VieBleu ago

More of dear Nellie "Vindicator" Oleson - Here and Here

dickface8 ago

@vindicator @sensitive @abortionburger Time to unsticky this and put the old girl back up!

VieBleu ago

The mod Vindicator, the Nellie Oleson of Voat, (see Here and Here ) is very smug and self-satisfied with her total fail sticky that was a maligning and inaccurate insult to all protesters, organizers and many who come to this forum, and will no doubt leave the tired thing up long past it's spoiled date, because she thinks it makes her celebrated and special with the "smart people". In her own fantasy acceptance speech words -

Vindicator: "I was deeply gratified to be able to send a message that smart people here are watching the watchers and watching out for each other and will not be intimidated by poorly orchestrated smear efforts. I am completely at peace, despite scores of nasty messages and comments. It was my honor to be able to serve, even more so to do it infamously.".

Voat started as a forum that promised not to curate, like Reddit did. Yet here we are, with that Stupid Sticky of Sorrow still squatting on top of us with no sign of budging, courtesy of henny penny the sky is falling Vindicator.

@Millennial_Falcon, @wecanhelp, @sensitive, @Crensch, @vindicator, @abortionburger, @kevdude @kingkongwaswrong, @VictorSteinerDavion, @belphegorsprime

EDIT: So finally the Sticky of Sorrows is down, too many hours after the 2nd protest ended with no incident of note, and over a week after these inaccurate smears were proven wrong by the 1st protest. Way to be responsive, Voat. This chapter in the history of the PG movement is recorded.

VieBleu ago

Oh nice, finally some movement, the sticky is gone. Praise goats.

Stargate3 ago


VieBleu ago

So are we ready to take down the sticky about the totally dangerous protest demonstrations yet? LOL

pby1000 ago

There are videos of David Shurter and Fiona Barnett on YouTube. Fiona is the SRA survivor from Australia. If she thinks that Shurter is legitimate, then he is.

Jakestr ago

I really wish I could go. I am really far away and if I wanted to drive there I would have to do like the astronaut lady and put my diapers on. Also I have a houseful of pets and no sitter. And I really really really would like to urge anyone who goes there to control their own narrative! Do not wait for anyone to ask you a question,whip out your phone and start live streaming!! If you see something going haywire go ahead and report about that too. But whatever you do control but narrative


It's my birthday and I wish for the truth to be told by all that speak at the protest in DC tomorrow.

Speak the truth and it can move mountains , truths can shake the earths ground and moves people.

Speak the truth so they can hear it loud and clear and the TRUTH will affect them most where it should.....THEIR HEARTS!!!

FoxDen ago

Dumb. I argued against these "all powerful" mods when they tried to smear the 3/18 protest. Now they're covering their dumb asses and suddenly impartial to either event. People are smarter than this. PG is way beyond investigation. It REQUIRES decent and unafraid men and women to stand up and speak out. Get your butt to the 3/25 protest.

VieBleu ago





sound_of_silence ago

you succeeded at keeping ~600 demonstrators out of DC on the 18th. your ridiculous, paranoid, divisionist fear-inspiring sticky is not "helping". just stop "helping" and go back to "moderating". we can think for ourselves. we don't need your help.

sound_of_silence ago

EDIT for all those who think mods seek to keep word of the protest from getting out, or suppress turnout -- relax; it's 4D Chess:

You do realize that by leaving this post up, we draw FAR MORE attention to the protest on the 25th than if we take it down, right?

criminals always claim things like that.

Vindicator ago

Done. Where do I find out about that poll feature?

VieBleu ago

try again, it's worth it - Victurus Libertus weighed in and others.

thomccc ago

All that b.s. just to try to excuse the deceit. Like any of that shit matters if one more person is tortured or raped to death...I said death, cause some mf is always worrying to paralysis, about what might happen. Shit is happening now

VieBleu ago

well said.

VieBleu ago


fremar ago

the demonstrations should be worldwide ! not usa only !!!!!! lol cant you see ? usa needs help from the rest of the world !!!! your beloved president trump can't do shit !!!!! you want to make a difference ? really ? get of your fat ass & protest !!!! worldwide !!! dont waste your time hanging behind your pcscreen !!!!! fuck, that felt good ! march or die pussies !!!!!!


!!! No fucks given !

fremar ago

are you able to clarify yourself ?

VieBleu ago

1ew you do a great job of walking the fine line and getting good action for updates on this sticky thread. I have watched what you have achieved and salute you.

I also want you to know that there has been a different kind of pushback on this sticky - you may not agree with it -by some of us and you can see it by hitting this thread and sorting your comments for "new". Also the "top" comment has been edited to show support for the second protest.

VieBleu ago

I appreciate your sentiment here. There has been some pushback against this ongoing forever misguided sticky. STrong pushback and in many ways it is a propaganda piece that mods are refusing to diffuse. Please see our efforts by going to this thread and sorting the comments by "new". Also the "top" comment has been edited to support the protesters. Thanks. and upvote if you agree.

VieBleu ago

How do you define the term renegade? be specific and explain how each speaker fits your definition. thx.

VieBleu ago

yes, take a look at the pushback from myself and Sound of Silence and others. hit the thread and the button for "new" comments. YYM also edited her "top" comment.

Touchdown50 ago

A false flag to divert attention to cpp and then the cover up?

Vindicator ago

Would LOVE to know where to find/how to use a poll feature here. I was not aware there was one.

Also, by leaving the sticky up, we had hoped to simultaneously raise awareness that protests were happening (since almost no one can see the sidebar, being on mobile), protect Voat from the legal interference from Podesta-linked groups that has already removed v/pizzagate from Google indexing and led both and slim.g to break links to numerous PG related uploads, and encourage users to watch for hijacking of the events themselves.

sound_of_silence ago

It would not only impact March 18, it would likely completely shut down the originally planned rally on March 25. Were we to advertise it here, we might subject Voat and v/pizzagate to increased vulnerability to censorship through legal action.

• So… we arrive back at the original, simple answer of Legal Risk, now all snug and sufficiently swaddled in Fear… with the fake narrative cherry on top: that this dangerous, melodramatic, confrontational, frustrated mob of protestors – who can’t control themselves in public, and can’t tell troublemakers from friends – is going to singlehandedly be the cause of traitorous evils galore, involving everything from the 2nd march getting cancelled, up to and including the entire sub getting shut down, all the way to another media-fest slander scandal involving guns and an explosive false flag – ultimately permanently destroying any credibility the Pizzagate investigation currently has.

To the united in the Pizzagate truth movement, friends… Beware the attempts to promote a narrative of any kind. The only narrative needed is the truth.

sound_of_silence ago

I am not confident Mr. Gallant would necessarily recognize if he were being manipulated.

• Because no dumb monkey could possibly be as smart or lucky as someone like you, could he?

• I received a similar eloquent response in the “possible false flag” discussion.

• Too bad we little chimps aren’t up the “newspaper of record” eugenic, elite mental threshold of the great and powerful Modz.

Imagine the effect of turning this rally into a Berkeley-type riot.

• Sounds like one of your …dreams now that I’ve read the narrative propaganda.

Vindicator ago

You do realize that by leaving this post up, we draw FAR MORE attention to the protest on the 25th than if we take it down, right?

a) Y'all can't stop bitching about it in thread after thread

b) No one could see the "poster" in the sidebar, because the vast majority of people are reading this on mobile.

c) People angry about this thread are now at least 20x more motivated to show up at the March 25th event, which I have been pushing on Twitter, btw

d) Voat maintains plausible deniability

sound_of_silence ago

what we all realize... is that you and anyone else here promoting a fear-division based narrative (which is exactly what the sticky post does), are controlled opposition. you obviously want a false flag to happen... that's why you spread fear about it.

if you're going to claim you want to advertise it without legal risk, then do that and that alone, in a new sticky.

and apologize to the decent people who organized the first march... because apologizing for bullshit is what decent people do... are you going to be a decent person?

sound_of_silence ago

Then there was this language, also in the permit:

I, Erik Gallant of Jackson MI, aided by a handful of dedicated others, have been the hub of this movement of concerned citizens from all over the U.S. and abroad who have pitched in their efforts to make this demonstration a reality, working hard day and night pushing our campaign on various online platforms

• All factual. Erik organized a small group of folks from the US and abroad, who got together and made this march happen. What’s the problem?

Given the emphasis on himself, his requests for money, his cool looking but dangerous imagery and melodramatic organization name (superheroes like the Justice LeagueJPG?)

• “Emphasis on himself”… it’s a statement from him, regarding himself…. So yeah, it’s going to have to mention him and explain his relationship to the permit and event.

• Along with… “a handful of others” across the US and abroad… who have been working (mostly independently of voat) to spread Pizzagate truth and awareness, and who organized support enough among others, to move forward with the demonstration… There’s nothing wrong with it and it isn’t self-glorifying anywhere except your imagination,

• “Dangerous imagery” and “melodramatic organization name”…. (mod-narrative version scary music plays in the background and conjures up fears of conflict and censure)

• and of course, “Money” (since no demonstration should ever need money for anything. If the port-a-potty budget runs dry, then so be it – right?)

sound_of_silence ago

and we are again in "flag weather" according to supposed insiders

• Bring it all full circle for us…. That hard-hitting closing statement you want us all to buy into… roll it out...

That incident has been used to debunk and suppress the pizzagate investigation ever since

• There it is… and boy, what a doozey… • “Used to debunk” – When has pizzagate ever been debunked?

• “and suppress” – Has it been suppressed more since the fake shooting? Because it looks like it backfired and the movement to expose pizzagate is stronger than ever.

• So, why would you be pushing a narrative that results in Debunked and Supressed? What could you gain from doing that?

The violence-loving deep state operatives who we believe started and maintain the trafficking rings are skilled manipulators capable of LARPing on made up sites, any of the sites we use as sources, or fooling the investigators who run them.

• Is this about Titus Frost saying he gave CPP child porn to the DC cops?

• Oh wait, this is you saying the deep state is smarter than we the People, so smart that they’re going to create a fake, low-publicity, non-tech savvy, fully grass-roots operation to conduct a major false flag operation that will lead to Pizzagate being suppressed or debunked…. Ok.

• Except – you’re wrong. That’s why they’re the ones whose necks are on the line, and we the People are the ones exposing them. Our deep state is deeper than their deep state, and every sincere Pizzagate truther knows that; so, what’s your excuse?

sound_of_silence ago

From what I can tell, Mr. Gallant is a decent guy who simply couldn't sit on his hands anymore. I am not trying to throw shade on his character.

• You’re not trying to throw shade, that’s true. You’re trying to wholly discredit.

• And not only wholly discredit, but discredit with prejudice. • “Armed resistance” – “false flag” – “rain down mayhem”.

I DO wish to remind people of the big picture:

• Please do… and many thanks.... because we dumb monkeys forget that shit only a daily basis…. So please, strike us with awe as you play Captain Obvious with your bullet-point reminders:

The Clinton Cabal and Soros-funded Antifa have a history of manipulating rallies in order to incite violence

• Let us all know when you have the document supporting the fact that any of this known treachery has targeted a Pizzagate or march on CPP event.

• Underscore that fear-factor…. Bring it all home… convince us.

The Comet Ping Pong shooter was likely a false flag,

• No scenario is more likely.

sound_of_silence ago

pushing the idea of a false flag narrative, in an advertisement that you're "not advertising" either march is making the sub look incredulous.

Especially in light of what the supposed DHS Insider told Victurus Libertas on March 5:

Q. Will it get bloody?

A. Lets just say its flag weather.

• Well now that really seals the Fear deal, doesn’t it? And my, the standards of journalism to which you adhere in that bit of “evidence” to support your fear-mongering “concern”.

• Except – VL’s guest wasn’t referring to the march. He wasn’t even referring to Pizzagate.

o Q. This is huge! o

A. As I said before, there is enough underbelly rot to collapse not only our Government, but collapse the Likud part in Israel and expose a huge political pedophile ring that exists in the US, UK, Asia, etc. All inter-connected. And that’s not even venturing into the extortion aspect.

o Q. Will it get bloody? o

A. Lets just say its flag weather.

o Q. Any advice for Trump? o

A He who hesitates is lost…..

• You took out of context and used this quote to cement the BASELESS suggestion that the march is a False Flag Operation. Would love to hear the justification of that one. Fake News.

sound_of_silence ago

But the combined effect of the time in front of Beyond Borders plus the use of militant imagery to promote and set the tone for the event is problematic.

• Where is it cited that these images will be used at the event (‘cause I haven’t seen them in any of the footage)? • By “tone”, you obviously mean the violence of Torches and Pitchforks… just a bunch of dumb jungle monkeys with no self-control. Oh ye of little faith in the brothers in arms.

• But what’s worse, is you peddling that invented Fear to us here faster and harder than you’re going to back-peddle on this post.

Especially in light of what the supposed DHS Insider told Victurus Libertas on March 5:

Q. Will it get bloody?

A. Lets just say its flag weather.

sound_of_silence ago

Don't get me wrong -- I frankly think the kids with falcons image ought to be the official Poster of Pizzagate.

• I don’t.

It's cool AF and captures the feeling many of us have, the same spirit that made Based Stick Man go viral.

• What would that “feeling” and “spirit” be, exactly?

• From your perception of the graphic as “armed resistance” and the violence of Based Stickman, we can only conclude that you feel “angry and frustrated” (since that’s what you accused the marchers of being), and are guided by a spirit of armed retaliation.

• Because, “Many of us” do not have the feeling that violence is OKAY… that’s just you speaking for yourself, as a fear-mongering false-teacher with violent tendencies. • So why the big push to keep reinforcing these scenarios of violence?

That is fine for a meme, a tweet, a Facebook post, street art, etc.

• Can we run all our material by your for approval? Thanks! Please fwd. lead and turnaround estimates ASAP. We chimps want to be sure YOUR narrative is the only one being portrayed.

• Meanwhile in reality, your word doesn’t dictate what is or isn’t or should or shouldn’t. Check your privilege, you’re a mod, not a god.

• And never, ever attempt to dictate standards to any of us. Make your mod rules and do what you do, but don’t ever claim to know what’s best. The People will decide what is best for the People, not you.

sound_of_silence ago

Since mod @wecanhelp posted about the concerns we had, it has been completely removed from Gallant's Twitter media, though the theme of armed resistance remains.

• Whew… good thing he removed it… no more worries about your delicate sensibilities being offended.

• The theme of armed “resistance”… where is that cited as an explanation regarding the graphics? Nowhere? Ok.

• But why would you choose to interpret it as “literal armed resistance” and then present that as a “fact” instead of considering it may figuratively represent “protection”?

sound_of_silence ago

When I did this research March 6, the background photo of his Twitter profile was this pictureJPG -- kids with falcons backed up by a posse of gunslingers, implying a pack of killers -- from a graphic novel by Stephen King.

• March 6th you did your research… well then, again, how did you (a supposed well-seasoned citizen investigator) miss this video explaining the answer to your “concerns”? • A pack of killers… wow… thanks for suggesting that guns = killers. Incidntally… exactly how many items on the bill of rights might you interested in abolishing? • And, ‘cause killers hang out with kids all the time right…? Wait… could that possibly be a pack of protectors instead of killers…? Do you think that makes more sense maybe?

sound_of_silence ago

Why risk causing conflict between pizzagate investigators, and the plentiful troll-fuel it would generate?

• So many questions about something you already had the answer to when you posted this. How does such a poorly researched, false information post get stickied? Why would a FAKE NEWS discussion like this even exist when the answers to all the questions and “concerns” could have been answered by viewing this interview with the organizer, from 10 days prior? • So, what could be the purpose in reinforcing and hashing out all your Unfounded Fears about this march?

sound_of_silence ago

we were surprised that someone would plan an additional protest a week prior to the one that had already been on the books for a while.

• Except – videos and information had been coming out for nearly 2 weeks prior, explaining Erik had no idea beforehand that a different demonstration was even being planned, that he and Neil (organizer of the 2nd march) had been in touch, and neither knew about the other march when they were planned.

Why split the potential crowd and media coverage between two events?

Why go to all the trouble and expense to fund, permit, and promote two separate events?

• Except – it was already known they couldn’t be combined because attendees of the first march had already finalized their travel and demonstration plans. • Why would a moderator be suggesting otherwise? The only answer can be that the moderator has an interest creating a divided perception of the movement.

sound_of_silence ago

So please weigh the following with an open mind...

• Translation – Forget your policy of ‘zero tolerance for bullshit’ and open your mind, open your mind to the enlightenment WE, the moderator kings, graciously impart to you, the weak-minded, common user-serfs… listen to us as we explain….

Problems with the March 18th protest at Beyond Borders Haiti

When we first considered promoting this event,

• Why would it require, “much discussion” among you to consider promoting any event – when according to you, the legal risks (your initial reason for not supporting the marches) were so obvious and precedential?

sound_of_silence ago

we have a responsibility to point out potential threats we see

• Translation – “It’s not about the legal risk, we lied. The truth is, “WE,” the moderators, will define potential threats for you chimps, and then, in our overlordship of wisdom and charity, present those threats as we have defined them, on a stickied silver platter, glowing with caution lights and source links, plastered with urgency to the front page of the sub, so all you dummies here at the “newspaper of record” who don’t know how to conduct your own independent research into a matter (think about that for even 2 seconds), will stay safe. WE are here to help.”

that could harm users or Voat itself.

• Translation – “You monkeys are unfortunately dangerous to yourselves and voat, because you obviously aren’t smart enough to sniff out a threat on your own, research anything on your own, consider the risks and benefits of a thing on your own, or enter in to sincere and productive discussion about it all on your own – let alone show up in person, IRL, and exercise the presence of mind to conduct yourselves in a respectful manner in public, concerning something so vitally important as bringing awareness to pizzagate. In short, you chimp-serfs can’t think for yourselves, so we’ll do your thinking for you; and, naturally, you will let us, because we are the kings of the “newspaper of record” on Pizzagate.”

sound_of_silence ago

Because v/pizzagate has sort of become the "newspaper of record" documenting the Pizzagate investigation during a time where just about every other site has completely shut down discussion, it is really important that we protect the continued existence of the forum

• Chilly explanation to the chimps at the “newspaper of record” why protecting that treehouse is so important… certainly none of us monkeys had ever thought about it like that before.

-- especially from the sort of legal action that has shut down other sites.

• Further push on the now established theme of danger and fear… • But no explanation as to why the demonstration announcement had to be removed altogether, instead of just disclaimed with a cucked one-liner of, “voat is not legally responsible for….”

To that end,

• To that end – the end that v/pizzagate is not legally at risk by you promoting either march? • Except – removing the banner already solved that problem. So where could this be going and what could be gained by further pursuit and exploit of an already neatly closed issue?

sound_of_silence ago

Hopefully, you can suspend your disbelief for a bit and hear what I am about to say.

• So solemn a start for such a simple question with such a simple answer… • Why would we need to suspend our disbelief to be able to listen well enough to understand? Are we all in such an overwhelming state of disbelief about the banner for the March on the 25th being taken down that we can no longer think straight without a reminder? • This could only be directed at a mob of hapless chimps who enter into a deafening, irrational state of shock at the first whiff a banner for a demonstration has been suddenly removed. • Except – there’s no one like that participating on v/pizzagate. The comments to the post prove that. What an insult to the community…. “suspend your disbelief”…. sounds a lot more like “you are getting sleepy… very sleepy”. • So, what could be the purpose of laying down a premise of fear in the outset of this discourse, by goading the reader with the suggestion that “deafening disbelief” is the obvious first response to an explanation? Especially when that explanation could have simply been, “Unfortunately we are not able to display either of the banners due to legal concerns beyond our control”? • What kind of forthcoming statements are going to require an admonishing, pre-emptive reminder to all us idiot chimps who don’t listen – that we the chimps need to put on our listening caps and prepare to exercise our best active comprehension skills? • What kind of statements would need that level of psychological preparation, and what would be the goal of the acceptance of those statements?

sound_of_silence ago

Why we are not advertising either of the Pizzagate Protests on March 18 or 25th submitted 2 days ago by Vindicator

This post began as a reply to @sound_of_silence, who created a graphic and asked that we post it to help publicize the two upcoming protests.

This is true. I found it odd front-page real estate was, day after day, given to one march but not the other, particularly as the one not promoted was schedule to happen first.

After much discussion among the mods,

• 26 hours later..

we have decided not to,

• Okay.

and have removed the March 25 poster from the sidebar as well.

• Okay.

• …And it could have ended there as simple Q&A.

• But, instead of a direct answer to a direct question in the relevant thread (or PM, or other thread), the discourse we’re about to inspect was stickied to the main page (incidentally, just prior, this warning that the March 18th demonstration would be bad for the image of Pizzagate was flagged important and soon stickied… incidentally, just prior to that, was this discussion where the moderator flagged his own post, March 18th Demonstration a Possible False Flag, as Important@FoxDen attempted to clear up any questions during that discussion, but the moderator refused to acknowledge the facts, saying, ‘he could be lying’. @FoxDen subsequently released this video concerning the moderator’s un-based attack on the March 18th demonstration).

VieBleu ago






sound_of_silence ago

The sticky is promoting a false narrative with incorrect info.

Nearly all the concerns in the sticky could have been resolved by a quick you tube search way back on March 6th. The rest was subsequently available in the dates leading up to the post; additionally, the organizer and a core volunteer were available and in contact with the moderators prior to the post. I’m sharing this rebuttal because there’s not only a war For Pizzagate truth, there’s a war On Pizzagate truth.

Silverlining ago

My downvoat didn't register. Are we playing games? @Vindicator


Voat equals Goat. Shitty GOAT HORN logo.

SturdyGal ago

It's one thing to express concerns for the well-being of fellow Voaters, but it is quite another thing for moderators to aggressively attack any variance from their edict. Some moderators appear to have gone out of their way to stamp out any dissent from what they have decided is best.

Fine, I understand if you don't want to be legally liable, but the mods are not the pizzagate/pedogate research effort. Mods should offer their opinion as we all do, but they should never aggressively snipe at others. I somehow missed the "construction worker" characterization of an organizer as though it were a bad thing and am furious. You have really over-reached yourselves in this.

VieBleu ago

I have asked the mod who wrote this post to now flair it "Accuracy In Question" as real world events have proven the entire write up about the first protest to be inaccurate speculation and demoralizing sophistry at best. It is now troublesome that this discredited sticky is still planted in the spotlight here to discredit the next protest without apology . The presence of this sticky discredits ALL protest, in meta.

The mods need to be held to the same standards as the rest of the community when posting. I do not believe this sticky accurately represents the current feelings of the community (shills not included of course) and should no longer be granted the priviledge of squatting on the top of our forum. Remember, this forum belongs to the community and the mods, not just the mods.

Apologies are in order to the organizer of the first march, who OP dismissed in comments as a construction worker who she questioned was "deft" enough to market his protest the way he managed to do with no support and actively negative top down concern trolling from what is supposed to be the forum of record for pedogate.

I have been accused of not being "graceful" about these issues by the OP, and I concur. We are not gracefully going to let this movement be hijacked by coddled fear based power-bottoms effecting a stifling of our energy and momentum. Kindly flair the sticky inacurrate or remove to regular submissions and restore our executive summary for newcomers, who we hope to welcome during next weekend's protest.

Co-option From Voat Is Not An Option.

21yearsofdigging ago

Yes, absolutely!! My hope is that 100,000 get out there and protest.

VieBleu ago

The Dr. Phil show just orange pilled a mass audience - the pump is primed if we can get some traction.

50hurtz ago


victuruslibertas ago

I agree !!!

witch_doctor1 ago

Agreed 100%.

VieBleu ago

Hey thanks -

Since I sent that to you Sound of Silence decided to take the sticky to task meticulously. Go to the thread and sort comments by "new" or "top". Please use your upvoat and downvoat. I don't care about them but the mods put great store. Downvoating the sticky will only help. Thanks sorry this sounds like a PSA

witch_doctor1 ago

PSA's can be cool...the 1950's education movies we were still watching in the 70's were comedy gold. Will do...

YingYangMom ago

Kindly flair the sticky inacurrate or remove to regular submissions and restore our executive summary for newcomers, who we hope to welcome during next weekend's protest.

Yes, imho this is VERY important.

VieBleu ago

With this post, Voat mods have found themselves on the wrong side of history. What an embarrassment for them.

HarveyKlinger ago

You forgot the best parts! 1. He was POISONED by the bad guyz!!1!!! 2. The bad guyz killed his best friend to shut him up but in defiance of their scare tactics and to honor the memory of his friend he begged EVEN HARDER for donations. 3. Twitter and YouTube are EVIL so he's now going to gab and exclusively.

And you can believe he said he would protest this John Mayer song just to get some buzz? What did John Mayer ever do to him?!

That last one was sarcasm for those that don't get it (especially since David's announced protest of gravity happened before the song was released).

fremar ago

man, fuck that shit about imosters & infiltrators wtf ??? im talking worldwide ! dont be such a fucking pussy ! i thought usa is all about justice & freedom for all ? & for war ??? what is this pussy attitude ? if all the people worldwide stand up , i dare one imposter/ifiltrator try something

VieBleu ago

I appreciate your strong response. I want to ask if you have time to look at this same thread and sort for "new" comments as some of us have pushed back on this sticky fairly strongly. I feel this was a propaganda piece not a mistake by mods because they refuse to edit, modify, flair as inaccurate or take down even though proven inaccurate about the first protest. Sound Of Silence has done major work dissecting this propaganda effort. thanks for taking a look. the "top" comment was also edited to show support for this weekends protest.

fremar ago

well , i hope allot of people feel the same as i do. but it will take time for most of them still have this "need" for the same corrupt institutes to bring "peace & justice" . everything is rotten , not only the justice system , but the food , the water (oceans) , the people .... so we the childeren dont need anyone or anything for justice , we need to stand up together. that's what we need to use this website for. to organize ourselves & standup . although this website advertises with : have your say & no censorship , while actually allot of posts are being deleted / moved so allot of people will not read these posts. this is done because this place is an exellent control tool. thats why i believe several folks here are working with or together with the pedos , secret services, etc. you see , "they" need the help of the poor people , although they have supercomputers monitoring every form of communication 24/7 , with the best pattern recognition programs , NEVER did they stumble upon any trace of pedophelia or humantrafficking ? really ? as long the narrative is along the lines of ; yeah justice we demand it ! and we apply it using the same corrupt people in the system , its ok , & posts are not deleted or moved. so what do you need me to do ? ask people they grow a pair ? stop being scared of eachother ? try convince them they have to take part in a demonstartion ?

VieBleu ago

just keep commenting for now. use your voat. including downvoat - you'd be surprised who it influences and thx

fremar ago

weird that someone cares about points & up or downvotes , no ? if its true its true , if not , not.

i ve been sharing my strong opinion allot , only a handfull of people here are sharing the same opinion , almost all my posts have been removed / censored . im getting tired of repeating myself. im getting tired of reading the same posts , posted over and over again. old news posted as new news etc.

my opinion which is based on thruth , should be more then enough to let people see what needs to be done. i dont believe in this voting thing , its another control thing , truth does not need control ! but i will see what i can do for you .

just for fun : ( just for fun , look at how many reactions , while what i posted is based on evidence )

VieBleu ago

if people would use their points, which is the language of the oppressors, we could easily disarm the cowards.

fremar ago

id rather want them to use their brain instead of "points" .

rally short : in 1994 policeforces knew that 50% of worldeconomy is in hands of criminals. now we're 23 years later .... suddenly our "help" is needed ... really ???

VieBleu ago

the failure of law enforcement to do their job and throw it to the public to do, all while they collect their salaries is one of the meta-infuriating things about this whole business. So I'm right there with you. I only try to remember I have not walked a mile in their shoes. Accountability is definitely needed.

fremar ago

it takes a special mindset to want to do the job of "law enforcement". or any other kind of job with "power " over people (priests/lawyers/judges/ceo's,etc all have potential to be psychopath ! yess even president trump !) they dont want to throw it to the public for "help" or "backup" , they do it so the can "restore" the lost "trust" people have in government. this is a very important detail ; this whole case is the best weapon against slavery. thats why we need worldwide protests.

S3v3n007 ago

Well said!! Thank you for having put so much time, effort & thought into this. I think you made an excellent decision & I ESPECIALLY appreciate the wisdom used; not only for the best outcome for this site but for people, as a whole. It's quite refreshing, to say the least.

LaDonnaRae ago

That sounds like a plan. Keep me posted!

LaDonnaRae ago

This is just really disappointing. I wanted to participate; I was looking forward to it! But...MEN!

LaDonnaRae ago

I just do not see how we help anyone by being divisive, and it sounds like this is going to be divisive. That is why I did not go to the Beyond Borders event; I am well-aware of their ties to the Clinton Foundation but they pretend to care about children and many people (libtards) blew off the Podesta Emails. And we certainly do not need to be affiliated al la the MSM with some guy predicting the end of the world (or whatever) in two weeks; that just makes us look like crackpots. I will just have to contact some people and get some guidance as to whether or not this is a good idea.

Slim_Jackson ago

Please keep up the good work fellas. Please do not get discouraged. So many of you all have done so much and will never get the recognition for the hard work you are putting in. The work you all are doing means a lot to me and my family. Don't give up! I think history will remember this investigation and hopefully something good can come from all of this chaos.

LaDonnaRae ago

Hmmm. I did not know Titus Frost is going to be there. I plan to attend, but talk about awkward! He has sent out YouTube videos blasting David Seaman as a "#Zionist shill"; how on earth are they going to come together for this event? I am also turned off by the guy who thinks he "feels" something is going to happen in two weeks. SHIT! You know, we NEED to come together, and I thought this would be a great opportunity to do that, but given this information.... IDK.

VieBleu ago

You'll appreciate this little exchange with the author of this "wrong side of history" sticky - at first I was just asking about a neg opinion submission about the march, then I decided to ask Vindicator to flair her own post that sticky as "Accuracy In Question" and it got more real from there -

You are right, this place owes the organizers of the first march a real apology. Letting that pass without the mods recieving any flak for that hit piece would be a real disservice to every single person that donated to the effort of the first march.

To Vindicator** - you seem familliar with sororities - I am not. **I stand by my statement, your piece was a propaganda hit piece and it has done more to sow dissent and low morale here than anything anyone else has done or said here yet.

VieBleu ago

how much are children's lives worth to you? I wonder.

VieBleu ago




Angelight ago

Actuallyy Anrifa is falling apart. They have decided it was a farce and many have already left. Eriks march was cancelled. If Seaman has the antichrist in his march, its a bad choice. I suggest you guys could do a better job, so why dont you? The more the public is shaken up the more allies you have. You wont fight a war because you are afraid of the opposition? Wow. Wasnt the point to make opposition fearful?

Yes they will try flag attempts, censorship, defamation of character, threats, theatrics. It can only help your cause bringing the rats out of their holes so everyone can see the infestation. At least Erik and David are strong enough to do something besides play detective and wait like I do... waiting and wishing to God these freaks are stopped soon . They get my respect for that as a mother of a victimized daughter in a pedo gate pervert ring in Texas.

Vindicator ago

Angelight, I'm not clear on what you are saying.

Actuallyy Anrifa is falling apart. They have decided it was a farce and many have already left.

Who is they? What was a farce?

Eriks march was cancelled. was held yesterday with a low turnout but with a certain positive effect. There are a couple of threads up showing videos. Some think it was unhelpful. I think they did a fairly good job of standing up to ridicule and sticking to the "investigate" message. I'm actually glad it was small, given the confrontational setup chosen. But from what I saw, they handled it well. Not a bad appetizer for the protest on the 25th, IMHO.

I suggest you guys could do a better job, so why dont you?

You guys as in whom? Can you be more specific? Hard to tell what you are replying to or what you are recommending.

If Seaman has the antichrist in his march, its a bad choice.

LOL. This was a pretty funny comment. :-)

HarveyKlinger ago

All you had to say was "David Seaman is involved." 'Nuff said.

VieBleu ago

you won't be missed.

HarveyKlinger ago

LOL. It's quite obvious you have no idea what's going on if you're looking up to David Seaman as your factual reference. Do you have a learning disability or are you just incapable of reason?

VieBleu ago


SORRY that was a mistake. This is just your average douche. Ignore.

HarveyKlinger ago

LOL, yah. I hope nobody tells you that I've been part of this since the beginning and David came around about a month later when he figured out he could profit from it. But whatever, I'm sure you're waiting with baited breath for David's next delusional moment that everybody is out to get him and only your donations can save him.

Do you have his PayPal address memorized yet?

VieBleu ago

Don't even watch him. That doesn't change a thing about what you are. Your comments speak for themselves. Goodbye and whip yourself into a silly frenzy with further meaningless insults IDC.

HarveyKlinger ago

What comments, that you're a moron who has to rely on David Seaman videos? Seriously, if you want to send him money and believe the shit that he says, don't let me stop you. Go nuts. Just know that everybody here is laughing at you and people like you.

VieBleu ago

stop predending you know anything about me whatsoever and I welcome the relief of laughter from the fleshy bouquet of donkey's asses that mod and shill this place.

HarveyKlinger ago

The fact that you felt compelled to make a derogatory comment to me FIRST just for the mere mentioning of David Seaman tells me and everybody else here more than we need to know. You've either been here since the beginning and know what's up or you're a late to the party poser who "learns" from opportunistic idiots like David Seaman. Trust me, you've said enough.

But congrats on using the term "shill." You CLEARLY are well informed and a MAJOR contributor if you can throw that word around half-assed without a shred of evidence. Congrats! Gold star for you!

VieBleu ago


NeedPolyGF ago

Hey, Folks, please join the Pedophile Pride Parade at

Mammy ago

Thank you for this post. While I would not consider myself a Pedogate researcher in that I have not added anything but occasional comments to postings on this and other sites, I have read and watched extensively online about Pizza/Pedogate since mid-October, thanks to the efforts of people like you. I feel, for me personally, that I should show up in person in support of all the researchers who have tried, and who keep trying, to expose the ugly truth. It is perhaps ironic that I first learned of Pizzagate through my two sons, ages 25 and 35. Each of them had texted me a YouTube video about it on separate days. My youngest son has off from work next Saturday. DC is a 5-6 hour drive; I am sure he would be game for the road trip, possibly even my oldest son, too, if he can get off work. Frankly, I feel compelled to attend, but frightened to go alone. Yet I will proudly go if one or both of my sons go with me. My sign will say something about MAPs: Moms Against Pedos.

VieBleu ago

please take a look at the pushback from myself and Sound of Silence and others. hit this submission thread and the button for "new" comments. YYM also edited her "top" comment.

VieBleu ago

Keep strong Mammy - and congrats to you for raising such two fine men.

samhara ago

Oh I got it now. Member for four day.. Hi David.

samhara ago

You are like a baby, want it your own way. And you mis-characterize me. What kind of tactics do you want? Loser tactics?.. Ur funny but I'm going to have to block you.

AmenRA ago

Im laughing out loud !

samhara ago

The people who hurt the children are the ones who are proud and refuse to think things through.

If the plan isnt working in theory, it is not going to work in practice .

Cowards are people who don't speak up. None of us are cowards.

samhara ago

Not at all. I have many years experience at demonstration and political activism.

samhara ago

They want to show off for the Media.

If they don't exist in the Media , they feel they disappear.

They feel only if we "show them" and the Media pays attention can it be fixed.

Regardless marches are a waste of time and energy.. Millions came out against the War, you never heard about it. Millions called in 50 xs a day to Congress. It did nothing.

You must think "out of the box " And that means smart and savvy.

The Media will never do it for you. They are paid to cover up the crimes.

samhara ago

It's not necessarily the "right" thing.

If you march in the wrong direction it could make things worse, not better.

Actions should be fruitfull. All the Liberal Activist Rallys / Marches are for "feel good" reason.. emotional , psychological reasons of the demonstrators.

Even it it does nothing they want to do it? "I can't stand by. " "I can't stand it"

That's stupid. You have to think and act smart to fix this.

VieBleu ago

Good Interviews From Today's Protest #1

A lot of people didn't show up but this interview was conducted fairly and shows the level of total ignorance of the average Joe citizen regarding pedogate. Still the pedogate spokespeople were well spoken and answered all the regular questions about isn't this debunked in the media, if there were something to it the police would investigate, etc type questions.

If you facebook it would be nice to comment and give these independent reporters some props or criticism, whichever you feel.

At least they showed up and asked questions which puts them ahead of 95% of all media today and the PTB here at voat.

Start at about 7:45


Vindicator ago

I agree. I felt much better after watching Neal Wolf, the March 25th organizer, talking to people. He was the guy in the orange jacket. He was calm, straightforward, persistent, and patient, even when being laughed at and intimidated. He just kept calling them out on their 'smirking' and repeating his message to investigate. And he had brochures with pictures. Wish he'd skipped the "hotard" intsa, though. That is easily interpreted as not referring to the child.

VieBleu ago

@Vindicator This submission still active after hours (Today's March - What A Scam!) should be removed as it is absolutely unsupported by any factual evidence.

Misleading, inaccurate title alone should be grounds for moderation.. I pinged earlier about this and no one responded as per usual these days.

Vindicator ago

See the reply I just made to your comment in that thread. Unfortunately for us mods, the protests and our various attempts to raise awareness of potential manipulation in light of Vault7 and "DHS Insider" leaks raised a fresh army of zombie shills. Mods have been hard pressed to keep up with shitposts on NEW, and answer questions from legit users trying to figure out how to make their removed posts comply with submission guidelines. Inboxes are overflowing. Sometimes it takes a few days for us to get to them all.

Camping out in comments telling mods they suck and narking on users whose sourced opinion you don't like in order to try to get it removed is petty, rude, unhelpful and makes you look like a shill trying to hurt the morale of a group already struggling in that department. I've half a mind to organize a mod vacation for a week and let you enjoy what this subverse would be like if we let the ShareBlue snakes run wild. We could use a damn vacation.

VieBleu ago

BTW your propaganda hit piece Sticky should be flaired for accuracy as well, as you completely failed regarding protest number one - it was not only very honest, but also peaceful. You should be ashamed of yourself, and actually, I know you are somewhere in your bowels where your conscience still resides.

Formally requesting you flair your Sticky "Accuracy In Question" because it is deeply questioned now all over the internet where PG is discussed - you guys certainly jumped the shark with that one and your "Vindicator" name will never be the same again. Don't shoot the messenger, I'm just telling you "to your face" what everyone is whispering behind your back. .

Vindicator ago

Spoken like a stuck up, back-stabbing sorority girl, VieBleu; you are the only one whispering behind anyone's back. You clearly did not actually read the post. Or perhaps your reading comprehension just isn't there. Everything I linked to was accurate, and who is to say that this post calling attention to it is not part of the reason things didn't go sideways? You've provided no evidence of either "propaganda" or a "hit piece," as usual. Just more VieBleu cowardly shitting all over the forum, trying to make people feel bad.

VieBleu ago

you seem familliar with sororities - I am not. I stand by my statement, your piece was a propaganda hit piece and it has done more to sow dissent and low morale here than anything anyone else has done or said here yet.

Vindicator ago

The voats say otherwise.

VieBleu ago

You could have answered regarding what you started the conversation about

Title: Today's Protest - What A Scam!

is a misleading title on a post that should be flaired at least for accuracy.

Of course you change the subect. Thanks for proving my point..

Perhaps if you al lhad not removed - without notification or comment - the 100 comments in subverse rule which buffered shills from running wild YOU WOULDN'T BE SO OVERRUN WITH SHILLS.

Do you have anyone amongst all of you that can think little things like that through?

Vindicator ago

Are you retarded VieBlue, or just entitled and arrogant? Do you not know that all the active mods here were users just like everyone else? We have no control whatsoever over the development side of Voat. Literally, none. You are a poisonous person, as anyone reading through your comment history will immediately see.

You want opinions and comments you don't like banned. You call people whom you disagree with shills. You make unsourced accusations constantly and seek out disgruntled users in an attempt to undermine this community. And you pose as someone who cares about pizzagate. You lack grace, discernment, respect for others and magnanimity. You have tantrums when your bitching isn't responded to as quickly as you like.

If you think it's so shitty here, why don't you go? No one will miss your negative, destructive commentary.

VieBleu ago

But this - Why we are not advertising either of the Pizzagate Protests on March 18 or 25th - is so positive and constructive, right?

I am just willing to say directly to you what others will not. Thanks for sharing my comment history btw, I am very proud of it -, that's why I don't use different names. Can all of you mods say the same?

We have no control whatsoever over the development side of Voat.

But you do have control over community annoucements and you should have told everyone this was happeneing. you still do nothing to inform people about a very important component of the forum, and are deaf and dumb to the obvious problems it presents. You have total control over all of that, and yet for days and days it is not addressed.

You want opinions and comments you don't like banned.

I didn't understand when I first came here that this was a total free speech forum, because the people here did NOTHING to prepare any information or direction. Thus I wrongly assumed that like most forums bigotry, racism and homophobia and also vigilante justice would be grounds for removal of posts. Once I was rudely schooled by Crensch and KevDude who are both universally reviled as you are well aware, I never asked for any deletion of posts or comments again. So you are bringing up an issue that happened months ago at this point and is not relevant. Also I never asked for banning, so that is a lie.

You call people whom you disagree with shills.

This is not true. I call shills shills. I have had civil disagreements with many people and am known for not being vulgar.

You make unsourced accusations constantly

This is a lie

and seek out disgruntled users in an attempt to undermine this community.

I don't seek anyone out, we bump into each other all the time just by being here. And nothing undermines the community more than every misstep or planned move made to weaken it such as your demoralizing sticky post bashing the protest movement, taking away the 100 subverse comment points, and the constantly terrible modding that happens here.

And you pose as someone who cares about pizzagate. You lack grace, discernment, respect for others and magnanimity

I have been extremely graceful under the pressure here but you guys expect people to kowtow to you when you complain constantly about your jobs, your lack of pay, your lack of vacations, how hard it is for any of you to make a decision, how you have no power to do anything, how terrible people are to you and on and on and on. Everything except just moderate reasonably. I am discerning, I am capable and I have been way too nice as have many others.

You have tantrums when your bitching isn't responded to as quickly as you like.

Prove this because I have no idea what you are talking about. I never expect to see you guys do much of anything ever.

If you think it's so shitty here, why don't you go? No one will miss your negative, destructive commentary.

Because pizzagate/pedogate is important, this place needs a watchdog, and every time mods turn a trusting and naive person who comes here to help into a calloused and angry fighter, like YinYangMom today as just one example, or nosy, a journalist, or many many others, someone has to be around to help them understand the duplicity they've experienced. If you shape up, fine. You'll see a difference in me. So consider me a reflection of your ugly actions, you being every single mod that does not commit to moving this forum forward. That's why.

I would like to say that as far as free speech goes, Voat does seem to stick to that principle no matter what. I find the goings on of Voat management to be really reprehensible in many ways, but I am given the opportunity to dissent vociferously. That makes us, for better or worse, a community with at least one underlying priniciple. I have to give this website thanks and props for that.

Judgejewdy ago

Surely you realize that voat is compromised right? The mods on this forum are the self-appointed arbiters of information. We only know what they show us to know. Especially now that we can't easily search the forums. (Yes, I'm aware it can be done, but newbs and the average person don't so they've made it impossible for the average person to investigate the boards, which we all know is full of good info in spite of the mass amounts of shilling.) Like any effective form of psychological manipulation, they pretend to be hands off while actively directing the narrative.

I'm not sure how to go grass roots on this. How hard is it for someone who knows what they are doing to buy a website solely for discussion? I'm a Web idiot so I don't know. But if you get one, post it here and we can follow. Not allowing a protest to be "advertised" (or now even searched for) is equivalent to living in a nanny state. (Btw, ever heard all press is good press? Soros has, which is part of how this country got into this mess in the first place. It works.) Unfortunately we already live with a sick, pervo nanny. We don't need another one.

VieBleu ago

thanks for this comment. Some have felt that pushback against this propaganda sticky was in order. If you can, would you please look at a decontruction of the propaganda sticky by going to this thread and sorting your comments for "new". Also the "top"comment has been edited to reflect the new environment, but the mods won't budge on their smear campaign about the first protest and there is an ongoing disagreement over their handling of it. thx.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Other fora already exist. There's steemit, which has had a good deal of PG activity in the past (not sure about lately), and someone here started their own just like you suggested, a couple of months ago. It looked OK at first but I didn't keep going back. Voat remains my #1 PG stop, at least for now. If it becomes unusable then people will definitely migrate (again).

samhara ago

"Be there or be a yellowbelly" implies that the person is calling people who don't join him cowards.

Too manipulative to be trusted.

zlomsocz ago

Thank you for clarifying a stance on this, I agree 100% with this analysis. I'm glad the integrity of this forum will remain intact.

fremar ago

peaceful is the way to go for sure ! thruth does not need violence . i think there should be allot of demonstrations , worldwide , in an peaceful manner , pushing the need for justice and truth harder and broader. good post ! very glad to see demonstartion(s)

jbj ago

It's (((them))) getting out in front of something so as to limit the impact. Same thing they do with everything, same thing they did with t-party, occupy, anything else real youve ever seen pop up and as we can see, the Trumpians... swerving it back into the GOP, which of course was already hijacked before any of us were born... SSDD

sunajAeon ago

I think VOAT and the Mods fucked up on this big time-it isn't perfect, but it sure as hell is publicity that this movement needs and is part of the momentum-I have very serious questions about the MODS taking this stance, and as far as I am concerned it lends credence to the allegation VOAT has been seriously compromised

VieBleu ago

yes well said! there is an effort at calling on this malarky. Please take a look at the pushback from myself and Sound of Silence and others. hit the thread and the button for "new" comments. YYM also edited her "top" comment.

Vindicator ago

I find it interesting you think we have taken a "stance". We deliberately did NOT take a stance -- the goal was to draw people's attention to data and let people decide what approach to take for themselves. It's interesting that us asking people to think for themselves was a red flag for you.

By advertising the protest in the sidebar, we were implying that it had been vetted and blessed, even though we knew nothing about it. That's a misleading message, so we stopped sending it. Our attempts to vet the events in order to be able to advertise them led to the findings contained in the post.

fremar ago

you're part of of a misleading message yourself. voat ! have your say blablabla , then why remove posts that contain truth ? where is the logic of secret sevice agencies in need of the people ? really ? while they have supercomputers monitoring all communication for years 24/7 ? and now the help of the ppl is needed ? fucking bullshit ! its a desperate move for control of the ppl !!!! march or die !

sunajAeon ago

Your comment is not necessary-you posted your(s) response and I, as many others posted my opinion-it is not necessary for you to attempt to discourage opinions on a community board like this

cantsleepawink ago

Well you guys can pass on a message to your business buddy Frank Giustra : we're coming for him and his pal Bill

cantsleepawink ago

I see, with Goldmoney I presume. Lol.

cantsleepawink ago

How do you know ?

justanotherpizza ago

I agree completely with the analysis and actions taken. PizzaGate mods have my respect and encouragement to follow the straight path and not get pushed and pulled off it by third parties with their own agendas.

Touchdown50 ago

No shill here. We must be smarter than this.

awakenaware ago

Why not encourage everyone to go to the peaceful demo and teel everyone to avoid the 18th one as its obviously designed by the opposition..

DangerPizza ago

What are the chances Trump would actually Tweet about it? I assume he has fixed his timeline for disclosure. It would be better to coordinate with announcements of indictments to fill the news block about the charges. Of course, how, when the CIA can see everything.

NeedPolyGF ago

Another idea is for some to go dressed as Antifa and if bad guys show up the fake Antifas could fight them.

VieBleu ago

you are very consistent.

NeedPolyGF ago

Can someone go there out of view to look for and film trouble makers?

Maybe others could go and warn the demonstrators of the dangers. Maybe divert them to go meet Trump or something.

Kristina_Gilliam ago

The protests are a bad idea. Total set up. It's not like they're going to influence public opinion or cause a politician to have a change of heart.

Aloha808 ago

Let's deliver some scalps to the

Stosh21 ago

Matthew 10:16

16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

UglyTruth ago

Jonah means dove.

And when the people were gathered thick together, he began to say, This is an evil generation: they seek a sign; and there shall no sign be given it, but the sign of Jonas the prophet. Luke 11:29

Touchdown50 ago

Exactly. We must be stealth.

bignickwicked ago

I think determining who our genuine allies (in positions of power) are in seeking justice for Pedogate, and putting (polite) pressure on them to move forward with the investigation is a way better plan. I help to run a conspiracy group on Facebook, and even still, I find myself regularly checking my rearview mirror when driving. I look both ways before leaving my home. You know that these people are everywhere. I am in no way on the level of someone like Roger Stone, who they definitely tried to either hurt, or kill, yesterday, but I ~am~ an outspoken critic of the Clinton Crime Cartel, and the evils these assholes perpetuate.

Anyway, back to the point, I think that the marches are doing nothing but setting yourself up for retaliation. The snipers and FBI surveillance of Occupy Wall Street comes to mind. The protesters were putting red flags above their own heads and drawing attention to themselves.

Despite my advocacy of the investigation for Pedogate, I don't need any more paranoia, just or otherwise, or worse.

I've already told those close to me that if I was found dead, it wouldn't be from suicide, just in case.

I really wish arrests would start, though. It's frustrating playing the waiting game. It seems like it's to the point where the buzz about the topic is wearing off, and that's bad. Keeping the conversation going keeps the hope for justice alive.







Demand for answers from Authorities / President Trump on FACTUAL EVIDENCE found by concerned people who were vigorously researching the DNC email dump released by Wikileaks and found strange emails using what seemed to be a coded language. The researching of emails eventually led to the coined term for this unprecedented citizen investigation now known as PIZZAGATE.

PIZZAGATE / PEDOGATE is not just a "USA citizen" investigation, it's not a DNC witch hunt, NO!! What the findings are bringing to light is that the problem of Human Trafficking, Pedofillia and a Satanic Culture seems to be running rampant across all forms of power positions, cultures who condone and or religions who are complicit or turn away the issue. The Pedofillia aspect is a Human Societal issue that needs to be addressed as is the Human Trafficking problem. The thing is all the positions and overseer's of these issues are CORRUPT and seem to be complicit on the same crimes they're supposed to be eradicating or keeping in check-from our society. Again, to be clear it is the PEOPLE of all parts of this Earth who are genuinely asking 'What's really going on here...on this Earth and why are the elected officials/authorities who are supposed to stop this blowing smoke in regards to ALL questions being asked about PIZZAGATE / PEDOGATE!

Maybe the most important findings of PIZZAGATE is the OCCULT aspect!


VieBleu ago

SOS has questioned every aspect of this everlasting sticky post. If you have a chance please go to the thread and sort your comments for "new" and see if you agree with what we have said. I feel you are a strong voice. thx.

sound_of_silence ago

thankfully, they gave out hundreds of pamphlets at the march...!

MolochHunter ago

Very moderate moderation, you've been vindicated, Vindicator

VieBleu ago

The Focus Group Says:

The brand "Vindicator" is such a comforting and safe place to stay.

By doing nothing, one is righteous and good.

Vindicator only wants to help us all think much better, thank goodness.

He who hesitates, is found.





PG needs to be talked about in the physical sense (i.e human real world interaction)

The 3/18 & 3/25 Protests need to just be about what we as a people /human race are concerned about concerning all things PIZZAGATE/PEDOGATE and what we want done. NO VIOLENCE......NO VIGALANTE JUSTICE....Yet......

AGAIN going against the grain is going to hurt and feel uncomfortable and is always going to have opposition, especially against this enemy. But we the people must always think positive or have faith that WE CAN AND WILL BE UNITED AS ONE HUMAN RACE TO CONFRONT, BATTLE AND END THIS CURRENT DARK RULE.


VieBleu ago

It reminds me of the Presidential election - surprising everyone, the true will of the people in numbers can overwhelm all the negativity. Keep strong everyone, and stand up for what you believe is right. There is strength in numbers of caring people standing together.

Never forget Orwell.

In his novel 1984, the prevailing slogan of the party in power is "War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength". In other words, true meaning, or truth, has been turned upside down to confuse, misdirect and control.

The goal of the INGSOC in Orwell's narrative is to achieve total control over the people and, more importantly, over their minds."Freedom is slavery" also acts as a subconscious discouragement for anyone who might consider seeking freedom, whilst the last part of the slogan, "Ignorance is strength," encourages the people to accept as fact everything that The Party tells them, without using rational thinking. Believe and never question!

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Just remember they have the 'fast response teams' they were using during the election. They've known our plans for a while, and they will in all likelihood turn it into a farce to make us look bad. I'd recommend anyone who goes and sees it devolve into something that is not 100% guaranteed to help, try something else

LeChevalBlanc ago

New phenomenon in Paris streets : groups of stray morrocan glue sniffing kids (most under 16) that came all the way through spain. They seem to be into prostitution too and the social services say they can handle the case, well, well...

Found nothing in English:

Glue sniffing in Morroco:

druhill007 ago


VieBleu ago

; )

Political language... is designed to make lies sound truthful and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. -George Orwell

Vindicator ago

More like impure wind, LOL. The kind that involves smelly post-digestive methane.

VieBleu ago

George Orwell probably heard that more than once in retort.

11-11 ago

Well written Vindicator

Votescam ago

Very much agree with the assessment. We should also recall that in Belgium after 300,000 or more came out into the streets for the March to support the children and the investigation -- spurred on (as I recall it) by the removal of the most effective investigator on the case -- that a new media campaign was waged against the children and the parents -- including a very intelligent young woman who had gone through these experiences which included having witnessed at least one murder of a young girl -- and the public then lost their confidence in everything they were doing. The MSM turned the public against the families and this witness and it basically became a witch hunt against them instead of against the cover up going on.

The best thing that can be done imo is to cause more of the public to become curious about what is going on and have them begin to explore the subject of Pedo-gate/Pizzagate on their own. There are still many citizens in US who sadly will believe a "fake news" campaign. Reaching the public isn't an easy job but I think one way to do it is perhaps to ask each of us who is informed to support the investigations and the children by wearing a white flower or emblem which someone might ask about so that anyone who is unfamiliar with this long-standing scandal can begin to understand in its entirety -- that is, going back 50 years or more with three investigations which have been stopped. See: Detective Jim Rothstein in interview with Jim Fetzer - Rothstein also comments at the last of the interview that the military is too little mentioned as being involved in this trafficking.

Here's link to the interview

Detective Rothstein is making clear that WATERGATE was also not only about prostitution rings being run by the Democratic Party, but also about pedophile rings. And that a "book" recording this information was at the DNC/Watergate building which seems to be one cause for the Watergate break in. Also, LBJ and Bobby Bakker were running prostitution rings in order to entrap members of Congress. Hotel rooms were set up where women of the night/day were provided to lure members of Congress.

And, just another aside on Watergate as a reminder that at the time our Congress would have known that there are TWO COPIES of every White House tape made by the Secret Service.

Essentially, this was another example of government investigating itself which we see over and again here and with other countries.

Touchdown50 ago

Yes but sadly we dont have 300k concerned citizens to give more credibility to this movement. Many people still think pg is nothing but a kook nut job conspiracy or are completely unaware of it

Votescam ago

Most citizens understand human trafficking - sexual human enslavement -- and that we have trade routes coming through the US. And they know that something is very wrong due to corruption of our government.
They are also very aware now that in general the usual MSM sources can't be trusted. They are looking for alternative news. And finding it.

300,000 people would only be about 6,000 knowledgeable people in every state. Not much.

Think everyone should be wearing a white flower pin/or actual flower in a WHITE movement. Would cause people to ask Q's.

Touchdown50 ago

Good idea. But pg to many people is either a subject that is off limits because of its ties to Hillary or its held assertion by such left leaning websites like snopes that it is a debunked conspiracy theory

nameof ago

Good job but I cant get pizzagate to pop up on my screen at all and had to go back to comments I made to find a pizzagate link otherwise pizzagate looks gone off voat to me.

madmanpg ago

a guy named David Surter who purports to be a Satanic Ritual Abuse survivor and the Anti-Christ (and is selling his book about it).

Goddammit. These fuckers are cancer on the movement.

druhill007 ago

Before you pass judgement on the guy make sure you watch him and decide for yourself. I haven't seen him yet but will prob check him out tonight to gauge

madmanpg ago

No. I'm going to disbelieve his claim that he is the anti-Christ because if he was he wouldn't be trying to shill a book. He'd be slowly taking over the world and not exposing Pizzagate. If that needs to be explained to you, please don't talk to me. Crazy people get tedious.

Touchdown50 ago

The cpp shooter was a false flag to descredit the independent researchers as tin foil hat wearing Conspiracy theory crazies.

ASolo ago

Aye! Agreed. Very well articulated argument. An ever present omnipotent specter arose in my gut when I saw the advertisements for that 'event'. Who in their right mind would step directly into that den of snakes, on their turf, with the kind of egregore that exits in Washington DC? The place is an occult city from it's inception, and if the character of those people is anything similar to the 'we'll burn you out of your houses' type like Luke Kuhn who hangs out at Comet Pizza and likes to plan violent protests, combined with that snarky, arrogant and snobbish DC elitism, the ONLY way to fight these people is through humiliation and exposure from a distance because all I see coming out of an event like this is violence. These types of assholes will come out in droves with their v-necks, gorsuch and nordstrom winter jackets just to shove their pretend normal in your faces. I can just see the smug (dick lipped) condescension in Alefantis' face just thinking about the protesters that plan on showing up.

I've never heard a more dire warning from an insider as 'flag weather' - better heed that one urgently because you fucking know these people wouldn't hesitate to try and make an example out more than a few of us.

Touchdown50 ago

I agree. These people are evil and think about it. They are desperate right now and will stoop very low to stop the investigation

Jakestr ago

I hate hearing that David semen is one of the front man for this protest I don't trust him one bit. He wrote a book on how to get us no matter what. He is hungry for attention SOB. Also he has been pushing the bit coin like crazy and who is behind that it is funded by Soros. I think you would be foolish to trust him to lead this.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

he has been pushing the bit coin like crazy and who is behind that it is funded by Soros.

That's BitGold. Bitcoin is not from Soros.

Jakestr ago

Thank you for letting me know I had no idea that there was a difference between the two

Touchdown50 ago

I really feel hes the fool obi wan kenobi talked about.

hairybawbag ago

Bunch of pussies on here honestly

Touchdown50 ago

That maybe but better to use rationess of thought than rationess of action. You must be 12 right? Brain hasnt fully developed right?

Ledout22 ago

Surter is obviously and nut job. I may be naive, but if Gallant and Surter would cause any problems at either today these protests, can't they be suppressed with a combined effort of multiple people like yourselves? If this really is a people's movement, all you would need to do is have a bunch of people prevent either of them from leading, speaking, or being caught in any spotlight. Obviously in a non aggressive way. If even 10 people attending these protests can agree to simply follow them in a non threatening way, it can really have an impact in preventing any issues. Examples of actions that can be taken can include: Preventing them from using a mic or any other voice amplifying device when possible, stand around or beside them if they are in a speaking situation, overwhelm media coverage on them by overpowering their voices with your own, passively direct them away from situations that would harm the integrity of the protests, etc...Obviously people can use their own discretion when deciding what is appropriate or not, but if Surter starts taking about that antichrist crap, a small group of people can easily shut him down quite passivly. Anybody else who takes a instructional or speaking position can be held accountable on the spot. If there are any journalist or a news coverage, you should never allow just one person to speak or take the spotlight, especially if you don't know who they are. It should always be handled with a calm, intelligent, collective group of people, and keep each other's emotions in check. I think these protests can have a huge impact in terms of exposure, and if people have the motivation and will to go, it should not be jepordized or forfeit. Just my thoughts anyways.

Baxterbaxter ago

I'd like to float the idea of some ways we can engage in a peaceful protest:

-White ribbon pins,

-Place sticky notes with a targeted messages in random public places (#pedogate, #whiteribbon, #BustElitePedophiles)

-White balloons in public places

-A decent, non-partisan website to link to for those who see and inquire about our message, also to keep our effort on-message and on-track.

Is anyone else feeling inspired to jump in with ideas?

Violent protests in the streets will get us NOWHERE with busting the elite pedophiles and ending the suffering of children. We have to stay a step ahead of the Soros-organized counter movement. WTH can they do about us raising awareness with a white pin movement and sticky notes?

edit: formatting

Proii_Pariah ago

I really like the idea of using the color white for pins, balloons, etc. Was that your idea or is that already a thing?

Maybe you could make a post suggesting the movement adopt that color.

Baxterbaxter ago

It hit me as I was reading YingYangMom's reply, talking about protesters releasing white balloons.

White seems like the perfect color for the pedogate movement - fighting for the innocence of children, fighting against dark evil forces.

druhill007 ago

Great idea. Let's go. White it is :)

Proii_Pariah ago

Exactly! It is the perfect color for that very reason. I don't usually go for pins and stuff like that but the perfection of the use of that color has me kind of excited. I would break with tradition and actually wear a pin in this case. In fact, I think I may go get some white balloons and start placing them around with a very simple message of some sort directing folks to investigate.

Thanks for the idea. I really hope this catches on.

druhill007 ago

Perfect color. White pin for the win!!!

Edit: changed expression of sentiment lol

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

Thank you! You are correct. Having two events so close to each other is to minimize turnout. It happened with the TeaParty. The second year there were two marches in DC, one week apart. The second one was Glen Beck's. So neither had as great a turnout as it could have been. It diluted the movement and I believe it was done on purpose. People might try to attend one or the other but not both.

It's also interesting that the March 18th organizer just joined twitter in March 2017.

The March 25th event doesn't sound like they got good speakers. It should have been better planned. I've never heard of feeding the protestors before. If it was a large crowd, there's no way they could feed the protestors, so I'm assuming they expect a small crowd, which will hurt the movement more than help.

The event should be planned a lot longer. We should have law enforcement to be speakers who specialize in taking down this trash and we need someone who can lead with a great reputation and interested in pizzagate.

I was thinking about people like Mike Flynn Jr and James Woods, someone who's already involved in PizzaGate. Or perhaps someone who already has a stellar reputation. We don't want this to be political, so perhaps someone in law enforcement, but not compromised.

Touchdown50 ago

I wonder if that contractor has ties to dyncorp or some military contractor corp.

rodeo13 ago

This is the best idea I've seen. I think both events should be cancelled & reformed into one big event like this sometime in the future (maybe May 1st).

lordoftheonionrings ago

Just my 2 cents in the matter. If protest are to be done they should be about the children and to stop human trafficking. Getting the major players in PG involved with make it political and muddy up the waters.

Make it about something that any rational person can get on board with and to protest against it would be virtually impossible. This would raise awareness and not make the players involved seem crazy to non redpillers.

Sometimes it seems that people are more worried about taking down the big fish and less with saving innocent lives which is what it should be all about. Get people to look into this horrible crime and the chips with fall where they may.

VieBleu ago

I am sorry your reasonable comment isn't more widely seen or appreciated. I feel like you are a voice of reason - with a rocking name! Please Lord disperse some virtual onion rings for our hungry protestors on the 25th.

Also there has been some pushback on how the mods have handled this sticky and their criticism. Please look at our arguments by going to the thread and hitting the "new" comment sort button.

Keep oniony!

lordoftheonionrings ago

Not to toot my own horn but it would be quite genius if you could get all protesters to agree to this. Then you could pick out shills because they would be the ones spouting the PG narrative. A little reverse psychology at its finest!

concernedaboutitall ago

Great post. Very important that everybody read it. Thanks for sticking it.

Gammi ago

Those who fear what the Left is going to do will never do anything but sit behind their computers, the left is going to be there to disrupt because, that is what they do, they are the enemy, they are irrational thinkers, and irrational thinkers will stop at nothing to strike fear into the opposition....I suggest those who fear a DC march plan a march on the capital of their state, I believe that is a good idea for all of us as well, make a day of nationwide protest on every capital across the country.

VieBleu ago

yes! please look at the pushback that we have towards this now out of date negative propaganda sticky. Please go to this thread and sort comments by "new" there is a dissection of this mod sponsored fear posting and also a request to mark it "Accuracy In Question" as they were completely wrong about the 1st post. Also the "top" comment has been edited for more support for the 2nd march. thx if you can use your votes to support.

VieBleu ago

good points. Anons fought Scientology by ongoing local protests.

NeedPolyGF ago

That's the FAKE LEFT.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

So who is the REAL LEFT? And who decides?

ThePuppetShow ago

The problem is, it's looking more and more like the enemy set these protests up. We want to organize on our terms, not theirs.

Gammi ago

I disagree with your assessment......there is no proof of that, I have watched the you tube videos from the guy putting this together, and he seems very sincere.....who is to say who WE is?.....this is a united front, not an ego trip, I know better then you, finger pointing the Left really loves that attitude.

Touchdown50 ago

Dont trust anyone

ThePuppetShow ago

Why would someone set up a protest a week before an already scheduled protest for the same cause? The best answer I've heard to this question is to dilute the numbers like they did to TeaParty protests. What other logical explanation could there be?

Gammi ago

Because many are tired of sitting behind their computers to bring awareness to Pizzagate/Pedogate on voat, that time has passed, they are ready for action!......ready to be seen and heard.......those afraid of what the irrational left is going to do or say will never succeed, people are ready to do more then just sit on their butts and type.....we are talking about the suffering and murder of Children here!

ThePuppetShow ago

You didn't answer the question. I understand people's desire to protest, I have the same desire. I tried to get the rules changed here to allow "meta" posts calling for protest and for complaints about mods. So don't try to paint me with your bullshit.

sound_of_silence ago

they were set up separately and neither was aware of the other until it was too late to change plans.. the march went well tho so it's all good.. could bring more to the 2nd march

Gammi ago

I answered the question, and it seems to me all you want to do is poop poop those wanting to protest, and make them out as the enemy, so we can agree to disagree.

ThePuppetShow ago

I never once said any of that. Why are you making shit up?

carmencita ago

Yes, I have felt uneasy about this whole thing. They will try to whip our people into a frenzy. Some people will be able to stay calm and ignore, others will be so zealous in their cause and tired of waiting for action that they will be coerced into going wild. This is an accident waiting to be manipulated.

Proii_Pariah ago

You're absolutely right. I mean, most of us are pretty pissed off about this already. Add to that the fact that it seems to many that not enough is yet being done and it's a powder keg just waiting to be lit. It won't take many strong words to get people good and riled up. There is certainly no better issue to get angry and fight for.

carmencita ago

Yes, and at that kind of venue, in the heat of passion, it will be hard to tell who is one of us or one of them. I am staying home because I think this will serve us no good really. I also think we should wait until things break and then take the bull by the horns.

artfullyours ago

He sounds crazy...why would they pick him to speak. He certainly makes this side of the story look a lot less credible. Whoever brought him in made a huge mistake. I can't believe David Seaman agreed to speak with him being there.

cantsleepawink ago

Oops, did you say D Seaman? Here is his latest tweet, do you think he's still attending?

redditsuckz ago

People can now make pictures of David Seaman on popsicle sticks like those that were made when people supported Edward Snowden and can have the words "JEWS SUPPORT PIZZAGATE" or "JEWS STAND WITH PIZZAGATE". Lets hope someone makes a few thousand of them and brings them to the protest because DAVID SEAMAN IS THE FACE OF PIZZAGATE!

David Seaman needs all of our unwavering support during this troubled time and maybe we could even have vigil candlelight walk for David on the 23rd down Connecticut avenue?

VieBleu ago

YYM edited her "top" comment on this thread to support the next protest. Could you please look at efforts to show this sticky as a possible propaganda hit piece by hitting this thread and sorting comments by "new" and also "top". Please use your voat. thx

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Well done mods, typical establishment behaviour, co-opting the movement to direct it to their own benefits.

VieBleu ago

Please take a moment and check out the pushback against this mod action, we have asked for this sticky to be modified in light of the fact the first protest came off fine, and finally someone dissected their piece as the propaganda hit piece that it is. Hit the thread and sort for "new" comments. Also the "top" comment was edited. thanks for your initial comment right here.

Vindicator ago

And what "benefits" would those be, pray tell?

sound_of_silence ago

was that scary for a sec for you.. why so paranoid about being called "establishment"?

Vindicator ago

You are projecting. Please review my comment history and show me any patterns of scared paranoia. What a joke.

sound_of_silence ago

it was just that one, old boy.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Insert wackjobs at the forefront, co-ordinate bad chants, ridiculous behaviour, set up fights with anti-fa, start shouting racist/homophobic/ personal slurs, anything to discredit us. This cannot be a win for us. If it came off perfectly, the media just wouldn't cover it. But its far more likely they will infiltrate and direct it, and make us look like lunatics. We need mass dissemination, but we need to be smart about it, over computers, a letter posting campaign... that way tptb can't infiltrate..imo

VieBleu ago

start shouting racist/homophobic/ personal slurs, anything to discredit us.

all of which is merrily allowed on this forum by voat moderators.

Vindicator ago

LOL...I get you, now. I thought you were being sarcastic and saying mods were trying to co-opt the movement to our own ends. I think I need a couple of beers!

Touchdown50 ago

Disinformation shifting narrative and blame of pg

pbvrocks ago

Listen..we are FAR more effective behind the scenes and raising awareness...we will have MANY protests to attend down the road when trials etc start..and they probably wont be protests but signs of support for prosecution, etc. This is just beginning folks and we have a long period of DILIGENT WATCHFULNESS ahead.

Piscina ago

Thank you for providing those insights. I think that if Gallant really cared about the cause, he would add his gofundme money to the protest on the 25th and join forces with those organisers. Now is not the time for grandstanding or self-promotion. The cause should come before any individual's needs or wishes.

roundhouse1776 ago

This post is complete misinformation from the resident disinfo moderator, Vindicator. The March 18 protest is possibly an organic "good" protest. It could be a setup, I don't know. The March 25th protest is clearly the controlled opposition shill protest. Notice how Vindicator states the exact opposite, how the March 25th protest is the "safe" one.

Kristina_Gilliam ago

David Seaman is living in your head, rent-free.

hairybawbag ago

...and then have threads like this and people like @cantsleepawink come along to put people off attending?

cantsleepawink ago

Say what you like..I'm giving my opinion and based on personal experience. We're all adults here and people can make up their own minds.

Long_Knife ago

Seems like the smart thing to do honestly.

twistedmac11 ago

This is the perfect opportunity for them to make us look even worse and ruin any hope we have for bringing all of this to light. We need to maintain control over our public image. I never thought I'd be putting these particular words in a sentence together, but I almost wish we could have some kind of Pizzagate PR person/team. I honestly feel like if we organized structurally (similar to a large business) with different departments, it would help us a lot. Marketing/outreach could handle trying to get more people's attention, legal could make sure we don't do anything illegal and cover our backs if necessary, PR could handle our image, etc. Right now we're spread out all over the place and all we're doing is finding new info and posting it on a forum that is really only read by other investigators. Most of society doesn't take us seriously. We have no means to fight back as we are now. We need to organize. That's the only way to keep this thing going.

privatepizza ago

Hear hear

druhill007 ago

Um I work in Jackson MI. Want me to ask this Erik what his intentions are? Lol

SturdyGal ago

At first I thought one of the demonstrations was a good idea. The more I thought about it and the more data I got, the more I thought both were going to be infiltrated at the organizer level and at the street level. I don't want to lend my voice when I can't control how it's being directed. Further, we know that MSM will control the narrative via CNN, Washington Post, The Daily Show,, Bill Maher and the usual editors of reality. The people we need to reach are still in their echo chamber and will have their beliefs confirmed by edited footage of the demonstration.

We do need action, but IMO effective efforts should be directed at further research of the conditions, laws and institutions that create and protect PG pedos, and developing state and federal action plans.

samhara ago

"both were going to be infiltrated at the organizer level and at the street level. I don't want to lend my voice when I can't control how it's being directed." No kidding!

lynn1314 ago

They'll just make the protesters out to be violent crazies. It can't help.

Amelia_Earnhardt_Jr ago


privatepizza ago


Touchdown50 ago


twistedmac11 ago

"I don't want to lend my voice when I can't control how it's being directed." THIS. They continue to try to spin things against us to make us look bad.

50hurtz ago

Right but this is a fight and that's that happens in a fight anyway. I think there should be a peaceful protest. They are the media, they are going to try to curve ball us weather we stay in here on voat, it goes to mainstream or it goes to the streets. They are going to try to make us look bad no matter what we try to do, doesn't matter if you ask me. More awareness needs to be spread one way, or another. Fuck being scared of this. Time to see this as a battle and make moves, they aren't going to be made for us. I hope we all know this by now. Edit: besides they have already made protests outside of comet ping pong, fuck we care about them spinning a protest? Zit on your ass, it should be, my friend.

samhara ago

Ignore the Media. It's a trap. You can't jujitsu them. They are too monolithic. Think of the head of Medusa - it turns you to stone.

A Battle against the State Apparatus is a Dead End.

It's a fantasy to believe you could win it "in a battle."

50hurtz ago

Absolutely love your Medusa quote, brilliant. I meant us bringing attention to this cause I a battle because no God damned person is doing their jobs to do a damn thing about it except regular people to expose this shit. The protest isn't to win a battle. Bringing this all to light everywhere is the battle. Any way to do that should be people's goals. People are still going to protest either way because that's just what some people do. But like how do we get this on mainstream platforms or to those that just have never heard of it? At the very least some people see fucked up photos and think there is something there, or learn about it as something completely new out on the street. But who knows maybe protest isn't the best way. I don't know what the best way is.

VieBleu ago

This is a disinfo, misdirection war. OP was completely wrong in all assumptions and slurs about the organizer of the 1st march. The fear an inaction of ivory tower mods can catch like a nasty cold. Remain true to YOUR instincts. The "do nothing" people are on the wrong side of history and part of the problem.

50hurtz ago

Yeah I'm definitely not trying to do nothing, even something with smear is better than just staying quiet. BLM may be shit to some people, but so many people still know about it either way. Whether their protests win or fail in peoples eyes, you can't doubt almost everyone is aware of them.

VieBleu ago

almost everyone is aware of them

Yep - Podesta's lawyer certainly made tracks to the first one. You know he was told to go - lawyers don't show up to speak at protests unless they are getting at least billable hours.

50hurtz ago

Damn didn't know that. But one of their leaders was caught in a underaged teen relationship so who knows if thats connected to podesta? Did his people have anything to do with that leader?

VieBleu ago

Here is the link with the video in it

VieBleu ago

it was posted here a couple of days ago. Would be nice to have the search bar wouldn't it?

50hurtz ago

Yeah, whatever happened to it? I swear I remember using it on here before.

VieBleu ago

would you take a look at this? Its also the newest comment on this thread

southartful ago

Protests dont do shit. Protests are easily infiltrated. Keep chipping away at the trust of the media, keep your grounded one to one conversations going. Keep digging. Times have changed, protests dont work. Action does.

50hurtz ago

I didn't say we need to stop digging. But protests spread awareness. Especially when everyone on all fronts everywhere else is censoring it.

southartful ago

Oh yeah thats worked out great for the tea party, BLM, the occupy wall st, antifa, and literally any protest movement these days. Why do the same tired tactics that a) virtue signal, b) will be coopted, c) is not effective

Protests worked when the MSM was the only form of communication, like I said a 1000 sane people can reach a hell of a lot more people than a million retards with slogans and a cardboard sign.

Ask yourself how did shias little demo work out? /pol/ used the same tactics the establishment uses to shut down anyone they disagree with... /pol/ is just better at it.

50hurtz ago

They at the very least spread awareness where otherwise it wouldn't have been done because twitter, facebook and MSM and other mainstream platforms are tight knit at keeping this info out. And circlejerking about in just a single forum and gab about this shit isn't exactly helping us soak more numbers, I'm just all for getting sjw type people to see this shit. But I'm for any ideas that help spread it to people that just wouldn't know otherwise.

southartful ago

Protests will inevitably happen, I get it, but don't go blowing your wad on them...

Where ever appropriate, mention happenings to people... like say holy shit did you see that.. another senator arrested on child porn charges... or wow I hear there could be some more information coming out of that anthony weiner child porn case... or .. isnt it strange people who are investigating haitian child trafficking keep mysteriously dying...

Talk about enough happenings and more likely someones going to start talking to other people about it...

Compile information, be aware, talk to people about it...

This goes deep, but as long as we can keep digging and getting more people around us asking questions the better

50hurtz ago

Oh no I never saw it as a solution that will wrap up pizzagate or anything. Just another thing that ultimately helps spread some awareness. But those are all great ways to bring stuff up to people, I haven't had extreme luck with it as people just write me off immediately most the time when I mention it to them. It's probably how I'm doing it and maybe ordering stuff wrong, I don't know. But I do still have to write up how I will tell others as I don't think I can just start with anything, probably start with art and stuff you're mentioning. I agree though.

southartful ago

Usually I find when you are telling, rather than showing, you will have the most resistance.

I suggest reading up on some light marketing fundamentals, propaganda fundamentals, journalism fundamentals, persuasion fundamentals etc, not because I am suggesting we make and use propaganda or marketing but rather learn about how messages are crafted. If you can craft your message cleanly and succinctly you will find out your success rate will go through the roof

50hurtz ago

I really honestly probably should look up some of those topics more in depth, it would help tons. Maybe that's what I'm not doing, is showing. Thank you.

privatepizza ago

It's volatile. I prefer us to be in control as much as we can too. Great points Sturdy and Twisted.

YingYangMom ago

Great discernment, excellent analysis. I commend you for your wisdom and loyalty to the case. If I may suggest, I believe the 18th March should be cancelled altogether. Stick with the 25th and ONLY protest in a peaceful manner near the WH. I remember the Dutroux related "Marche Blanche" that hundreds of thousands of Belgians took to the streets. It was amazing. And let thousands of white balloons go up in the air in honour of all the victims of child trafficking, sex slavery and SRA. It can only be done in a peaceful manner. It's the only way to be heard and to make a positive impression on the rest of the world.

EDIT: Since the first protest was fine and was a really good effort despite the fears of violent protests and MSM smearing, I strongly suggest that we double our efforts and SUPPORT the March 25th protests. We need to unite and march on. The kids need us!

VieBleu ago

Yes to the edit!

Chakana369 ago

May I also add that even though they did get 300,000 + people at that huge rally...what really happened? What happened was 'sweet f*** all! The whole 'story' got buried and the criminals continue to do what they always have....I've seen the doco, all the investigators were sacked or swapped and the whole lot was hushed's going to take more than just a rally....even IF you can get 300,000 + people to show up

samhara ago

It will take something different.

Chakana369 ago

They've been doing this horrific stuff so long, virtually, completely unseen and have become so arrogant that they themselves opened this investigation up through their belief that they will/would never be caught...their first mistake. We don't know just how much evidence there was/is on Weiners laptop, we don't, really, know who is running the/an investigation...we just don't see the bigger picture...and it's pretty big...they are falling on their swords now. The evidence presented in this forum is obviously being collated by a number of people and circumstantial or not, deserves/warrants a thorough investigation...the engergies have shifted and everything that has been hidden is beginning to come out into the light...they can't hide anymore.

YingYangMom ago


YingYangMom ago

When you're fighting for a cause that is this powerful and righteous, nothing should make you back down. Not the fear or reprisal, not the fear of how it could be used against you, nothing. You are fighting for the best cause in the world: children. Don't ever back down when TRUTH, JUSTICE and LAW are on your side.

Vanscribe1 ago

The first is on our side the other 2 certinly are not

YingYangMom ago

They certainly are, but aren't being enforced accordingly. The corruption is real.

Destroyer_of_Worlds ago

To be fair, however, we removed the poster for it in the sidebar.

Is it "fair" to ignore one group because of what currently amounts essentially to not yet actualized circumstantial concerns regarding a completely separate group/event?

This is not kindergarten and the goal is to help save kindergarteners. IDGAF if a few investigators get their feels tweeked if doing so might expedite the saving of a child and neither should any other genuine investigator for that matter!

VieBleu ago

yes, take a look at the pushback on this propaganda from myself and Sound of Silence and others. hit the thread and the button for "new" comments. YYM also edited her "top" comment.

bucketoftea ago

I agree. The time may come when we need a demonstration, but not yet. Things are moving.

VieBleu ago





Touchdown50 ago

I agree. We dont need antifa marking this event with private sponsored violence

YingYangMom ago

I understand the hesitation and fear that my fellow Voaters are having about a PG March possibly turning into an occasion for MSM trolling and violent Soros-paid protests to discredit our cause, I do. However, I do believe a White March is possible and should be held. The circumstances under which it should happen though should be well thought-out and prepared in advance. Organised groups from all corners of the US should be created at least a couple of months in advance. Once an elevated enough number of protesters is gathered, a date should be set for a March. White balloons, White t-shirts, flyers, posters, et al should be created and bought. When all is ready and done and the March is on, even a large group of violent protesters would stick out and look like outsiders and NOT part of the organised March. We need to stand out as a serious peaceful group. I'm sure it could be done. I'm sure of it.

DangerPizza ago

A COLOR REVOLUTION YOU SAY? No way. You are begging for msm to call it white supremacy.

YingYangMom ago

White is the colour of innocence. MSM will call it whatever they want to call it. Alt-Media will call it for what it really is. Do we really care about Fake News? 80% of the people don't trust what they report anyway. Does a good enough reason really exists, that should make us back away from such a righteous and just cause?

DangerPizza ago

Yes. Msm spin is a good reason. White = righteous and just? I repeat my sentiments. NO COLOR REVOLUTION.

YingYangMom ago

I appreciate and respect your point of view. There is so much one can do. In the end, it won't be me or you that will decide what will or will not happen, you know. It's the movement that will decide and I'll just go along with it.

privatepizza ago

I like it. Peaceful and united, organized and as large as we can. Time would give us time to prepare well. I understand and appreciate that people want action, we want to do something, I agree with that too, however am so very wary of what could happen. Maybe these marches can start off a chain. I pray so, and for all the brave souls marching in the coming days. GOD SPEED.

Touchdown50 ago

I agree.

twistedmac11 ago

One of my big concerns is that the protest on the 18th will turn violent (Soros has already shown an interest in paying rioters to make protesters look bad) and that will destroy any chance the protest on the 25th has of going anywhere. I don't really understand why the person who formed the protest on the 18th wouldn't try to merge protests. One big protest would be better than two small ones. Something about the one on the 18th just doesn't sit right with me. I don't think this is going to end well, but I hope I'm wrong!

VieBleu ago

I don't think this is going to end well, but I hope I'm wrong!

Well you got your wish - your chorus of naysay is just plain wrong.

twistedmac11 ago

My chorus of realism, you mean?

VieBleu ago

regarding the protest on the 18th your chorus of utter nonsense, I mean.

twistedmac11 ago

? Sounds like you're just on here to stir up some trouble. The points I listed in my comment were perfectly reasonable. You don't have to agree with them, which is fine, but why are you now on here two days after the fact trying to argue about it?

VieBleu ago

You said you hoped you were wrong and I made a quick little comment about the fact you got your hope. It's not a big deal. let it go.

twistedmac11 ago

Says the one who is on here trying to stir things up days later. I didn't want to be right. Let's try to remember that you and I are not enemies here. Podesta, Soros, Clinton, they're the enemies. The petty little side arguments don't do anything except divide us and weaken our strength as a whole. Unfortunately, Saturday didn't turn out well. I hope that the one this coming weekend is more successful.

VieBleu ago

sounds good.

Touchdown50 ago

Maybe the 18th protest is a set up by the cia

Vindicator ago

That was my concern as well...the marketing and persuasion seemed pretty deft for a construction contractor who had never been on Twitter until March 2017. Just sayin'. Not that construction guys can't do meme magic, but...

DeathToMasons ago

This Shurter guy is an obvious fraud. This is a setup.

Catchthem ago

I notice a big force trying to talk people out of attending these marches.. They dont want them out in the streets where they maight get attention, rather have all those people contaigned at some forum wich only few people know about. Yes it maight get trolled by paid people.. Staying in a forum will get the word out? I think sometimes need to take some risk. I do hope everyone will be save.

Touchdown50 ago

But you do realize that we are dealing with a billion dollar black market run by Psychopaths right? Why dont people protest against drug cartels ? Because they dont want their families to get murdered.

hairybawbag ago

So lets never go to the streets. Instead continue sitting in this corner of the interwebs for fear of manipulation by that what's being said?

VieBleu ago

yes, I am so glad to see you got 23 points on this. KEEP TALKING : ) Please take a look at the pushback from myself and Sound of Silence and others. hit the thread and the button for "new" comments. The mods will not push us around without pushback. YYM also edited her "top" comment.

podesta4prison ago

I agree. This is cowardice. The guys (and gal) that protested yesterday stood their ground. The media that reported on them failed epicly to have the higher ground. All of their videos are littered in people trashing them for their obvious and lazy angle, and people praising the protesters for having coherent arguments.

Though I do not trust the likes of Seaman to be as convincing. We need our most informed and charismatic speaking to the press.

samhara ago

I been involved with marches for many years.

I feel the people pushing for it here and shaming others for thinking it's a bad idea.. Are all about manipulating the group to fuck -up.

southartful ago

A thousand hushed sane and well thought out voices are a million times more effective than a rabbelous horde with a bunch of shitty pizza related signs and slogans.

Tell me have you ever seen a protest and said why golly that's changed my mind. Oh boy

samhara ago


Touchdown50 ago

No we must use strategy to make others aware of whats happening. The narrative can always be twisted and used against us . its called gaslighting and sociopaths use it all the time

samhara ago

If you want to reach people you have to have a table with literature where you can talk to people.

That doesn't happen at Marches unless you try to educate the people who are marching and set up a booth next to them.

samhara ago

One afternoon on Twitter, I hit more people than a week passing out fliers.

VieBleu ago

still waiting to see your all the people you reach out to on Twitter. You do have a twitter account, right? With more followers than fliers can reach in a week, right? That seems to be your claim. Can't wait to see it. thx.

VieBleu ago

Would you post your twitter account so we can see that great work? thx.

cantsleepawink ago

What's being said is chose your protest marches wisely. And find other tactics to make your voice heard too.

hairybawbag ago

There's a choice of 2 out of 2 marches and it's being said to stay away from both of them.

Vindicator ago

Did you read the post? Literally, it reads, in bold:

We are not saying stay away from these protests, or that the organizers are shills. People need to weigh that issue for themselves.

cantsleepawink ago

Yup. I would.

CleatusMaximus ago

I believe people are trying to note it for what it is and call it PEDOGATE. BECUASE THIS DOES NOT END WITH SOME KIKE PIZZA JOINT IN DC

ZalesMcMuffin ago

and didn't start there, and was never limited to it in any way whatsoever... but thanks for parroting the bullshit kike propaganda line!

Jem777 ago

This is a huge problem. The counterintelligence pro are waiting for this. Soros will have paid goons join in to rile up the g crowd then turn violent. You cannot advertise these events in this way. These guys are amateurs playing in a professional game. Especially if a guy like Shutter is claiming to be the anti/Christ. This feels uneasy

carmencita ago

These kind of people never let an opportunity go to waste and to make us look bad and crazy. This will be a vehicle for their false flag fiascos and people are so asleep now sitting in front of their TVs ready to believe. We must not give them another free opportunity to make us look like the "kooks" they are already branding us. The CPP incident did enough damage. We don't need another one.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Whatever....yeah lets just sit away typing to each other....great job we are all doing waiting for FBI to grow a pair of balls......aint gonna happen without pressure from us. So the streets is fine

VieBleu ago

yes, take a look at the criticism of this propaganda piece from myself and Sound of Silence and others. hit the thread and the button for "new" comments. YYM also edited her "top" comment.

carmencita ago

I am hoping that the people that March on the 25th will have the brains to realize that the deniers may form better and less crazy opinions of us if we March Peacefully to show them that we are not just a bunch of loonies making up stories. That we really care about the children. That is the hope. It is a beginning.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

You have to realize they will say whatever they are going to say. They get a script and the Rothschild minions scurry to produce the talking points. This march is for us. We do this for us and the kids.

carmencita ago

Yes. And I just hope that all people will be strong enough to resist the temptation to act badly. This is our big chance.

cantsleepawink ago

Street protests do not work. Seasoned activists know this. People need to get more sophisticated and understand how the game is played.

Jem777 ago

Exactly. This is what HRC & Soros & Obama etc. are waiting for. They want absolute chaos. The lack of sophistication from the newest members to this investigation makes sense...probably younger less experienced. Trying to keep coming back and help direct eventhou am sent horrible messages like Shill and worse

Touchdown50 ago

I agree. This could be the powder keg they are waiting for. What more can set people off violently than the disclosure of the systematic abuse of children

Proii_Pariah ago

I think also some of the lack of sophistication is due to the extremely emotionally charged issue that Pizzagate is. You're not likely to find a cause that will enrage as much as victimizing children. I think many people are just blinded by rage. Also, many people feel so helpless that they want to act in any way they can. I certainly understand this but, because this cause is so very important, there is an even greater need to act intelligently.

redditsuckz ago

David Seaman and entire George Soros funded cabal operate on the frequency of Fear and causing chaos. If David Seaman is given the mic at the protest he will say he was nearly hit by 3 cars and that 10 guys wearing black were following him the whole day then shout at everyone to go home and "be safe".

Jem777 ago

Yes I have. Everyone needs to calm down with marches. When you are dealing with people who would commit these crimes against children. They have no moral compass at all. They will stop at nothing to gain momentum. They are depraved. Those on this side are not. We can out think them. Can box them in as we have been. Make them feel hunted as they have hunted innocent children and others. Be passionate yes. Mob mentality no

privatepizza ago

I'm so with you here

twistedmac11 ago

If this is true, that's pretty scary. Seaman's sources have usually been on point in the past, haven't they? But why can't he ever post some kind of proof of his "source"?

cantsleepawink ago

Despite posting a video last week that he is attending the march on the 25th, this is his latest tweet

So is he not going anymore? Am I surprised ? An emphatic NO.

privatepizza ago

He's not said he's not going any more as far as I can tell?

cantsleepawink ago

It was unclear to me. That's why I was asking :)

privatepizza ago

No worries at all, did I possibly miss a Tweet? I'm not reading this as 'I'm cancelling going to the PG demo' -

"I'm taking some personal time and will return to YouTube and social media in a week or two; the world is changing rapidly. I've shared truth"

Was there another?

privatepizza ago

Thanks for that and yes, let's see, interesting !

cantsleepawink ago

Nope. Let's see what happens :)

Proii_Pariah ago

Ay yi yi! Thanks for sharing those tweets. All of these PG personalities are really beginning to nauseate me. I soured with Seamen quite some time ago for various reasons, but more recent months have seen the rise of all these names who seem to be becoming minor celebrities in the community. This makes me very uneasy. And I am troubled even further when I find that most of them are soliciting and receiving funding of some sort or hawking a book or other products.

For my money...I'm gonna stick with the many anonymous researchers who are in this only because it's the right thing to do.

cantsleepawink ago

From my perspective, there seems to be an attempt to herd the internet population that has been labelled as 'alt-right', so most of these personalities have not emerged organically at all. If you look at the subscriber numbers to some of those channels, the average researcher/content producer of alternative news knows very well that the social media platforms are set up to suppress channel numbers. Those personalities where the opposite happens always require extra scrutiny.

cantsleepawink ago

If I could give this post 100 upvoats I would.

It's a set up. British intelligence is working with the Americans and some of the shills on this forum are of that ilk. I didn't know much about David Shurter before but after seeing this particular post recently I think that he is cointelpro :

The Psych Ops of Pizzagate and the Hampstead case in the UK- Why They Are Being Connected Together

sound_of_silence ago

also, the fact that the 'beware the march' post is stickied just makes it all look that much worse.

sound_of_silence ago

Should have never put it up to begin with if you knew it was a potential legal hazard.

VieBleu ago