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Vindicator ago

@Jakestr: We have been under a shill barrage of shitposts calling every imaginable person in Hollywood a pedo presenting no evidence whatsoever to make it look like we are on a witch hunt. Your post also provides no sources supporting any evidence of sexual abuse of children whatsoever -- and thus does not satisfy Rules 1 and 2.

I am going to ask you nicely to remove this yourself and repost to v/pizzagatewhatever, our speculative sub, until you find actual evidence. Before I remove it myself, I want to give you the opportunity to do so, because I think you are a legit member of our community and not a CTR shill. If you want to see what they are up to, just look in the Removed Submissions area at the bottom of the sidebar.

VieBleu ago

@Vindicator I just have to say that it looks like you are saying something very legit here - yes, the celeb attacks have been a barrage. I thought this one Jakestr was quite out of line attacking Dr. Phil today just when he has a major piece on elite sex trafficking of children that puts him on the side of fighting for pedogate. So very suspicious to just atttack him with no evidence,. That is what he is complaining about sorry he drug my name in here..

Vindicator ago

@Jakestr was quite civil and removed this post himself, promptly in response to my observations. That shows a concern for the community that is admirable and which I value.

VieBleu ago

I agree. I also looked up my records and found I made a mistake regarding the Cory Feldman thing. It was 4 days ago and a similar name. I apologized to Jakestr. I took note of the spirited way Jakestry stood up for themseves. That is a quality that I admire in this community.

EDIT: Also the ability to admit mistakes and apologize is something we need more of, from the top down. That shows real concern for the community and is also admired. As kevdude pointed out - Mods are not gods at voat. Make any headway at all figuring out how to poll yet? @Vindicator because added edit.

Vindicator ago

I have edited the sticky as Kevdude suggested, but he did not enlighten me further about a possible polling feature. I have asked for further clarification.

VieBleu ago

That edit celebrates negative attention. The real edit would be showing care for the community by admitting how wrong you were about the first protest - have you considered doing so, even privately to yourself? Do you know what a relief that would be not only to everybody here but also for you? Edit that thing, and get that mistake behind you. Everyone makes mistakes, and if yours was truly well intentioned then rectify it. There is an opportunity for redemption here if you would take it before the next protest date.

Remember - rectifying mistakes when appropriate is a part of grace.

Vindicator ago

LOL. That's pretty funny. My redemption does not come from anyone on Voat, and it's already been taken care of.

I spent a week of discernment before making that post, it contains nothing inaccurate, or wrong. In fact, the marketing of the March 18 event changed quite significantly after my evidence was presented first by wecanhelp, and the two organizers got involved with each other. So no. In fact, I feel quite vindicated in the decision we made.

Furthermore, the unprecedented mod-bashing by dozens of brand-new and some old but previously unrecognized shill accounts all week long further confirmed that we are being monitored and attempts at manipulation are being seriously made. I was deeply gratified to be able to send a message that smart people here are watching the watchers and watching out for each other and will not be intimidated by poorly orchestrated smear efforts. I am completely at peace, despite scores of nasty messages and comments. I was my honor to be able to serve, even more so to do it infamously.