SayWhatNOWAY ago

Nicole Kidman's father was a yuuuge freaking Pedo! Would make sense that she maybe also.

Clive Davis is said to be one. Steven Spielberg Rob Reiner Charlie Sheen Demi Moore Lawrence Taylor Scott Bairstow.
Woody Allen, Gary Glitter, Victor Salva Stephen Collins Shane Sparks

carmencita ago

Yes, these motorized Dolly-woods are created to keep our attention away from what is really going on in the world. They are all sick and perverted creations of the CIA...Read the Laurel Canyon article. The rest are MK Ultra or Project Monarch, whatever you want to call it. The real key is in the hubs across the nation and the large cities. This is where the drug running, sex trafficking of children, organ trafficking of adults AND children and the CP snuff is going on. That is what this is really all about. The rest is just Kabuki Theater. The public is being played. Big Time.

kazza64 ago

ben fellows outed tom cruise as a sadistic homosexual paedophile who uses casting calls to access underage victims

Lonesome_Pizza ago

I'm glad you've shared this information, if Tom Cruise is doing pedophilia, then I'm sure more people are doing it also, especially at those big mansion orgy parties they like to have.

equineluvr ago

Hollywood is a nest of pedophilia since it is 100% Jewish.

But celebrities are typically smaller fry in the larger scheme of things.

Lonesome_Pizza ago

Hollywood as a whole is a lot more than just celebrities, you have directors, producers, and tons of high power people, with connections to politicians and other celebrities worldwide.. Hollywood is the perfect place to poke around for pedophiles,

GeorgeT ago

Meryl streep condemns Trump for mocking a disabled reporter yet she is giving a standing ovation to a convicted pedophile Roman Polanski at 2003 Oscars!

Lonesome_Pizza ago

I'm sure Roman Polanski knows a few pedophiles personally, Meryl Streep could be one of them.

GeorgeT ago

I know that Meryl is a member of Kabalah which promotes pedophilia.

Lonesome_Pizza ago

Wow if Meryl is a member of the Kabalah, then she should know Ashton Kutcher's ex-wife Demi Moore is a member of the Kabbalah and she's been videotaped kissing a 13 year old boy. Video here

Ashton Kutcher is also a member of the Kabbalah and he's part of the digital anti trafficking organization called THORN, which is no different than a pedophile opening up a daycare center.

GeorgeT ago

I was about to type that in but got lazy. Right on the money. They are all connected. Kutcher is just a useful idiot used by the elite to put a pretty mask on an evil face. Demi Moore making out with that kid gave me chills. She is also a nudist.

Judgejewdy ago

What do you mean by the key? Bc it goes far deeper than Hollywood. These celebrities are minor players and a big diversion.

Spiritual_War ago

We have to start somewhere, plus Hollywood celebrities aren't minor players,Hollywood is full of people with massive influence over the population have you seen a Justin Beiber concert full of underage girls throwing their panties at him, you'll have parents who'll make their kids do anything for fame and all the countless girls and boys who want to desperately become stars at all cost. Hollywood looks like the place to take advantage of desperate people. I say we attack the elite from all directions, we can't just focus on CPP, because there is tons of pedophilia going on in California without a doubt about it.

TamalepantsMD ago

i don't think any legitimate researcher here is "just focusing on CPP." if you want a key, start researching the less well-known characters involved in the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. not as sensational, but more effective.

dickface8 ago

Remember the heat was on Kevin Spacey a few weeks ago when it was blowing up that he'd been to Lolita island with Epstein. He was blocking everyone that spoke about it.

Lonesome_Pizza ago

I never heard about the Kevin Spacey dilemma, but thank you for bringing it up, so we can research it. I think Hollywood is long overdue for a pedophile purge and we all know there are kids being abused by this industry of snakes and vultures.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

There was a huge "agent" to the stars in the uk call MAX CLIFFORD. He is currently doing time in prison for various sex crimes. Maybe we should start digging into Hollywood agents?

GeorgeT ago

Bill Maloney exposed him. The guy is a warrior and a pedophile destroyer.

ciderman ago

I wouldn't be surprised if River Phoenix at least knew things that could have brought people down

ciderman ago An Open Secret- feature length documentary on Hollywood pedophiles and victims

GeorgeT ago

Producer of Flight Of The Navigator is implicated in it. That film features pedophile triangle logo - Steps of the space-ship. Sick!

ciderman ago

Horrific how proud they are of their sickness.

GeorgeT ago

Duper's delight!

ciderman ago


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