YingYangMom ago

Nice job.

Tanngrisnir ago

Thank you!

Tanngrisnir ago

The fact that the swirls are placed side by side in a manner that resembles breasts is kinda suspicious. I had not seen any swirls placed together like that before.

Tanngrisnir ago

Another big find. In West Palm Beach Florida, Bioflorida which encompasses such businesses as RTI Surgical and Tavistock (type in Palm Beach in the ctrl-f to find on the page) is located at 33401 with Dyncorp located at 33404.

survey_girl ago

holy cow... I work in Alachua! My neighbor works for RTI.

RTI is located in a little development known as Progress Park were a lot of bio-medical companies are located. map of the area

If anyone has any questions about the area or any ideas on what I can research about them, let me know.

Tanngrisnir ago

The Steemit member v4vapid alerted me to this. If you know anything about the route between Progress Park and DynCorp I would really appreciate it.

EDIT Sorry, I'm an idiot. The location that I was thinking of that was near Dyncorp was in Melbourne, Florida. Alachua was one of the few spots where I didn't see sign of any DynCorp building. It is still a very important location. But unfortunately it is sort of the mysterious one.


juhos ago

I don't get it. Why Dyncorp still gets contracts from the government after their history with sex trafficking etc?

Tanngrisnir ago

Because the government is obscenely corrupt and considers it a positive and not a negative like a normal person would.

Vindicator ago

I just DMed this post to Cynthia McKinney. She follows me on Twitter -- got after Rumsfeld for Dyncorp pedos when she was in Congress.

Jem777 ago

I copied you. She follows me as well and George Webb. RTI surgical was brought up awhile back escpecially as it relates to Dyncorp and organ & bone harvesting. It has been stated bone & marrow can be harvested up to 17 days after death.

Vindicator ago

She replied to me and said she would look into it. :-) Slowly but surely, we are going to squeeze the truth out into the light and make this crap stop.

Tanngrisnir ago

Thank you, Vindicator!

Jem777 ago


DonKeyhote ago

Anyone hungry for a breadcrumb I am sure this guy is a CIA agent registering front companies.


2impendingdoom ago

Does anyone else think that all the Olive Oil shops in tourist towns are suspicious and probably cia fronts?

GhostOfSwartz ago

I wonder about all the dang mattress stores. One on every street corner now. Do Americans actually purchase that many mattresses? I told my husband that I think the bedbug epidemic was a conspiracy perpetuated by the mattress industry lol.

organic1 ago

Or why the mattress companies donate mattresses and pajamas to foster children? Maybe I'm being overly suspicious, but I don't hear about what other companies are providing to foster families, just mattress companies.

PoeticallyIncorrect ago

lol right? how do they stay in business...

ProudTruther ago

Great work, albeit sickening.

Death2Masons ago

Well George Webb was the one to extensively out Dyn Corp, so it is always a good place to focus. That link is a no brainer. Good find. Boy, isn't FBI doing a great job for the kids?

pnwpatriot97 ago

The dyncorp in Medford, OR is near a middle school.

defector ago

I hadn't realized Dyncorp was in Medford. After a quick look at the map, they are also right next to The Bohemian Club.

As per Wikipedia, "Bohemian" may also denote "a socially unconventional person, especially one who is involved in the arts."

We also clearly know about Bohemian Grove. This place might be worth looking into.

pnwpatriot97 ago

I agree. We should check if any children have been missing in Medford for the past 10 years. Where they go missing, the dates, etc. Satanic holidays could be an easy thing to correlate with the disappearances.

YingYangMom ago

Not only children, imho.

Dressage2 ago

Never did Dyncorp expect citizen journalist to figure this scheme out. Nice work. I can hear them now, "Who is this guy?"

Tanngrisnir ago

They didn't exactly hide it very well. Probably figured they didn't have to. But yeah I'm sure at this point I am on a enemy list.

Mainly they just have Armyseer spam shit about me which I have gotten to enjoying at this point. Ironically, he only seems to post on my topics that relate to Hillary Clinton. The other stuff he doesn't care about.

palmitespo910 ago

I love the Internet so much.

micha_ ago

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

Exactly! Before the internet allowed us all to communicate and come together on subjects the cia controlled the news and therefore dyncorp was not supposed to be outed, we aren't supposed to be able to follow the dots but the Genie is out of the bottle and no going back, their party is done!

Catchthem ago

Thanks for posting! Remember also that they can harvast the precious stemcells from teeth...

bibigirl_ ago

I remember this. I had a few friends that took their kids there. Said he would put them out and sometimes they'd wake up screaming. He would tell the parent to help hold the child down sometimes or sometimes theyd be asked to leave the room

organic1 ago

How awful! I hope they're included in the lawsuit. This dentist is definite nightmare fuel, and I'm sure it will be difficult for them to go to the dentist for the rest of their lives. Now, we're definitely getting a clear idea of why Epstein had that dentist's chair on his island.

bibigirl_ ago

Nice connecting of dots there. Definitely something to consider

organic1 ago

Thanks! As rich as he was/is, I don't doubt he passed up any opportunity for money seeing as kids were/are just a commodity to him. He stripped them in more ways than one.

Catchthem ago

Wow Wtf! Some shady dangerous (probably also sick pervert) dentist..

organic1 ago

For sure! I wonder if he was selling the teeth for their stem cells?

Catchthem ago

Exactly, he made 4 Milion $ in 5 year.. (and probably more black money)

organic1 ago

Yup! I wonder if the anesthetic does something to the stem cells, which is why he's choke them into unconsciousness. Or maybe not, and he just got off doing the choking. I do remember reading that baby teeth were the best for collecting stem cells. He sure was going for top dollar!

Catchthem ago

Yes i think you are spot on.. Watch this video, around midway. http://www.breitbart.com/abortion/2017/03/29/planned-parenthood-abortionist-pay-attention-whos-room-verifying-signs-life/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social They guy asks if they use any anesthetics on the patient, because that kills many stemcells.. Thats why he choked the children. In the article it also says a young 6 year old was there for 1 tooth and ended up getting 7 removed! A 3 year old ended up getting 16 crowns!

Jem777 ago

Is anyone wondering why Jeffrey Epstein private orgy island had a dental chair & equipment now?

organic1 ago

Thanks for confirming my suspicions with absolute proof! So sad and disgusting.

Catchthem ago


PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):

OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle PostDate
voat.co/v/pizzagate/1624197 Too many strange ties at The International Center for Missing & Exploited Children! 3/2/2017
voat.co/v/pizzagate/1624197 Harvested Alive documentary (chinese with english subtitles) 2/10/2017

jangles ago

PizzagateBot to the rescue. this post.

Zeeeffgee33 ago

Super helpful I dig it. Is that a function of voat?

palmitespo910 ago

No, it was added to this subverse at a time when we needed it most.

2impendingdoom ago

These businesses are probably affiliated in some way. Nice find. great post.

Tanngrisnir ago

Thanks. I'll try to see if I can find some more DynCorp location 'coincidences'.

MysticMa ago

So See how close both Alachua and the Jax sites are in relation to Shands UF Hospital and Shands of Jax. Hospitals. They are TEACHING hosp's. an are under a Umbrella which they never disclose when admitting. I spent 2.8yrs off an on while. my teen daughter battled Leukemia. I could write a book on nefarious but I have a few thoughts if there is a coralation.

Tanngrisnir ago

It is quite possible that they operate together. They operated alongside Barry University and Mercy Hospital in Miami to gather limbs in Haiti.

survey_girl ago