shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Sites Exposing City, Local, or State Scale Corruption

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

A couple of things, I've been stewing on some of this Nick stuff for a while. I considered it all smoke and not worthy of posting until I could make a more compelling presentation. So my earliest comments on this post were my archived stuff.

Beyond cataloguing info, my strategy search strategy is brute force (like cracking a numerical password)

1-1-1 "geffen" + "spielberg" + "kit laybourne"

1-1-2 "geffen" + "spielberg" + "Gerry laybourne"

1-1-3 "geffen" + "spielberg" + "geraldine laybourne"

I consistently cross search people against previous pgate suspects and keywords. I try to do searches in multiple engines if I'm not getting suspected results. I switch up platforms and purchase a new burner device every few months. I've found search results display differently depending on device/os/browser, even when using the same engine.

More recently I've been trying to trace lineages as I suspect abuse is intergenerational. Following the family tree of a suspect is very helpful.

A lot of it is probably intuition and early research experience from debate clubs.

BTW, i get more results through Google than any other engine. It's censored, but dumbly. (By keyword) If you switch up words and think laterally, you can usually work around it.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Archiving facebook comments -

I wanted to archive James Alefantis' response on this post.

However, you can't see the comments on ( or on

( This is because the comments require an additional click to open on a computer. However, this is not the case on a phone. When I switched the links to the mobile version, the comments appeared. All I had to do was replace "https://www" with "m"

( This archived perfectly. ( I was then able to copy the link from "view previous comments" in order to archive comments that didn't fit on the first page. (

This one isn't a complex fix. However, I just thought I would make a post for those who come across this issue later. No need to struggle as much as I did.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

How to search comments: site:

Google site search, with different combinations of usernames and key words, and just poke around, sometimes several pages into the search results.

Sometimes put quotes around the keywords. If trying to find a reply made to another user, put @ in front of their name, try a "+" between the keywords. Google does crawl comments.



Archiving VOAT posts:

Here's what I do:

First, at the top of the page is a link to download a plug-in for the toolbar of your browser that creates a button that automatically archives whatever page you're on if you click it. It makes it very very handy.

Second, you can archive the entire comment thread in one fell swoop by going to the very last comment, clicking the link button, and then appending /0/ to the end of the url and refreshing the page. That will open the entire comment thread. Then you click the toolbar button and voila! For a thread that branches out into multiple separate fingers at the bottom, you have to go to the last comment in the bottom of each finger and archive separately (i.e. it's linear).

If you want to just open a string of three or four comments in a longer thread, go to the bottom one, click link, and append ?=3 to the end of the url (or however many comments you want to include), then archive. This is handy for focusing on the relevant part of a long chain of replies. I like to think of these as "payload" archives.

SearchVoat ago

You can now search comments directly at the SearchVoat v2 preview site: I'd be interested to know what you think of it.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I think it is wonderful. Although I can't see myself using the feature for anything other than mischief.

If you know of a way for me to 'not e-money' some love to you and yours, would you please let me know.

I really want to show that I love you without fucking it up too badly, bitcoin is not my friend.

SearchVoat ago

That's very kind, but I don't know how to easily transfer real money in this kind of situation. The gift of love is gladly accepted anyway!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Subverse Description Owner / Founder Subscribers
/v/pizzagate directly related to Pizzagate (defined) @kingkongwaswrong >14000
/v/pizzagatewhatever vaguely pizzagate related @kevdude >800
/v/askPizzagate questions and answers @kevdude >400
/v/PizzagateMemes aims to be the official subverse for related memes @belphegorsprime >300
/v/pizzagatemods moderator channel of this network @Codewow >300
/v/clintongate Only Clinton related posts @SaneGoatiSwear >200
/v/PizzagateSoundtrack Badass songs and playlists for investigators... @DietCokehead1 >80
/v/pizzagateTNT Tech News Taskforce (resources) @cantsleepawink >60
/v/pizzagatejournalism help on fact checking, source reliability @AnonOpenPress >30
/v/pizzagatesurvivors post stories anonymously if you can or just support... @Chatman >20
/v/heartprogresswatch Tracking HeartProgress and pedo groups on SoMe @Ushil new
/v/pizzagateteamwork Collecting collaborative posts @AnonOpenPress new
/v/SethRich ”Seth Rich was murdered by DNC” supporters @tapsnapornap new
/v/pizzagateuncensored discussion of organize/institutionalized pedophilia @thepower >700
/v/pizzagate2 no rules set @Lag >300
/v/pedogate investigating high profile child sex trafficking @wisdomtooth >200
/v/DrainTheSwamp Place to openly discuss pizzagate, pedowood... @Mtnchan >80
INACTIVE (no posts for more than a month)
v/pizzagateunedited a (mostly) unedited Pizzagate sub piratse 864
v/pizzagatefree It is up to the users to decide what is talked about goatboy 287
v/pizzagateshills After discovering that the mods have been... armyseer 183
v/webofslime Web of slime webofslime 162
v/pizzagatevideo all relevant media directly related to Pizza anotherskeptic 156
v/PizzagateOpen Open to all opinions about missing children whoisonfirst 130
v/PizzagatePhase2 It's time to fight back. Hit them... pizzagate 102
v/PizzagatePhase3 We won't just beat them, we'll humiliate them... pizzagate 97
v/pizzapalooza Where to gossip about other Pizzagate subverses. patricoles 56
v/pizzagateproof consolidating, posting, archiving, and organizing twistedmac11 38
v/PizzagateActivism registered as a precaution, space for self-organizing wecanhelp 36
v/PizzaGateCode symbolism, language, and culture aspects... justanotherpizz 30
v/Pedocracy Pedocracy(pedophilia in power structures) Sentastixc 29
v/PedoFiles PizzaGate information, meta content, and concerns sirylj 27
v/PizzagateAwareness memes, T-Shirts, Billboards, Flyers, anything... IdeliverPizza 21
v/PGWC PizzaGateWaterCooler is not investigative in nature safetythrowaway1234 18
v/pizzagateoccult dedicated to exposing occult secrets Lonesome_Pizza 16
v/NCMEC PG-related repository of NCMEC info Dasistnichtgut 15
v/pizzagateacademics Academic research TheHolyGrail 15
v/pizzarelated Pizza related but don't actually further the investigation tcp 12
v/LauraSilsbyPG Laura Silsby Pizzagate info Dasistnichtgut 8
v/Pizzagatecampaign Wanna do something... neverobey 7
v/DavidBrockPG David Brock pizzagate info Dasistnichtgut 3

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

IShallNotFear [S] 2 points (+2|-0) 1 dog year ago

Ya know, it's tough because on the whole, is the best for our type of work. Being in Iceland, foreign governments can't easily take down material. Also, if you have to archive a page from another archival site, includes both URLs for reference. But since you asked I will give pros and cons of all of the archiving sites I know of.

Pros: It can archive most pages, including those who have geo-blocked Once a page has been archved there, it regularly caches the page on its own in case new updates happen.

Cons: In the United States so people can sue to get information removed

Pros: Not located in the United States.

Cons: If and can't archive the page, Megalodon probably can't either. I have only encountered a few sites that Megalodon could archive that wouldn't archive elsewhere.

Pros: You can archive pretty much every site. It even allows you to archive Instagram posts. However, Instagram posts are private. (See my other thread for instructions on how to publicly archive Instagram posts.

Cons: Have to sign up to use. Also, you can't search for other pages like on and on the site itself.

Pros: Can sometimes archive webpages that other sites can't.

Cons: Super slow to load pages. Also, you can't search for previously archived pages.

Cache Feature of Search Engines: Google, Bing, Yandex, Gigablast, Exalead, and NewsLookUp

Pros: You can pull up slightly older versions of a webpage as the cached page isn't current. If you archive the page through, it will include the original URL in addition to the cache URL.

Cons: You have to archive the page through another site such as as the cached page may be erased within 60 days or replaced by a newer version of the page sooner than that. Sometimes the web page formatting is wrong and pictures in articles may not be cached.

Bing Pros: It caches a lot of YouTube pages that Google does not as Google owns YouTube and doesn't see much of a reason to cache YouTube pages without the video.

Bing cons: When you archive on, it is no longer showing the original URL A message will need to be sent to as the people there are usually good about fixing that sort of thing.

Gigablast Pros: If a URL isn't in its "collection", it gives you an option to add it in real time.

Exalead Pro/Con: If a URL isn't in its "collection", you can submit a website to add to the cache but you have to include an email and there is no timeframe on them adding it.

Exalead and Gigablast Cons: There aren't many webpages on those sites.

NewsLookUp Cons: It is limited to news articles.

Screenshot-Only Archives: and

Pros: Can archive websites that don't typically allow archives in the source code. Also, the URL created includes the original webpage URL.

Cons: Because it is only a screenshot, you can't copy text from it. Since the screenshots aren't guaranteed to be stored for any length of time, you will want to archive the screenshot through another website such as However, doesn't currently include the original URL of the website.

URLBox Pro: It can capture Google Maps screenshots

Snapito Cons: It does not capture Google Maps screenshots.

Pros: By only using text, it removes any ads that doesn't. The original URL does show up on

Cons: It is only text, so you miss any important images. Also, most websites that don't archive under or won't archive here. Since it isn't an archival site per se, you have to archive the page through another site like

There are other archiving sites that I have not used, such as Archive-it. Archive-it seems to be a more user-managed portion of, so if a webpage won't archive on, I'm guessing it won't archive on Archive-it.

If you ever need to search for a web page across all major archival sites use That site pulls from many more other sites, such as the UK government archives, most of which require an email address just to ask a human that a page be archived. When you want to archive something right away, that isn't really effective.