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anonOpenPress ago

The rule 1 has taken a huge jump for better, so first I want to say big thanks. But... sorry for nitpicking, the work seems to be in half way, and this has actually bothered me for long:

Please describe "elites"

  1. Is it defined by wealth and/or power and/or influence and/or publicity and/or position, also noting the level:
    e.g.: town something - city something - state something - national something - global something
  2. Where's the bar in positions?
    e.g.: teacher - principal - member of the board - owner of the building - member of related financing organization - president of...
    e.g.: cleric - priest - bishop - archbishop - cardinal - The Pope - and again the related organization stuff...
  3. Is one person enough?
  4. Is a connection to one enough? How close connection would do? these questions are obviously difficult to answer by anyone, I'd suggest jst dropping "elites" and replacing it with "crime rings with remarkable influence on at least local level" or something like that (The best replacement should actually be discussed, voted or something)

ps. I think I should add how I personally understand "elite"... For me, it doesn't include spiritual aspects (church/cult etc) and it's something having influence on at least city wide level (local boards deciding for constructions etc) up to global influence. I also see a strong financial aspect connected to it, but not limited to economics. In overall, my understanding varies depending on the perspective in question (there could be "elite" person or group in a company, having influence only for the employees of that company). Difficult...