TweedleDee3000 ago

100% jew shill operation, trying to gather data on the people likely to be active about pizzagate. First clue: asking for money. This is 100% jew shill operation, don't waste your time and especially don't give them money, which is completely unnecessary.

TweedleDee3000 ago

Wolfe = jew

This is OBVIOUSLY a jew shill honeypot. Please don't give this jew fraud a penny of your money.

TweedleDee3000 ago

Look like satanic jews running a honey pot operation:

1) Asking for money, number one tipoff. They always want to monetize the operation, such as the fundraising pages for the fake shooting at Sandy Hook.

2) Having "debates". What is there to debate?

3) Satanic masonic rainbow color graphics with "heart" shapes (actually ancient Roman prostitute symbol that satanic masons use for "love", i.e their definition of it).

4) Posted on Facebook, so when you comment or "like" the page, the jew shills have all your contacts, name, photo, browing history, etc. since JewBook saves all that and never deletes ANY of it, EVER. (in fact these presumptuous jew satanists claim to OWN everything you post there).

A far more effective course of action would be to form small paramilitary units and quietly start assassinating the jew satanist pedos behind pizzgate (not sure if the Pedostas are jews, but they should still be put to death.)

this thing is a total honey pot. I hope you are not suckered by these satanist jew asswipes. This is just like "occupy wall street" and other total waste of time nonsense sponsored by the jews responsible for the crimes in the first place.

shoosh ago

I know Occupy Wall Street was a paid program. The psychology, is to educate, produce anger and then produce tolerance. It's evident in the UK and Belgium pedo outcome.

The result is educated tolerant slaves.
Look at ritual programming for example,

and notice the broader comparison applies to all of society in a wide variety of ways.

Demonstrations educate. The people who are putting these together don't appear to be backed by $.

I don't think the people who put together these demonstrations were driven by anything other than a passion to stand up and expose it. They don't have elite funding or things like porta-potties and basic mandatories for a demonstration = donations. The vid showed transparency.

The government and msm are doing all they can to keep it covered. That said, if it's not done continuously it will turn out like the UK and Belgium -- informed tolerance or apathy.

If you don't know why debate and exposure is necessary for public education and awareness , then I can't help you out on that one.

A far more effective course of action would be to form small paramilitary units and quietly start assassinating the jew satanist pedos behind pizzgate

you're joking right? That's a agitator comment that would bring in martial law faster than you can blink. You're against a reasonable licensed demonstration that might bring attention and awareness to public citizens worldwide, but you're all for bubba to be judge, jury and executioner identifying what you call culprits -- jew satanist pedos?

You're plan is to bring p-gate down.

TweedleDee3000 ago

I think this "demonstration" is just a honey pot. The graphics look very suspicious. Like "occupy wall street" and other total waste of time "demonstrations", this looks like a shill honey pot to entrap people into activities that are a total waste of time.

sound_of_silence ago

new video clears up concerns Investigate Pizzagate/ Pedogate - ALL Children Matter Demonstration Update- March 8

shared on reddit

TweedleDee3000 ago

"all children matter" = 100% jew shill honeypot operation, please don't be a sucker for these money grubbing con artists.

zzvoat ago

, , Personal Rant to the Community (not specific to this OP)

. . tl;wr . . We need to try hard not to, even inadvertently, screw over others' work by using attention-drawing post titles on our own.

Most posters here try very hard to create titles that follow common protocol. It creates a neutral space in which everyone can share their work equally, on a level playing field, creating posts which rise on the merit of their content alone. Much exceptional research here is overshadowed by hyperbolic titles, which, whether intentional or not, serves to push other posts down and sometimes into oblivion, and often to the detriment of the kids we are trying to save. While everyone can get excited, no post on the face of it is more important, urgent or valuable than any other here.

The extraordinary hard work and effort of people on this forum is diminished by the use of hyperbolic titles (for example by the use of all or partial CAPS, !!!!!!, "** ****, and or exclamations of URGENT, BREAKING, DIG DIG DIG, THIS ONE TO THE TOP, etc.

I've posted my strong feelings on this in v/pizzagatemods, asking them to consider creating a new rule banning such titles. I've also left comments in a meta discussion on the topic, which a user created in v/pizzagatewhatever If anyone is of like mind, please consider:

 - 1 Also reaching out to the mods 
 - 2 Also leaving comments in the meta discussion 
 - 3 Also leaving reminders, similar to this one, in posts with hyperbolic titles

I will continue to speak out on this until it becomes a new rule - or until I give up. At that point, I believe this will not be a neutral forum that highlights the most important research based on merit. Instead, in all likelihood it will eventually descend into a free for all. If you think I'm exaggerating head over to some of the reddit subs and take a look. It would have very different consequences here because reddit, in large part, involves sharing and opinions, while this is critical research directed at saving innocent lives that, by the hundreds, if not thousands, are being taken as we speak.

. . tl;dr . . We need to try hard not to, even inadvertently, screw over others' work by using attention-drawing post titles on our own.

sound_of_silence ago

thanks.. i hear you.. just wondering if you had something more concrete than the gut instinct based on statistical probabilities.. there are a lot of us who are committed to the public awareness agenda.. MSM will twist the plot regardless of how well-mannered the demonstrators are.. i just don't want any of us ending up on the news as a soundbyte for 'crazy' etc.

i sent a couple emails via the gofundme page, to the gentleman in the video, Neil Wolfe, to ask for clarification... haven't seen a response yet but will post any updates here..

i think the point of the demonstrations would be for the WH to take notice and issue a response and obviously an investigation but i'm struggling to grasp the "meet our demands" of arrests by 3 weeks time bit..

that's not who we are.. we aren't taking the WH sidewalk "hostage".. we're just normal, decent people who are peacefully pleading for the WH to take charge of the satanic child-sex trafficking ring being carried out at the highest levels of government and society, worldwide.

i'm going to pray about it and hopefully we can get some interaction on this from Neil.

huhhh ago

"Pizzagate IS Pedogate. Ivestigate!" - Titus Frost

sound_of_silence ago

can you elaborate on this.. i mean, do you have specific reason to believe it is? are you "51%" sure? i'm not saying it is or isn't but i'd like to hear any specific reasons.

sound_of_silence ago

Charyou Tree seems like a sincere dude..

March 18th-19th, 2017 we will give a renewed declaration of Independence from being ruled over by filth. We the People are ready for far better representatives than this gaggle of NAMBLA members. Come stand with us if you're able...People can connect for carpooling in the comments sections of most any pizzagate video on YouTube. There are people coming from all over the country for this event and even from Canada...Come join us all."

TweedleDee3000 ago

What in the hell kind of name is "charyou tree"? Sounds like a jew running a honeypot operation, asking for money, posting only on JewBook to collect all data, names, pictures, browsing history of the attendees.

There is only ONE tribe of people who change their names. "charyou tree" is a fake name. This whole thing smells like jew to me.

TweedleDee3000 ago

Does Paul Simon & Garfunkel and the other members of your synagogue get our names, pictures, browsing history when we like you on JewBook?

sound_of_silence ago

we should try to get folks with notoriety to join this.. james woods, roseann, cynthia, all those people and twitter storm as part of the awareness for the event.. twitter keeps insta-banning me (i stopped trying after six times) but for folks with twitter, please fire away at folks so we can create some momentum to push this event.

TweedleDee3000 ago

We should try to get jewish pedophiles like you and the other shills running this fraud out of the movement altogether. This is 100% jew honeypot operations. You don't need a "demonstration" to end the lives of jewish pederast trafficking trash like David Brock.

sound_of_silence ago

thanks for sharing this - Flynn and son should come to this.

TweedleDee3000 ago

I like your reference to the song plagiarized by jew satanist Paul Simon. Thanks for letting us know you're a jew and that this is another honeypot operation staged by jew satanist pedophiles like yourself.

sound_of_silence ago


Time to start narrowing the scope of this citizens investigation by Pizzalawyer in pizzagate

[–]sound_of_silence 0 points (+0|-0) 16 minutes ago

hi.. someone else with good intentions mentioned that before.. i'd always assumed anything good was not written by paul simon and i've never been a fan of his actual work (if there ever was any).. i looked it up and found a biography mention it but didn't find out who the real author was yet..

i've owned most s&g albums over the years and never liked paul simon.. everyone knew he was a thief back then, too..

and i do like the song sound of silence but that's not why i picked it... i'd signed up for voat and reddit on the same day a couple months ago but my reddit name wouldn't work here on voat.. i'd wanted to try to get a silent protest going so i wanted a silent name, that's why i settled on sound_of_silence when my chosen name wouldn't work.

i'm glad it gets pointed out... i don't want to be advertising the appearance of pro-paul simon... but i guess it's such a known song that it's going to happen regardless.. i have 1 voat account and don't want to change it but maybe it can somehow be worked out for good, like what you did by asking about it.

permalink context full comments

sound_of_silence ago

i love this idea and will gladly match Titus' $100... but... i'm hesitant to encourage "debate" at the event.. i'm also concerned about the continuity of literature which will be distributed.... what will include?

i'd like to see the materials made available so that all us donors can be fully aware of what we're supporting.. my main concern is that this doesn't turn into bad press for pizzagate... private security is good but a strictly non-violent protest would be fool-proof.. show the fuzz that everyone in the protest demonstration has pledged "silence and non-violence" and stop the infiltration it before it can begin..

some ideas like these came up about a month ago here on voat

i''m willing to help in a lot of ways including financially, but i feel like we need some assurances that the demo will be cohesive.. no shouting.. nothing that can be even in the least turned against us.. please keep us all posted..

3 weeks is a kinda narrow window... i'm also questioning what the 'step it up' refers to in terms of putting on more pressure if we don't see arrests by the day of the protest? that is a high expectation.. is there any clarification on this?

i think we're all willing to help if we can get some basic assurances..

TweedleDee3000 ago

I hate this idea, and the jews behind this obvious honeypot won't be seeing a penny of my money. There's no money needed to do what needs to be done. Please don't be a sucker for more jew bullshit.

Gammi ago

I was part of that conversation a month ago......but I still plan to support this protest because when you have as violent a foe as the left, there is never going to be a perfect protest, they will be sending out their paid thugs.....I do not believe this man is set on having a violent protest that is one reason he needs funds, to hire protection and keep order..... so he will get my support because, these kids need a voice out there for them now, it has almost been 6 months and nothing.....maybe later we can build a bigger protest, but for now I am happy there is at least one finally occurring....and I am sure the left is going to try and make everyone look foolish, but I believe that is going to happen, no matter what kind of protest it is or who organizes it because, we are up against a very well financed enemy.

TweedleDee3000 ago

What do you hope to accomplish with this idiotic waste of time? Did "occupy wall street" - another jew-sponsored shill nonsense - result in anything? Is wall st no longer corrupt now? This is obviously a jew shill bullshit, the shilling for money is the first tip off.

sound_of_silence ago

i remember that.. i'm all for this march and will help as much as possible, as long as we can get some clarification on a few things... i'm just a skeptical person and i want to protect this.. not saying this gentleman has bad intentions, they seem totally honorable.. i'm thrilled to hear about it and i'm 99% ready to jump on board, but can't, until finding out some more on what will follow if there aren't arrests in 3 weeks.. i do think it's possible to get arrests that soon but i'm not sure how likely it is.. i'm trying to locate a non-FB non-twitter way to contact him..

Gammi ago

If you go to the gofundme page I think I saw a link on there where you can contact is on the right side were it says Family, and has the name of the state he lives in....I believe I saw a contact link to click on.

sound_of_silence ago

i found that and asked him to come do an AMA if possible in the next few days.. listed a few of the concerns.. hopefully he'll reply and we can start digging into this to make it happen and keep it safe in all ways.

n0etics ago

I assume this event is controlled opposition tbh.

redditsuckz ago

I assume this event is controlled opposition tbh.

If David Seaman supports it you know its controlled somehow...

A little "mind control" by David Seaman on the Pizza gate protest;

@ 1:10

He leans into the camera and says "its not gonna work"...hes subliminally talking about the pizzagate protest...

@ 3:20

David Seaman does a little magic with a variation of the 666 hand sign and tells the viewers what they should focus on

David Brock - Should be the focus

Pizzagate - Should be the focus

Saving these children - Should be the focus

So we shouldnt focus on anything or (((anyone else)))?

sound_of_silence ago

i know, it's a shilly thought sometimes lol but i can't help but think that about half the things i see... but.. by something's fruit it is known.. i hope this is a 'good fruit' thing.. but if it involves a lot of dialogue and any confrontation whatsoever, even "academically" i wouldn't be able to be a part of it.. we don't need to "convince" anyone of anything.. all we need to do is 1) show our numbers 2) call for action 3) provide the facts.. and stay far out of 'trouble traps'...

TweedleDee3000 ago

Why? What good is "dialog" in the context of a stupid "demonstration" going to do?

shoosh ago

I agree with this.

I'm not engaged in anything to do with it, but would put up money and energy to focus on it and link to it.

The person organizing this needs to provide more specifics.

TweedleDee3000 ago

I wouldn't put up 10 cents for this shill nonsense.

sound_of_silence ago

exactly. i would like to see a non-facebook point of contact, as i don't touch fb even with a 10-ft pole... and every time i try to register for twitter, i get insta-suspended... is there any other way to get in touch with this dude? i'm down for working this out but not on fb you know.

shoosh ago

I'm not running this. I'm only posting a link I saw online.

I'm not able to attend but will be supporting it other ways.

The videographer said there will be excellent security so I don't think the focus will be on anything else but investigation of pedogate for the sake of cleaning up the environment to benefit children. Any other focal point will likely be removed.

TweedleDee3000 ago

And what do the jew satanist running this obvious honeypot operation think this "demonstration" is going to accomplish, other than gathering data to share with the pedos at their synagogue?

shoosh ago

If you've been paying attention you'd notice that there's no need to use a demonstration to gather data.

If you don't know that demonstrations can produce media exposure then I can't help you learn that.

MSM isn't providing media coverage of the pedo's who've been busted recently, or of the actual truth behind p-gate.

According to Neil Wolfe there will be security throwing out opposition. The country you live in was formed by protests and demonstrations. If children aren't worth fighting for, then I can't imagine what is.
If people don't wake up to that fact then the world will degrade even more.

You'll have to provide proof that the people who decided it's time to protest are jew satanists. 0_o

Gammi ago

This GOFUNDME has been up for 9 days, and it is sad there is only $1500 dollars raised so far, yet James Alafantis raised his $27,000 for the so called shooter rampage at Comet Ping Pong......even if you don't agree with a march, at least help out with a donation of 5 or 10 dollars to get this march off on a good footing, and for the children suffering at the hands of these monsters.

TweedleDee3000 ago


This is SO OBVIOUSLY a jew honeypot. Don't give these satanist maggots a penny.

sound_of_silence ago

sitting at $1420 on a goal of $10,000 right now..

TweedleDee3000 ago

I wouldn't give these two jews sound of silence and Gammi one penny. They are obviously trying to monetize their honeypot operatioin, just like the jews in the fake shooting at Sandy Hook and Boston Marathon.

Gammi ago

Yes I know, I have put my donation in already and, have been checking back every so often.

shoosh ago

yeah, the last 5 minutes of his vid caused me to link his vid here and elsewhere.

Surely there have to be rich people with a moral conscience who'd like to see an investigation following the Franklin and Project Flicker embarrassment.

Gammi ago

Even if enough just give 5,10 dollars that goes a long way, and there are a lot of people on voat.....and even if you don't agree with a march at least help out to make this one a success.