hanknut42 ago

you can tell when you piss them off they downvoat you all to hell!

wecanhelp ago

I'm removing this under rule 1 as it is not explained how this relates to Pizzagate. Please make sure to spell out the connection to your audience before resubmitting. Thank you.

Investigate1999 ago

It should be understood that he contacted James A., so it makes sense that he is under investigation. I'm surprised that you don't know that.

wecanhelp ago

Nothing should be understood, as per rule 1. I'm surprised that you don't know that.

Investigate1999 ago

Everything should be understood. Nobody wants to live in confusion and darkness.

Of course, he could always spell it out more, but some things don't need to be explained over and over again. On the other hand, this specific topic is kind of new. However, people have been discussing Pizzagate gear for some time now.

If you need an explanation, then okay, but don't act like this is all new.

wecanhelp ago

I can't be any clearer than this: we're enforcing rules, the rules have been vetted and accepted by the community, this post violated rule 1, I removed it due to that violation.

Your suggestion that it should be understood is in direct conflict with rule 1. You should know that as an active contributor of this sub, let alone as an ex-mod. We're not talking about novels here, one or two sentences putting a post into perspective in a community where information overload is a very real thing is all we're talking about, and enforcing. Please get over that.

Investigate1999 ago

By the way, for what it's worth, I have no axe to grind with you. I can't even remember your user name. I was just standing up for him, because I thought that it was right.

I honestly, want to see his posts deleted, and I felt that he was getting way too much attention. However, this was 1 post that seemed okay, at the time. This must make me look backwards to you. My point is that I was just trying to overcome my biases against him. For proof of that, you could see my posts and comments. I did try to present both sides of the argument, according to what I believed to be true. I also did try to help him to post in the other subverses, too.

wecanhelp ago

It's all cool.

Investigate1999 ago

one or two sentences putting a post into perspective in a community where information overload is a very real thing is all we're talking about, and enforcing. Please get over that.

Fair enough. Good point.

memegod420 ago

That's a very hostile response to a very basic question. If not for me, for others, what was uncovered?

You had to drag a shill account you haven't used in awhile

My account is barely a month old?

memegod420 ago

We uncovered their false flag operation

Which was?

abortionburger ago

There is no way he is pleadingtheyiff. I've talked multiple times via PM to PTY and his typing style is much different. Also he straight up told me he was going to stay silent about pizzagate until after jan 20.

abortionburger ago

What the hell? I friended him on FB and PM'd him here to let him know I'd done so but he didn't accept. This is worrisome.

BlueTesla ago

Is his username now showing again for you? Can you re-open a deleted account on here or is it the Voat servers being fucked right now?

abortionburger ago

It isn't showing deleted on my end. I have no idea how that works on Voat though.

BlueTesla ago

I archived it here https://archive.fo/aCxnW

BlueTesla ago


Comments still visible but shows as deleted if you go into his threads

Edit: Archived https://archive.fo/aCxnW

Last comment was "Guys something came up and I have to go meet a few people. Will update afterwards"

My post was just removed because it doesn't relate to Pizzagate? It absolutely does.

Investigate1999 ago

I followed the link to his profile page, and he still seems to be alive and kicking.

The mods don't see the connection to Pizzagate, because they think of him as an investigator. However, since he contacted James, Pizzagate Gear should be under investigation. I'm genuinely surprised that the mods don't see that.

andrevandelft ago

That comment was from 3 hours ago. His latest comments are small ones, from about 43 minutes ago:

memegod420 ago

Last comment was "Guys something came up and I have to go meet a few people. Will update afterwards"


BlueTesla ago

So we sit and wait I guess. His life might be in danger.