zzvoat ago

Seriously glad to see this topic get more play. I left info on it in pizzagatemods a few days ago and it went nowhere. (I always leave a respectful comment about this on offending posts. While it will get a few down votes, typically 2 to 3 times the upvotes.)

Here is my mods post:

"Dearest Mods, first, thanks for ALL you do!!! None of this would be possible without you!

I'd like to suggest that hyperbolic titles be added to the list of reasons for automatically deleting posts. Included, but not limited to, would be:

• Post titles that contain ALL CAPS or ANY caps.

• Post titles that contain !!!!!!!!!!!!

• Post titles that contain "Get this to the top," "Urgent," "Critical," "You Won't Believe This" or other similar language.

It is very distracting and irritating, and it serves to slide those posts up while others slide down. Imho, this is most often the fruit of egos run amok, "karma" chasing, and/or bad habits that have bled over from Reddit.

No post in this Forum is more urgent or valuable than any other post.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

ps. I realize that instituting this rule would mean that infringing posts would all have to be deleted outright because titles can't be edited, however, I believe deleted posts exist somewhere here and people could copy, paste, and resubmit content from there. Eventually, people would learn not to do it."