darkknight111 ago

Alternative theory: BOTH marches/protests are legit, on the up and up, etc.

Its not the march that's the false flag. The false flag would instead TARGET the marches. My thoughts on this is that the pedos and shills will send infiltrators to wreck havoc and incite violence in order to blame the PG investigation, thus feeding the fake news narrative.

This hypothesis is based on a known MO of these people.

Be vigilant, NOT fearful brothers and sisters. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. "Flip the chessboard" and understand "the gremlin in the TV" (short hand for what does your opponent want you to see and believe, something talked about in the 3rd novel of Umineko) and they will not succeed.

FoxDen ago

Yes. We have permits. FYI I am not the organizer. I just want to raise awareness.

wecanhelp ago

I cannot possibly be bothered to address all the logical fallacies, distortions, and inaccuracies in your comment. I have updated the post with my opinion on this. With that, I rest my case.

sound_of_silence ago

why not post another warning for the other one? because david seaman (who most of voat pg seems to hate) and titus frost (who screwed up and pushed false info) will both be supporting it? maybe someone should do that since it's clearly far greater concern than the fact that someone's flyer didn't meet the approval of one individual. ridiculous.

sound_of_silence ago

you made a whole post about it instead of going directly to the source. you are just a shill for doing that back-handed slimy stuff.

sound_of_silence ago

he says what we were all wondering..

sound_of_silence ago

i bet a lot of people are reading this who don't actually participate..

sound_of_silence ago

thank you. i notice the mod conveniently didn't answer to it in his response to my comment.

so convenient too that the gunman then could blame his actions on that fake news larp.

sound_of_silence ago

wonder how many of us are deciding to attend this event instead, based upon what transpired here in this thread.

wecanhelp ago

Cite the rule I violated, please.

sound_of_silence ago

great video. glad Corey Feldman is re-tweeting the event.. both these events need all the help they can get.

sound_of_silence ago


FoxDen ago

Definitely both. This is beyond the pale.

sound_of_silence ago

love the video.. so fitting for pg

sound_of_silence ago

same here.. reminded me of protest glory days in the 80s.

i'm dedicating this song to the March 18th rally - Teardorp (massive attack) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7K72X4eo_s

wecanhelp ago

I find no place where Vindicator discusses this.

Have you heard of private messages?

FoxDen ago

MOD - we are talking to @TheFreedom2Live on Sunday. Your post is wrong. Please do not mislead people.

wecanhelp ago

I merely shared information that I've found to be suspicious. What people make out of it is not up to me. These could be perfectly innocent coincidences. But we've also seen enough coincidences to know that often there's more to them than that. Precaution, especially regarding a dangerous subject like this, is healthy.

sound_of_silence ago

why aren't you clearing it all up, right here, right now, with FoxDen? let there be light for God's sake.

FoxDen ago

Precaution is fair, but this was posted without consulting myself as the OP of the event - which has 100+ UpVoats.. Becky Percy as guest. All is published on Twitter. VL is interviewing on Sunday. Nonetheless, @wecanhelp did not respond to my direct message and is showing no interest in considering this fairly. Seems more interested in being right about his/her own post. Something is very wrong here. At this point OP @wecanhelp has net -2 downvoats over these shenanigans. Is there a higher mod who can intervene?

wecanhelp ago

Precaution is fair, but this was posted without consulting myself as the OP of the event

If I assume you're organizing a false flag, why would I ask you whether you really are? You may or may not be, and you would tell me exactly the same in both cases.

Nonetheless, @wecanhelp did not respond to my direct message and is showing no interest in considering this fairly.

You did not send me a direct message – I'm assuming you mean a private message here. If you mean your comments addressed to me, I did respond to both of those.

sound_of_silence ago

I merely shared information that I've found to be suspicious

This is exactly what MSM said about that fake 4chan fan-fiction russia-trump dossier "i just reported muh suspicions"


wecanhelp ago

You sure sound religious about an event that you, by definition, cannot know to be safe.

sound_of_silence ago

i'm fully on board with both events. you are dogmatically down-playing the one with Christians at it tho, right?

wecanhelp ago

You're a hopeless case. I'm done addressing your bullshit.

FoxDen ago

Are you kidding me? A Mod calling bullshit after he/she the mod decided unilaterally to undermine the efforts of good people who want to do something about children that are being hurt. This is wrong. Get off your ego @wecanhelp and delete the post. I honestly cannot believe that this is acceptable.

wecanhelp ago

You can keep repeating the same shocked phrases, but you still haven't addressed any of the concerns in the post.

FoxDen ago

You failed to do your research. Again, Becki Percy is attending this event. Titus Frost is promoting it. Victurus Libertas is interviewing the organizer on Sunday. You can keep your post alive - it's your privilege as a mod. But you have not addressed any of the facts that discount your wild and inappropriate claims.

@Millennial_Falcon = would appreciate a second opinion.

wecanhelp ago

This is a huge and recurring logical fallacy in your comments. None of what you just said guarantees that this is indeed not a false flag. It only guarantees that the people mentioned don't think it is one. Meanwhile, the research that I did do remains ignored and unanswered.

sound_of_silence ago

why don't you just admit you screwed up, apologize, and take down this ridiculous fake news post of yours.

sound_of_silence ago

there's even a circle-slash over the eye now.. nothing wrong with the imagery it's edgier but it's accurate.

sound_of_silence ago

why would this even be posted on someone's behalf without that person here to discuss it in earnest? @Vindicator.

and with no follow-up into the accused before the post? very unsettling.

wecanhelp ago

@Vindicator said he would post about this more than a day ago. He didn't, and since this march came up in another post, I felt it is urgent to address this, so I posted about it myself, without Vindicator being around. I didn't post it on his behalf, I simply credited him for doing some much-appreciated vetting earlier this week.

sound_of_silence ago

What are the chances that, without any precedent, two Pizzagate demonstrations are organized in the same city exactly one week apart, with the one scheduled for earlier being announced a month after the other one, without any coordination between the two?

and this just proves that we the people are on the same wavelength.. it's time for public awareness.. it's been brewing... now is not too soon.. now, is perfect to start this campaign... people are unified about pizzagate, not just in what they say and do but in a spiritual sense, there is unification.. anyone who freaks out (instead of gets excited) about TWO marches one right after the other, just doesn't seem like he's thinking straight, i'm sorry, but it doesn't make sense.

pizzagate awareness coming into it's own in the same time frames make sense tho.

FoxDen ago

@Vindicator and @wecanhelp Whatever would possess you to do this? Becki Percy will be at the March 18th protest. There is nothing "false flag" about it. You are VERY wrong about this. Please do not divide us. Please do not besmirch the efforts of very good men and women.

wecanhelp ago

You are VERY wrong about this.

I could be, and I stated that in my post to begin with. Unfair would be calling your protest a false flag without any grounds. What I did was to call it a possible false flag, based on circumstances that, should my assumption be true, would support that assumption. Instead of repeating that I'm wrong, you may as well address my points one by one, and clear up any doubt about them.

sound_of_silence ago

you guys deserve a public apology here in this thread.

sound_of_silence ago


EchoTruths update on the March 18th rally... why don't you reach out to her if the concern is so massive as to label it a potential FALSE FLAG seriously.

sound_of_silence ago

i can't help but wonder what the reason for doing so would be.. seems incredibly counter-productive and not sourced up at all.

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):

OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle
voat.co/user/Vindicator New Sticky 25/11/2016 - What to focus on, and guidelines/background for newbies
voat.co/user/Vindicator PizzaGateGear deletes his Voat account u/isthisgameofthrones
voat.co/user/Vindicator Welcome to Pizzagate: Fully sourced, simply organized, summary and history of main findings (12/6)
voat.co/user/Vindicator deleted by user
www.facebook.com/IPMarch Help needed for the Millions Lost March on the 18th - time is of the essence
www.facebook.com/IPMarch Pizzagate-Pedogate demonstration on MARCH 25th 11:00 am Lafayette Park, DC.
www.facebook.com/StndUpForTheChildren Help needed for the Millions Lost March on the 18th - time is of the essence
www.facebook.com/StndUpForTheChildren Fo those who want to protest
www.facebook.com/StndUpForTheChildren Help needed for the Millions Lost March on the 18th - time is of the essence
www.facebook.com/StndUpForTheChildren Pizzagate Protest - March 18th at 9AM - Meet at Beyond Borders Haiti and March to the White House - Guest Speaker BECKI PERCY.
www.facebook.com/IPMarch Help needed for the Millions Lost March on the 18th - time is of the essence
www.facebook.com/IPMarch Pizzagate-Pedogate demonstration on MARCH 25th 11:00 am Lafayette Park, DC.
www.facebook.com/StndUpForTheChildren Help needed for the Millions Lost March on the 18th - time is of the essence
www.facebook.com/StndUpForTheChildren Fo those who want to protest
www.facebook.com/StndUpForTheChildren Help needed for the Millions Lost March on the 18th - time is of the essence
www.facebook.com/StndUpForTheChildren Pizzagate Protest - March 18th at 9AM - Meet at Beyond Borders Haiti and March to the White House - Guest Speaker BECKI PERCY.

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

Another issue are the people earning a paycheck to create violence and generally disrupt it. Need to come up with a way to identify and counter those types, this March is too important and needed to be fucked with by some cuck nuts.

sound_of_silence ago

And, just as Neil Wolfe said - these events are just the beginning of a long campaign of events where we the people will call on the authorities to provide us with resolution in this matter of child-sex trafficking by the elite.

honestly, if i had a greater reservation it'd be about the March 25th event because of the original video for it where a demand for arrests to be made by that date was voiced (glad they re-thought that)... i just cannot believe the backbiting of this post.

sound_of_silence ago

Titus Frost video endorsing the March 18th event.. please folks, do not let fear run your decision.. do your own research, reach out to individuals and make logical decisions.


i had strong reservations about both of these marches until i dug deeper and research moar... i'm really shocked at this post...

"even if that doesn't happen, this division between the two marches will dilute the size and impact of both protests for sure." this is a ludicrous statement with no basis whatsoever in rational deduction.. how do you know the sister events won't end up bringing more to both?

personally i'm peddling them both all over reddit and telling all my home-friends.. no one has come back yet with a concern about the March 18th rally.

sound_of_silence ago

you know that Becki Percy is going to be at the March 18th rally, right? She's one of the most amazing SRA victims speaking out for pizzagate investigation... also, the organizer of the March 18th event said he didn't know anything about FB or YouTube and it was only at a later time that a supporter volunteered to set those pages up for him..

why would Becki and Titus both be mixed up in a false flag?

did you contact the March 18th organizer before posting this?

wecanhelp ago

you know that Becki Percy is going to be at the March 18th rally, right?

Yes. What guarantees that she is not being fooled? Edit: Her speech has been canceled.

did you contact the March 18th organizer before posting this?

No. What guarantees that he will tell me the truth?

I shared my and Vindicator's thoughts about the protest. I was careful to say possible false flag, and warned to take it with a grain of salt. Obviously neither this being a false flag, nor the opposite can be verified, nonetheless the details I've shared in the post were and still are a reason for caution. The post is a mere warning that draws attention to the circumstances that could be a result of an uninformed coincidence, or could be the result of malicious intent. I don't know which one is the case, and my point is that you don't know either. In hopes of helping everyone planning on attending make an informed decision, I provided some potentially important information about the event.

sound_of_silence ago

The point is - you did not do your homework - you acted on assumption, emotion and irrationally behaved. shameful.

Have you ever watched any of Becki's videos? do you have any discernment to size up fellow-labourers in this fight?

You can't "help others" by tearing down your fellow soldiers in this fight for the children to Finally have a voice..

Are you Only in favor of supporting an event manned by "big You Tubers" or are you for the little people, too?

you should immediately apologize to everyone here.. the organizer, for not contacting him, and to all of us in this sub, for throwing this in our faces, completely un-founded. Isn't titus frost the guy who pushed the narrative that cpp was holding children in the basement?


wecanhelp ago

The point is - you did not do your homework - you acted on assumption, emotion and irrationally behaved. shameful.

Precaution is neither irrational nor shameful. The post is a result of my homework. The fact that you can't even imagine that this could be a false flag speaks volumes about your lack of critical thinking. I didn't claim the event is a definite false flag, but you're claiming that it definitely isn't one. Be definition you cannot know that.

Are you Only in favor of supporting an event manned by "big You Tubers" or are you for the little people, too?

Feel free to ask other mods about this, but ironically, this was the event I wanted to endorse first, so I asked around, and got some valuable feedback from within the mod team. After some further research and thinking about this, I saw it best to submit this post. It's better to have a false positive on this than to support an event that could potentially be dangerous.

for throwing this in our faces, completely un-founded

Again, by definition, what I posted cannot be unfounded. It is information that is out there, and my reasoning about that information. If I had stated that the event is a false flag, that would be unfounded. Stating that it might be, based on the circumstances, simply cannot be.

Have you ever watched any of Becki's videos?

Not that it has anything to do with this, but I have watched all of her videos.

sound_of_silence ago

sure. fix it right here in the thread then. FAKE NEWS

wecanhelp ago

Are you very retarded?

sound_of_silence ago

i think, after you were given a chance to make amends and you did not take it, that you must be the biggest controlled opposition shill in this sub.

wecanhelp ago

I explained my post to you to the best of my ability. You just keep parroting the same shit lacking any sign of some logical processing going on. I can live with your false beliefs.

sound_of_silence ago

you had no basis for what you did.. sowing division.. you are clearly a shill posting fake news to discredit people who care about these children. how cruel.

Jackiestbird52 ago

David Seaman said he would be there at Investigate Pizzagate

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

um yeah, may want to keep that name quiet around here, that douche exposed himself for what he is here on Voat a while ago and that is why you never see him here. He is a good Facebook cheerleader hopefully red-pilling more soccer moms but other than that he has nothing of substance to say, it is all FLUFF.

sound_of_silence ago

that is one of the reasons my larger reservations were about the March 25th event... that, and wasn't titus frost the guy who pushed the idea that cpp was holding children in the basement and then whoops there was a false flag shooting because someone wanted to 'find those children'?

i'm all for giving people 2nd chances if they start doing what's right and good.. david, titus, anyone who is willing to help.. hell, even alex jones if he helps.. it seems like what will hurt all of this is division and creating of factions to divide we the people.

wecanhelp ago

I've flaired my own post as IMPORTANT because it is urgent that the community at least discusses these events before people actually show up for one or both in person, potentially risking their own safety, and the public image of the investigation.

sound_of_silence ago

then put a sticky discussion up.. people here are not morons... they know how to "research something"... you're not being fair to those you are singling out as possible false flag provocateurs... very unfair move.

sound_of_silence ago

this seems like baseless fear-mongering to prevent attendance at the first event, i'm sorry, but that's what this looks like without you first having obtained any feedback from the organizer.