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WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

My offerings...

Rick Scott pled the fifth 75 times.

Gencor was caught trafficking children under Bill Clinton out of Bosnia

They were caught again under Obama and I keep wondering why we don't have other contractors they can use?

Dyncorp A-Go-Go

For an example of how just one transgression can lead to endless bad publicity consider the movie titled The Whistleblower that was released earlier this year. To summarize the plot, in Bosnia in 1999, Kathryn Bolkovac, a U.S. policewoman served as a U.N. peacekeeper. Her post was with the International Police Task Force which was arranged by DynCorp Aerospace.

She was assigned to run the IPTF office that investigates sex trafficking, domestic abuse and sexual assault. She ultimately alleges that peacekeepers, U.N. workers and international police are visiting brothels and facilitating sex trafficking by forging documents and aiding the illegal transport of woman into Bosnia. DynCorp responds by firing Bolkovac, who returns to the U.S. and files a wrongful termination case. She wins the suit but says she’s still blacklisted.

Put bluntly, DynCorp was involved in a sex slavery scandal in Bosnia in 1999, with its employees accused of rape and the buying and selling of girls as young as 12. Dyncorp, hired to perform police duties for the UN and aircraft maintenance for the US Army, were implicated in prostituting the children, whereas the company’s Bosnia site supervisor filmed himself raping two women. A number of employees were transferred out of the country, but with no legal consequences for them.

Deja vu All Over Again

letsdothis3 ago

Yes, we have pages of posts on Dyncorp. Thank you for your comment, in particular the link that reminded me of some cases that we didn't pay much attention to. I've been preparing a post on yachting and some more pieces of the puzzle are beginning to drop into place for me. So, I'm going to drop a few links here: [English version]


According to information available on the Internet, DynCorp “presented itself [in Colombia] as a British company with offices in Aldershot, Hampshire. In its contracts with the U.S. State Department, it appears as a U.S. company based in Reston, Virginia, which has a base of operations in Cocoa Beach, Florida.” [30 ]

According to information available at the Colombian Chamber of Commerce, DynCorp Aerospace Operation (UK) LTD. is based in the Untied Kingdom and has a branch office in the city of Bogotá. According to this registration, the enterprise has the following social purpose:

“[DynCorp] has a social purpose of providing support services for bilateral anti-narcotics programs between the US and Colombian governments. In order to achieve this, the branch acquires, possesses, taxes, and deeds all types of moveable and real property; transfers, accepts, negotiates, discounts, etc., all types of negotiable instruments and other civil and commercial documents necessary or suitable for achieving its objectives; participates either as a shareholder or founder, in other companies; receives cash loans, with or without real or personal guarantees; and in general carries out all types of acts or contracts directly related with this company’s principal social purpose in Colombia.” [31 ]

Although other transnational security enterprises operate in Colombia under mercenary operation arrangements, including ARINC, Grupo Rendon, ACS Defense, Lockheed- Martin, Northrop Grumman Corp., ManTech, TRW, Matcom, ALION, and California Microwave Systems, [32 ] without a doubt, DynCorp is the most representative and has operated in Colombia the longest. Furthermore, it has the largest service contracts with Plan Colombia and has been most implicated in the commission of crimes in this country as well as violations to human rights caused through its aerial spraying operations.

.....On October 27, 2000, DynCorp was registered with the legal registration of Robert B. Allenger, Jr., residing in Texas as the president of this enterprise. On November 26, 2003, Margarita Quijano Guerra is registered as the legal representative. On November 2005, Keith Allen is appointed the principal liquidator of DynCorp Aerospace Operations UK LTD and Colombian citizens are granted the authority to finalize “labor contracts for employees of this branch.” On this date, the latest registration also appears with the names of Curtis Adams and Robert Knepper to pay taxes to different Colombian authorities.

..As far as its theater of operations, according to government sources, the enterprise operates at Fort Larandia and Fort Tolemaida and with the 18th Army Brigade (BCG-30, BCG-24), Army Urban Special Forces Group (AFEAUR), Mobile Brigades 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12, the Navy’s Coast Guard, the Marine River Brigade, Navy Air Force Command, Air Combat Command No. 2 (CACOM-2), Air Combat Command No. 6 (CACOM-6), Military Air Transport Command (CATAM), where there is Land-based Air Force Radar, and the Air Force Center for Communications, Command and Control. [53 ]

The Center for International Policy has registered the following additional units receiving training from US cooperation in Colombia:

• Army...

• Air Force:...

• Navy:

Naval Academy, Independent ARC, Tayrona Cartagena ARC, Navy Air Command in Bogotá, Submarine Command – Submarine Fleet, Caribbean Navy Air Group in Cartagena (GANCA), Navy Air Group on the Pacific at Bahía Málaga (GAMPA), Coast Guard (Cartagena), Coast Guard (Leticia), Scuba Diving Special Unit, Special Forces 1 Marine Battalion, Marine Battalion 2, Counterguerrilla 1 Corozal Marine Battalion, Rifles 8 Marine Battalion, Marine Battalion 9 (Tumaco), River Marine Battalion 10 (Guapi), River Marine Battalion 30, River Marine Battalion 40 (Puerto Carreño), River Marine Battalion 50 (Puerto Inárida), River Marine Battalion 60 (Puerto Leguízamo), River Marine Brigade, Marine Command (Bogotá), Marine Port Headquarters at Cartagena (DIMAR), Marine River Combat School (Puerto Leguízamo), Marine Urban Anti-Terrorism Special Forces Unit.


5.2.1 VIOLATION TO THE RIGHT TO FOOD AND WORK According to studies by Colombian specialists, “[g]lyphosate, as a widely used herbicide, has toxic effects on most of the plant species and may be a risk for species in danger of extinction if applied in areas of their habitat....

Plan Colombia

A United Nations study reported that elements within the Colombian security forces, which have been strengthened due to Plan Colombia and U.S. aid, do continue to maintain intimate relationships with right-wing death squads, help organize paramilitary forces, and either participate in abuses and massacres directly or, as it is usually argued to be more often the case, deliberately fail to take action to prevent them. One of the larger examples of this behavior was the 2008 False Positives Scandal, in which the Colombian military murdered approximately 1,400 innocent civilians in order to make false claims that these cadavers were Farc soldiers.

National Police Eradication Program (2000–2008 cost: $458 million)

This program is executed by a private company, DynCorp, under the supervision of the U.S. State Department's Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), and operates out of Patrick Air Force Base in Florida. U.S. State Department-owned planes spray chemicals to destroy coca and oppium poppy crops in rural Colombia. From 2000 to 2008 more than 1 million hectares (2.5 million acres) of crops were destroyed.

According to Grace Livingstone, more Colombian School of the Americas (SOA) graduates have been implicated in human rights abuses than SOA graduates from any other country.

The Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC) is a United States Department of Defense Institute located at Fort Benning near Columbus, Georgia, created in the 2001 National Defense Authorization Act.

letsdothis3 ago

U.S. Army to investigate allegations of sexual assault by military personnel in Colombia

The most recent revelations—according to the Medellín-based, English-language news site, Colombia Reports—involve U.S. Army personnel and contractors from the Fort Worth-area DynCorp International who were stationed at the Tolemaida air base in the town of Melgar, some 60 miles southwest of Bogotá.

...This is not the first time that U.S. personnel have been accused of inappropriate sexual conduct in the country. In April 2012, nearly a dozen Secret Service agents were alleged to have invited prostitutes to their hotel rooms in Cartagena, ahead of President Obama’s trip to the Summit of the Americas, and a Justice Department report released last month found Drug Enforcement Administration agents were attending sex parties with prostitutes supplied by drug cartels while stationed in Colombia.

letsdothis3 ago

Rutte is known to be a big fan of the writing of Robert Caro, especially his book about Robert Moses, The Power Broker....Robert Allan Caro (born October 30, 1935) is an American journalist and author known for his biographies of United States political figures Robert Moses and Lyndon B. Johnson.

Human leather and the story of HeLa stem cell research leads to pedophilia and the satanic roots of the atomic industry

The Origins of NASA

Early in 1958, the Executive Branch and the Congress began to organize to reclaim American leadership in space. In February, the Senate crested a Special Committee on Space and Astronautics, chaired by Senator Lyndon B. Johnson, and the House created the Select Committee on Aeronautics and Space Exploration, chaired by House Majority Leader John W. McCormack.

Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (JSC)

Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston, Texas, was established in 1961, and from the Gemini, Apollo and Skylab projects to today's Space Shuttle and International Space Station Programs, the Center continues to lead NASA's efforts in human space exploration.

Suddenly Tomorrow Came... A History of the Johnson Space Center