Vehicle Ramming Attack adjacent to Rob Reiner Charity (pizzagate)
submitted 7.3 years ago by EyeOfHorus
A man tried to run over adults and their children at a train museum. Some witnesses and victims think this was an intentional act, read the article comments.
The museum is across the street from the Rob Reiner Children and Families Center
This is related to pizzagate because Rob Reiner is circumstantially tied to sexually assaulting Corey Haim. Reiner follows the Jerry Sandusky / The Second Mile model of interfacing with deprived children.
gaystapo 7.3 years ago
Rob Reiner is a baby raper for sure. These freaks all have children's charities :/
gaystapo ago
Rob Reiner is a baby raper for sure. These freaks all have children's charities :/