KillAllPedos ago

"For pedo apologist @Millennial_Falcon stop deleting my submissions you filthy piece of shit:"

Question: why is that PEDO MOD ......STILL HERE?!?!?!?!??!?!!??!


ChippyTubes ago

So whats happening? Rob Reiner's done something and it connects Woody Harrelson or is this the Corey Feldman Conspiracy? Corey Feldman and Elijah Wood says that the #1 problem in Hollywood is pedophilia....hey killed the previous Panama Papers journalist, car bomb, assassination, the Queen also Knighted Kevin Spacey. They say Justin Trudeau's fathers foundation, "The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation" has pedophile FBI pedo-image as their logo AND works with children who were raped? Investigate? Kathy OBrien testified (not in a court) that Justin Trudeau's father was a bad, nasty, possibly pedophiliac. Justin's father: Pierre Ellison Trudeau...his momma was off her mind on drugs, drink parties with rolling Stones and maybe hooked up with Castro of Cuba? Many celebrities and politicians offshore financial affairs....the Queen, Lebanon, Malta, Music Pop stars, Jpn Prime Minister HIV Prostitutes?? The Paradise Papers also question Soccer teams in England, question whether Everton football club has broken Premier League rules over ownership. Farhad Moshiri has insisted his stake in Everton was bought with his own money after questions were asked about his link to Arsenal investor Alisher Usmanov. Politicians, celebrities, corporate giants and business leaders. Canadian PM Justin Trudeau’s morality crimes are deep in this? an islamo apologist, fun social gay boy, open borders for Canada, financial affairs of Queen Elizabeth II, key celebrity political elite, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s key old voat post says We need to crack down on Hollywood to expose these celebrities and high level people and not to mention the possible politicians to be exposed. ?? Barbra Streisand called Sean Young 'disgusting' for outing Hollywood assault. Young claims Barbra Streisand was "disgusted" with her for comments she made about Warren Beatty sexually harassing her.

EyeOfHorus ago

There is only one viable reason why a mod would delete references to Rob Reiner.

KillAllPedos ago


KillAllPedos ago


John Travolta spills bread crumbs in his lawsuit affidavit leaked by TMZ Says he "got smart and learned to love the taste of jew man cum" says he "began in his 'welcome back cotter' days....


ponyfriend ago

Didn't the attack go for like 20 or 30 blocks? They said it was over a mile he was driving on a bike path. I was really surprised when I heard this part of it, how far he got, how a bike-only road didn't have any barricades. Probably because barricades are expensive or who knows.

Interesting you mention Rob Reiner as I noticed he was on Bill Maher this past weekend. I thought it was really interesting he wasn't keeping a low profile but instead was going on the offensive, or at least not hiding. I didn't watch the show so I don't know what he said when they were talking about Weinstein and Kevin Spacey.

I do remember that Al Franken joke, iirc from a roast, where he jokes that Carl Reiner would let all his friends "have a go" at Rob when Rob was a child. I'm not sure of the exact wording but the joke was so awful and the reaction was clear, he was talking about all of Carl Reiner's celebrity friends having sex with his son. Carl Reiner was the writer for Mary Tyler Moore show, so I don't know if it was the fellow writers, the actors, etc. I used to like some of the Mel Brooks movies and I hope Mel Brooks is one of the few good people among this crowd. He seemed very loyal and in love to his wife, Anne Bancroft, who died a few years back. But Mel and Carl were friends and this Carl and Rob joke doesn't seem like an actual joke. I don't want to sound anti-semetic but I do think some subset of that community engages in incest and/or pedophilia, unfortunately. It happens in non-semetic (Jews and Arab) families too, but I would imagine at a lower rate. Pakistan and Somali are infamous for these kinds of problems, including inbreeding. They are among the most (recently) inbred populations in the world, if my understanding is correct. I read that in a study on infant mortality in the UK, there are lots of problems with infant mortality in the Pakistani community even with the healthcare system of the UK. So that is either due to the parents behavior or the genetics. 1st cousin marriage there is the norm. Somalis was from a different study, but they've experienced a very strong genetic bottleneck as well as a very long tradition of inbreeding.

EyeOfHorus ago

The attack occurred inside an enclosed outdoor Train Museum. The property is large but not nearly 20-30 blocks. Witnesses said the driver drove his SUV through a fence, onto the walking path on the Museum grounds. He accelerated so fast that he spun the rear tires.

It is not racist nor discriminatory to discuss a person's (or group of people's) race and nationality. You've been trained to feel uncomfortable when noting someone is Jewish.

Senator Franken discussed Carl Reiner anal raping his son Rob Reiner and then passing Rob Reiner around to be sodomized by his professional acquaintances.

Blacksmith21 ago

Nice work.

KillAllPedos ago


Antonius ago

But psychos can run over people anywhere...

carmencita ago

If there is one thing we have learned on here: There are no coincidences.