lawfag123 ago

I agree.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

Couldnt agree more. I have expressed the same frustrations with all the "there's another spiral on the derp aderp", or "omg family guy just exposed pizzagate derp." The investigation into pizzagate has sadly plateaud.

kestrel9 ago

Maybe to combat that we should have a subverse for symbol leads. Only if Symbol leads pan out into association of some sort with known pedophiles will it be introduced somewhere in the main PG sub.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

That's actually a good idea. Like a symbol siting subverse.

Pizzalawyer ago

Hey folks, I'm operating off a smart phone, Like many, I don't have a do I insert sources to avoid deletion? I don't plan on retyping my post.. also I also don't understand this point system. Is there a tutorial somewhere that I'm missing? I bet I'm not the only one intimidated by this process. This forum got off to such a riveting start that I couldn't eat or sleep for weeks. I just hate to see the loss of momentum. Even if deleted, I think I got my message across. Thanks for the comments.

sensitive ago

To insert sources: Go to the website you want to link as a source, copy it, go to your voat post and paste it in there - done.

privatepizza ago

Under your original post you'll find the 'edit' button. Click that and you can edit your post.

The only thing you can't change is the headline, but the post you can easily.

TruthFinder2017 ago

Media suppression is a huge problem for the movement imo, is there anything we can do to hold shill journalists accountable? I feel like we could mobilize to stop individual journalists from smearing the whole theory if enough people called them out for it

redditsuckz ago

What do you expect when there is a concerted effort to hide this website and #pizzagate from the world...

(((Google))) removed v/pizzagate from its search engine...

Twitter has deleted accounts with huge followings that talked about pizzagate and deletes tweets and shadowbans tweets concerning pizzagate that have links to this forum etc...

The Reddit pizzagate sub was banned and deleted and same with the image hosting slimg with all its images...

The (((Media))) + (((Alt Media))) waste no time in telling the dumbed-down populace that pizzagate is fake news or its been debunked...

This forum itself is designed to keep you in a loop with investigating and no action...what scares the shit out of them is decentralized information concerning pizzagate or giving your neighbor's usb's with pizzagate related information on it.

abcdefg222 ago

Thank you for cutting through all the fucked up noise happening on here lately. There are still a lot of genuine people here that are trying to help the kids. Thank you.

13Buddha ago

Totally agree that wheels have been spinning. If I am interpreting your submission correctly, this sounds like an impossible task that would take forever to organize and be a full-time job to monitor.

IMO, we don't have much longer for action to be taken. Everything has been figured out and repeated over and over again, so why are we still investigating???? It's a bottomless pit. There are so many elites that have already been revealed, what is the point of us finding more? No more investigating. Between voat and all of the good forums out there providing excellent information and of course The Wikileaks Files, what more do we need to do? Nothing will change and only become unimagineably worse unless all of this bullshit is broadcasted to the masses. I don't see that happening. if we aren't all wiped-out first by the elite, civil war is coming.

jewburger18 ago

tl;dr try some line breaks. If I want to read your mental diarrhea though I'll be sure to tune back in.

Pizzalawyer ago

Jewburger, I did make line breaks on my smart phone which somehow got lost in the posting you have any suggestions? Do you have any constructive comments as to the merits of the post aside from the critique on the mode of delivery? Any thoughts on how to increase subscriptions or awareness in the general public? Any guidance on how to ensnare a high ranking pedophile being supported by our tax dollars? P.S. How do I make revisions? Yours truly.

Silverlining ago

Try double line breaks - press return twice. I had same problem at first.

Without search and seizure powers, I think our possibilities of investigation are limited.

A hacker [linked to Titus Frost] apparently entered Comet's restricted hard disc space and found child porn, reported it to the police - were told it would not be recognised as evidence in court - DC police failed to seize the Comet computer - nothing happened.

Infiltration of a coven and hidden filmed evidence of murder and might help. But there IS film of ritual murder and body eating. Not with big names.

With you and frustrated. Perhaps Sawman's project filming pedo busts will break the logjam.

Pizzalawyer ago

To Catchthem, why on earth would you suggest that my real motive in suggesting geographical and topical limitations is to insure that the research community doesn't find something new? Did you not grasp my rationale? With the exception of Alefantis, Podesta and friends there has not been any evidence presented to justify raising an eyebrow by law enforcement much less an arrest warrant. I simply want to "catchthem", don't you?

Silverlining ago

I want community feedback on V. Libertas' idea for direct action (pizzagate) Mar 10 2017 by @zlomsocz

sound_of_silence ago

maybe you could edit in a link to the data you reference in your post so it hopefully won't be deleted for not being sourced...

the main problem is that the subject matter of the postings have become so broad that the content of pizzagate research has been watered down and the investigation has lost sight of its original goal which was to investigate pedophiles in positions of power.

specifically, james, hillary and podestas...

I suggest that research be limited by both subject and geography so that we can become more productive and effective.

focus on major issues which would include, amongst other topics, the following: trafficking, organ harvesting, suppression of misconduct on the part of elites by MSM, the corrupt foster care system and juvenile justice system that promote pedophilia, phony charities and NGOs such as NCFMC that do little to help children, the grooming of children and teens by pedophiles, pedo culture, satanic ritual abuse, etc. I'm sure there are some other topics equally worthy. What I am urging is some kind of focus that might bear fruit by narrowing of the issues.

this list of eight things seems kinda broad focus for "investigate pedophiles in positions of power"... it's all important stuff, but the real crux of pizzagate seems to be bringing down the global satanic elite child-sex trafficking, abuse and murder ring centered on james, hillary and the podestas... pedos and trafficking by high-level individuals isn't new... even the satanism isn't new..

the new thing, is the opportunity to break up that core group of giants... a fall so great it will be the most vast red-pill in human history.. from there, everything else on the list falls into place..

it would be great if there were 3 megathreads in the sticky, or something, to separate supporting from corroborating, from direct evidence, spreadsheet links to arrests, etc. ... basically set up the sticky with links to main threads (into which info from stand-alone new posts in v/pizzagate could be edit-updated as )... if we had this level of transparency for what the "focus" of pizzagate really is, i think it could really encourage participation where it's needed most, such as open leads... there's a sub for activism v/pizzagateactivism from which public awareness events could be accessed in the sticky..

i'm not saying get rid of the exec. summary... just re-structure it so the access to the info allows for continually reinforcing and adding to it.

V____Z ago

OP, it often happens that posts are deleted when no ones looking, after the whole community has weighed in with thoughtful replies. Some links would help, or this might be wasted effort.

sensitive ago

You overestimate us. The thing is that we have our hands so full dealing with all the shills and spammers here that some posts who violate the rules at closer inspection are only detected some time later. Since none of my colleagues took this post down, even though it doesn't contain "sources" should show you that we are just concerned like you all. Ok?

V____Z ago

Ok, I'll give you all a break. I've seen some suspect stuff, and we are attacked so heavily that it's hard to trust.

sensitive ago

I understand what you mean. Thank you, though.

V____Z ago

Thank you too, I know I've been really hard on you all, and that isn't fair. You're doing this as a service, and I'm sure it's a huge pain in the butt. Hugs....

sensitive ago

Best Sunday present in a long time :-) Thanks! And keep up the good work.

V____Z ago

:))) oh good, I wasn't sure if I creeped you out. You never know on the Internet.....

sensitive ago

Despite my user name, I don't easily creep out :-)

V____Z ago


jewburger18 ago

Paul Simon was a great jewish songwriter. Woops, except that he didn't write "Sounds of SIlence". Like most jews, he plaigiarized it. Look it up, jew shill boy.

sound_of_silence ago

hi.. someone else with good intentions mentioned that before.. i'd always assumed anything good was not written by paul simon and i've never been a fan of his actual work (if there ever was any).. i looked it up and found a biography mention it but didn't find out who the real author was yet..

i've owned most s&g albums over the years and never liked paul simon.. everyone knew he was a thief back then, too..

and i do like the song sound of silence but that's not why i picked it... i'd signed up for voat and reddit on the same day a couple months ago but my reddit name wouldn't work here on voat.. i'd wanted to try to get a silent protest going so i wanted a silent name, that's why i settled on sound_of_silence when my chosen name wouldn't work.

i'm glad it gets pointed out... i don't want to be advertising the appearance of pro-paul simon... but i guess it's such a known song that it's going to happen regardless.. i have 1 voat account and don't want to change it but maybe it can somehow be worked out for good, like what you did by asking about it.

DonKeyhote ago

What you're describing is in fact some platform besides boat with just legit researchers.

No reason such a roster could not be compiled by reviewing submissions. I agree about geographical limits esp. L.A. and this would help that effort.

Catchthem ago

Bad name choice.. And Pizzagate is a global thing! There seems to be a big power trying to push this to try rename it into Pedogate. (or even try tell there is a difference) I do believe this needs to stay Pizzagate. Also Pizzagate is a rabbithole that is really big and has many many connections. If we do not go into these rabbitholes we might not find something really big! Now you are suggesting this needs to be limited..(worried we might find something totally new?) No, i dont trust people that easy in this important investigation. I am Always very alert when people TRY and FORCE this pizzagate investigation in another direction or shape..

naturallyfree ago

As soon as the wikileaks Podesta emails came out with the Comet Pizza pedophile story I knew it to be true and scary. I posted immediately that the name was dicey because of why it resonated so strongly. I had literally thrown out my tv's because I noticed pizza being placed in programs so oddly I started investigating what mind control was. That was many years ago. I quit watching. I canceled my cable subscription. It took about 24 months but then the t.v.s were getting too dusty so they went to the bulk trash pickup. I must have recognized it because I have taken years at a time off of watching any television. Then come back to the addiction then stopped again. I was able to recognize the pizza anomaly.

The other piece of it is about a house I drive by on my way home from work which a few years back I saw a child being forcibly taken into in such a way that I knew immediately authorities were needed but I did not know who to trust to call. Instead I talk to the child or her spirit every time I pass it. So imagine years later reading the emails. It totally answered the mystery. It was a big relief to have validation of my suspicion. Now I just pass and tell her we are getting closer. I do imagine her, what might have happened to her, be happening to her. She turned and looked pleading into my eyes when I passed, which was not easy for her to do. It's a weird eerie place.

The problem still is the reporting it. I look hard at the outside of the residence and everything about it screams it needs surveillance - which we know NSA does know about it. Worse, it's in a District that early researchers turned out to learn the DoJ staff member is a partner of and involved with Alefantis. Having listened to George Webb and trying to determine where the local sheriff falls on the Dynacorp connections has not been fruitful except to expose the incredible can of worms of the interrelationship connections between lawyers and spouses for whom and where they work relative to government contracts relative to their positions in said companies. I got stuck at Computer Sciences Corp. There a possible spouse to the DoJ authority and a possible brother is a Deputy in the County Sheriff's office where the mentioned house pays its property taxes.... when time permits, more sleuthing. In the meantime, what did George Webb mean about looking into searches, such as LEO, in a Dynacorp database? here he describes the best success method of data collection. I didn't know this, its very helpful.

md3inaustin ago

Totally agree, even while being 1 of those that has posted related side topics not focused on the main investigation. I admit getting caught up in just adding data to the mountain of evidence about the overall subject. Just got called a "schill or an agent" today from calling out a post w/ little to no evidence. I've been more of a lurker than a poster for several months just linking to good posts on social networks to raise awareness, until the past weeks. I've noticed the same and have begun to get burned out on the volume of posts not focused on exposing the Podesta's, Clinton's, Silby's, etc. This effort is pointless unless we focus on the elite involved at the top that we can actually expose & have prosecuted.

With your points in mind, we need to create a post laying out already researched leads to prevent wasting more time, and points of interest that still need researching to optimize overall efforts. Also need a good set of instructions for those that truly want to assist on how to effectively research and the areas worth researching for a given point of interest, again to prevent going through mountains of unnecessary data and pointless rabbit trails. A plan of action with a specific attainable end goal.

V____Z ago

The mountain of posts barely related are the result of a purposeful attack on our work, it's meant to water it down and burn us out.

sensitive ago

This is quite possible, and we are not happy with it at all!

V____Z ago

Absolutely spot on. It's possible that if you can can add a few links to source anything in your argument, your post will be allowed to stay, and it should. This is most important.

DreidelDance ago


sensitive ago

@Pizzalawyer it is possible that another mod will take your post down per rule 4, but I think your message is important to make progress with our investigation. Thumbs up. We need to concentrate on the investigation here in the main sub.