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letsdothis3 ago

Millionaires, billionaires, and tech titans are swarming to Sun Valley, Idaho — here's a look at who's attending Allen & Co.'s annual mogul fest -

Michael Ovitz, co-founder of the Creative Artists Agency.

When Disney Co. president Michael Ovitz first joined the studio a little over a year ago, he took an active role at ABC that rapidly diminished on the heels of complaints from top web execs to Disney chairman Michael Eisner.

Debates still rage between the ABC camp and Ovitz loyalists as to just how involved Ovitz was in the web’s high-profile hire of Geraldine Laybourne as president of Disney/ABC Cable Networks and how his role in landing Jamie Tarses as ABC Entertainment president upset ABC brass.

Ovitz is co-founder of the Creative Artists Agency

Voat posts:

CAA: The link between Pedowood, the Mob, and the Deep State by @darkknight111

What do a lot of Hollywood luciferians and Pedowood suspects have in common? Certain talent agencies. UTA also works for Johnny Depp. Creative Artists Agency works with Steven Spielberg, Oprah Winfrey, Tom Cruise, Nichole Kidman, Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore, Meryl Streep, Robert De Niro, Madonna, Sean Penn, Jim Carrey, Tom Hanks, and Jared Leto.

Michael Rosenfeld was one of the founders of Creative Artists Agency. Producer of Fatal Vision TV movie. May have been involved in Judith Barsi’s murder. CAA has a foundation. Ties to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (major red flag).

Michael Ovitz via Robert Strauss has ties to the Bushes. Bush as we all know is linked to the CIA. Also connected to the Bronfman crime family, just like Steven Spielberg. He himself is also a suspected mobster. Hollywood was LONG been under mob control. Ovitz was a former high up at Disney.

Ronald Meyer, one of the founders of CAA is now vice chairman of NBCUniversal. NBC of course being part of the MSM who are players in Operation Mockingbird.

comment by @flyingcuttlefish Chelsea Clinton name comes up on the board of CAA

interesting comments from @kestrel9 too

Vindicator ago

I like how you're pinging previous researchers interested in these folks. It's pretty much a must, if we're to overcome the platform limitations of Voat. :-)

@Nomochomo, sort Comments by new and check out the recent additions by New4now and Letsdothis3.