividing us from the inside and bringing down the entire investigation - plus the fact that we're growing in numbers should be a positive to people, not a negative.

Cat_anon ago

Thank you for your support! I have clicked upvote for your comment.

privatepizza ago

That's great to hear, it does me too. Some positive reinforcement, encouragement and general positivity goes a long way. Rock on.

coreylkh ago

Amy Dacey Linkedin profile shows that she was an Executive for SEIU, DNC, Emily's List (Heavy DNC, HRC Donor) & she got her Master's at American University where SR did a hand off with Craig Murray from Wikileaks. Sorry, I would post link but it was way too long. She coordinated the voter drive for the 2008 campaign at George Soros Office/Residence

and Seth Rich worked for her. Forgot that part.

Verite1 ago

And she was the "employee" who Seth apparently had a problem with per Rod Wheeler

privatepizza ago

Cheers Red, excellent

LilyP ago

Here's what I found when I searched for 32BJ:

privatepizza ago

Excellent ! Thanks for this -

Service Employees International Union, Local 32B, often shortened to 32BJ SEIU or 32BJ, is a branch of Service Employees International Union headquartered in New York City representing over 120,000 members in eight northeastern states and Washington, D.C. The largest property service workers labor union in the United States,[1]

32BJ members include office cleaners, security officers, doormen, porters, maintenance workers, bus drivers and aides, window cleaners, school cleaners, and food service workers.

NSFW_LeeLee ago

People in positions to do assassinations and clean up work/moving human trafficking around.

remedy4reality ago

look like a collective of spies, agents, hitmen etc.


privatepizza ago


pby1000 ago

Did the FBI lose a silencer?

privatepizza ago

Probably ; )