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Vindicator ago

Well, now we know why the German people of today are allowing their their country to be raped into oblivion. They were groomed in kindergarten to accept it. FFS!

kestrel9 ago

And our country isn't far behind by the looks of it. There was something bugging me about the whole Desmond/Wendylou/Alig on one side with the odd man out dad in same group, the former skinhead, from lower eastside Brooklyn, I believe. Among Michael Alig paintings he does a series of pink swastikas with a Disney character in front. One has a really mean looking Mickey Mouse face. Michael had a nick name 'Mickey' I'm pretty sure, don't have source offhand. The reason I bring this up here is I just found this:


I don't know if you heard of the Death Mask murder but it involved an well connected elite art Gallary owner, the son of a UN executive in a brutal sexual sm murder, and a gay modal from Norway. The Gallary owner had been molested when young, became a gay prostitute (even had Liberace as a customer so they say). It's believed he may have thrown someone out a window once too. Anyway, one of the reasons I think that Peter Gatien (owner of Limelight chain of clubs) hired the two Michaels, (Alig and Freeze), was to help with the fallout of bad PR after that murder happened, by staging outrageous parties with the Club Kids (the murderers had tried to lure his own manager out to a private party and would likely have been the victim had he gone, instead the young model from Norway was killed). The victim, had been picked up in the area of NY where S&M prostitutes hung out.

On one of the Geraldo show Club Kids episode (he did several) Alig's costume is fairly bland, the most remarkable part of it is bruises on his neck and body (makeup). When Geraldo asks about the 'look' Alig said 'maybe I'm just bored'. But one wonders about the gay S&M underground in NY at the time.

Reading the link I gave you goes through homosexual Nazi history, and there are some brutal SM icons like homosexual and murderer Gerhard Rossbach. Just wondering, what exactly did we import from Germany post WWII?

Vindicator ago

So if Nazi's were gay, why did they shut down all the gay stuff described in your last link?

kestrel9 ago

I haven't read all of the pink swastika book/article, but I got as far as the sheer hatred between groups of gays, one effeminate/drag queens, the other thinking they were the ideal male warriors. I believe they just as soon kill the drag queens, they detested them that much.

The Pink Swastika documents a hidden aspect of German history. The authors contend that homosexualism, elevated to a popular ideology and combined with black occult forces, not only gave birth to Nazi imperialism but also led to the Holocaust itself. The militarists in Germany were happy with Hitler. His teachings on "total war" and of a secret Jewish conspiracy against Germany provided a good screen for their own veiled preparations. From its very inception, it was the goal of the Nazi Party, working as a front for the German military industrial complex, to overthrow the Weimar Republic by whatever means necessary. The Pink Swastika documents how, from their beginning, the National Socialist revolution and the Nazi Party were animated and dominated by militaristic homosexuals, pederasts, pornographers and sado-masochists.

...Roehm, as the head of 2,500,000 Storm Troops had surrounded himself with a staff of perverts. His chiefs, men of rank of Gruppenfuehrer or Obergruppenfuehrer, commanding units of several hundred thousand Storm Troopers, were almost without exception homosexuals. Indeed, unless a Storm Troop officer were homosexual he had no chance of advancement". [Knickerbocker:55]