birthdaysuit11 ago

I will, just have to produce some more archives. Would it be better to post original links or archives only??

birthdaysuit11 ago

I did... With all archives.

birthdaysuit11 ago

And everyday the mods censor.

birthdaysuit11 ago

I liked when we found shit about Alefantis and his connections w/ Rothschilds and the podestas and royal elites. These researchers had links and sources for everything. Most of them were banned or randomly deleted their accounts and bots and ctr now voat brigade the shit out of these posts.

birthdaysuit11 ago

Do you fucking understand that the majority hates this micromanaging shit. Fuck off, Half the mods have contributed nothing except to control the narrative. FUCK OFF you stupid cunts. I wouldn't doubt that some of the mods are pedo sympathizers. We built this place, not you!

Laskar ago

Censorship has suppressed quality, garbage copycat posts get upvotes.

birthdaysuit11 ago

Exactly, the mods micromanage the good posts, while lettung shitty copy pasted posts and copycat posts get to the top. It's what reddit conspiracy is now doing.

Laskar ago

Thanks for the comment. I'm glad you have noticed this unfortunate situation.

Yesterday, they had posts form five months ago on the front page, to push the good stuff off.

have an upvote.

Altmight ago

Let the UP VOTES decide. Im not even gonna read that faggy micro manipulation crap.

Judgejewdy ago

Lamest sticky ever.

VieBleu ago

Have to disagree - the long lingering anti-protest sticky was such an odious low it gave the Devil a fear of heights, all in the name of "care" for "everyone's safety" and quivering, ass-covering cowardice, sabotage or worse.

Judgejewdy ago

I stand corrected. :)

Honeybee_ ago

Because of the way the last events, and the most recent, was treated by mods and voaters, I will NEVER post a protest on here even if it is "allowed". I had people calling me a satanist for wanting to march with Our Children Matter... others calling us jew shills... people were saying it was a bad idea to protest and that we should be flyering or sitting at home bitching on our computers... damn shame.

VieBleu ago

I absolutely support this wise choice.

No matter if fences have supposedly been superficialy "mended", the sheer betrayal of those long two weeks will absolutely never be able to be compensated for or changed, and the fact that an apology was never forthcoming for smearing the good people connected with just the first protest is one of the ugiest abuse chapters in the history of this often abusive forum, hands down. Not even going to bring up all the rest of the mendacious atrocities relating to the second protest, and everything in between and afterwards as well.

Thank you for speaking truth Honeybee.

Honeybee_ ago

Thank you for understanding my take on it, I just feel like around that point, things started getting nasty and out of control in /pizzagate

VieBleu ago

Take if from one of the veterans here, there were definitely antecedents, almost from the first of this forum, that something was not right.

FE_Rebekah ago

You've been amazing HoneyBee. Please don't let a few ignorant people affect how you feel about yourself and the work you've done.

You only answer to yourself and your higher power at the end of the day. Do what you feel is right.

You have amazing insight and intuition. You understand things on a level that a lot of people can't. Like your gut feelings about Sawyer. I was right with you, and I was annoyed that people weren't letting you express your opinion. You were dead on when it came to him.

Trust yourself girl, and follow your instincts. You've been an amazing asset to this community, and are one of the most trustworthy people here.

Big hugs to you.

Honeybee_ ago

Those are very kind words, thank you ♡

VieBleu ago

@Honeybee_ refered to the mods in her comment - you can understand that when "a few ignorant people" are the ones that are moderating, and they are viciously cutting the protest effort off at the hips like an extended terror porn movie, and with no remorse whatsoever, it remains significant, right?

Notgood ago

Honey bee, you and I are just the same. I Know where you are coming from I am constantly making yousell comment and submissions, and people are always calling me a shill.

AngryMimi ago

Agreed Honeybee! It is a shame.

Vindicator ago

This is a fantastic idea!

neverobey ago

maybe another label? Because we already have /v/PizzagateMemes. But idea is fantastic!

FE_Rebekah ago

I very much appreciate it when comments with downvoats are hidden.

We know how to police ourselves honestly. We just need good tools like that one to protect our brains from some of the evil shits around here.

Ignoring is what we should be doing to shills, and that makes it easier. Thank you

remedy4reality ago


fuck your shitty micromanaging


Mods are Jews

VieBleu ago

and curating.

and grooming, as in victims.

FE_Rebekah ago

More Flat Earth

Mammy ago

Honestly, the rule revisions don't so much affect me but I agree with Honeybee's comment above. With all due respect for all researchers -- I believe there comes a point when we simply MUST show up at demonstrations/events IN PERSON to spread awareness and hopefully compel the masses to demand change.

Yes, the internet has been critical in spreading the word about Pedogate/ Pizzagate and many other issues revealing the depth of depravity and corruption in our government(s), BUT we most always remember that the word, *virtual * means "almost or nearly as described, but not completely.."

In my view, we can research and post and discuss and Tweet and You Tube 24/7 365, but if we want to gain more people in the anti-pedophile movement, we need A LOT more boots on the ground.

We must SHOW UP IN PERSON AT AND/OR SUPPORT REAL LIFE ANTI PEDO ANTI TRAFFICKING EVENTS if we are to spur the movement from virtual reality to actual reality.

In this way, VOAT could support both virtual AND actual warriors. Salute, Honeybee! FUCK FEAR!!!

FE_Rebekah ago

I like your comment, but I'm not sure you meant to reply to my post about Flat Earth.

I personally believe FE can be tied to PizzaGate because of the mind control and brainwashing. The globe is a spinning ball similar to hypnosis, and it's used ALL the time, in movies, tv shows, the news, everywhere.

I wish people realized the deception of it and how it's tied to the elites and the way they control us through lies.

Mammy ago

Yikes., I had not meant to reply to your post. I thought I was replying to the general thread. But thank you for telling me. Yes, we are indeed living in some "interesting" times. Brave New World, 1984, and Animal Farm now all seem non-fiction.

redditsuckz ago

If people dont believe pizzagate they sure are not going to believe flat earth. Their whole trust in the media and history has to be shattered.

If people really want to find out the truth for themselves they can simply buy a high powered zoom camera and check out the "stars" dancing on The Dome;


Pizza inside The Dome - The Truman Show @ around 1h and 13 minute mark;

Truman Child wearing pizza outfit;

Silverlining ago

You mean you actually read them?

remedy4reality ago

yeah... So all you mods are looking like a bunch of fucking lazy commies who make work while others DO WORK..

As a whole, I feel you're a bunch of lazy cunts who get off on controlling the narrative, rather than helping towards the end goal of the INVESTIGATION. I hate @MillenniumFalcon, with a passion. I actually think he is a pedophile.. Fuck your changes. Fuck your micromanaging.. Get the FUCK out of the way.

Fuck you.

VieBleu ago

LOL wow your anger put a real smile on my face. thank you.

The fact that this broken place dares to ask for thousands of dollars per month when it can't even keep a search engine running on a INVESTIGATION forum, then comes back with this kind of backpeddling bs sticky because they have no traffic anymore is pure farce - makes me laugh, but not with the genuine joy that I get from reading your in the face comment mi amigo.

AngryMimi ago

Well, don't hold back, tell us how you really feel.

neverobey ago

wherever I see @remedy4reality he/she spits fire. No way criticising anything without swearing. Maybe should work on your technique in criticising people. Yesterday cou called me a cunt in a discussion because I wasn't the same opinion as you were. Here you do it again. Maybe give yourself a rest? Do you think it could be helpful to devide all of us?

birthdaysuit11 ago

Anyone is a cunt who censors information and micromanages the shit out of other peoples research.

VieBleu ago

Sometimes you've got to light some fires to keep cold complacency from settling in permanently.

If you don't think this place has been scorched and abused and divided long ago by the people who run it, you just don't know the history of this place well enough. At the very beginning, I was attacked by moderators and drained of comment points so that I was silenced for a couple of weeks, just for bringing in an influx of almost 500 new subscribers. Many other commenters were drained of points in the same couple of days, because the mods needed to control and groom the forum - their twisted version of "free speech". I was attacked by mods and accused of trying to build voting brigades or some such nonsense - I didn't even know what they were talking about.

And that was just the begining. So don't worry too much about @remedy4reality 's or anybody's curse words dividing anyone here - that is handled by the professionals at the top, and always has been.

grlldcheese ago

I told you once, back when, about powermods.

Darling, you err on the side of powermod culture. Be careful.

The mods at a place like this doubt people like you more than people like me. That's a trained behavior from nonsense you probably didn't experience. I guess what I'm saying is:

I always see you fighting imperfect moderation. But perfection isn't possible. And you blame people who have been trained, steeped, and taught to fight the people who preach the things you preach. You're playing the line between virtue signaling and earnest progress.

But you're missing a very important fact. This place. Us. You included, now. We're this generations niggers. And you smell like a dogooder who doesn't fully grasp our plight.

Not that there are no shill mods and no fuckery. But do you really believe the solution is different mods or yourself in control? I believe that this culture is built on a belief in basically no moderation. And the actual solution is minimal janitorial moderation. And preaching righteous, unassailable moderation decisions might be missing the point entirely.

Doesn't matter much. Shits progressing beautifully in the world.

VieBleu ago

thanks but I'm not here enough anymore to "be careful". I scan through posts once in awhile and comment very infrequently. Once in awhile interesting tidbits surface here despite the mods. Couldn't resist getting in some history on this thread for future readers who are studying what went wrong here.

No group with a serious aim should have to put up with the unending volleys of bullshit that are regularly launched around here from the top down - it is like an abusive family unto itself with all the ugly power dynamics and victimization which that brings. MOST FORUMS ARE NOT LIKE THIS ONE. "Don't post your protest info here" is just one line of grafitti on the giant black iceburg of cautionary tales that should be passed along here, not "be careful" or a toxic mod culture might yet again sabotage the effort. What a joke.

This place is absolutely NOT me. And yes a place like this (I wouldn't work on the same continent as some of the bigot mods here so not this place) would most definitely be run much better if I was in charge, or any of a handful of respected commentors including you. Actually anyone with the integrity of a loan shark would be an improvement.

druhill007 ago

hope all is well champ

VieBleu ago

Thanks my friend, you as well.

Silverlining ago

I think you'll find it is @Millenial_Falcon Always happy to help!

birthdaysuit11 ago

M falcon is a fucking idiot. Why is he still a MOD can't we kick him the fuck out?

remedy4reality ago

yeah... 6 months on this sub and he's nothing but a fucking lazy fucking piece of shit..

fuck him.. He guidance has reduced daily veiws by 60% in 90 days... He's a fucker. I hate him.

Altmight ago

Everyone hates him.

Silverlining ago

Not to put too fine a point on it!

remedy4reality ago

look at the numbers, kid.

You have no idea what it feels like to have 25-30 hours of your work DELETED

Walk a MILE, grasshopper.

Silverlining ago

remedy4reality ago

the jury is in @silverlining

He sucks. In SPADES.

Silverlining ago

Just in case you didn't realise, your deleted submissions live, but in the "removed submissions" link in the moderation logs on the RHS column. They also remain in your submission history, I believe. Whether they would show up in the "search" when it is up and running again, that I don't know. I didn't realize you only get ten hits on

remedy4reality ago

yeah... no shit

why do you mindlessly follow these Mods? You've been here almost as long as I have and you sound like a chump. what gives?

Silverlining ago

Bump for Chump!

FE_Rebekah ago

That dude deleted my first post. Punch to the gut honestly.

sensitive ago

Interesting idea. Will discuss.

Silverlining ago

Here we go - process before progress - and I'm getting sucked in. Always so much more interesting than researching pedo stuff. After a few days, submissions flow under the bridge. Anything important is likely to resurface and people have their hobbyhorses.

Silverlining ago

Nobody takes any notice of the rules and everybody gets annoyed when they get their submissions removed or otherwise modded. Just butt out with the rules and restrictions. Use your time to curate the best information into knockout posts. Sure, sure, you've got ideas, I've got ideas and so has everyone else.

birthdaysuit11 ago

I agree.

anonOpenPress ago

I suggest we poll separately on what might replace the word "elites" in the new rule 1. It's most confusing. Reference in this comment

redditsuckz ago

That little caveat gives the illuminati pedo mods free reign to delete anything they deem not "elites".

I spent two hours researching who the performer/drag queen was, found his Instagram and Facebook page. Searched for possible prior arrests, searched the Superintendent and the Principle, only to have a Mod delete my thread because of rule number 1. No elites connected to the story. Well may not be but it's a huge story all over the internet. Parents are outraged about this, and will there be anyone punished for subjecting young children to this perverted performance? I do see a pattern, if heads of schools, libraries and such, wherever children are, think they can get away with this, what is next?

Yet they go out of their forum sliding ways to keep concern trolling posts from being deleted;

Constructive Criticism from a Follower


I like these rules, but I feel that other important information slightly orthogonal to Pizzagate should be allowed to flow on these forums:

TRUTH1234 ago

A little confusing, but overall I get it. I'll just try to keep things on topic and not post anything gross/annoying.

jstrotha0975 ago


sensitive ago

EDIT: done

We don't know why Voat's own search is gone (again), but the Alternative Search must have been accidentally deleted today when our developer put back the share a link buttons. I DMed him and am sure he will correct it at his earliest convenience.

Silverlining ago

Surely all you need is a link to searchvoat - not paragraphs - and NO link.

Millennial_Falcon ago

@heygeorge, you have any idea why the search bar is gone?


double-spez: it's an Admin thing, as I figured. this has happened before.

Silverlining ago

My understanding was that it takes up too much juice. Quite how searchvoat manages it, I don't know - unless it is a data mining freebie so someone can see what we're all looking for - and be ahead of the info wave.

redditsuckz ago

Average voater cant search for "Rothschild" anymore...:(

Or "who owns voat"...or "is voat is full on fucking satanic?" or....

Silverlining ago not the same results, but not wiped.

Sorry - replied to the comment and didn't see it in the thread. I see there was a touch of tongue in your cheeky comment!

redditsuckz ago

Its just the lurker of other forums has no idea about the search function because the normal search is disabled site wide. The other voat search also shows the top rated threads.

jstrotha0975 ago

My only problem is people posting the same thing. I know I'm guilty of it, but sometimes I don't see the newest posts.

sensitive ago

neverobey ago

(which you can find at the top of each site) not that @jstrotha0975 has to come here everytime he wants to see the new threads …
