Bluebirdsolitude ago

You didnt happen to archive all the clue pics did you, because they are gone

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Here's the original pic. I dont think it has anything to do with the man but where the photo was a mosque in Dearborn.

Text: " took a selfie with Huma Abedin outside a Salafi Masjid / Mosque in Dearborn Michigan during Ramadan."

Archived here:

Tyranny-News-Network ago

There isn't enough time this evening to fully profile Jonathan Lee Riches. At the very least it's important to note that he is a controversial figure that few have even a clue about how to categorize. But, before I provide my summary it's my opinion relative to the OP's questions that the person of interest in NotFBIanon's photo is Huma and not Riches. He likely has an unrelated interest in Riches.

I first became aware of Riches when he turned up in Newtown within 48 hours of the "shooting" claiming to be Adam Lanza's Uncle. Because I was researching Sandy Hook as a co-producer of We Need to Talk about Sandy Hook, virtually every angle was pursued over a 9 month period. His account of how he made his escape from the media influx that day is hilarious! His sense of humor is undeniable. Which brings me to his lawsuits.

Riches is, I believe the most litigious person in history. That is definitely his claim to fame. But, from my research there is a high probability that he is connected to both the Aurora Batman theater shooting and Sandy Hook Shooting. Therefore, I have to conclude that he is in actuality an agent for some entity or at minimum an informant. However, the twist is that he may have outwitted his superiors or gone so far off the rails as to be considered unmanageable.

I can post more, but that's probably all that need be said relative to the topic of Seth Rich, Pizzagate or related. But if you're looking for a good belly laugh, check out the content of any of his lawsuits or his impersonated suits. In the Aurora case, he filed a motion with the court pretending to be James Holmes' roommate. He claimed that the police chief, Dan Oates had threatened him in the parking lot of a PF Chang, stole his cell phone and leftover Chinese food.

privatepizza ago

Great info here, thank you. It's good to see you here :)

Chesapean ago

You make a good point.

I would say two things:

  • There are lots of other Huma Abadin photos NotFBIAnon could have chosen to use.

  • There's a possibility Riches himself is NotFBIAnon.

privatepizza ago

I thought that myself when I first saw the post. If I recall, they were asking him for proof of being an insider. The selfie made me think this was the poster.

I wonder why you feel this is a possibility, @Chespean ?

Tyranny-News-Network ago

I fumble posted by mistake which I deleted, so check my newer post. Oops.

Chesapean ago

Good stuff, Tyranny-News-Network.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Good job!

Silverlining ago

See what you can do with the Law Clerk General Counsel redacted photo on one of his other posts.

privatepizza ago

I know, that one is interesting. @Chespean , can you work your magic?

Silverlining ago

privatepizza ago

Thanks Silver, you're amazing. A treb!!

Silverlining ago

Was there an identifier in it for FOIA purposes? Or can you present it just as it is to the Gubmint and say "I want to see the rest of it" and then it is the State's job to go hunting for it? @chespean

Silverlining ago

@chesapean - "Oh! for an A"

privatepizza ago

Fantastic work !!

SoldierofLight ago

Nice work.

YingYangMom ago

Great find!