Beaucephus ago

I honestly remember the court proceedings and the detectives more than the incidents but I was a McMartin child. It was preschool for myself and most others so I was quite young. I'm the boy who refused to leave the car when being dropped off. I didn't have the words to explain it all at once to my mother so I went into a violent rage and forced her to take me with her to work that day. I remember being very good and respectful to everyone at her job location to ensure I had a place to come back to the following day, weeks and however long it would take. Well, that didn't happen as I was speaking with 2 detectives, one of which had come from Torrance which I remember because I thought I had to have been in really big trouble for him to have come all that way (at that age a 40 minute drive seemed like a long way to me.)

I didn't trust the detectives and kept insisting to my mom that we had our own police where we lived in Redondo. She couldn't give me a reason why our police couldn't talk to me. I know now it was a jurisdictional function, that the sheriff was initially leading the case but I remember not trusting him and that being being the first time I had made a mental inventory to determine my level of trust for someone. It was my first time not trusting someone first, then allowing the trust to build later.

For some elaborate 3,4,5yr olds collective hoax, I am one fucked up human being largely in part to what apparently never took place. My brain cannot even separate Love, as in the emotion I'm constantly reminded is a thing people feel, from sexual desire. Theyre one in the same to me. So I defensively abandon all interpersonal relationships and isolate myself from anyone who it could be awkward shoving a raging boner into at a family gathering. Maybe I'm an odd duck but I'd rather be remembered as uncle asshole than the little too happy to see you brother, or son or any other awkwardness you can (hopefully) humorously inject here. Yeah I'm a kid who apparently had daydreams to lucid they impacted his entire life or I'm the result of what happens when a small voice gets silenced and turns into a really big, very pissed off and seeking vengence pedophile observer. My life was forfeited but not without reason. I'm the insurance policy put in place to make sure these parasites that have embedded themselves into our judicial structure don't walk away from what Trump & Co are bringjng. If they do, they're going to wish for a concrete cell. I dream of strangling these sick fucks with their own intestines and I won't need anything but my bare hands to do it. They made me one of them and the only thing I hate more than myself is the thought of the immeasurable amount of pain and suffering flowing perpetually down stream. In that sense, my purpose lies in the flood.

Enough of the dramatic bullshit, what can I potentially answer for you?

NinaSparrow ago

U got it.. I'll archive & save when I get home tonight. Yes pls ping me next time. thanks! God bless

SocialWorker ago

Clearfield Corruption podcasts - rural Pennsylvania, there are a lot of government characters, Catholic Diocese Characters, Donors for Sandusky Charity and Agents of Planned Parenthood out of Philadelphia that begins to show intricately weaved web of corruption between civil, religious, non-profit, higher education institutions, and high dollar donors.

Ref: Gabriel Harper YT channel (has the podcasts): Gabriel Harper also has a thread on here and Reddit. The Reddit thread has been more active and has contributors tying pieces together.

new4now ago

you might want to look into Timothy Charles Holmseth

he was investigating the disappearance of a little girl and seemed to fall into a rabbit hole of FBI, CIA, sex traffiking, child porn, adoptions in Florida

Casey Anthony is mentioned also

The sad crazy story of Haleigh Cummings | pizzagate

This post is only part of it, alot has happened to Timothy because he was digging in

YogSoggoth ago

Got nothing but historic, but thanks. Abandoned Asylum: Horrors of Forest Haven [44 PICS]. That is actually still run into the ground by the Satanists as usual.These pics are pushing a political view that these (invisible) people were abused here. The reason they were abused? The State or Federal government did not cough up enough money. Give us a lot of money and you will not see so much abuse.That is why our founding fathers started this country as a Republic. You cannot have a Republic without separate governing States.

thewebofslime ago

Ok, guys, this is how to collect the news:

I. Plugins: A. Citable B. Archive Today C. WaybackMachine D. Full Page Screenshot E. Decentraleyes F. UBlock Origin G. Stylish

II. Collect the Article in a few clicks. A. Navigate to Article B. Highlight Text C. Click Citable Button D. Type in Tags E. Hit Save

While I sleep, I then use Grassoft Advance Key and Mouse Recorder to record a macro that archives in two places, captures a screenshot, then saves the screenshot.I use the Stylish to save everything in dark style, to save my eyes from straining.

The result is that I have the whole article in the spreadsheet. The text, the tags, the author, date, etc.

When I am away from the computer, I let the mouse robot do the rest for the archiving.

After you have that mastered, it is easy enough to output the new rows to any number of platforms automatically, without any intervention.

You can even set up RSS feeds with search terms to dump entries directly into a spreadsheet to be completely uninvolved in the process, as well.

Vindicator ago

Wow. I would like to learn how to do all this. @shewhomustbeobeyed @srayzie @Madworld see parent.

SandHog ago

I found one years back on local pedo rings in Florida, the last page I can recall is one on some reform school for boys where they found 96 (!!!) dead bodies buried with no records.

I'm almost certain that you are referring to the Arthur G. Dozier reform school for boys. The name of the school should prove helpful in your search if the site is still up.

Let me know if you find the sites you are looking for and please ping me next time you post similar info.

thewebofslime ago

I database everything and I will implement a visual, interactive, navigable database of corruption surrounding pizzagate and other related topics. This is what it looks like:

I have thousands of articles catalogued, like this.

If you have articles, you can send them to me in this format, and they will end up on my website:

Hopefully, within a week or so, you will all be able to search my database the same way I am able to in order to quickly track down information.

The reason I need this database is to get around the censorship on all search engines, not just Google. I am looking for a focused collection.

I have been trying to use my spare time to get this organized because it will help anyone, like you or me, prove how deep-seated corruption really is.

It is clear the media outlets involved in the Panama Papers have been operated a limited hangout. We, as a group (or just me if no one else will help) can build a database of focused articles and primary source pieces of evidence, to clearly, factually and academically prove wrong doing.

Additionally, you can create a much greater microphone for yourself by blasting truth across as many platforms as possible.











I use the Citable plugin to add everything of note to a spreadsheet.

If you Highlight the text of the article, it puts the whole article in one cell, when you hit save.

I then tag the who, what and where in another cell. This allows me to create a computer generated visual representation around certain issues. If everyone did this, it would create a new Golden Age of journalism.

I can always use help on other platforms, just following, liking, retweeting, etc.

think- ago

Are you also interested in British cases?

alele-opathic ago

Very much so. I've personally become specialized in US corruption, but I've noticed a lot of overlap with other countries, and have a handful of dead ends where leads leave the country.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Florida is heavily mafia...mafia are the foot soldiers for vatican. Kevin Annette recently on video said vatican launders mafia money.....a whistle blower stopped a child sacrifice in the vatican.....they are involved in child sex trafficking ..Trump's executive order stating all assets can be confiscated from sex traffickers. After that rothschildren got out of the lending business and sold off their compound in GB. It is all connected but the head of the snake is vatican through city of london.Lots of turmoil now due to vatican's big blow up in Feb. Not on MSM and very little on social media. Annette , through his citizen courts was in GB with a witness to the abduction of children by queen and phillip in a boarding school in Canada. The witness , an elderly Native man got sick suddenly , went to hospital and died. Of course, anyone who goes after the vatican will be smeared. There was a smear right after this incident. So many fell for it. But if you watch , whistle blowers at this level have their reputations ruined . They are the lucky ones.

think- ago

Ok, I will add some info about British rabbit holes then. :-)

think- ago

I've also lost one on the McMartin preschool mess, written by one of the parents, that documented how they fabricated the (((American Psychiatric Association))) out of nothing to invent 'memory seeding' just in time for the McMartin trials, leading to the successful invalidation of the testimony of all 600 child witnesses. I didn't save it and I can't find it anywhere.

Now that you mention 'to invent memory seeding' - I stumbled upon something very interesting some time ago - will have to go through my bookmarks - an article in a book mentioned that they actually discussed 'planted memories' in Bohemian Grove at one of their annual meetings. I think in the 1970s or 1980s.

So why would politicians and business leaders discuss 'planted memories' in psychotherapy? It didn't make any sense.

I thought that this might have been where the idea of creating the 'False Memory Syndrome Foundation' might have been conceived (which is, as we established, very, very likely a CIA invention).

Unfortunately, I found only this random note, and wasn't able to corroborate it.

@letsdothis3 @Vindicator @kestrel9 @SandHog @ASolo

Beaucephus ago

I've been a fan of James Tracy's from the moment he was willing to say what everyone was thinking, "I don't know what happened at Sandy Hook but it sure as hell lacks the overall mechanics of what we're being told happened." He has stayed very consistent with his postings and ventured into quite a few smaller type corruptions for reporting upon. Anyway if you weren't aware of his site there's little to no chance of finding it on a whim.

thewebofslime ago

I database everything and I will implement a visual, interactive, navigable database of corruption surrounding pizzagate and other related topics. This is what it looks like:

I have thousands of articles catalogued, like this.

If you have articles, you can send them to me in this format, and they will end up on my website:

Hopefully, within a week or so, you will all be able to search my database the same way I am able to in order to quickly track down information.

The reason I need this database is to get around the censorship on all search engines, not just Google. I am looking for a focused collection.

I have been trying to use my spare time to get this organized because it will help anyone, like you or me, prove how deep-seated corruption really is.

It is clear the media outlets involved in the Panama Papers have been operated a limited hangout. We, as a group (or just me if no one else will help) can build a database of focused articles and primary source pieces of evidence, to clearly, factually and academically prove wrong doing.

think- ago

I have thousands of articles catalogued, like this.

Oh wow. I had no idea. Impressive.

If you have articles, you can send them to me in this format

Thanks, will consider that.

It is clear the media outlets involved in the Panama Papers have been operated a limited hangout.

Absolutely. Still waiting for the full list of those involved.

@letsdothis3 @sandhog @darkknight111 @ASolo @kestrel9

SandHog ago

thewebofslime puts in some serious work. He just had his FBIwatch (FBI corruption info) sub at reddit stolen from him and everything he posted there was removed after the admins handed the sub to some deep state shill. Did they even deign to talk to you about it, slime?

@thewebofslime I had no idea you were setting up a searchable db that will be extremely helpful, thank you! I'm happy to help out in any way I can. It's so frustrating watching things get memory-holed.

Vindicator ago

He just had his FBIwatch (FBI corruption info) sub at reddit stolen from him and everything he posted there was removed after the admins handed the sub to some deep state shill.

Wow! Really? Someone should do a submission on this. @thewebofslime That's one of the strongest red pills out there, when they nuke the incriminating investigative material like they did to v/pizzagate. Before Reddit killed our board, I was mostly a lurker wondering how true it was. After? I am.

thewebofslime ago

Could throw something together.

I made r/FBIWatch, which automatically finds news on the FBi and posted it to the subreddit, from there, I had a searchable place to find whatever it was I wanted.

Last week, with no notice, and having been posting there everyday for a year, it was given a new mod and all my work was deleted. The sub was turned pro-FBI and Anti-Trump.

As a response, I created r/FBINews and r/CIANews. At some point, I will repopulate them with the juicy stuff. But the scripts are running as normal, again.

Vindicator ago

Did you have some archives to show what was on it, that can be used as evidence of Reddit crushing research?

Are they deleting your stuff because of the auto posting? I.e. saying it's spam by Russian bots or something?

thewebofslime ago

Fortunately, everything that gets posted is already saved to the database, first, but the purpose of /r/FBIWatch was to give people a place to use an effective search function. /r/FBINews is the new replacement, and I separated some of the keywords to make /r/CIANews.

As I said, if everyone just saves articles and primary sources using the Citable plugin, I can use Screaming Frog to scrape the rest. The tags are the important human element, but I am working on a way to make that a bit more automated, pulling from a pre-established list to search the article and source text. I suppose I should make a little video to show people how easy it is. Maybe I'll do that, tonight.

Vindicator ago

Please ping me if you make any how-to vids, too. I really need to improve my skills.

thewebofslime ago

Yes, I will definitely let you know. Been getting a little better organized and coming up with something for people who know nothing, at all, about coding.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Can you ping me with any tech-tard instructions too please.

Vindicator ago

It irks me that I know nothing at all about coding. I may have to do something about that. When you start trying to fight disinformation, being a technoretard soon becomes a major handicap.

Why do you keep making subreddits if they nuke your work? Why not do it here on Voat?

SandHog ago

Excellent. Please keep us updated.

darkknight111 ago

Interesting that planting memories gets mentioned.

This actually becomes a major plot point at the end of Danganronpa V3. Given the series past exposure of Pedowood two years before Pedogate got out, this could be about exposing false memory crap.

letsdothis3 ago

A while ago, I read an article about False Memory Syndrome and Tavistock which clearly outlined its origins in the UK. And it was clear to me that it is used to cover up pedophile networks. I can't remember where I saw it but we have a number of posts here on the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, like:

False Memory Syndome Foundation "created" by pedophiles

False Memory Syndrome: Mind Control and Pedophilia by @9217

The Web of Slime by @followthemoney

and a reddit thread: False Memory Syndrome Foundation: Questionable Board Members Tied to the CIA's MKULTRA program and Child Abuse

SandHog ago

Based on prior experience as a jurist the psychological 'experts' that are brought in to lend credence to a case tend to be specialists whose only real qualifications seem to be that they have a demonstrated ability to sway juries. It's essentially a cottage industry for psych grads that sustain themselves solely on paid court appearances for one side or the other. There is a reason these people are paid quite handsomely for their services. Anecdotal, I know, but that has been my experience.

Vindicator ago

Lots of doctors and chiropractors make a nice side income this way, as well.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Arthur G. Dozier School for Boys in FL

Inside the school of death: Sinister pictures show the rundown Florida building which had a 'rape dungeon' where 55 children 'were murdered by their teachers' - -

& - -

alele-opathic ago

Fantastic! It hadn't occurred to me that these may already exist on Voat. The names in the article quoted in the second link may give me enough to dig up the OR site.

SandHog ago

Another resource that might prove helpful in your search is the White House Boys website.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Some McMartin submissions:

Context/History - McMartin PreSchool satanic pedo case revisited -


E. Gary Stickel, Ph.D. Archaeological Investigations of the McMartin Preschool site, Manhattan Beach, California (Possible Ritual Abuse Site) -

Please add me to you're ping list @alele-opathic

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/SWMBO comment by @shewhomustbeobeyed.

Posted automatically (#26874) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.


Please ping me on posts like this is a great alternative news site serving San Luis Obispo, Atascadero, Santa Barbara, and other coastal cities in California

The founder KAREN Velie founded the site after her daughter's children were taken by San Luis Obispo CPS

She's exposed significant CPS corruption in this California area. This site needs to be completely archived

Vindicator ago

@thewebofslime see parent comment for your database and archives

alele-opathic ago

Great find! I'll dig up the article by Freberg, the other named in the suit, in a bit. This site has a lower signal-to-noise than the others, but I suppose this could be fixed by filtering on contributors.

If you're interested in CA corruption, you may enjoy Dave McGowan's 'Laurel Canyon' series. You'd be surprised how many seemingly unrelated operations intersect (or otherwise share roots).


Big fan of McGowan:) thank you!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

calcoastnews -

Lansing-Michigan ago

"I found one years back on local pedo rings in Florida, the last page I can recall is one on some reform school for boys where they found 96 (!!!) dead bodies buried with no records." I remember seeing this on TV news and the way it was presented was that there were a lot of beatings. Very similar to the Native children's boarding schools written extensively about by Kevin Annette. ..where queen and her husband phillip took 10 children off , never to be seen again. Not all the children were murdered so of course there were surviving witnesses ...some of them trusted Kevin Annette because he was a minister in the Anglican church and wanted them to attend ...he was not aware of the deep prejudice of Canadians which made it impossible. The survivors told him where the children were buried ..they dug up bones. Annette went on to sue the canadian govt. , queen, anglican church and pope. Canadian govt. apologized and pope made a general apology. He continued on with his work but has been hugely maligned as anyone would be who took on these conglomerate evils.At one time he was totally alone as even the Native people were afraid to have anything to do with him.There is a whistle blower in the vatican now who told of a ritual sacrifice which was to take place IN the vatican recently. It was stopped. He stopped another one a few years ago in Canada. When you have pope, you have mafia..foot soldiers. Vatican launders their money. Fl. is heavily mafia , so beatings and pedophilia go with the territory...if they totally control an area, their personal stamp or MO will be all over it. Brutal......have read that the Jesuits were working with the nazis and their brutality even shocked Nazis.It is the evil which comes from the top......vatican.

Lansing-Michigan ago

" This one is by a Jewish man who discovered that the Tulane LA law school was in bed with the Judiciary. Lots of writing on the futility of trying to fight the courts from within the courts."...The excellent book Me and Lee by Judyth Very Baker is about the way the US govt inserted cancer viruses into vaccines...She did research in how to do it , but it was out of Tulane...She said this university and hospital were used to help with her research...the man who was her boss was with the university or hospital , forgot now, but that he treated the dictators which came up from South America who were seriously ill.CIA ..the book describes her love affair with Lee Harvey Oswald who was mafia connected and CIA. She was a naive good girl , brought up catholic , and was told she was helping to stop the spread of communism by perfecting this vaccine for was the times.People were very naive back then.When she realized she was being used.....she objected and drew the ire of her did Lee. He ended up dead and she is lucky to be alive..on FB now . Mary's Baby also refers to this work. And if you are interested in this subject , read Me and Lee first. It will make more sense.Also , there is heavy documentation to prove the cancer viruses were inserted into vaccines. Science background = documentation. Boring to me.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Louisiana has a common thread with the Native boarding influence. Have a great love for New a book once just on the beginning of the city.It was said that when the catholic church first arrived, they built a torture room. This makes me wonder about other countries heavily catholic like all of them in South America........did they use this same method as was used in Louisiana? I know they were brutal in California when there were outposts of catholic priests.The catholic church today is implicated in child sex trafficking & organ harvesting this is the top of the pyramid / the control mechanism astute political person on my FB page stated, the vatican controls the world through the city of london. So, two of the entities sued by Kevin Annette's work are at the top .......the reason that bill cosby walked around free too long...He was in , I think, naval intelligence and very wealthy....more so than most people know....R Kelley is going to jail. THUG...not liked.....These people are nazis and don't like black people....So Kevin Spacey is walking around free ...white.Same for speilberg.........way too much evidence that , if they were not protected, they would be in prison for life. Dave McGowan's book about Laurel Canyon speaks to the naval intelligence or military being behind so many of the greats in the music scene....and about all of them in Laurel Canyon.....they were experiments.....MKultra. given huge doses of drugs...Jim Morrison is one ..regular guy , not even interested in music...then the programming , voila. money maker....but their programming did not seem to last many died young...Today, I am suspicious of anybody who lives george clooney...There are places chose which have so much evil, it is easy for them to accomplish what they want to do to us.

opinionatedduck ago

These are the threads I come here for. If anyone wants to do a podcast for this type of stuff, hook me up

alele-opathic ago

Thanks! I am not sure if I did something wrong or if Voat isn't interested in this - I originally expected Voat would be very interested in data-swapping threads.

I guess that's why it's just an experiment. Oh well.

Vindicator ago

What makes you think Voat isn't interested? Some of us are VERY interested. :-)


Ditto, I also have more stuff, I've logged through the years. As I find it i'l post it here

zit ago

Sadly, all these whistle-blowers all die in strange accidents eventually!

Even witnesses summoned to court to reveal international scale corruption have accidents , all alone, at night :

The former head of the UN General Assembly, who was facing criminal charges, dies after barbell falls on his neck :

Yup. Such a shame, so random and accidental.

All those people will have various fatal accidents or contract liver cancer.

alele-opathic ago

Very familiar with this. Short list for anyone curious off of the top of my head:

  • Most everyone who saw JFK's final parade in person died within 3 years of 'natural causes', those who were filming with their own cameras died within the year.
  • There is also this classic compilation site: .
  • The Secret Service involved themselves with Aaron Swartz 2 days before his 'suicide'.
  • Brietbart died of an 'enlarged heart', after just tweeting he was completely healthy and has no deathwishes 'just in case', and then his coroner died of arsenic poisoning just hours later.
  • Joan Rivers died 'from complications during a routine checkup' two weeks after exposing Obama to be gay and Michelle to be a transvestite
  • The Natural News 'Health Ranger', though he may be running a limited hangout, has documented the suspicious deaths of at least one cancer researcher and one vaccine whistleblower.
  • And, the biggest one AFIAC, is the death of Dave McGowan, on the 55th anniversary of JFK's murder (just over a year ago to), to, shit you not, 'undiagnosed late stage lung cancer'. In his final writings he was adamant that he'd been hit. This man is probably the most accomplished conspiracy researcher by far.
  • And, of course, (((Aaron Russo))), who died of a heart attack after making the documentary 'America: Freedom to Fascism', where he actually gets an interview with some (((IRS boss))) (the commissioner IIRC) who tells him in Yiddish to 'give up, nobody can help you'.

Jesus. Maybe I should make my own compilation.

kestrel9 ago

Perhaps not direct pedo whistleblowers but noteworthy:

I would add the cluster of Las Vegas Harvast shooting Survivors who died, I believe they were all part of an effort to start a survivors group discussing their contention that there were multiple shooter.

I have various links/topics I'll review to see if I have more to add for this. I'll also look through what I have to add for the general info sharing list.

Thanks for the post!

opinionatedduck ago

Yes please

Vindicator ago

I am stickying this in v/pizzagate for mutual information sharing. :-)

alele-opathic ago

Added! Thanks for the sticky!

think- ago

Please add me to your ping list as well! :-) Thanks!

alele-opathic ago

Added! Thanks.

think- ago

Thank you! :-)

drstrangegov ago

If your looking for hidey holes of bad guys, check out whitefish, MT. Huge money has been coming into the area. Local contractors have been making a fortune.

allonthesameteam ago

The Whitefish energy/Puerto Rico deal was crazy.

drstrangegov ago

Why does glacier have an international airport, 15 minutes from whitefish.

drstrangegov ago

Yes.....there isn't hardly anyone from whitefish that live there anymore. The locals are being priced out.

alele-opathic ago

Added to my research list, thanks!

drstrangegov ago

If your looking for hidey holes of bad guys, check out whitefish, MT. Huge money has been coming into the area. Local contractors have been making a fortune.

drstrangegov ago

I think there might really be good guys in this mess. If there were, they'd want any information they could to catch the heavily infiltrated bad guys.