redditsuckz ago

Don't know who dark throne is

Well then I guess you must have forgotten you liked one of Dark Thrones songs;

and I like ONE Shinedown song

Its nice you picked a video to feature on your youtube channed that has him flashing the Baphomet sign...

Oh...and just one tiny little "nit pick"...your poster that you want posted all over has 3 satanic lightning bolts...I guess just another accident?...

Satanic Lightning bolt = S

You should like this website where this information is found...its called...wait for it..."Jesus Is Savior"

Occult Signs and Symbols - Jesus is Savior

LostandFound ago

Awesome, best of luck to everyone i hope we make this a day to remember!

redditsuckz ago

This kind of evil is hard for many of us Christians to sit and bear without taking action so that would make sense to me.

I just think we all deserve to know who or "what" we are dealing with. All the "faces of pizzagate" say they are Christians while flashing satanic music bands and symbols in our faces. You seem to be into "dark metal" bands such as Shinedown and DarkThrone;

So you can understand some of my reservations as I have never seen Christians liking occultic bands before...;)

sound_of_silence ago

thank you for doing this! so awesome Corey Feldman is in support of it as well. we won't be able to attend this one, but put in a donation just now. would be awesome if Becki and you guys could also attend the demo on the 25th. we'll be praying for you all :)

zlomsocz ago

Take the 100 best eloquent intelligent speakers on the topic, and it still wouldn't make a difference; to the point that the event WILL be used to subvert the narrative. Clearly the level of outrage is frustrating but street action is a tool and it has to be used correctly. I support the idea ultimately but I'm suggesting it's not the right time. I still head warning to anyone who believes organizing will do ANYTHINg besides give the opposition a group of crazies to point to. I have organized protests in my home state in the hundreds for marijuana legalization, and the thing I've always learned is that your message can always be easily subverted if public opinion is not on your side, or hasn't reached critical mass awareness, the headlines of the event will most. Ertainly harm the cause and give a place for the naysayers to point and call crazy. Just a thought.

zlomsocz ago

Anyone that does go should not speak to the press, and direct anyone going to respond to media by saying our demands are on our website, to avoid soundbytes of crazy sounding people expressing outrage about topics most Americans don't believe exist

zlomsocz ago

Cross posting my street protest concerns:.

I'm very very apprehensive about public disobedience or protesting. This issue is close to but has not quite yet reached critical mass awareness. And I'm afraid and event can too easily be used as a driver to create a sub narrative about this investigation. The headlines will tell the story, and if any media covers this those headlines will certainly take away from the credability of this cause. The headline will read " conspiracy theorists gather to bother pizza shop owners on the debunked pizzagate conspiracy" and and efforts to convey demands or to deliver a message will be thwarted to undermine the cause. Events are also too easily hijacked by rogue element. Just look at MLK and cointelpro, the Intel community will easily control the narrative on any street action. Even an honest effort can't amount to much. A single act of disobedience like painting #pizzagate on Trump tower would have more affect of awareness outreach on this topic. bE WEARY of protests, it's too early.

redditsuckz ago

I just think this will work without the need to get "big names" involved as they will be the ones who will be interviewed by the press if there is any there and can sabotage it at will. Of course its good for them to spread the word to their followers but there is many youtubers you can ask without the need for them to show their face at the protests.

You can ask Victurs Liberatas on youtube

Victurus Liberatas on Voat;

The HoneyBee on youtube

The Honey Bee on Voat;

Random Rants of Ryan youtube;

isthisgameofthrones is in contact with Ryan;

A call for an Uprising on youtube

Spread the word over at Reddit Conspiracy;

The_Donald reddit

And just find pizzagate investigative pages on Facebook to spread the word;

Over 23,000 pizzagate investigators on Facebook;

FoxDen ago

We have an interview scheduled with Victurus Liberatas on Sunday. Thanks for posting links to the rest of these.

madmanery ago

Also make contingency plans for CTR shills and agitators who will try to slander peaceful protestors.

redditsuckz ago

Nearly all the "faces of pizzagate" have claimed they are Christians which is hilarious. So what are your thoughts on David Seaman?

FoxDen ago

Redditsuckz - you are not helping anything here and your wild theories about my name are delusional at best. We all have better things to do with our time than this. Loosen up the tin-foil hat and take your meds.

redditsuckz ago

When someone asks for 5 million in donations that is bordering on lunacy and deserves every bit of scrutiny and so does anyone who blindly supports them.

madmanery ago

The event is going to FLOP , organise it PROPERLY. I agree that TWO events will reduce numbers. Lets spread the word more, get more popular channels to spread it. And yes Mods on here,, please pin it.

FoxDen ago

Yes. Upload them to an uncucked Image Host like and then post a direct link to the image, like this:

redditsuckz ago

I appreciate your concern and that you look into the deeper side of things but both me and FoxDen are good people with good intentions, also Christians. Not satanists, pedos or sodomites. Capische?

So everyones a Christian trying to take down this pedocult eh?...Is Christian some kind of trigger word that brainwashed people automatically associate someone with good?

If people like Neil Wolfe running the March 25th protest meet up and associate or support known shills like David Seaman then I will always question peoples "good intentions";

What David Seaman Doesn't Want You To Know

David Seaman Outed as a Total Fraud

Indisputable Proof That David Seaman's "Fans" Aren't Real People

If you actually are legit then dont be naive and think this movement wont be hijacked from all sides since it already is.

You and Neil both have a gofundme already its getting confusing whos running things...

Neil Wolfe Gofundme

David Seaman meets up with Neil Wolfe;

Pizzagate / Pedogate PROTEST - Washington, DC - March 25th @ 11 a.m.| USA News

And your Gofundme;

So who's the best people to give money to and why should people trust either? Its just a thought but peoples money would be better spent on getting a $100 in one's and writing #pizzagate or something on them to spread the word around their local areas.

P.S. If either of these protests are legit then they will evolve organically into something like the occupy protests where everyone has a voice and is a leader and donations and money will flow. This would be something that cannot be contained because there is no single "leader" to take down the whole movement as has happened in the past.

LostandFound ago

Can you verify when your permit application was submitted? Sorry i know it seems kinda shitty for an anon to make demands but we have been under contestant attack since we started here. Would be happy to promote yours also i mean if you applied first then I'm happy to accept this as genuine and legit and further promote.

FoxDen ago

Erik should be able to confirm the permit details - but the "who did it first" really is a non-issue in my opinion.

This is how grass-roots work. No one single entity is spearheading the cause. Individual people who care about this from across the country (and around the globe) are involved - all of them doing what they can on their own - not because some central leadership said so, but because they are personally concerned and must act in good conscience. We should rally together and support all the efforts being made to shine a light in the darkness.

For what it's worth, Titus Frost is in support of BOTH protests.

As noted in the flyer - Becki Percy will be at the event on the 18th.

And as I said before: Both events are happening. Both are for the same worthy cause. Make it to whichever you can - or both. At the end of the day, we will have two solid weekends of attention to this issue.

My Details got pushed to the bottom. Here they are again. Please UPVOAT so people can see.


LostandFound ago

Really appreciate the reply, best of luck I will do my best to spread the word.

redditsuckz ago

Very Poor choice of using the spiral Triangle "boy love" symbol on the poster as we dont fully understand its meaning yet or its "magic".

What I have come to understand is The Spiral Triangle stands for slaughterhouse, rape, torture, murder and cannibalism of humans. And also notice the triangle is inside the "eye" which is the "anus".

Part 9 - The Sodomite Gateway - Tools of the Trade

“The belief in the occult world is if you could sodomize God, you’d get God’s power. You become as gods through sodomy; that’s the way the Greek gods became gods. Alexander the Great was a great sodomizer and his Greek army was the most fierce. Hitler tried to pattern his SS and military after the Greek warriors using sodomy. When you put that all together, the civilizations that God wiped out boiled down to the practice of sodomy. ”

Part 25 - The Sodomite Gateway - Rosetta Stones Yielding the Secret of the Masonic 33

33 = symbol and image of two butts/rape

The number 33 has been researched extensively by many students over many years and assigned meanings in a wide variety of categories, and while I don't recall anyone connecting it with sodomy, it is, and the spell cloaking it has been potent indeed! Leveraging the graphic element representing the buttocks used in Dee's Monas Hieroglyphica, sodomy is pictured when two are arranged to position one behind the other. When rotated so the couple are facing left, this appears as the number 33.

The op's name "FoxDen" also has a hidden 666 inside it;

Then you have "The Den" at Politics and Prose;

666 = spirit cooking/childrens blood

David Seaman also features the "anus" or eye on his Vimeo video channel;

And we are also dealing with the name #pizzagate being replaced with #pedogate which is another huge mistake since searching for pedogate doesnt accurately describe the horrors of what is really going on here...BUT the word "pizzagate" also contains the numbers 666 in English Gematria so maybe thats why that name was chosen at the beginning of the investigation.

Most of this investigation had to do with occultic hidden symbols in plain sight and there is NO NEED to use these symbols AT ALL.

equineluvr ago

Venue? Don't see if on the post.

Chasnigga ago

Whoever can attend, go. Keep your motives pure and stick to the truth. Two events that raise awareness are going, so long as no one tries to hijack either. Recent surgery precludes my attendance on these dates.

FoxDen ago

Per Erik Gallant, who is organizing the event on the 18th, he had the permit in place and was planning the event two weeks before the event on the 25th was announced. Unfortunately, he did not have good media coverage (e.g. David Seaman / Titus Frost / etc.). By the time the event on the 25th was announced, many attendees had already made travel arrangements for the 18th.

Both events are happening. Both are for the same worthy cause. Make it to whichever you can - or both. At the end of the day, we will have two solid weekends of attention to this issue.

Erik's contact details are available in the linked details I shared below. If you have questions about this event, he is more than happy to answer them.

Intheknow ago

A house devided will not stand....two events two different days...same agenda

Vanscribe1 ago

I wish I could take off work to go I swear I would.

LostandFound ago

Can someone explain why there are two events? Anything happens on this one and they will find a way to shut down the 2nd, which i understand was planned first. Something is not right

FoxDen ago

Answered above. UPDATE: Answers from myself and Charyoutree81 are all below now. Please upvoat them so people can see.

RaspberryPi ago

Anyone? I too would like an answer. Becki?

bikergang_accountant ago

I see two posts on the front page. 18th and 25th. Which one? I'd be happy to go to both.

FoxDen ago

I am helping to hype the event for the 18th but there is another event on the 25th. Anyone who can should go to either or both events. It's all for the same VERY IMPORTANT cause!

derram ago :

Becki on Twitter: "Please join us on March 18th, 9am Lord willing I will be speaking at some point during this protest #PizzaGate"

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