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shewhomustbeobeyed ago

A couple of things, I've been stewing on some of this Nick stuff for a while. I considered it all smoke and not worthy of posting until I could make a more compelling presentation. So my earliest comments on this post were my archived stuff.

Beyond cataloguing info, my strategy search strategy is brute force (like cracking a numerical password)

1-1-1 "geffen" + "spielberg" + "kit laybourne"

1-1-2 "geffen" + "spielberg" + "Gerry laybourne"

1-1-3 "geffen" + "spielberg" + "geraldine laybourne"

I consistently cross search people against previous pgate suspects and keywords. I try to do searches in multiple engines if I'm not getting suspected results. I switch up platforms and purchase a new burner device every few months. I've found search results display differently depending on device/os/browser, even when using the same engine.

More recently I've been trying to trace lineages as I suspect abuse is intergenerational. Following the family tree of a suspect is very helpful.

A lot of it is probably intuition and early research experience from debate clubs.

BTW, i get more results through Google than any other engine. It's censored, but dumbly. (By keyword) If you switch up words and think laterally, you can usually work around it.