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I just found Kit Laybourne's RESUME!! Additional connections @argosciv @vindicator @shewhomustbeobeyed @Carmencita @newfornow

New School for Social Research - Faculty Member, M.A. Program in Media Studies: Designed & taught: Foundations of Media Design, Independent Animation (grant from NEA), Curriculum Design in Media Studies, Media & Children, Understanding Television, Video Production, Independent Production -- 1974-78.

Center for Understanding Media - Dir of Research & Publications: Chief investigator in Ford Foundation funded model program in Mamaroneck NY Schools. Outcome was an integrated K-6 Media Studies curriculum that was subsequently published by McGraw-Hill -- 1971-73

MEDIA PROBES: Executive Producer & Director: A series of 8, half-hour programs exploring the impact of various media forms. independently produced for PBS's 1982 Core Schedule with funding by CPB, PBS, Ford, Sloan and Rockefeller Foundations, and National Endowment for the Arts • Alfred I. DuPont-Columbia Journalism Citation & multiple Blue Ribbons at American Film Festival

The China Forum on the Social Education of Youngsters – Beijing 9/05 – “Youth’s Love Affair with Media”

Vindicator ago

Can I ask a question, Nomo? How are you finding all this stuff? Maybe you can give some pointers to all the rest of diggers. You seem to have an uncanny knack for turning over treasure in every shovelful.


A couple of things, I've been stewing on some of this Nick stuff for a while. I considered it all smoke and not worthy of posting until I could make a more compelling presentation. So my earliest comments on this post were my archived stuff.

Beyond cataloguing info, my strategy search strategy is brute force (like cracking a numerical password)

1-1-1 "geffen" + "spielberg" + "kit laybourne"

1-1-2 "geffen" + "spielberg" + "Gerry laybourne"

1-1-3 "geffen" + "spielberg" + "geraldine laybourne"

I consistently cross search people against previous pgate suspects and keywords. I try to do searches in multiple engines if I'm not getting suspected results. I switch up platforms and purchase a new burner device every few months. I've found search results display differently depending on device/os/browser, even when using the same engine.

More recently I've been trying to trace lineages as I suspect abuse is intergenerational. Following the family tree of a suspect is very helpful.

A lot of it is probably intuition and early research experience from debate clubs.

BTW, i get more results through Google than any other engine. It's censored, but dumbly. (By keyword) If you switch up words and think laterally, you can usually work around it.

letsdothis3 ago

i get more results through Google than any other engine. It's censored, but dumbly.

Agree. Lol.

new4now ago

Using Google images is another goodie

A lot of pics come with stories that won't come up in search

letsdothis3 ago

Yes. I use that all the time.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Vindicator ago

I've found search results display differently depending on device/os/browser, even when using the same engine.

Well that's interesting!

More recently I've been trying to trace lineages as I suspect abuse is intergenerational. Following the family tree of a suspect is very helpful.

Yes. We need to do that with Djurdjevick!

BTW, i get more results through Google than any other engine. It's censored, but dumbly. (By keyword) If you switch up words and think laterally, you can usually work around it.

Yes, I find that is true myself.

I also have begun going to and and searching. It usually turns up /pol/ threads that are relevant that don't come up on Google.



Who? I'm a bit out of the loop/working a lot. I need a catch-up link.

I also have begun going to and and searching. It usually turns up /pol/ threads that are relevant that don't come up on Google.

Excellent tip. Thank you.

Have we ever had a meta post on internet security/privacy?

Vindicator ago

Yes. I believe there is a link in the sidebar. There have been a number posted over the years, to, which should be findable via SearchVoat.