Silverlining ago

zz did anything come of this victuras initiative?

zlomsocz ago

The community as a whole seems to strongly disagree with street protests, I can't believe the mods didn't shit this down for being general discussion, but I made several subs denouncing the protests which occured on March 18 and 25 respectively, but they went on with it anyways, my subs were mostly deleted minus this one

Silverlining ago

Did the victuras idea of an invited subgroup go anywhere?

Silverlining ago

I thought them [the street protests] a brave attempt to do something. Something MUST be done.

FckPizza3 ago

I started following anon hive on YouTube and they are doing a global protest called mayday it's where we all take to the streets to protest corruption. We can start tweeting #mayday #savethechildren or something and join with them? I think an FBI protest is a good idea too.. also Neil Wolfe is going to DC police on April 21st and then the pro Trump rally the 22nd to pass out flyers etc.

Chatman ago

He says voat is comprimised but provided no evidence aside from a "im a known investigator therefore I should be able to break rules". Then he wants people to join a private forum and organise protests. I think he is attempting to bait investigators into a honeypot. I would be highly skeptical of any forum he invites you to (which is secure apparently and being organised by someone?) and skeptical of any protest he organises (because he could namefag the investigators).

He might be a long time poster but its weird he is doing it now that PG is beginning to be exposed? Smells like a psyop to divide us

zlomsocz ago

also sketchy how his new forumn is invite only, already a bad starting model.

katsmeow ago

The short answer to that is no. Old World thinking is not going to free truth. Shoot, Hillary had no one at one of her rallies but that link is dead. That was not accurately covered by MSM. By the way, Old World Thinking is what got us here in first place. Old World Thinking is the kind of thinking that says the Federal Reserve is, in fact, Federal. Lest I not place a link to support my assertion why do people think the Federal Reserve is run by our government? I am not sure what the solution is, but I sure as hell pray everyday this bogus system of rule is brought to light. I am an empath and I been schooled. Each and every day I make my life worth something and expect you all do as well. My life is worth protecting children, but there has to be a better plan. Their solution is New World thinking, maybe we need humanitarian world thinking, I wish I would win the lottery thinking, plug into what makes people tick and ignore, anything that would stop the madness. This takes heart. Not the heart of millions demonstrating outside doors. It takes the heart of millions representing the millions that have been hurt. Adopt a missing child. Get a T-Shirt made. Make people ask you why you are wearing that shirt. Just my idea.

zzvoat ago

My initial reaction is no. The powers that be are ready to pounce on any group for any reason with their Black Bloc, etc people. Their aim is to wreak havoc, foment divisiveness and create division.

We'd get owned and used.

Dressage2 ago

Thank god we have others that recognize this place has been compromised ever since they "convinced" investigators to make the bullshit rules!! I have not been posting my research here anymore because I am so tired of it being deleted. I know some of my research hit a nerve when it was immediately deleted here for lame ass excuses, but guess what? Some of those sites have now scrubbed their sites of their pedo/satanic stuff. So obviously, I was on the right track only to get dismissed by these mods that are only here to push us off down a rabbit hole that goes nowhere. I keep telling people to read the Deleted Submissions as that is where the important info is located. Also, I have been posting as RazorShark over at at least it is not deleted! I am thrilled to hear VL is setting up a new site! This site has taken a dramatic nose dive in people posting and I assure you that is the direct result of these mods deleting everything! As VL said, the mods know the people on this site that are not shills and we work hard, putting in hours of research only to get shit canned into the abyss! Once people start leaving, the mods will have achieved their mission just like Reddit.

Mrspree ago

So pretty much what needs to be done is we need a bunch of protesters on the streets with signs with pizzagate on them. So the news channels will hopefully have to pick this up and broadcast it state wide. Like the women's march. Make it about the children. Good civil parents will react to this like no other.

zlomsocz ago

Lol the womens match was well funded by Soros and co. Good luck trying to match that calibur of coverage

Mrspree ago

Start small.

squirreltruth ago

I think a more effective manner may be going very old school... Have a group coordinate on writing a 1 page well written, concise document that drives people to demand an investigation. Once this document has been readied it is shared here for everyone to get, print- and drop in every major city, suburbs, and rural areas on the same day, WORLD WIDE.... or at least nation wide. I don't see why it could not be done. We would all be sharing in the cost.

squirreltruth ago

I think we've all been thinking of Thomas Paine lately....

sponiatowski ago

I think it is highly probably we could interfere in a legitimate investigation for asking for too much information. I think the investigators need to keep their cards close to their chest and maybe are further along than we think. If V. Libertas has connections to the investigation, I would only participate if he cleared it with them. Busts are happening! Clearing out the people that might be working for and protecting and willing to fight for the people at the top does eventually give the people at the top no place to hide. We must not get emotional here, in my opinion.

lude ago

Yes I will agree with this but it needs to have some sort of oversight and very specific way of making sure things do not get subverted.

zlomsocz ago

Makes me wonder why VL didn't just support a link on his thread before throwing the whole forum n under the bus, many comments and posts get deleted but I rarely see people crying fowl about a deletion who don't also get a chance for a submission discussing the deletion everyone should add their deleted comments to the archive deleted posts thread if there is real concern over censorship

pbvrocks ago

I do not think so...the thing that helps the most is pill everyone you know. I think we have least on this forum..established beyond reasonable doubt the following:

-there is a very large group of elitist that are engaged in pedophilia -that this has been somewhat common knowledge in these circles and routinely used as a blackmail tool -pedophilia is almost a "right of passage" for some of the elite -some of these elite also practice satanic type rituals which involve human sacrifice -there is enough of this going on that an industry has developed around moving children thru human trafficking -that industry seems to involve pizza in either messaging or distribution -John Podesta is tightly tied to such a group -HRC is tightly tied to such a group -25-30% of DC is tied to these groups -DC media minimally is tied to these groups -George Soros is tied to these groups -Many "royal" families tied to these groups

That is a pretty weighty list and I believe all provable from this we AINT doing to bad! But if we do not get action soon...3 months? Then I agree we go nuclear...

alliecapone ago

And is anyone going to Mardi Gras? They have a live feed, probably more now that you can watch people walk up and down bourbon and other hot spots. I always see the big cross carrying guy, well I did, I didn't watch last year much. Point is if you're going carry fliers, stuff to leave in restrooms, and if ya really wanna get it out, a big ol sign and walk next to the cross bearing guy. I think a sign in block letters is enough. Tons watch the feed, and it's a great way to get this out without censorship.

alliecapone ago

Protests are definitely in order. If I have to bribe friends (I'm positive I won't NEED to) with a beer afterwards, I might get a good and diverse grouping. I also do have 3 college kids to help me with this. I just wish the OTPOR/disrupt 'protests' quiet down so these protests will be effective.

Even a group of five, make signs similar to what Westboro totes, so they can be easily read, but far more digestible. I also think small groups can magnetize into larger ones, and community outreach opportunities. We have a young girl that went missing this weekend, she looks like the gal Emma Watson from HP. It startled me a tad. She's exactly the demo the traffickers seek, 16..went to a rough neighborhood for a reason. An awareness has been made here where I live, I think it's only a matter of getting people to come stand with you. Shouldn't be hard, tons of college kids that aren't indoctrinated are abundant ;)

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Maybe a protest outside the FBI headquarters......protesting the FBI for allowing Hastert to fuck and molest young boys ten years after the awesome and beautiful and brave Sibel Edmonds testified that Hastert was fucking boys and no body did anything......protest that they have the blood of many kids on their hands.....bring up that Edmonds has testified that the FBI is sitting on FILM of Hastert molesting a kid. I think this would be a way of bringing up the Pizzagate issue but talking about a Republican that no one likes anymore and no one feels like defending. We could have signs asking ::How many kids are they allowing to be molested today¨ And most of the Media hate the FBI now for interfering with Clintons Coup. So attacking them would confuse the media. But we wouldnt really be mad at the FBI that much....just trying to do a mental jujitsu.

520patriot ago

Yes! I think it would be great! At least locally it would raise awareness

privatepizza ago

Upvoat, I agree, however I'm unsure if we have enough people for demonstrations at the moment. If we did, I think it's the natural thing to do.

Strait8 ago

The natural evolution of this is direct citizen involvement and action. Due to the nature of this issue, law enforcement, local relevant government agencies should be invited. This means you will be infiltrated from the start. You will be infiltrated anyway because part of their job and duty is to judge if you are a threat to public safety. Plan on that and how to manage it.

Sharing of ideas votes on what actions to take. Voting out members who try to subvert or bring nothing to the table. No leader is critical to the movement. Anytime a single person is critical, the movement or agenda is vulnerable.

2impendingdoom ago

I can't comment as to whether voat is compromised. I've had posts with links deleted regarding corrupt Judge's rapists sentencing, and posts without links regarding Gen Flynn's resignation get to stay. I definitely investigate less because unless arrests are going to happen, I don't need more convincing, and I'm not getting paid (selfish maybe), until people are arrested, there is no roi. As to what to do if arrest aren't going to happen? I don't know. I don't if protests would be enough to overhaul a corrupt worldwide system.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Formerly, outreach posts were not allowed, because the main point of this sub has been investigation, we did not want to open the sub up to forum-sliding, and outreach is not included in the community-decided definition of the sub. However, since investigation seems to have declined significantly, and since we think a good portion of the community wants outreach posts, we are now allowing them. Note that Rule 4 still requires that all posts include some kind of link.

Dressage2 ago

Hmmm, investigation has declined significantly. . . The reason could not be because everything of credible investigative substance is deleted is it????

zlomsocz ago

Link is attached, and the is investigatory because the viability and credibility of the forum is in question by a well known member. But I appreciate you letting it stand as is.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Yeah, I wasn't saying anything about this post itself. I was just responding to VL's concerns, and letting people know we are allowing outreach/activism posts now (so long as they follow the rules).

Touchdown50 ago

I believe if we can get concerned parents, teachers, social workers, civic leaders who are not corrupt, police and local media who are not on the payroll of the globalist to take part it can either garner the world community as a whole. Or the media can spin it as a bunch of brain washed tin foil hat wearing conspiracist rallying together because of fake news. Of course voat is compromised. I see alot of pedo implied handles now on this forum. Remember the only good pedo Is one with a cap busted in their skull. You cannot fix these people.

zlomsocz ago

This is a concern for sure, I agree anything would have to have a set of demands of laying out of key facts, but it has a higher chance of backfiring I think direct action needs to wait until after more arrests and public confirmation of the phenomonea

Touchdown50 ago

I agree. We need a high profile arrest With news in the msm cnn realm and so much unsubstantiated evidence it be hard for them to spin it or label it fake news. Its all about strategy. What we don't want is for these fake news outlets to be start calling innocent people investigating Pedophiles themselves.

shoosh ago

The dichotomy is that without pressure these roaches will keep hiding and covering.

Touchdown50 ago


gurneyx ago

you should link that video so they dont delete your post for rule whatever