FoxDen ago

I'd love to find out who the "lawyer" was. He didn't make very good arguments for a guy who proudly and repeatedly claimed to have graduated 3rd in his class at GULC: Mostly ad-hominem attacks and dismissive / profanity-laden assaults.

Confirmed that John and Mary Podesta attend Holy Trinity Catholic Church per comment link from @equineluvr

I dug real deep trying to find him. I think I have but would like some second opinions / help with research.

I took a few face stills from the video:

Then I searched through LinkedIn for Georgetown Law graduates and found one with a GULC LL.M in Tax from 1994. James Hagerty at Kalbian Hagerty, LLP.

Looks like a pretty good match, don’t you think?

He is very involved in international taxation matters, particularly as respects the Middle East / North Africa. Per the KH LLP website: “Jim also has considerable experience with the representation of foreign interests in connection with their investment in U.S. businesses and real estate. He has represented clients based in Bahrain, Canada, Peoples Republic of China, Denmark, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom in connection with their U.S. investments, both active and passive.”

His email is: [email protected]

I searched for his email and found 81 hits in the Global Intelligence Files:

Most of these appear to be related to various lists and his name appears over and over again in lists named “Whole ball of wax,” “bawl of whacks,” “Camapign List,” “Paid List,” and other lists full of names and other identifying information.

A Google Image search of the phrase “’James Haberty’ Kalbian” turns up the following images of him celebrating “U.S. National Day” with Mohamed Dekkak, Chair of Adgeco Group (a UAE Chemical / etc holding company).

Also found this…

NeedPolyGF ago

Can someone invite them to the Pedophile Pride Parade at

And submit sign slogans?

Silverlining ago

Congratulations to all who turned out. Well done!

Silverlining ago

3rd in his class lawyer

unbiased_researcher ago

How many people showed?

SecondAmendment ago

Q: "What church does John Podesta go to?"

A: The Church of Satan. D'OH!

VieBleu ago

Great video guys - you were undetered and right at ground zero. Good job and thank you.

Jem777 ago

Believe if you dig you will find Podesta is Jesuit trained from Montreal Canada. Think Justin Trudeau Canadian Prime Minister. What is Podesta's involvement as CIA handler. Also research Georgetown and his history there. Again Jesuit University.

TimesUp ago

Excellent representation of demonstrators at the microphone (second link)! Very respectful and clear. Wish more people had been there!

Gammi ago

Would be nice to know his name to back up his claims or disprove them.....he was not able to out fox the guys asking him questions, in over his head 3rd Class Lawyer in George Town if you ask me.

Vigilia_Procuratio ago

I wonder how much libel was on him to be blackmailed into going there to defend Podesta?

equineluvr ago

Another J protecting his pedo buddy. Shocker!!

"What Church does John Podesta go to?"

Pedosta is a practicing Catholic. VERY interesting piece here (10/16) about Pedo's "religious" beliefs.

As architect of the "Catholic Spring," Pedo founded a "phony Catholic group."

A phony “Catholic” organization founded by Clinton campaign chief John Podesta used Church leaders to push congress members into accepting President Obama’s Iran Deal, according to new revelations.

In the midst of the hundreds of John Podesta’s emails released by Wikileaks last week, one contained a report by Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, a faux Catholic association founded by John Podesta in order to provoke a revolution in the Catholic Church.

Pedo attends Holy Trinity in (JESUIT/JEWSUIT) Georgetown

carmencita ago

Podesta came very close to becoming a priest, Jesuit style. I believe he was also very involved with a Montreal Hospital that did MK Ultra. This is of course info from Abel Danger.

equineluvr ago

Hi Carmencita, I would be VERY cautious accepting anything from "Abel Danger" at face value.

They are disseminating disinfo, as I learned back in '06. Apparently others have learned this as well:

Redditers vet and discredit Abel Danger

Prison Planet vets and discredits Abel Danger

AndPodestaWasMoLesta ago

Abel danger is 100% fabricated BS. For one, he either thinks or makes up (knowing it's not how it works) that the federal certification authority bridge is some massive federa network. It's not. It's just another root PKI service along the lines of what Verisign, Thawte, Comodo, etc offer. I believe it's now run by Entrust. Point is it's not a network just a system for issuing SSL certificates that organizations can use to authenticate to other peer agencies' systems and encrypt the data. Totally different than the "network highway" that he/they talk it up to be. If anyone knows anything about pgp/gpg, it's basically a centralized PKI as opposed to pgp which is decentralized, but they both work on the basis of trusting one another. If you launch MMC on your computer and load the certificates module for local computer. You will see right in the trusted root store that everyone trusts the federal cert authority! "Adding people to it" just means that ou create an intermediary cert authority for use at your own government agency or govt affiliated company. It's not some ISP or MPLS network. Anyone with a CCNA, MCSE/MCITP or even just on the job IT work experience could explain the flaws in Abel Danger's rational. I wish people would not by into it like that....

carmencita ago

Thank you. I will take your information into consideration. I am always glad to be red pilled by my fellow members. I will look it over. Yes, I just recently started wondering about Abel Danger myself. Thank you. I will read.

Vindicator ago

GREAT addition to this post, equineluvr. This is excellent collection of research that may come in handy later on. The Catholic Church has been gutted by powerful members like Podesta, Pelosi, Biden, etc. There has been a war going on inside the Church for a long time.

strix-varia ago

Yes, and now the new "pope" just adds to the insanity that is contained in the church. I wonder if johnnie is "buddies" with frannie.

equineluvr ago

Funny you should mention that... I came across this earlier while looking up Pedo:

"Did billionaire speculator George Soros, President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Vice President Joe Biden, and Obama/Clinton adviser John Podesta conspire to overthrow the conservative Pope Benedict XVI and replace him with a radical, Pope Francis? Did they use America’s intelligence agencies, and our nation’s diplomatic machinery, political muscle, and financial power to coerce and blackmail “regime change” in the Roman Catholic Church?

Far from being some wild conspiracy theory, there is sound prima facie evidence to indicate that this is a serious effort to expose a political scandal of the highest order, involving flagrant, criminal abuse of power at the top levels of the U.S. government. A group of respected Catholic lay leaders have sent a letter to President Donald Trump urging him to launch an official investigation into the activities of the above mentioned individuals (and others) who appear to have been involved in this alleged Vatican coup. They cite eight specific questions they seek to have answered concerning suspect events that led to the resignation of Pope Benedict, the first such papal abdication in 700 years.

“Specifically, we have reason to believe that a Vatican ‘regime change’ was engineered by the Obama administration,” say the petitioners, in their January 20 letter to President Trump. The five signatories to the letter, first published in the Catholic newspaper/weblog, The Remnant, are: Lieutenant Colonel David L. Sonnier, US Army (Retired); Michael J. Matt, editor of The Remnant: Christopher A. Ferrara, author, attorney, and president of the American Catholic Lawyers Association, Inc.; Chris Jackson,; and, Elizabeth Yore, Esq., Founder of YoreChildren.

Godwillwin ago

Wow. Interesting

Vindicator ago

@strix-varia, @equineluvr

Two additional sources (both journalists) who have been monitoring the rise of the Progressive cabal inside the Church are Michael Voris at Church Militant and Robert Moynihan, who certainly has suspicions.

I suspect if someone digs into their work, connections will be made, though I haven't had the time to do it. It would be interesting to see what they thought about the CIA pedo blackmail theory. I suspect neither of them know anything about the history of the CIA, though I could be wrong. If you watch the Tweets of LifeSite News, you'll also get quick heads up when Francis shits in the font. They watch him like a hawk.

About Robert Moynihan: Dr. Robert Moynihan is founder and editor-in-chief of Inside the Vatican magazine. He is an American journalist with a knowledge of five languages and a seasoned Vatican analyst.

Godwillwin ago

I'll start following lifesite news on twitter.

I have kind of stopped investigating and am focusing more on spreading awareness.

There's so many connections and so much circumstantial evidence on all these one world order freaks that we've all already found. I'm just waiting now for law enforcement to do their job.

equineluvr ago

Thank you! Hopefully it will bear fruit later.