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kestrel9 ago


HOLLYWOOD, April 10— Michael Ovitz, who helped to create the Creative Artists Agency more than a decade ago and has overseen its remarkable growth into a behemoth that represents superstars like Tom Cruise, Michael Jackson and Sylvester Stallone, is the source of considerable speculation as the choice of the Seagram Company to run the entertainment giant MCA Inc., which Seagram bought on Sunday.

Mr. Ovitz, who is 49 and has moved into advertising, corporate finance and the convergence of entertainment, information and communications, is a close friend of Edgar Bronfman Jr., the chief executive of Seagram, the Canadian liquor giant, and was one of the brokers in the MCA sale.

Not only would the departure of Mr. Ovitz from Creative Artists ripple across the movie, television and music business, but it could also in many ways have a seismic impact on the talent agency business, which Creative Artists has dominated for at least a decade.

Mr. Bronfman, who made his foray into the entertainment business on Sunday with the purchase of 80 percent of MCA from the Matsushita Electric Industrial Company for $5.7 billion in cash, could not be reached for comment today.

Mr. Ovitz, a formidable deal maker in Hollywood, has publicly denied any interest in running MCA, the entertainment conglomerate that controls Universal Pictures; Putnam, the book publisher; MCA and Geffen Records; Universal Studios and theme parks.

People close to Mr. Bronfman said he had offered an honorary chairmanship to Lew Wasserman, who as the chairman of MCA has run the company for decades along with Sidney J. Sheinberg, its president.

Because Mr. Bronfman wants to maintain warm relationships with Mr. Sheinberg and Mr. Wasserman, MCA's new owner also planned to offer Mr. Sheinberg an unspecified position at the studio. "Edgar has no interest in antagonizing Sheinberg, but it's clear he will get someone else to run the place," one person close to Mr. Bronfman said today.

There are several reasons that Mr. Ovitz might want to leave Creative Artists...

Mr. Ovitz, though wealthy, hungers to be in the same financial league as his friends like Michael D. Eisner, chairman of the Walt Disney Company, and Barry Diller, former chairman of Fox Inc.

If Mr. Ovitz left Creative Artists, he would be compelled to sell his majority share in the agency to his fellow agents to avoid conflicts of interest. That would open the way for a potential struggle for control of Creative Artists, Hollywood's most powerful agency. Mr. Ovitz's share could be as high as $200 million, according to some estimates.

Ron Meyer, president of Creative Artists and co-founder of the agency with Mr. Ovitz, runs the day-to-day operations and is widely trusted not only by movie stars but also by executives like David Geffen and Jeffrey Katzenberg, as well as others, who have chilly relations with Mr. Ovitz. But Mr. Meyer could face restlessness and a potential insurgency by ferociously ambitious younger agents who are anxious to reach the upper tier at Creative Artists.

Any crack in the fortress-like solidarity of Creative Artists would be exploited immediately by International Creative Management, the William Morris Agency and United Talent, the three largest agencies after Creative Artists.

At stake are some of the biggest personalities in town: actors like Robert Redford, Demi Moore, Kevin Costner, Paul Newman, Bette Midler, Robert DeNiro, Al Pacino, Barbra Streisand and Dustin Hoffman and directors like Barry Levinson, Ivan Reitman, Martin Scorsese, Oliver Stone and Mike Nichols.

As speculation centered on Mr. Ovitz, Mr. Bronfman and his father, Edgar M. Bronfman, had lunch today with Mr. Wasserman, who is 82, and Mr. Sheinberg, who is 60. Mr. Wasserman and Mr. Sheinberg have made it clear that they are angry at the way Matsushita treated them and essentially kept them in the dark about the negotiations to sell MCA.

In 1990 Mr. Wasserman and Mr. Sheinberg sold MCA to the Japanese company, pocketing hundreds of millions of dollars in the process but complaining in later years that Matsushita was treating them poorly and, in essence, like employees.

flyingcuttlefish ago

over 600 views!


Owen Benjamin was kicked out of CAA when he took a stand publically in a comedy set and called out a Hollywood big-wig for putting their toddler on hormone blockers.

He speaks a lot about CAA being a dirty mafia and calls them "Hollywood Handlers"

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flyingcuttlefish ago

PHOTO: Caitlyn Jenner arrives wearing a power-suit to a business meeting at the Creative Artists Agency in Beverly Hills, Calif. on July 27, 2015.

CAA probably dreamed up the whole Bruce Jenner .02 idea ...

flyingcuttlefish ago

CAA associated with mobbed up MCA -

Ovitz helped negotiate Sony Corporation’s $3.4 billion acquisition of Columbia Pictures Entertainment in 1989. A second blockbuster deal followed in 1990; with Ovitz as advisor to Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., the Japanese firm successfully courted and conquered MCA, owner of Universal Studios, in a $6.6 billion buyout. This deal earned CAA anywhere from $8 million to $40 million and garnered Ovitz the title of “Mike the Manipulator” in Spy magazine.

A good book on MCA and the mob -

Dark Victory: RONALD REAGAN, MCA AND THE MOB by Dan E. Moldea

Lots and lots of Hollywood dirt in that book. MCA paid for Jack Ruby's lawyer.

flyingcuttlefish ago

Chelsea Clinton name comes up on the board of CAA

Company Overview of Creative Artists Agency, LLC

darkknight111 ago

Holy shit. Direct ties to the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation!!!

I found Edgar Bronfman, Lisa Schiff, Daisy Soros and Michael Bloomenthal.

Who would have thought that looking into a 30 year old murder of a child actress would end up bringing so many ties to everything this forum has been looking at.

@Vindicator we may have found something reallt important?

flyingcuttlefish ago

CAA (Chelsea) is tied to many Pedowood tendrils ...

These big power brokers all have relationships and PG kiddie-traders may use their biz connections to do terrible things. Just connecting people so far, not events. But good to have the info lined up in advance as this #metoo fig leave will fall apart soon (opinion).

carmencita ago

Yes and Chelsea is breeding like crazy. Third baby coming. More satanic elites popping out.

Vindicator ago

What am I looking at there @flyingcuttlefish @darkknight111?

darkknight111 ago

What you’re looking at are direct links between the Clinton Foundation, Chelsa Clinton and CAA.

CAA is literately the thread that connects Pedowood (via many Hollywood luciferians and pedos), the mob (namely the Bronfmans) and the deep state (Bush, Clinton, Operation Mocking Bird via one of the founding members being a high up at NBC) all together.

CAA being the talent agency that the producer of Fatal Vision (likely co-conspirator in Judith Barsi’s murder) was a founding member. His client.....Steven Spielberg.

flyingcuttlefish ago

because I have that Clinton Foundation blog any time I see come company up to no good I look it up with CF in a search engine and usually they are big donors.

Why are all these blue blood bankers on the board at CAA? I think Hollywood big budget movies serve as a big money laundry for drug money etc. - but just opinion. Movies all have funny accounting.

Looking at Oprah being in the pocket of CAA explains how Tom Cruise was always touted by her. CAA used her to prop up their "stars" - who had not-so-much-talent in my opinion. I read in Spy magaziine a long time ago all the glossy mags are blackmailed by CAA. Unless they feature CAA client on a mag cover they will get locked out of accessing any in the future for cover stories. So all the mags play ball. Explains why Meryl Streep was always on mag covers for NO reason.

I wonder if CAA has Bruce Jenner as a client. That whole Cait rollout looked so contrived. And when all media supported it I thought of the CAA magazine blackmail.

carmencita ago

Money launder for drugs.

Uma supposedly shacked up with the wife of El Chapo in LA. It was in a Bl of CDAN. Total possibility you just mentioned. If the Emanuel brothers are involved you can bet on it. Ari met with the pope last summer. I believe he can get a meeting with just about anyone.

flyingcuttlefish ago


On Monday, April 4, from 7:00 – 9:30 p.m., please join the Clinton Foundation’s young professional program, 20/30, and No Ceilings, a Foundation initiative that advances the rights and opportunities of girls and women, at Creative Artists Agency in Los Angeles for a panel discussion and reception on “Women’s Representation in Media & Entertainment.”

auralsects ago

Roflmao at the comments.

Whoa, Hollywood kikes are a criminal mafia and collaborated with actual kike gangsters and both sent ridiculous amounts of material support to kike gangsters who founded Israel and blackmail our politicians into supporting them? Wow quite the revelation someone from 1952 could have told you.

Next youll tell me Trump is deeply connected thru kike fixers/lawyers like Roy Cohn and Michael Cohen (who was also childhood friends with kike gangster financier Felix Sater) and really blow my socks off.

Then youll tell me only kikes and cults started by kikes have long documented history of murdering children like in OP.

Its almost like the problem is kikes, full stop.

Quicktor ago All Jew big shots come from William Morris, the world's longest running talent agency... Rahm Emanuel's brother was the architect behind the merger and is co-CEO... David Geffen got his start here among MANY others...

SearchVoatBot ago

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kestrel9 ago

Ronald Meyer was born to Jewish immigrant parents who escaped Nazi Germany. His family's love for film influenced him at an early age. At 15 Ron dropped out of high school, and at 17 he joined the United States Marine Corps, where he served until he was 19. He worked as an agent for the Paul Kohner Agency in Los Angeles from 1964 to 1970, and from 1970 to 1975 for the William Morris Agency. (see also link)

This is interesting for anyone following Qanon (Q142): * The founder and namesake of what’s said to be the world’s oldest and largest talent agency, William Morris, born Zelman Moses, not only missed the Lusitania’s last voyage in 1915 but also the Titanic’s first and only attempt to cross the Atlantic three years earlier. @srayzie

On April 27, 2009, WMA and the Endeavor Talent Agency announced that they were merging to form William Morris Endeavor.[10] Endeavor executives Ari Emanuel and Patrick Whitesell were widely recognized as the architects of the deal and ultimately took the roles of WME Co-CEOs.[11] Following the official announcement of the merger, nearly 100 WMA employees and former board members were let go. One of those leaving was Jim Wiatt, who came to WMA in 1999 from International Creative Management, where he was Vice-Chairman, in 1999. He had joined WMA as President and Co-Chief Executive Officer, and had risen to Board Chairman.[12]

Ari Emanuel (born March 29, 1961) is an American talent agent and the co-CEO of William Morris Endeavor (WME), an entertainment and media agency. He was a founding partner of the Endeavor Talent Agency and was instrumental in shaping its June 2009 merger with the William Morris Agency.

Born to a Jewish family in Chicago, Emanuel was raised in suburban Wilmette, Illinois. Emanuel is the brother of former White House Chief of Staff and current Mayor of Chicago Rahm Emanuel, National Institutes of Health bioethicist Ezekiel J. Emanuel, and adopted sister Shoshana Emanuel. His father, Jerusalem-born Dr. Benjamin M. Emanuel, is a pediatrician who was active in the Irgun, a hardline Zionist militant group whose activities in Mandatory Palestine during the 1930s and 1940s led to its listing as a terrorist organization by the British authorities, the Jewish Agency and the 1946 Zionist Congress. His mother, Marsha Emanuel (née Smulevitz), was a civil rights activist, and the one-time owner of a Chicago-area rock and roll club.

A lot of leads in (((THAT)))

More on Ron Meyer:

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has announced its board of trustees for the organization’s movie museum project, to be headed by NBCUniversal vice chairman Ron Meyer.

Others on the board include Academy president John Bailey, Academy CEO Dawn Hudson, Netflix chief content officer Ted Sarandos, producer Jason Blum, and Academy Board of Governors members Tom Hanks, Jim Gianopulos, and Kathleen Kennedy.

A note I had on hand regarding CAA:

n 2003, a seismic shift occurred in the agency landscape when WMA's SVP and Theatre topper, George Lane, and fellow agent in charge of foreign rights, Michael Cardonick, left WMA to open Creative Artists Agency's New York City office and Theatrical Department.

I better stop here, in my notes on the WME alone too many things to include in this one comment. Will continue a little later.

carmencita ago

Their father still lives. Pediatrician. That’s scary. He practices in Chicago and was a member of a terrorist group Irgun on Israel. He is the head of the snake. This is an evil family.

flyingcuttlefish ago

ohhh .... I just saw a thing on Rahm Emmanuel's brother on youtube yesterday. He is a real case! Ezekiel Emanuel is all into crazy medical care for useful persons only idea. It is called "the complete lives model" of health care.

After 1 hour 18:50 min. mark here - Dave Janda is talking -


[They are talking about Obamacare...] 79:25 min. - " . . . but here's what this study just came out in the journal American Medical Association it was conducted by researchers associated with Beth Israel Deaconess Medical and Harvard Medical School not exactly conservative bastions looked at hospitalizations between 2005 and 2015. It found that the 30-day post discharge mortality in other words the number of people dying within 30 days of being discharged for the number of people who died within a month of leaving the hospital increased for heart failure patients after the meet readmissions penalty program was implemented through Obamacare.

The rate of increase became more rapid after Medicare started penalizing readmissions. In addition mortality rates amongst pneumonia patients which had been stable all increased fewer people were being admitted readmitted to the hospitals but more people were dying. While some people say, okay so a couple people died, wait a minute - this is not the first study to conclude that the program increased the death rates.

... so they wouldn't re-admit them because they were afraid of being fined?

Right. That was a policy, a part of the policy implemented by Obamacare.

I should say remember this is not surprising because one of the architects this guy Ezekiel Emanuel,
who is Rahm Emmanuel's brother, had published a study in the British Medical Journal Lancet called the complete lives model ... and here's what it is in essence and this is why this should not surprise anybody.

This is why I went after these guys back in 2009 that model said only people between the ages of 15 and 40 are productive members of society and people less than 15 years of age of over 40 should have limited health care resources allocated to them.

kestrel9 ago

These people (progressive elite Murderous Marxists) are SICK. They never designed Obastard Care to be viable to begin with, just a step towards total control via Universal healthcare. Sick, they just look for new ways to kill people and steal/mutilate children. Pure evil.

flyingcuttlefish ago

this whole thing about Ezekiel Emanuel is all news to me ... you said it, Pure Evil.

Cc183 ago

Could Q's C_A mean CAA?

kestrel9 ago

Thanks @darkknight111 for getting this subject rolling. I have a lot of comments to share with you later (can't stay on computer long right now). Involves going back to NYC back in night club heyday. Both Club Kids timeframe and before. Madonna and many other stars came out of the NYC club nightlife. I believe the Limelight Club started in London. Read recent comment of mine Keep in mind that Rudolf Pieper (Michael Alig's boss before Peter Gatien hired him too) is German, his father rumored to be SS Nazi.

The account of the Alig and Freeze murder of 'Angel' in that last link mention sexual occult aspects to the murder.

Andrew Crispo was the gallery owner I referenced in my comment, see also link

New York art gallery owner Andrew Crispo, a well-connected socialite linked by author Maury Terry to the Son of Sam cult (see The Ultimate Evil) is the prodigy and a key American agent of Fritz Thyssen: the German industrialist who joined the Nazi Party in 1923, contributed generously to the Nazi remilitarization effort and introduced Allen Dulles to Adolf Hitler.

While I haven't read that book (and won't) I read he was very involved with Fritz's brother, Baron Hans Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza because of his art gallery. Either way, those connections probably explain why he never was prosecuted for murder.

I have an old thread about Fritz Thysssen, will dig it out later.

Jules Stein, founder of MCA, knew Baron Heinrich Thyssen enough to send a letter apologizing for missing a meeting they were supposed to have. (sadly his daughter Jean jumped out a window at a late age, an odd method of suicide but whatever)

Think of the Trump tower fire, suspect that Michael Cohen's friend (mr Red shoes Dennis Shields) knew something about the seedy side of historical NYC club scene as well as Andy Warhol's friend Stuart Pivar, who died in the fire. Andy Warhol's name comes up too many times during research, which is why I believe it.

@srayzie @Vindicator

srayzie ago

This is interesting for anyone following Qanon (Q142): * The founder and namesake of what’s said to be the world’s oldest and largest talent agency, William Morris, born Zelman Moses, not only missed the Lusitania’s last voyage in 1915 but also the Titanic’s first and only attempt to cross the Atlantic three years earlier.

Very interesting.

@Shizy @MolochHunter

think- ago

The guy who died in the Trump tower fire also wore red shoes? Interesting.... He was an art collector IIRC.

think- ago

@letsdothis3: please see above.

kestrel9 ago

From posts and reading in past day or so I'm seeing the convergence of jewish Zionists/gay Nazi Germans/Weimar depraved culture/mafia (various countries)/Hollywood/Satanists/Utopian socialists and pedos throughout.

@darkknight111 @Vindicator

think- ago

What I never understood is why Trump supporters never seemed to be really bothered by Trump's mob connections.

kestrel9 ago

I've often wondered if the some of what we're seeing is the continuation of older investigations into organized crime. Too many times the same names (mafia connected or proximity) keep popping up, and Trump knows them, Rudy Giuliani knows them, Robert Mueller knows.. etc. Deep State has many tentacles and spheres of influence. If so, no one will speak about anything in an ongoing investigation, so we'll have to wait and see. I'm not speaking anti Trump here, but one can see how DS jumped out their skin when he got elected. They know he knows they knew he knew LOL

think- ago

but one can see how DS jumped out their skin when he got elected

Well, that DS faction that doesn't back Trump.

darkknight111 ago

Possibly for the same reasons the Epstein ties bother no one?

Ie past ties that may or may not have been cut? (Military kicking them out maybe). I know Trump cut his ties with Epstein sometime in 2012.

think- ago

I meant how can someone be seen as a good guy when he cooperated with the mafia, in order to earn money.

And please don't tell me that Trump didn't know about Epstein's activities with underage girls. He only threw him out of Mar-a-Lago after a father complained about Epstein, not earlier.

dandelion2319 ago
