wecanhelp ago

@sound_of_silence, while this may be an important cause, we can't make exceptions. This submission violates rule 4, and I will remove it. Please resubmit this on /v/pizzagatewhatever. Thank you.

Yates ago

This happened in Belgium after the initial arrests in the Dutroux case. It was called the White March and everyone wore white and carried a white balloon. It was massive, vid here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyeHM448V9E Maybe we should do a similar White theme so people can connect it to Dutroux. White = purity, innocence.

The White March (French: Marche Blanche; Dutch: Witte Mars) was a demonstration in Brussels on October 20, 1996 after serial killer and criminal Marc Dutroux was arrested. The demonstrators wanted better protection for children and a better functioning justice system that could investigate the Dutroux affair independently. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_March

JoJoVoat ago

i suggested this a while back like it

Newfind ago

Children are Suffering Investigate Pizzagate

Newfind ago

A uniform message is a great idea.

tjarco ago

You could have suggest a slogan like: Investigate Pizzagate, together we'll stop child trafficking and the pedocracy! - That's 1 slogan

Z11Mama ago

In something like this, numbers are important. What if we all did something like get all of the support we can, have individual lists of how many people are supporting us personally in our walk and have that number on our sign? INVESTIGATE PIZZAGATE #25. If we had a central sign in for every person walking and they listed their numbers, we could say '75,000 people marched supporting 1.5 million. All asking that the US INVESTIGATE PIZZAGATE.

GenghisSean ago

This a great idea. I'm down to help protest at Texas's capital building.

My only concern is the integrity of the hand outs. Maybe we could use some sort of peer review system to make sure no one hands out different sheets. Like you trade stacks with different people so they can make sure yours is legit or something.

Dome_Checked ago

If anything:

"Investigate pizzagate


Dome_Checked ago

I'm in full support. In terms of a hand out, I think it should be straight facts. What the Fbi said are pedophilia symbols and where they apply in DC. That way we are not corrupting children if someone throws it on the ground or someone claims their child received this from one of us. Have a link to the Fbi page where they list the symbols. A link to the archived photos and current photos of the symbols on e.g. besta pizza.(before and after pizzagate became semi-public) Links to the wikileaks emails. Etc.

If this is going to be a flawless silent protest. We have to be prepared to be yelled at, hit, abused, publically shamed, doxxed, or even worse killed. If this is going to happen for a week. We need a strategy... I have quite a few ideas but they are long-term ideas. Any body in NYC want to hold a sign at good morning America? Infiltrate the msm... Since they're everywhere use that against them...

waxdino ago

Also, stay the fuck away from comet ping pong. Do not make James Alefantis a "victim."

MrGodspeed ago

Very creative, powerful visual you've come up with, @sound_of_silence

a_quest_ion ago

Interesting idea. I see that the term pizzagate has already been compromised and seasoned with the mind control mix. Terms without implanted triggers for rejection might be more effective. Also I could see using pictures of missing children on signs

ArthurEdens ago

What if I take a break from screaming non-stop and need to be silent for a while because I'm fatigued? Does that make me opposition provocateur?

JoJoVoat ago

yes I know. Thats why Im suggesting a website.

crazimal ago

Good idea. "Investigate Pizzagate" because it already has meaning and recognition. No distractions. There are already terabytes of info online, albeit duplicative, about pizzagate and if millions of people start looking they will find it.

And if millions of people try, and find the information has been purged, the result will be the same -demand for investigation.

I think the silent, one message idea is good. And I am really not a fan of protests at all normally. Maybe visually get across the silent part, so it's obvious any shouting or changing etc is a disruption.

If you dilute the message, you dilute the result.

Protests and marches and slogans are all blunt weapons anyway, mainly serving to generate recognition, not so much to educate or convince (except Trying to convince by shouting which usually fails anyway, and is not part of this plan).

Votescam ago

But doesn't "pizzagate" have to come to mean international human/child trafficking?

Granted we want it focused on Silsby/Clinton/Alafantis perhaps -- but I tend to think that eventually we will see links between all of this international activity.

And, shouldn't there be a list of proven connections for the public and the investigation to begin with?

Including VOAT, I agree, isn't a good idea.

Phenomenonanon ago

I wish I could be there. You have my support with this none the less

Intheknow ago

where? nobody has even agreed on this yet. Could be where?

Phenomenonanon ago

Oh I thought u meant outside comet

ConcernedParent2 ago

There should NOT be a link to Voat or a stated connection to Voat if people decide to do this. Voat has too much baggage and that will be the first thing the MSM will focus on if you advertise it.

You should instead create a non-partizan, and non-vulgar (no cussing or slurs) website to point them to. Make it look and sound professional, something people would not be afraid to share with friends. As much as I like how Voat has helped with PG, I never share it with friends due to the stigma.

MrGodspeed ago

I whole hearted oh agree with you @ConcernedParent2. Voat is a fucking mess AND it's home to a fair amount of disinformation.

MrGodspeed ago

LOL. I just proved ur point. Sorry for the vulgarity!!!

ConcernedParent2 ago

lol! I cuss a lot on here too, but yes, for the casual and newbie viewers, this place probably isn't a good spot to start investigating.

JoJoVoat ago

Im in St petersburg Fl. I have a kick ass printer. I all go go go ready ready ready

Z11Mama ago

In the middle of dinner and had a thought. Sorry if this has been said but wanted it out there. While those who understand Pizzagate get the fact the foster care system is connected, there are a LOT of people advocating for foster care reform that don't get Pizzagate. We need them educated and part of this. It would probably triple the size of anything we do in numbers and effect for all.

Dome_Checked ago

If a formal investigation of pizzagate happens the ties to foster care will be made. The message is "Investigate pizzagate" this is the main point draw attention to pizzagate. Get people looking at pizzagate. It took 1 strange handkerchief email to get where we are. Crowd-sourced information. Give people a taste. If they want more. They will find more.

Z11Mama ago

Far more people know about and accept the foster care issue. It is already tied in and if promoted that way can only help. We can use all the help we can get.

By tying this in, I mean getting the people fighting the foster care issue, to help. Not changing the sign idea. Yes. Investigate pizzagate. But...it is also foster care reform advocates that could help.

JoJoVoat ago


IF we do this for a week, and I realize everyone cannot do something ever day. So... Why dont we go full balls to the wall so to speak, putting all our available energies into a coordinated effort.

Suggestions: We all change our social media pictures to a slice of pizza. Our cover photos have links/ website info on it Lets all get and wear the same shirt(s) that entire week, whatever we come up with. Shirts are cheap. Someone can design it and we can get our own made through an online site. Remember KISS!! Posters in our home windows facing street -if you feel safe doing this (I do) of course w/ a consistent message All social media posts/tweets to our personal accounts have a specific consistent message the entire week. Suggestion on this? Is this illegal hmmmm writing pizzagate is real on that green paper stuff Use Sidewalk chalk everywhere you legally can!

Im sure you all can think of more to add to this ... just a thought. I would like to go full force.

Intheknow ago

libraries...Ive been leaving post-its

JoJoVoat ago

OOHHHH LOVE THAT!!! Thats really a good idea.

joey4track ago

I'm down. I love the silent idea, hopefully people can pull it off and it would be in stark contrast to the disgraces that happened in the capitol this past weekend. I'm in NYC anyone else in the city feel free to hit me up.

Pizzatemp420 ago

This is excellent. Please get me a PM with whatever the 'response' will contain and when this will be held. Happy to help in my hometown.

Godwillwin ago

How about Investigate global "elite" child predator ring?

I'm Trying to think of something that states exactly what it is. People keep saying they dismiss it because they think pizzagate only relates to pizza shops and they find that ludicrous. I'M convinced of the pizza correlations, but I've noticed many, particularly men, shut down immediately when they hear pizzagate. They literally refuse to listen.

I'll hold up whatever sign y'all want though. It was just a suggestion

Trumpwon-suckit ago

The idea of having a single sign carried by everyone is the purpose of his proposal. It makes it easy to identify a shill s they would be the ones not following the rules. These rules eliminate their motives.

Piscina ago

imho, agreeing on ONE slogan is a great idea (whatever slogan you decide on. I think 'Investigate Pizzagate' is good. Another good one could be 'INVESTIGATE PIZZAGATE. Protect our children') anyone not bearing the agreed slogan is then outed.

Intheknow ago

pedogate international. It goes way beyond our borders. Its an epidemic the whole world needs to know.

VieBleu ago

you just gave me a real lol imagining that eedjut making a problem with big arrows pointing and they don't even know! really good.

Z11Mama ago

I like the idea of 'Investigate Pizzagate'. I use that a lot in defining this. The fact it rhymes and has a resounding ring makes it hard to forget. I do feel this idea needs a tiny bit of rounding out. I would add an element that directs others where to begin investigating. Like a business card that says Investigate Pizzagate and below it, suggestions such as 'join Voat'.

ConcernedParent2 ago

I think it's a good slogan too because the media has yet to actually instigate PG. This slogan is catchy, and it tells the people to investigate it themselves. Only downside is I'm sure Google, Twitter, and FB would find a way to either nix the phrase or only make their version of "news" show up whenever someone searches for it.

Z11Mama ago

Business cards suggesting places to learn for themselves could lead to places like Voat to help people avoid that.

ConcernedParent2 ago

Agree! Just don't actually directly link them to Voat. It has too much baggge and isn't exactly "newbie" friendly, especially to older people who don't visited forums much or at all. We need a professional website with all the information from Voat compiled into one nice, easy-to-understand, and non-partisan website.

Z11Mama ago

Voat needs to be one source of several. It is unrealistic to have a new website that is capable of providing everything needed to promote it above any others in time for what they are wanting to do here, imo. Voat will be here even if pizzagate is a forbidden word. That is my reason for including it on a list.

ConcernedParent2 ago

It should not be "directly" linked. Like it or not, Voat has too much baggage to its name and that is what the media will focus on. This is why I never link people to Voat when they ask about PG, it turns them off instantly. You can still have the sources and evidence linking back to this place, and eventually they will find out about Voat regardless, but when we're trying to get a bunch of curious people to believe PG and take it seriously, Voat should NOT be the first thing they are linked to.

Z11Mama ago

Definitely not saying it is the first thing. Among the few dozen people I talk with about pizzagate, I was the only one who even knew about Voat. They all learned other places. As for a new website to organize it all, a new one is out there. I just don't see that as being operational and proven dependable in time for what is being discussed here. Besides Voat, my main sources are You Tube and Facebook. How about you? It's so sad we have to even worry about this. The information should be easily available from reliable media sources. Good luck with that.

ConcernedParent2 ago

I think when talking to friends it's okay to mention Voat. Even though my friends were initially turned off, since we are friends, they trusted me and gave it a chance. But, this demonstration could reach thousands or even millions (if it's big enough) and most people will not simply go here if they already have a negative opinion of it. If they haven't heard of it, the media will waste no time declaring it a right wing conspiracy website.

I know there are a few other websites out there, but all the ones I have seen always have some political bent to it, and/or they are poorly organized. It would not take long or cost much to create a simple site that has all the information from here, just without the stigma.

It is sad we have to worry about this. I just want to save these kids, and I worry if things aren't easy-to-understand and organized, people won't take it seriously. :(

Z11Mama ago

Exactly. We need to save the children. The things that go along with that are imperative. Fixing the foster care program, traffikking, satanism...there are so many seperate issues. And the problem is so big. Making it short and to the point is an almost impossible task.

VieBleu ago


JoJoVoat ago

No slogans pls

JoJoVoat ago

LOVE IT- still need to get them to a website. Remember, not everyone has social media. When i owned my business, I was shocked how many ppl didnt.

dbstfbh ago

I'm in. Let's organise something for the Aussies

Godwillwin ago

I'm in! When do we stand together? What week?

JoJoVoat ago

Im so happy you made this post... was going to, but you did much better job than I would have... * How about each city organizes where the protest should be. We want the people to see this. We need more people to believe. We should be on the busiest corners in each our specific areas * I have a kickass printer- I will print flyers for my city of St Petersburg/Tampa Florida. I will do what I can. I'm a mom on the cusp of being a grandma. I will fight till my nails bleed. Im also a little spitfire full of energy. I can march all day long. * Dates? The sooner the better -my opinion (I think we are all a bit anxious).
*Initial Meeting place for each city... suggestions> I wal-mart parking lot? To organize. Please add Edits to your subverse and ppl chime in w more great suggestions so ppl dont suggest the same thing over and over, like I may be doing rt now. LOL I suspect this thread will get really long. *This is a good website to add to the flyers. Should we all have our own shirts made? (identical) http://pizzagate.wiki/Main_Page

Lets get moving!!! Im so ready!!

Jakestr ago

This is awesome and thank you for keeping it peaceful I like all the strict rules so that nothing gets out of hand we have to handle this with special care there's enough disbelief and we don't need to discredit ourselves in anyway

tjarco ago

IF we should demonstrate, this would be the way! excellent idea. What would be the official response? We need to crowdsource this before getting a Seaman or whoever to announce a date... the unified voice is the key..

tjarco ago

You start off by saying the slogan should say more. In the end you just suggest getting rid of the 1 slogan idea. You could be a professor for all I care, if you don't see the power of having just 1 slogan and are not able to come up with a catch-all interest spiking alternative that includes all pizzagate related buzz words... please refrain from commenting...

VieBleu ago

Not the first one. Let it go. OP has a good idea. No arguing over "what's on the sign" for the first one, like you are already starting. Just get out, one sign, unity. The other organizational suggestions you have are great - you know your stuff.

VieBleu ago

no - at the delicate stage of starting the discussion, unity is the way to keep a lid on infilitration.

VieBleu ago

I like this. Non-violent show of numbers.

JoJoVoat ago

Me too. I was going to buy posterboard tomorrow and create one for the window in my home, facing the street obviously. We have 10-20ppl walk by every day.
Ill be happy to lead the way here in St Petersburg Florida. Lets get some dates and action going! My 48 yr old body has some pent up energy of this damned pizzagate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SpikyAube ago

This is brilliant - it is also turning their silencing of us against them, I love it. This has to happen - when?

sound_of_silence ago

exactly... and as a bonus, trolls are completely neutralized if we all have one, singular, 'silent voice'..

when? is a good question.. i haven't taken time to analyze that yet.. my gut feeling is it should be a flash-mob type thing immediately following a break in the investigation.. if we had already planned it, it could have happened right after swann's pizzagate fake news? reality check segment..

any suggestions?

Gammi ago

A weekend might work best as far as a bigger crowd, as the working people might find it hard to get off on a weekday.

Gammi ago

I just thought, if anyone had questions fliers could be made out with info on where they could go to do a search of PG that way it would not break the silence.....everyone could just print their's from the computer.....I was just wondering if you have to get a permit? different states have different laws.... we would need time to do that if so......anyway I will be waiting to see what develops.

Gammi ago

I love this idea!....wondered if it would ever be brought up, I assume everyone would just promote it in their state, maybe go to the Capital of their state?....if so it would be good to have someone like David Seaman head it up, set the day.... and time depending on which part of the country you live in?......or march on Washington, whatever is fine with me.....I have 3 beautiful little grand-babies, and when I look at them, I think of all these children and it just breaks my heart.

Votescam ago

Think you might need handout's asking for investigation of subjects which might be most likely to prove criminal nature of pizzagate -- Silsby/Clinton connection? What are the strongest points of the citizen investigations so far? What specifically would you be asking officials to look into? Are the citizen investigations far enough along to be turned over as evidence? The handouts would also have to be something to enlighten the public -- some of whom may be unaware of p-gate?

Gammi ago

I am just talking about simple home made fliers pointing to info on PG, to pass out to citizens who may be in the area on the day of the protest and, who show an interest in finding out where to go to learn more on the subject....who may not have been aware of it.

Votescam ago

Right -- good idea.

But ... people are going to ask for your evidence. Why you want them to pursue such and such a suspect. And what suspects are you going to name? I have a friend who's always bugging about "verification" though she hasn't looked at the investigations. She thinks the Selsby issue can just be further worked on and then presented to police -- and I don't see that there's enough in the connection to Hillary to prove anything.
What do you think? Is that part of the investigation ready to go?

Imo -- and I'm really just an onlooker here who would love to help but have no real resources for searches -- I think the strength of what's being built up is in pulling together an absolute picture -- and I think it will have international connections. But, again, I'm just watching.

It's also very difficult to present to the public the very varied investigations and evidence which has been collected. I see the Podesta art as screaming "pedophile" and then there's the John/Tony computer-generated pictures. The story behind the agency who created them, however, is odd. Difficulties between them and McCann's who were ultimately cheated by them. Was just reading about it last night - some details I didn't know before. Also, it seems that some of the evidence they pulled up created questions about McCann's so that in the end the evidence of the EFIT photos weren't shared with Scotland Yard until years later. Think the link is from PizzaWiki -- I'll try to pull it up.

Here in US, look at all the women who marched against Trump yesterday and it was international. First thing he did today was pull protection for women against violence/rape. These are criminals. Trump may be a bit different kind, but imo he's a criminal, as well.

The agency subsequently defrauded the Madeleine McCann foundation of £300,000 [5], and produced a report in 2008 which was never released publically. Only the EFits from the report was released in 2013.

Kevin Halligen, the head of the company, Irish citizen (note the witnesses who made the EFits were Irish), was involved in Washington DC. He mixed in DC circles, LARPing as a James Bond, British spy[6]. Perhaps he really was a spy, and is now being distanced. He was tasked with laundering money from Trafigura to Washington lobbyists, however he pocketed the money [7]. This lead to his trial and arrest.

(Another report on Oakley investigation says Kevin Halligen was laundering money for lobbyists in Washington, DC.)

Given his close association with Washington DC, and the huge resemblance of the EFit images, it lays doubt on the legitimacy of the EFit images. However the fact that the EFits can be easily discredited, yet the absence of MSM coverage of them in their attempt to debunk pizzagate suggests that there is something to the EFits that is being covered up. http://pizzagate.wiki/Disappearance_of_Madeleine_McCann

Drat - still can't find the part about the info that made the McCann's concerned and I actually don't think they said what the info was -- except that it would have put the press in hyper mode in regard to the parents again. But it made me think that perhaps the father was involved .... as sadly many fathers have been in sexually abusing their own children and then turning them over to pedophiles/MKULTRA, for one.
I'll keep looking for the rest of it -- there may be more under the names of the parents.
Though I thought I read it all in one place yesterday. (????)

sound_of_silence ago

congratulations on your three beautiful grandchildren.. i pray they always are a blessing to you.

i wondered as well, and today just was moved to finally suggest this 'sound of silence' demonstration idea that's been kicking around in my head for a while now..

agreed, DC would be the ideal venue but satellite demonstrations across the country and internationally would beautifully strengthen the demand.

21yearsofdigging suggested david seaman as well. i agree this needs people with media reach to push it out to the rest of us in a clear and easy to access manner...

i don't personally know david, not sure of the best way to go about getting in touch with him or any of the other journalists.. i don't use social media and in fact only signed up for reddit a couple days ago and voat today, because after reading and researching several weeks, i'm ready to join the collective not just in spirit, but in truth.

every protest i've participated in or seen covered in the media has had a flaw in common: the ease with which division is fomented.. even among the recent anti-trump events, their downfall was that they weren't "peaceful protests".... screaming, yelling, fighting, etc. etc. etc.

this won't have that loophole for demise. i believe all of us have the strength in us to manifest this new type of 'protest' and be that voice for the voiceless in this fight for right over wrong.

sound_of_silence ago

thanks.. we need one, succinct slogan... as long as all participants have the exact same slogan on their signs there will be no confusion about who is with us and who is against...

'investigate pizzagate' was off the cuff... just seemed like enough of a point to a) peak interest in passers-by and b) make a clear statement about the problem for which we seek resolution is..

we need something plain, simple, clear and concise... any ideas for a singular, defining statement? one good slogan, and a clear, bullet-point one-page handout of facts for the curious...

massive numbers of unified demonstrators is what will make this work..

thestormking ago


Atlantean120 ago

One sign is a great idea. Extremely focused and unified message.

Gammi ago

I like the Investigate Pizzagate idea most because, it gets to the point, and it tells them we are serious.

Gammi ago

I love the idea of a silent protest, and a sign that has a united message, even have Save the Children on the other side of the sign, but either way is fine with me, I just want our numbers to be seen, and to send those in power a powerful message!.....I just joined here today after seeing your message because, I have been wanting the same thing, a peaceful silent protest says a multitude of words......I am not on any social media as well but I watch a lot of David Seaman's videos on you tube concerning PG....so hopefully this will happen, it will become a reality and I will do my part here letting people know as soon as we have it settled.

MolochHunter ago

save the children sounds too much like an african hunger charity

HolocaustOfInnocence is better imho

Gammi ago

I am happy with the Investigate Pizzagate idea, a united front behind one slogan......mine was just an after thought.

SpikyAube ago

I think actually having Pizzagate on the sign is much better, because otherwise it'll just be seen as an ordinary demonstration against human trafficking in general, or child abuse in general. It needs to be absolutely clear that this is about the powerful people in the world, it needs to have Pizzagate on it, because people will look it up and will uncover all this information. If it just says 'against pedophilia' or something, people will just think, well, yeah, I agree, and won't bother looking into it at all.

JoJoVoat ago

Lets have both.

FuckReddit69 ago

This has to happen to spread awareness.

sound_of_silence ago

yes. and it's pretty amazing who will listen to calm, collected reason these days... i told my elderly mom about PG a few weeks ago.. her response was an accepting "I wouldn't put anything past the political and powerful"....

rodeo13 ago

I love the idea. I'm down. I would add one additional requirement - Anonymous masks or Purge masks to keep everyone's identities safe. We don't need them compiling facial recognition data on the protestors.

21yearsofdigging ago

Why not? Get someone like Seaman to announce the week for this. Everyone that get's out there, share video and photos. A common poster could be helpful for unity sake

SecureYourSeats ago

Be careful of the photos, expect children will be amongst those passing by. Perhaps save anything graphic for handouts. Maybe even two handouts, one "A Simple Explanation" not overly graphic for ladies and the elderly, the other, "I'm an Adult Give it to me Straight" as graphic as it gets for those who can take it.

SecureYourSeats ago

Another thought, the name "Pizzagate Voat", should be out there but "Protect the Children" should be the most prominent.

Votescam ago

Agree with that - maybe "Protect the Children/Investigate Pizzagate Voat" Of course, as we've seen countless times before, they might investigate, name a commission or something -- and gives them a chance to cover up. Meanwhile people think an investigation is ongoing and they do nothing. Usually allies involved in cover ups are appointed. How do we protect against that?

At this point, pretty sure there have been no investigations. What if investigation comes back with another Warren Report?

sound_of_silence ago

yes, agreed... david, julian, snowden, swann.. everyone who has a media reach and is willing to stand up to demand this massive problem finally be sincerely investigated with the blazing bright light of un-compromised scrutiny.

the timing would be key... trump is on a slow-roll and as he builds momentum (and as the independent investigation continues) the opportune timing would present itself..

i'm not a politically-oriented person.. trump should essentially be forced by a gentle yet unwavering hand, into addressing the issue put on the table by the people who helped him become president

one of the pain points of this investigation has been the ability of CTR-type shills to trip-up the well-meaning but unwitting individuals not accustomed to being baited... this type of unified demonstration leaves no room for that...

at this point i believe our collective strength in numbers and unwavering unity (no matter what religion, etc.) is what is required in order to push this issue to the forefront so it becomes a bona fide, sincere, government investigation.

like i mentioned, i'm not a politically-oriented person, but i do believe that if our numbers were large enough, our president could not turn away.. and once he peered in, he'd see the only wise choice would be to produce, or at least facilitate, a resolution worthy of the cause.