shoosh ago

No worries, I've done the same thing. These are extremely heated times with so much at stake. I don't think this many people have been woken up to the truth at one time and hopefully it will be a catalyst to educate more.

shoosh ago

I hope you're right. Trump needed to place charges on a number of people earlier on, Lynch, Reid for stating that he'd give false intel. Maybe there's legal reasons for this and I'd like to have hope but unfortunately my faith in government left with toxic water and foods, constant arms-war trafficking and on and on. If they don't have enough data on traitors, treason, perjury, pedo-drug-arms rings now then I don't think it's a matter of evidence.

stellarcorpse ago

The more I think about this, the more I think it's an awful idea.

stellarcorpse ago

I diden't say no Christians just no extremist freaks that will rant on about sin, sodomy, gays and Jesus. Major turn off to most and makes us looks like prejudice medieval folk.

sound_of_silence ago

how do you feel about on Maddies "disappearance" 10-year anniversary (week of May 3rd)?

Chatman ago

They could use an unfocused protest as an example to push anti protest laws

Gammi ago

I think this is a great idea, if we let Soros and his goons scare us nothing will ever get accomplished, they are always going to be there because, they are the lowest form of scum that exists on the planet, a silent protest with the Pizzagate or Pedogate signs are both good, Pizzagate is where it all began, we need to quit worrying about what our enemies are going to say because, no matter what word is used they will put their twist on it,... if we remain in fear of them nothing will ever be done, and they win...we will soon be going into the 6th month, half of a year.. how long do we wait?... there are still many people in the country who are not even aware of this because, the media including FOX ( which I used to respect) have been silent on it, and Megan Kelly drooled all over Alafantis.....we could also start a letter writing movement with Pizzagate or Pedogate as the return address to the WH, Jeff Sessions, NYPD, etc...don't even have to put a letter in the envelope.....probably would not work, but a beginning to another idea someone smarter then myself could brainstorm.

shoosh ago

I just replied to Myprez with a related comment.

Sessions is making marijuana a priority and that wasn't even on their priority campaign agenda. They've used the race diversion to whip the public into a frenzy and now their attempting to use the marijuana diversion.

The focus is away from the real problem, being the pedo drug arms trafficking rings for big money that involves an amount of CIA FBI, police, corporations, lobbyists and political groups.

Like you, I see what's going on here.

Myprez ago

You know, another thing I was thinking about with the danger of all this. Is we think we know a lot of this pedo system seems to operate as extortion or blackmail and we've heard insiders say blowing the lid off of it all will cause a national security issue...meaning an all out war with the folks involved. The extortionists (whom we've heard is Israel and maybe the Saudis????) but I generally don't think they're the type to fuck around with. I wholeheartedly believe war is going to happen to get this out, otherwise, it would have been busted up by now and not allowed to go on for as long as it has with all sorts of cover-ups. It sounds like the right idea but look at what happened to Kanye when he went on his rant about it at his concert. The guy is a little odd to begin with but once you know and understand what's going on here, it can make anyone insane to know this type of shit actually happens. Everything he was saying in his 18 minute "rant" was true and look at what stories were spun about him after - now he's silenced on the matter and cancelled his whole tour. Meets with Trump a few days after that concert...hmmmm. Truly insane people aren't going to be taking meetings with Trump at a time like that. Just looking at this from all angles. Be safe all.

shoosh ago

Those are good perspectives to consider.

My great aunt was used as a guinea pig for electrical sound that began her journey in the '70's. Most of my relatives couldn't buy her stories, but a few of us knew there was something wrong and she had a lot of truth to her stories that we weren't aware of. In 2007 I accidentally researched sound that opened me up to a completely different level of research I hadn't planned on, that landed on less lethal weapons. I realized that's what happened to my aunt. I explained the information and it made sense to her when she began to put the pieces together. She died last year, smart and coherent, still aware of the situations that happened to her but shut down from telling anyone around her ever again.
Now if you type in less lethal weapons there are completely different non-related subjects show up. Now I have to type in silent sounds less lethal weapons to get any information, and it's difficult to find past documentation and whistelblowers who testified to its reality.
For these reasons I don't have anything to lose. Nothing.

I share the above story because if the public doesn't think child legislation won't get worse then they are in complete denial. This has gotten out of hand because the public didn't push decades ago not only with regard to Franklin Coverup, Project Flicker, but all other levels of diabolical things that propaganda media and those in power cover up and spin.
Look at the state we're in now and tell me again what there is to lose?

abcdefg222 ago

I'm so happy this is happening. There are more of us than we think there are and the time has come to organize. We have to fight for these kids b/c no one else will. Our world is in denial and it has not served us any good. In the short term it feels better b/c we shut the horrors out of our lives and pretend they're not there. In the long run, we perpetuate a cycle of abuse, discourage victims to come forward and allow the perpetrators a blind eye to do what they please. I saw this post yesterday, and although it's not directly pizzagate related, it inspires me to want to step out of the shadows and make real change. I love this community and understand the idea of honeypots but then what's the end game? The evidence is building and we're still being ignored. That won't change unless we make it change. "And we succeed when we combine the best of both worlds. When we settle in for the hard work of daily, bottoms-up institution building, and use thunderclaps not as a distraction, but as the rhythm of our forward motion." -Seth Godin. Link to full article:

shoosh ago

Thanks for sharing this great article. I agree this has been our past downfall.

redditsuckz ago

I like that skull on that guys sweater...The Sea Sheperds eh?...are these the guys that do "blood runs" for those in Washington DC?...because they look like some kind of cult that has familiar undertones to this whole investigation. That would be the perfect cover and then they can harvest people at sea and blame it on the weather when their boats go missing.

You will notice a "Skull theme" with those being the "Face of Pizzagate" and those images always leading back to occultic/cultic/satanism.

nomorepepperoni ago

I have another idea, but I'm concerned what the fallout will be if it works.

Namely: infiltrate those we worry would infiltrate us on our own. Think of it like putting a virus into Soros's machine.

Hand out red pills at other protests. Show evidence to anti-Trumpers while reminding them Trump also hung out with Epstein and of that kid's suit that was dropped. Drive them to ask why Trump isn't rounding these pedos up and why his administration isn't investigating and seems to be ignoring it. And if they suggest we simply get rid of Trump, remind them about Pence defending Hastert. Oh, and why the media also isn't asking about this, instead insisting it only involves Dems and is just "fake news"?

Now, they'll come to realize Trump is on our side (and likely IS trying to clamp down on it), but they'll still be awake enough to know this isn't just "fake news" anymore, and involves both parties.

My concern is, if this truly woke people up, it could monkey wrench cases still being built, and potentially hurt Trump, and could turn the Soros machine into a bunch of moronic rioters. Might be playing with fire here.

shoosh ago

Good points.

It gives whomever is in power (?) weeks to take some actual action on top levels.

I think too much time has elapsed already. Trump's team is already putting other issues in the spotlight that were never campaign priorities issues.

Too much time has given guilty people time to create alternate stories/excuses and clean up traceable evidence. Even that could work in our favor as more people have been charged for perjury that might have had less charges for their actual crimes committed. Think Martha Stewart.

zzvoat ago

Organizers' hearts are in the right place. I'm waiting to join the 200 million Americans with pitchforks and torches who will soon enough be descending on DC en masse.

shoosh ago

I agree their hearts are in the right place for sure.

Pitchforks and torches might be the last resort. If whomever is//are in power don't get the message then they deserve more than pitchforks and torches.

Hangdempedos ago

Nuisance hunting licences for pedos.

stellarcorpse ago

Please be sure there are no Jesus freaks or homophobes. And I agree with Gum shoe, leftist agitators and anarchists will start something. Could be very dangerous.

shoosh ago

Security on that would have to be really tight. I agree with gumshoe, there would be agitator infiltrators with media attention on them only.

Myprez ago

Any of these insider Q&A's to be trusted? Perhaps a reasonable question for them on their thoughts...if we know of any coming up? I keep hearing that the word needs to get out there but I do very much see paid protesters squandering the efforts. One thing, if it does happen, I would totally ditch the #pizzagate hashtag and moniker altogether. The naysayers associate it as a conspiracy and I think would immediately dismiss any of it based on that alone. Pedogate, maybe, but something about saving kids in general...

I'm a graphic designer and work in branding/marketing and can help in that dept. Not likely I will participate in the actual demonstration but if it's going to happen, make the signs fucking good and consistent. Like the pussy hats, as stupid as I think they are, they made a statement. Stats, kid pics, #searchgeorgewebb etc... give people something new to look for.

shoosh ago

You offer good opinions.

I can't attend myself but would focus a lot of my energy toward strengthening and supporting the exposure of lies vs truth.

My concern now would be agitator infiltrators.

This may be a push necessary to get government moving.

Another set of signs would be "Re-Open Project Flicker"

This would provide past reference points. Using a white screen as a power-point playing pizzagate primer and Titus Frost 3 part documentaries would be a good educational jumping point.

Chatman ago

I think its too early for protests, pg is only starting to get some credibility in some minds. A protest like this can too easily be infiltrated by shills and discredited. Sorry that i had to downvoat this

shoosh ago

Gumshoe poster made a similar comment on this thread.
I hadn't thought about infiltrators and of course that's the only thing mainstream-mocking-media would cover.

Antonius ago

Bring never know if you will need to protect yourself.

shoosh ago

Please add your channel if you advertise it.

GumShoe ago

I appreciate the idea of a demonstration, but it kind of makes me a bit nervous. I would bet good money that 'hired goon' agitators would infiltrate and do something crazy or hold some kind of bat-shit crazy sign that media would cover almost exclusively. Could completely backfire and be a major step back in our investigation. Organizers and demonstrators would have to be hyper-vigilant to ensure this doesn't happen.

I'm just hoping that the demonstration will be a moot point by then - long time until March 25; lots can happen in that span. Maybe Podesta and others will be in orange suits by then...... or at least out on bail awaiting trial with their passports pulled, put on no-fly list, and under 24/7 surveillance. Lord knows I will sleep better at night when that day comes....

shoosh ago

This is a very good point.

Titus Frost vid states that security will be on board, but like you said there's a 100% chance hired agitators will infiltrate. I've seen this happen globally in government/lobbyists effort to turn a protest into a media feeding frenzy.

This is definitely something to think about.

rail606 ago

Wed be better off doing a massive nationwide flyering campaign on a certain day then organizing protest with a high potential to backfire. Hit every park in america and post up some flyers.

abcdefg222 ago

Flyers are great for everyday too. I stick post its and human trafficking info everywhere... bathrooms, grocery stores, gas pumps, etc

lude ago

That's why the movement should be a silent movement. No signs other than "investigate pizzagate" a decentralized movement. EDIT: Then theres no room for slip ups.

We can't be scared of standing up for this. We need to have a decent conversation how to make this happen. ANY movement can be subverted but we just need to be on top of it.

rodeo13 ago

And wear masks. Seriously, protect yourselves and your identities - there are still too many pedos in power to feel safe about revealing too much. If I lived closer I would be there, so I will send love and support from afar.

SecureYourSeats ago

It might even be in your interest to get matching T's or something so that you can immediately call out an imposter.

wecanhelp ago

Any reason why an imposter couldn't get one of these shirts?

Vindicator ago

Actually, a good idea. LOL -- I bet @IsThisGameofThrones at Pizzagate Gear can hook you up.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

March 25 is enough time to get these shirts over there.

Myprez ago

Exactly. Consistency is key here. In appearance and messaging.

nomorepepperoni ago

I agree. Plus, it'd be a great way to corral up a lot of people who "know too much", subjecting them to potential attack en masse, with or without "agitators".

goodguy1367 ago

I was going to say the same thing. Soros would probably said his squad in there to make fools of us then have the media make it look 100x worse

leahxpearl ago

I completely agree. Whatever we do out in public on this issue WILL be used against us to make us look bad.