Silverlining ago

Brad Bauman - called a professional Democrat - works for the Pastorum Group - was also executive director of Congressional Progressive Caucus in DC 2nd largest caucus in Congress. @kestrel9

kestrel9 ago

The CPC is common ground for Bauman and Jan Schakowsky.

Silverlining ago

Schakowsky got mentioned on another thread which I've lost - thought you may have noticed it.

kestrel9 ago

I mentioned her in my post on this thread :)

privatepizza ago

I believe that's the route to the Soros connection.

Silverlining ago

OAN part 2 @privatepizza

@ -7:04 mention of Congressional Progressive Caucus in DC - Where did I hear that before? Was it the father of Jacob Schwartz, 29,

Wrong association - re-listened and it is about Brad Bauman - called a professional Democrat - works for the Pastorum Group - was also executive director of Congressional Progressive Caucus in DC 2nd largest caucus in Congress.

Found it below by @kestrel9

Silverlining ago

@kestrel9 see above from me

Silverlining ago

Pulitzer for this OAN report. I hope they are documenting what they are doing. This could be the biggest story since Watergate.

Silverlining ago @ 9:00

Larry Nichols on Alex Jones says Seth Rich was offered a job with the Clinton campaign two days before he was killed

Larry thinks it was so they could say "he's one of the family - couldn't have been us." My take is that this was the bribe and he didn't go for it - then there would have been the threat, which didn't work either - which leaves the bury.

All came to a head rather quickly, if so. Would it leave time to organise a hit? If you remember The Jason Bourne films, they had assassins on speed dial - but that was the CIA. Would people in the FBI do a hit and then conveniently report the weapons used, stolen.

I might be over-connecting that the "stolen" weapons were the ones used for the hit - but since it has never been investigated and no ballistics were done [as far as we know] - what did happen to the bullet that NotFBIAnon said would have been still in him when he arrived at the hospital? Which hospital was it again? Oh, yes! We never did find out for sure - choice of three. Hallmark of Arcancide - get the family to call off any investigation [only family can insist on investigation apparently]

Amran Awan mentioned at 10:45 Dr Corsi in DC confirmed that law enforcement have been threatened - they know who the killers are..

Definitely worth a listen from 9:00 Could be AJ will blow the doors off this baby on Tuesday - I know we've been promised before - but maybe this time. Excitement rising. Best holiday ever?

Silverlining ago

@privatepizza see above comment re A Jones on Infowars

privatepizza ago

Hey Silver, you are rockin!

Keep it coming balls deep. I've got pings pingin' off every second, it's hard to keep up... I'm making a consolidation thread at the moment because I'm better at that, organzing the material coming in, rubbish at investigation mostly ; )

I'll catch up on your material and answer soon.... please don't feel I'm ignoring it - never!!! I'll be adding it. Keep pingin' me on anything hot and keep it comin' !!!! You're doing God's work. KUDOS ; )

Silverlining ago

If you can make sense of this shit show, you'll deserve the Order of the Pizza Slice AND Order of the Pede!

privatepizza ago

Laughing! Thank you!!! But how thin are we slicin' it ? We need to know : D

Silverlining ago

Twitter banning Schultz threatening DC chief or Donna Brazil (?) Alex Jones epic

SundayDog ago

Creamer probably at forefront of #resist movement and anti-fa riots. Will be the organizer for projected July 3 insurrection against Trump Adm.

Silverlining ago

Roger Stone was convinced there is a serious impeachment move planned for the next six months and the Soros Boy organisers were involved.

Roger Stone: The Topic Of Seth Rich Has Turned Radioactive Almost Overnight Alex Jones on DNC move to unseat Trump

National Inquirer called Larry Nichols, so expect a splash tomorrow [maybe]

Ed It was Larry Nichols not Roger stone suggesting impeachment threat.

SundayDog ago

Yeah the phony Guccifer 2 they have been hiding out to testify against Trump will likely blow up in their face when rebuttal with metadata occurs gettin my popcorn tho.

privatepizza ago

Thanks ! Any info you have please post !

kestrel9 ago

Just adding this (don't know if it's already out there): Jan Schakowsky and Brad Bauman are both connected to the Congressional Progressive Caucus. She is currently Vice-chair... He was executive director (2011-2014)

Edit: Also note that on May 3, "Congressional Progressive Caucus Unveils The People’s Budget: A Roadmap for the Resistance"

Not a great time for them to have the Seth Rich story get in their way of their Socialist/Communist stranglehold on our government.

"WASHINGTON, D.C. May 3, 2017 – The Congressional Progressive Caucus, led by Co-Chairs Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) and Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ), and First Vice Chair Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI) along with other Members of the CPC, released the annual People’s Budget yesterday. The Congressional Progressive Caucus’ People’s Budget: A Roadmap for the Resistance reinvests in American families, prioritizing funding for education, health care, jobs, clean air, and water. The People’s Budget puts political and economic power back in the hands of the people."

Link of Organizations supporting the Resistance budget:'s%20Budget%20FY18%20Organization%20Endorsements.pdf

privatepizza ago

Awesome : ) Any info you have please post, this is awesome. Thank you!!

YingYangMom ago

Why did NotFBIAnon post this picture of Huma Abedeen and... her brother? Who is that guy on the picture? Why post this?

Silverlining ago

Do you have the 4Chan thread link for that, please - [for context]?

YingYangMom ago

The one that's linked up in the post above. Scroll down from the top about quarter way through.

Jem777 ago

This does not look like a brother though I could be mistaken. Remember her family are all Muslim Brotherhood.

YingYangMom ago

That guy is obviously muslim.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

I thought the same thing. This guy looks white.

privatepizza ago

Good point YYM. I didn't include this one in my first post as I figured it was NotFBIAnon, proving he was an insider. It looked like a selfie and I didn't want to dox him (if it was him).

Any ideas who it is?

privatepizza ago

Excellent !

Silverlining ago

Join the dots for me - we can't all keep inventing the wheel!

Silverlining ago

OK - that was easy - he's the muslim in the photo with Hummer Abadin. And the photo was posted with one of NotFBIAnon's posts. Very interesting.

See what you can do with the Law Clerk General Counsel redacted photo on one of his other posts.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Good find!

YingYangMom ago

Crazy or programmed?

YingYangMom ago

No idea at all.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

When was it posted? I'm assuming 4Chan?

YingYangMom ago

On the same 4chan thread, yeah. Scroll down the thread...

Littleredcorvette ago

I have a suggestion, well suited for those who follow any (or a lot of) social media platforms.

  • Search wikileaks for an email address that you may or may not be familiar with. Look for personal email addresses, such as gmail, and also emails with unclear names that seems cryptic (i.e. 2 letters and 4 numbers instead of a discernable name). You can also search email address (business or personal) from a business/bio site and come up with different sites that associate that email address.

  • Take the username and search on web. Look for Tw, Fb, Instg, etc. social media accounts that you use. Check their posts for July 2016. Archive anything suspicious and record it somewhere (ie keep a list of archived sites in an excel spreadsheet).

  • If you are comfortable in doing so, follow/like/whatever the person. “Watch” them from a public perspective. See if anybody slips up in their scramble to deal with breaking SR story. Record their mistake. Follow the persons they follow. Silently integrate yourself into their conversations. Be a NSAfly on the wall. They are going to start cleaning up fast, and deleting stuff. So dig for the past and watch the present.

My first pick was Neera Tanden, because she had been mentioned.

I went scrolling through her Dweeter page. Not too much of interest, but I pulled a few twitts just for you to see. I didn’t go through all of them though. I was mostly looking for strange tweets in July 2016. IMO, likely a dead end here. But second opinions are good.

8/25/16 Retweeted this story about seth rich






privatepizza ago

Go bro ; )

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Ok, here we have an article about how SEIU tricked Bernie and endorsed Hillary months before asking him to endorse something. It contains a Wikileaks email that contains the info in the previous sentence. It also contains the Local SEIU number of the chapter involved: SEIU 1199

SEIU 1199 is United Healthcare Workers East. NotFBIAnon mentioned Podesta's SEIU contacts in VA, & on East Coast and that Palmieri used them to kill Seth.

President of SEIU1299 is Mr. George Gresham

George Gresham is also on the guest list of union bosses that attended a reception for Union in John Podesta's home.

George Gresham and Local 1199 mentioned in several Podesta emails. This one titled "SEIU Readout" dated April 23, 2015:

"Also relayed that HRC can't meet with one local cause then it'll expand into other locals. He understood. He is advocating for some call time for some of their local leaders from her, my guess is particularly George Gresham at 1199."


George Gresham mentioned again in Podesta emails, entitled "Call Today?":

"I can report in on conversation with Lee Saunders and I know George Gresham/1199UHW-E has request into HRC."

Source email:

And he made a sizeable donation to her campaign....I'm assuming that's a donation, maybe be from the Local and not from him individually.

"Home run! Local leaders are thrilled Laphonza Butler 268K and George Gresham 300k very impressed with Secretary Clinton!"


George Gresham mentioned again:

"Here's my proposal for Local 1199, please let me know what you think. George Gresham is going to be in LA on Thursday and I am sure will bring up his Executive Board request with the Secretary. I'd like to head that off with a plan. Although we have hit all of the marks with SEIU Intl, Local 1199 will be key to passing endorsement on the board.

Proposal: Coordinate with Local 1199 on a date for George and some key board members to visit our HQ in Brooklyn. We coordinate that campaign stop by when the Secretary is in the HQ. If HRC could stop by for 10 minutes that should put Local 1199 issue to bed."


This links Podesta, George Grisham, DeBlasio, and Soros. I post only to show that Podesta and Grisham seem to have been connected for awhile. This is 2013.

privatepizza ago

You're f'ing incredible !!

Keep it coming !!

privatepizza ago

Thanks for making this a sticky, @tapsnapornap - much appreciated!

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Found this posted to Reddit by another researcher. It lists a guest list of SEIU bosses meeting at John Podesta's house before the election.

privatepizza ago

This could be THE HOT LIST. I hope some of us dig this list

I'll be adding it to the consolidation posts i'm making now. Thank you for your amazing work!!

privatepizza ago

That's HUGE. All of the SEIU people in Podesta's pocket. How about that. All this material is leading us somewhere....

2impendingdoom ago

I think that Jan Schakowsky is the one that Sibel Edmonds was all crazy whistleblower about. Does anyone else remember this?

privatepizza ago

Meaty link.

2impendingdoom ago

I remember that Sibel talked about her because she had assumed that Jan was a man's name until realizing her mistake

privatepizza ago

Easily done. Pain of a name to search Wikileaks on too.... jan, feb......

Dressage2 ago

I saw this one and have been looking into her. Great post! I will post what I found. Kind of crazy weekend. Stay tune. Upvoat!

privatepizza ago

Hey thanks for comin' over ! And thanks for your digging too. I know... it's wild isn't it

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Mr. Arthur Gunther is not above taking a bribe

privatepizza ago

Great find! And.... he went on to become mayor. How about that.

A former chief executive officer of the red-light camera company Redflex has pleaded guilty to bribing Columbus elected officials - including Council President Andrew Ginther - through the Ohio Democratic Party to install the cameras and keep them operating in the city.

Karen L. Finley, 55, of Cave Creek, Ariz., pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit federal programs bribery, according a press release from Carter M. Stewart, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio.

Records from the U.S. District in Columbus show that from 2005 to 2013, Finley made campaign contributions to elected public officials in Columbus and Cincinnati. The cameras were installed in Columbus in 2006. copy for safety --

Bluebirdsolitude ago

I have no clue how to archive but I will learn

privatepizza ago

It's real easy... here's how. Copy from the top window of your browser the address of the page you're on. If you double click quickly it highlights, then right click and 'copy'.

Go to site and right click in the window there, and 'paste'. Then click 'save page'. The address of the saved page will appear in the browser address bar, and you can copy and paste it along with your raw link. Once you've done it once it's super-easy.

It's so important that we archive everything, as pages can so quickly disappear, especially after being posted here : )

Drop me a pm if you're having any trouble

Bluebirdsolitude ago


Silverlining ago

Law Clerk General Counsel heavily redacted memo

Went with this tip

this will be my only post on this subject, because the leaks are starting to come out.

John Podesta uses SEIU people to do his dirty work. I am not FBI anon but close. Jennifer Palmieri had Seth murdered, but Robby Mook and John Podesta found out about it and had Jennifer consult with Hillary and Huma and they all decided it was best to silence Seth.

Once the deed was done, Palmieri and Mook started pushing the "robbery" narrative and the cops in DC went along with it.

The DC police chief is complicit and covering up for them. He is also a pedophile.

If you'd like to connect dots, look into SEIU people in DC that night, Jennifer Palmieri's strange "Tweets", and Robby Mooks insistence that it is Russia.

If the right people are informed in the right order, Palmieri, Mook, Podesta, Abedin and the Clinton Machine (phillippe also) will fall. Weiner is going to get immunity it looks like.

SEIU murdered Seth Rich, connected to Podesta and Palmieri.


privatepizza ago

Definitely. Huge thread on this anon's first messages (those from the /pol thread you're on), here -

Silverlining ago

Seth Rich was the only white guy murdered in DC in 2016.

The only white guy murdered in all of DC

Was a DNC staffer

Just before the DNC leaks

The one, and only, white guy, murdered in DC that year


new4now ago

The Murder of Molly Mcaulay, less then 30 hrs before Seth was shot, was the first murder in that area since 1998, 18 yrs. Molly was stabbed in an affluent neighborhood of Baltimore Maryland.

Silverlining ago

Seth Rich fits redactions on wilileaks. Is it possible to search for nine redactions in the podesta and Hillary emails?

privatepizza ago

Not sure if I can help on this one Silver. I think these redacted emails were published on a government site rather than Wikileaks though?

Viridia ago

Well, I searched for "Neera" and "Podesta" on WikiLeaks for articles created between May 1, 2016 and August 1, 2016. I... didn't find much at all. No direct correspondence between the two. All I found was that:

  1. On May 17, 2016, they both attended the 2016 Progressive Party hosted by the Center for American Progress at the Mellon Auditorium.

  2. Neera attended a "#WHCD Party Circuit" event. It notes Vanity Fair guests, which brought to mind that not-so-veiled "Shoot the Panda" threat article.

privatepizza ago

Brilliant, lets get deeper. My browser has been hijacked for some uk reason and I can't search at this time. Having to clean up, but when searching Jen Sch's name, tons of articles about her corruption found in Wikileaks... but I can't get at them aghhhhhhh....

Thank you for coming over !!!

Silverlining ago

@YingYangMom Join the party! @NewWorldAhead

privatepizza ago

Was gonna do the same but I know YYM prolly knocked off by now! Sure she'll join in the am! NWA is taking a break I think... though may be lurking. If so, we miss you NWA! Wish you well ; )

Jem777 ago

Yes this is it I mentioned Bob Robert Creamer was in the Whitehouse with Joe Capone (Lou's city bar) 4 days before Seth was killed. Creamer is not just Podesta friend he is Obama friend.

He is a felon who was caught on undercover camera during the summer coordinating and paying operatives to riot at Trump rallies, incite violence, attack Trump supporters while going to the Whitehouse and having meetings with Obama over 40 times.

He is caught illegally coordinating super Pacs, taking foreign money speaking directly with the Clinton Campaign and getting orders. then going over 40 times to the Whitehouse.

His wife is corrupt Jan S. When this was exposed to stop the violence. Creamer was forced to resign, but he was at an Obama speech front and center the next week then in the front row at the final speech.

Those bastards planned it together. Below is Creamer visit to the Whitehouse the exact day and time as Joe Capone.

@dressage2 @jangles

jangles ago

I am starting to wonder if these people are on to us. @jem777 you are a hero even though no one will know you name. Creamer and Jen Schakowsky should be afraid. They have a history of this shit. Observer article archive

Jem777 ago

II believe it is now the other way around we are on to them and they are panicked. They are litererally caught on camera organizing, plotting, and rioting at Trump rallies while talking on the phone and getting direct instructions from HRC. Illegally contacting super pacs, taking foreign money and going to Whitehouse personal meetings with Obama over 40 times.? Still Obama is friends.

kestrel9 ago

Also this on Robert Creamer: "Disgraced Democratic operative Robert Creamer participated in daily calls with the Hillary Clinton campaign, and worked directly with President Barack Obama to organize “issue campaigns.”

Creamer, a seasoned Chicago activist, also talks about his work with Barack Obama, whom he says he has known since the 1980s, when Obama was a community organizer in Chicago: “He’s a pro, I’ve known the President since he was a community organizer in Chicago.”

Dressage2 ago

Upvoat! You know he is still in the game. How many times did he visit WH? Like 345 times or some absurd number and I think 6 with Obama. I think numerous times had been with Podesta.

Pizzalawyer ago

Yes, I have mentioned elsewhere that George Webb revealed that visits to the White House do not necessarily include obama. There are SCIF facilities there and at the Executive Office Bldg that can guarantee super secure meetings. So its good to see who else was visiting same day and time.

jangles ago

thanks for donating your time here @pizzalawyer you continue to provide insights that are tip top!! Chearieo

kestrel9 ago

"A quick look at Wikipedia reveals that Creamer spent 5 months in federal prison back in 2006 for a "$2.3 million bank fraud in relation to his operation of public interest groups in the 1990s."

from article below: Despite his crimes, the Democrats stood by him, as Discover the Networks notes that Creamer "received some 200 letters of support from such notables as Richard Durbin, Carol Browner, Jesse Jackson, and David Axelrod" during the trial.

So, with that kind of history, you can imagine our surprise when we discovered that a Mr. Robert Creamer showed up on the White House visitor logs 340 (article below says 342) times beginning in 2009 when Obama took office and culminating with his latest visit in June 2016.  Moreover, in 45 ( article below says 47 times) of those instances, Creamer was scheduled to meet with POTUS himself.  Perhaps this is just two old Chicago "community organizers" hanging out?"

Edit: Here's the ZH link for their article on the Veritas video with Scott Foval. See also this from link below:

Foval had ties to "Hillary Clinton's shadow campaign." A report from Citizens Audit shows that Foval's former boss, Brad Woodhouse, is the president of Correct The Record, a pro-Clinton Super PAC that is in the same office as 13 other pro-Clinton organizations run by David Brock, the epitome of Clinton sleaze.

Here is another source of info on both Jan S. and Robert Creamer: (girl on the photo looks familiar...Antifa?)

Creamer designed the blueprint for Obamacare. While in prison, Creamer wrote Stand Up Straight! How Progressives Can Win, in which he lays out the strategy for leftists to achieve their Holy Grail of universal healthcare... (read the points in article)

Summation: Obamacare more or less accomplishes these strategies, as the healthcare law's meltdown involves crowding out the private insurance market to pave the way for single-payer healthcare.

Creamer is also a disciple of Saul Alinsky. In Stand Up Straight! How Progressives Can Win, Creamer dedicates the manual to Alinsky, whom he hailed as a "legendary community organizer" and a large influence on Creamer's political views. (Alinsky is the Marxist community organizer that came up with tactics to destroy capitalist society through community organizing in his book Rules for Radicals, which Alinsky dedicated to the Devil, whom he called "the first radical.")

Re Jan S.: The Illinois Democrat, a member of the far left Congressional Progressive Caucus, has been close to D.S.A., or its preceding organization, the since the 1970s.

Schakowsky was recruited to help with the famous Chicago Grape Boycott by a young United Farm Workers union leader named Eliseo Medina.

A lifelong socialist, Medina is today executive vice president of the Service Employees International Union and an honorary chair of .

Medina and Schakowsky crossed paths again at Chicago D.S.A.’s 2004 Debs-Thomas-Harrington Dinner.

Eliseo Medina was honored for his union work at the dinner while Jan Schakowsky was keynote speaker.

The Debs-Thomas-Harrington Dinner is named after prominent socialists Eugene Debs, Norman Thomas and Michael Harrington. D.S.A. is an acronym for Democratic Socialists of America.

Dressage2 ago

This is a fantastic post. SEIU was in the mix even back then. This truly is an evil cabal that drapes itself around the Saul Alinsky. Lord help us!

privatepizza ago


carmencita ago

This is crazy. We were on the Seth Rich case which brought in the SEIU and then led us to Shawn Lucas and now their is Creamer and Jan. Yikes. This is that old saying...Oh What A Tangled Web.....

privatepizza ago

Yeppp.... You know I was just thinking... that what if this is all BS, the NonAnon info? And he's leading us all over the place but the right place? idk...

However, what else have we to go on ?

carmencita ago

I have thought that myself. It would be aggravating at best. But I will not give up. No matter what false leads they give. I think they would really pay him back big time on 4chan.

privatepizza ago

Me neither. And yes, true.

carmencita ago

OK, but why is there info about Creamer's wife? What does that have to do with Seth Rich? Granted we should file that away for the future, just in case. But not now?

privatepizza ago

It could be a clue? Can you image what you found, or type it? There's no way to find it from that info

carmencita ago

These anon clues are driving me nuts. AAARGH. I will have to work on this.

privatepizza ago

Laughing... they're driving me nuts too !! Thought I was off to relax and make a nice infogram. Sheesh....

carmencita ago

Yeah, my husband says he has lost his wife. All I do is sit next to him at night in the den on my laptop while he watches TV. But the Pay Off will be worth it. Revenge Can Be Sweet.

privatepizza ago

Same same... !! We should take care of our families... but sometimes we have our own stuff going on... And this is better than tv ; )

privatepizza ago

An email addy Jan Schakowsky uses in Wikileaks - [email protected]

Email -

Reddit_traitor ago

Holy shit

privatepizza ago

Get in here

Silverlining ago

Reporting for duty!

privatepizza ago

StarSilver ; )

Thank Youuuu! I think this is bigly

Reddit_traitor ago

I'm balls deep.

privatepizza ago

srayzie ago

Oh wow! I haven't seen this either!

privatepizza ago

Slipped past the radar that one, thanks for comin' over ; )

srayzie ago

Thanks for the invite 🙂

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Good find!

privatepizza ago

Literally just found it ! Thanks for coming over : )

JesusRules ago

Robert Creamer's wife is Janice Danoff Schakowsky /ʃəˈkaʊski/ (born May 26, 1944) is the U.S. Representative for Illinois's 9th congressional district, serving since 1999. She is a member of the Democratic Party.

She is fucking corrupt!!! Did This Congresswoman Have Lesbian Affair With a Turkish Spy?

Dressage2 ago

Ha ha!! Oh yeah, think Daley Machine. I think at least 7 governors in prison. Corruption is the way of law of life in Chi-Town. Think Hillary was raised in a suburb as it will then make it all so easy to understand!

carmencita ago

Well, if Jan S. did anything illegal, then she should be punished. I think it was nasty to pull that on her just because of her sexual orientation. It is sad that people are afraid to come out and just say it. If she is married and had an affair with a woman then she should just have come out with it and the hell with the blackmail. A lot of these people are afraid to give up their positions and that is how they are caught with their pants down (sorry). Now we may have another husband and wife team involved.

carmencita ago

This could keep someone busy for a month of Sundays! I will especially relish the article about Rahm. I have hated him since the Clinton years. He is such an ego grabbing nudge.

Jem777 ago

If you want to know about Rahm you need to look no farther than the gay bath houses in Chicago where a Rahm & Barry hang out. Or the "down low club" that was part of Barry's church.

You can also research the murder of Donald Young. Who is Larry Sinclair? But I digress?

carmencita ago

I think those names were the ones that were killed, they were gay. One I think was in the choir. I keep up with Chicago because I hate Rahm. I looked into Obama after the second time I voted for him and did not like the outcome. Found a few things, but nothing like I am fining now. If you look deep enough I guess you can find it. Thanks for the info, I will use it.

gazillions ago

Maybe now you understand how morals unite a society and keep everyone safe. I know it's hard, but you have to think like a grown up. Emotions do not shape logic, that's the path to crazy.

carmencita ago

Your set of morals? I never said she should be let off scott free. I said she should be punished. Don't patronize me.

gazillions ago

Don't put yourself in a position where the only way to communicate with you is patronizing. Use logic, instead of emotion and people won't have to patronize you. Set your standards higher for yourself instead of expecting lowered standards for all simply for accomodation.

srayzie ago

Of course they had a woman seduce her and record it!

privatepizza ago

Looks like she drinks the same juice as Abramovic, too

Pizzalawyer ago

I dont think she is as well preserved, she looks like a tranny to me but she did have 3 kids with former husband. Maybe marriage to Creamer a convenience. Any leads on Creamer' s propensities. Those guys from Chicago are very very close.

privatepizza ago

Good point, it does sound like a marriage of convenience. Did you hear about her lesbian affair with the Turkish spy? We should look into Creamers preferences, you're right.

flyingcuttlefish ago

were you looking for this picture?

privatepizza ago

Not me, but I'll take it ! Cheers : )